# These are all values accepted for CSS2. # # WARNING: # -------- # # The Values are sorted according to the properties they belong to, # and have to be in the same order as the enums in RenderStyle.h. # # If not, the optimizations in the cssparser and style selector will fail, # and produce incorrect results. # # # CSS_PROP_*_COLOR # aliceblue antiquewhite # aqua aquamarine azure beige bisque # black blanchedalmond # blue blueviolet brown burlywood cadetblue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflowerblue cornsilk crimson cyan darkblue darkcyan darkgoldenrod darkgray darkgreen darkgrey darkkhaki darkmagenta darkolivegreen darkorange darkorchid darkred darksalmon darkseagreen darkslateblue darkslategray darkslategrey darkturquoise darkviolet deeppink deepskyblue dimgray dimgrey dodgerblue firebrick floralwhite forestgreen # fuchsia gainsboro ghostwhite gold goldenrod # gray # grey # green greenyellow honeydew hotpink indianred indigo ivory khaki lavender lavenderblush lawngreen lemonchiffon lightblue lightcoral lightcyan lightgoldenrodyellow lightgray lightgreen lightgrey lightpink lightsalmon lightseagreen lightskyblue lightslategray lightslategrey lightsteelblue lightyellow # lime limegreen linen magenta # maroon mediumaquamarine mediumblue mediumorchid mediumpurple mediumseagreen mediumslateblue mediumspringgreen mediumturquoise mediumvioletred midnightblue mintcream mistyrose moccasin navajowhite # navy oldlace # olive olivedrab # orange orangered orchid palegoldenrod palegreen paleturquoise palevioletred papayawhip peachpuff peru pink plum powderblue # purple # red rosybrown royalblue saddlebrown salmon sandybrown seagreen seashell sienna # silver skyblue slateblue slategray slategrey snow springgreen steelblue tan # teal thistle tomato turquoise violet wheat # white whitesmoke # yellow yellowgreen # CSS_PROP_CLIP_PATH # CSS_PROP_CLIP_RULE nonzero evenodd # CSS_PROP_MASK # CSS_PROP_OPACITY # CSS_PROP_ENABLE_BACKGROUND accumulate new # CSS_PROP_FILTER # CSS_PROP_FLOOD_COLOR #currentColor # CSS_PROP_FLOOD_OPACITY # CSS_PROP_LIGHTING_COLOR #currentColor # CSS_PROP_STOP_COLOR # CSS_PROP_STOP_OPACITY # CSS_PROP_COLOR_INTERPOLATION #auto #sRGB linearRGB # CSS_PROP_COLOR_INTERPOLATION_FILTERS #auto #sRGB #linearRGB # CSS_PROP_COLOR_PROFILE #sRGB # CSS_PROP_COLOR_RENDERING #auto #optimizeSpeed optimizeQuality ## CSS_PROP_FILL #currentColor # CSS_PROP_FILL_OPACITY # CSS_PROP_FILL_RULE #nonzero #evenodd # CSS_PROP_IMAGE_RENDERING #auto #optimizeSpeed #optimizeQuality # CSS_PROP_MARKER # CSS_PROP_MARKER_END # CSS_PROP_MARKER_MID # CSS_PROP_MARKER_START # CSS_PROP_SHAPE_RENDERING #auto #optimizeSpeed crispEdges #geometricPrecision # CSS_PROP_STROKE # CSS_PROP_STROKE_DASHARRAY # CSS_PROP_STROKE_DASHOFFSET # CSS_PROP_STROKE_LINECAP butt # round # square # CSS_PROP_STROKE_LINEJOIN miter # round bevel # CSS_PROP_STROKE_MITERLIMIT # CSS_PROP_STROKE_OPACITY # CSS_PROP_STROKE_WIDTH # CSS_PROP_ALIGNMENT_BASELINE #auto # baseline before-edge after-edge #middle central text-before-edge text-after-edge ideographic alphabetic hanging mathematical # CSS_PROP_BASELINE_SHIFT #baseline # sub # super # CSS_PROP_DOMINANT_BASELINE #auto use-script no-change reset-size # CSS_PROP_GLYPH_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL # CSS_PROP_GLYPH_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL # CSS_PROP_KERNING # CSS_PROP_TEXT_ANCHOR # start # middle # end # CSS_PROP_VECTOR_EFFECT # none non-scaling-stroke # CSS_PROP_WRITING_MODE lr-tb rl-tb tb-rl lr rl tb