home: title: "Rico's cheatsheets" tagline: | Hey! I'm @rstacruz and this is a modest collection of cheatsheets I've written. top_nav: title: Devhints.io edit: Edit edit_on_github: Edit this page on GitHub sheet: suffix: cheatsheet social_list: default_description: "Ridiculous collection of web development cheatsheets" description: "The ultimate cheatsheet for TITLE." facebook_share: Share on Facebook twitter_share: Share on Twitter related_posts_callout: description: Over SIZE curated cheatsheets, by developers for developers. link: Devhints home related_posts_group: top: Top cheatsheets other: Other cheatsheets category: Other CATEGORY cheatsheets search_form: default_placeholder: Search SIZE+ cheatsheets home_placeholder: Search... prefix: devhints.io comments_area: suffix: for this cheatsheet. link: "Write yours!" not_found: title: Not found description: Sorry, we don't have a cheatsheet for this yet. Try searching! home: Back to home announcement: id: 2017-10-26-twitter title: | New: We're on Twitter ♥️ body: | Follow [@devhints](https://twitter.com/devhints) on Twitter for daily "today I learned" snippets! [![](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/devhints.svg?style=social&label=@devhints)](https://twitter.com/devhints)