function FindWord(var cur : integer; var cat : integer; var index : integer; var word : Str16) : boolean; var i, j, s, l, fs, fl : integer; begin cat := -1; index := -1; word := ''; fs := 0; fl := 0; if ('A' <= Line[0]) and (Line[0] <= 'z') then FindWord := False; for s := cur to Length(Line) do begin { 数字(名詞)か? } if (('0' <= Line[s]) and (Line[s] <= '9')) or (('A' <= Line[s]) and (Line[s] <= 'z')) then begin cur := s; cat := 1; while (('0' <= Line[cur]) and (Line[cur] <= '9')) or (('A' <= Line[cur]) and (Line[cur] <= 'z')) do begin word := word + Line[cur]; cur := cur + 1; end; FindWord := True; exit; end; { 動詞か? } for i := 0 to VMax do begin for j := 1 to 5 do begin l := Length(d[i, j]); if l > fl then begin if Copy(Line, s, l) = d[i, j] then begin cat := 0; index := i; word := v[i, 1]; fs := s; fl := l; end; end; end; end; { 名詞か? } for i := 0 to NMax do begin for j := 1 to 5 do begin l := Length(m[i, j]); if l > fl then begin if Copy(Line, s, l) = m[i, j] then begin cat := 1; index := i; word := n[i, 1]; fs := s; fl := l; end; end; end; end; { 助詞「に」か? } l := Length('に'); if (l > fl) and (Copy(Line, s, l) = 'に') then begin cat := 2; word := ''; fs := s; fl := l; end; { 助詞「で」か? } l := Length('で'); if (l > fl) and (Copy(Line, s, l) = 'で') then begin cat := 2; word := 'with'; fs := s; fl := l; end; { 単語が見つかった } if fs > 0 then begin cur := fs + fl; FindWord := True; exit; end; end; { 単語が見つからなかった } FindWord := False; exit; end; procedure ParseJ(var verb : Str16; var noun1 : Str16; var prepos : Str16; var noun2 : Str16); var cur, cat, index : integer; var word : Str16; begin verb := ''; noun1 := ''; prepos := ''; noun2 := ''; cur := 1; if not FindWord(cur, cat, index, word) then exit; if cat = 0 then begin verb := word; exit; end; if cat = 1 then noun1 := word; if not FindWord(cur, cat, index, word) then exit; if cat = 0 then begin verb := word; exit; end; if cat = 1 then noun2 := word; if cat = 2 then begin prepos := word; noun2 := noun1; noun1 := ''; end; if not FindWord(cur, cat, index, word) then exit; if cat = 0 then begin if (noun2 <> '') and (prepos = '') then prepos := prep[index]; verb := word; exit; end; if cat = 1 then noun1 := word; if cat = 2 then prepos := word; if not FindWord(cur, cat, index, word) then exit; if cat = 0 then begin if prepos = '' then prepos := prep[index]; verb := word; end; end; procedure SayJ(var message : Str16); var i : integer; begin message := ''; i := Pos(d[31,1], Line); if i <= 0 then exit; message := Copy(Line, 1, i - 1); if (message = 'ケラヒヨチミ') or (message = 'ケラヒ ヨチミ') or (message = 'けらひよちみ') or (message = 'けらひ よちみ') then message := 'nepo egassap' else if message = 'こんにちは' then message := 'hello' else if message = 'さようなら' then message := 'bye'; end; procedure Translate; var message, verb, noun1, prepos, noun2 : Str16; begin SayJ(message); if message <> '' then begin Line := 'say ' + message; exit; end; ParseJ(verb, noun1, prepos, noun2); if verb = '' then begin if noun1 <> '' then Line := noun1; exit; end; if noun2 <> '' then begin Line := verb + ' ' + noun1 + ' ' + prepos + ' ' + noun2; exit; end; if noun1 <> '' then begin Line := verb + ' ' + noun1; exit; end; Line := verb; end;