Option Explicit dim instance dim md set instance = WScript.CreateObject("SeraphyScriptTools.Instance") wscript.connectobject instance.mainframe,"event_" with instance.mainframe with .form .label "ウェイトカーソル" .button "-WAIT-" .button "-Wait OneShot -" .label "ウィンドウの作成" .button "Create Child" .button "Create Frame" end with .SetPlacement ,,,200 .SetWindowStyle 0,2,0 .Open "ウェイトカーソルの管理" .domodal end with sub event_oncommandex (ev) dim i,mes if(ev.event.parameter = 11) then if(md = 0) then md = 1 ev.form.control(11).text = "NORMAL" instance.waitcursor = 1 else md = 0 ev.form.control(11).text = "WAIT" instance.waitcursor = 0 end if elseif(ev.event.parameter = 12) then instance.waitcursor = 1 mes = "" for i = 0 to 5000 mes = mes & ":" & i next instance.waitcursor = 0 elseif(ev.event.parameter = 14) then with instance.mainframe.createchild .SetPlacement ,,100,100 .backColor = "&H800080" .canvas.layer(0).text 10,10,"CHILD FRAME" .open("child") .draw end with elseif(ev.event.parameter = 15) then with instance.createframe .SetPlacement ,,100,100 .backColor = "&H008080" .canvas.layer(0).text 10,10,"FRAME WINDOW" .open("child") .draw end with end if end sub