Option Explicit ' vbslib ver3.00 Sep.22, 2009 ' Copyright (c) 2008-2009, T's-Neko at Sage Plaisir 21 (Japan) ' All rights reserved. Based on 3-clause BSD license. Dim g_SrcPath Dim g_TestScript_Path g_TestScript_Path = g_SrcPath ' Global Variable Dim g_Test, g_echo_on Function InitializeModule g_echo_on = True Set g_Test = New TestScript : ErrCheck End Function Dim g_InitializeModule Set g_InitializeModule = GetRef( "InitializeModule" ) Const Err_TestPass = 21 Const Err_TestSkip = 22 Const Err_TestFail = 23 '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [call_vbs_t] >>> ' - The difference of call_vbs is not depend on vbslib. ' - path, func as string, param as variant '******************************************************************************** Function call_vbs_t( ByVal path, ByVal func, param ) Dim oldDir, f, funcX, in_interpret, en, ed, es in_interpret = False oldDir = g_sh.CurrentDirectory path = g_sh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( path ) path = g_fs.GetAbsolutePathName( path ) '----------------------------------------- ' Interpret g_SrcPath = path On Error Resume Next g_sh.CurrentDirectory = g_fs.GetParentFolderName( path ) If Err=0 Then Set f = g_fs.OpenTextFile( g_fs.GetFileName( path ) ) If Err=0 Then in_interpret = True : ExecuteGlobal f.ReadAll() If Err=&h411 Then in_interpret = False : Err.Clear ' Ignore symbol override error If Err=0 Then in_interpret = False If Err=0 Then Set funcX = GetRef( func ) en = Err.Number : es = Err.Source : ed = Err.Description : On Error GoTo 0 If en <> 0 Then If in_interpret Then ed = ed + " Syntax Error in """ + g_fs.GetFileName( path ) _ + """. Please double click """ _ + g_fs.GetFileName( path ) + """." End If If en = &h35 Then ed = "Not found file '" + path If en = 5 Then ed = "Not found func name '" + func + "' in " + path End If f.Close '----------------------------------------- ' Call If en = 0 Then On Error Resume Next call_vbs_t = funcX( param ) en = Err.Number : es = Err.Source : ed = Err.Description : On Error GoTo 0 End If '----------------------------------------- ' Finally g_sh.CurrentDirectory = oldDir g_SrcPath = Empty If en <> 0 Then Err.Raise en, es, ed End Function '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [call_vbs_d] >>> '******************************************************************************** Function call_vbs_d( ByVal path, ByVal func, param ) Dim oldDir, f, funcX, in_call, in_interpret, en oldDir = g_sh.CurrentDirectory path = g_sh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( path ) path = g_fs.GetAbsolutePathName( path ) g_SrcPath = path g_sh.CurrentDirectory = g_fs.GetParentFolderName( path ) Set f = g_fs.OpenTextFile( g_fs.GetFileName( path ) ) ExecuteGlobal f.ReadAll() f.Close Set funcX = GetRef( func ) ' If error, Not found func symbol call_vbs_d = funcX( param ) g_sh.CurrentDirectory = oldDir g_SrcPath = Empty End Function '*-------------------------------------------------------------------------* '* ◆<<<< [TestScript] Class >>>> */ '*-------------------------------------------------------------------------* Class TestScript Public m_nPass ' as integer Public m_nSkip ' as integer Public m_nFail ' as integer Public m_Log ' as Text File Public m_DefLogFName ' as string Public m_MemLog ' as string. Empty=disabled, (""or string)=enabled Public m_Path ' as string Public m_ManualTests() ' as string Public m_ManualTestsPath() ' as string Public m_Debug ' as boolean Public m_Pass ' as boolean '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [TestScript::Class_Initialize] >>> '******************************************************************************** Private Sub Class_Initialize m_DefLogFName = "Test_logs.txt" m_Debug = g_Debug ReDim m_ManualTests(-1) ReDim m_ManualTestsPath(-1) End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [TestScript::Class_Terminate] >>> '******************************************************************************** Private Sub Class_Terminate If Not IsEmpty( m_Log ) Then Finish End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [TestScript::Start] >>> '******************************************************************************** Public Sub Start Dim sub_test ' Boolean Set m_Log = g_fs.CreateTextFile( m_DefLogFName, True, (g_TextFileCreateFormat = F_Unicode) ) m_MemLog = Empty ReDim m_ManualTests(-1) ReDim m_ManualTestsPath(-1) sub_test = False If WScript.Arguments.Count >= 1 Then If WScript.Arguments(0) = "-sub_test" Then sub_test = True End If If Not sub_test Then echo "Test Start : " & g_fs.GetFileName( Wscript.ScriptFullName ) m_nPass = 0 m_nSkip = 0 m_nFail = 0 End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [TestScript::Do_] >>> '******************************************************************************** Public Sub Do_( ByVal vbs_path, ByVal func, ByVal param ) Dim en,ed,es, def_log_fname, b_echo_err_func, b_echo_err_file If g_debug Then Debug vbs_path, func, param : Exit Sub m_Path = vbs_path '//=== Call Me.Start If IsEmpty( m_Log ) And func <> "test_current" Then def_log_fname = m_DefLogFName m_DefLogFName = g_fs.GetParentFolderName( vbs_path ) + "\" + def_log_fname Me.Start End If '//=== Echo the Test title If func <> "test_current" Then echo "==========================================================" If g_fs.GetFileName( g_fs.GetParentFolderName( vbs_path ) ) = "" Then echo "((( [" & g_fs.GetFileName( vbs_path ) & "] - " & func & " )))" Else echo "((( [" & g_fs.GetFileName( g_fs.GetParentFolderName( vbs_path ) ) & "\" _ & g_fs.GetFileName( vbs_path ) & "] - " & func & " )))" End If End If '//=== Call the Test function On Error Resume Next call_vbs_t vbs_path, func, param en = Err.Number : ed = Err.Description : es = Err.Source : On Error GoTo 0 '//=== Echo the Test result If en = 0 Then If func <> "test_current" Then m_nFail = m_nFail + 1 echo "[FAIL] Test is not Pass" b_echo_err_func = True End If ElseIf en = Err_TestPass Then If func <> "test_current" Then m_nPass = m_nPass + 1 '// echo "Pass." is already done in Pass function End If ElseIf en = Err_TestSkip Then m_nSkip = m_nSkip + 1 echo ed b_echo_err_func = True ElseIf en = Err_TestFail Then m_nFail = m_nFail + 1 echo "[FAIL] " & ed b_echo_err_func = True Else m_nFail = m_nFail + 1 If en >= 0 and en <= &h7FFF Then echo "[FAIL] [ERROR](" & en & ") " & ed Else echo "[FAIL] [ERROR](" & Hex(en) & ") " & ed End If If en >= 1000 and en <=4096 Then b_echo_err_file = True Else b_echo_err_func = True End If End If If b_echo_err_func Then echo " in """ & func & """ function in """ & vbs_path & """" ElseIf b_echo_err_file Then echo " in """ & vbs_path & """" End If '//=== Call Me.Finish If Not IsEmpty( def_log_fname ) Then Me.Finish m_DefLogFName = def_log_fname End If m_Path = Empty End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [TestScript::Debug] >>> '******************************************************************************** Public Sub Debug( ByVal vbs_path, ByVal func, ByVal param ) echo "==========================================================" echo "<<< [" & g_fs.GetFileName( g_fs.GetParentFolderName( vbs_path ) ) & "\" _ & g_fs.GetFileName( vbs_path ) & "] - " & func & " >>>" echo "Debug Mode ..." m_Path = vbs_path m_Debug = True call_vbs_d vbs_path, func, param m_Debug = False if m_Pass Then If func <> "test_current" Then m_nPass = m_nPass + 1 echo "Pass." End If End If m_Path = Empty End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [TestScript::WriteLogLine] >>> '******************************************************************************** Public Sub WriteLogLine( Message ) If not IsEmpty( m_Log ) Then m_Log.WriteLine Message End If If not IsEmpty( m_MemLog ) Then m_MemLog = m_MemLog + Message + vbCRLF End If End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [TestScript::AddManualTest] >>> '******************************************************************************** Public Sub AddManualTest( TestSymbol ) ReDim Preserve m_ManualTests( UBound( m_ManualTests ) + 1 ) m_ManualTests( UBound( m_ManualTests ) ) = TestSymbol ReDim Preserve m_ManualTestsPath( UBound( m_ManualTestsPath ) + 1 ) m_ManualTestsPath( UBound( m_ManualTestsPath ) ) = m_Path End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [TestScript::Raise] >>> '******************************************************************************** Public Sub Raise( en, ed ) m_nFail = m_nFail + 1 If en >= 0 and en <= &h7FFF Then echo "[FAIL] [ERROR](" & en & ") " & ed Else echo "[FAIL] [ERROR](" & Hex(en) & ") " & ed End If End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [TestScript::Finish] >>> '******************************************************************************** Public Sub Finish Dim TestSymbol, sub_test ' Boolean Dim i i=0 For Each TestSymbol In m_ManualTests echo "[ManualTest] " + TestSymbol + " in """ + m_ManualTestsPath(i) + """" i=i+1 Next m_MemLog = Empty sub_test = False If WScript.Arguments.Count >= 1 Then If WScript.Arguments(0) = "-sub_test" Then sub_test = True End If If sub_test Then If m_nFail = 0 Then WScript.Quit 0 Else WScript.Quit 1 End If Else echo "==========================================================" echo "Test Finish (Pass=" & m_nPass & ", Manual=" & UBound(m_ManualTests)+1 & _ ", Skip=" & m_nSkip & ", Fail=" & m_nFail & ")" echo "" End If ReDim m_ManualTests(-1) m_Log = Empty End Sub End Class '*-------------------------------------------------------------------------* '* ◆<<<< [Tests] Class >>>> */ '*-------------------------------------------------------------------------* Class Tests Private m_Sets ' As Dictionary of UnitTest. key is UnitTest::Symbol Private m_BaseFolderPath ' as string. All Test ROOT Private m_Prompt ' as TestPrompt or Empty Private m_CurrentSymbol ' as string of current test symbol or ALL or ALL_R Private m_CurrentSubSymbol ' as string Private m_CurrentTest ' as UnitTest of m_CurrentSymbol Public CurrentTestPriority ' as integer small is high priority Private m_bAllTest ' as boolean Private m_AllFName ' as string Private m_Symbol ' as string of doing test symbol Public bTargetDebug ' as boolean Public c_ErrDblSymbol ' as const number Public m_bDisableAddTestScript ' as boolean Public m_bAutoDiff ' as boolean Public m_bSkipSection ' as boolean '---------------------------------- Public Property Get Sets : Set Sets = m_Sets : End Property Public Property Get BaseFolderPath : BaseFolderPath = m_BaseFolderPath : End Property Public Property Let BaseFolderPath( x ) : m_BaseFolderPath = x : End Property Public Property Set Prompt( x ) : Set m_Prompt = x : End Property Public Property Get Prompt : Set Prompt = m_Prompt : End Property Public Property Get CurrentSymbol : CurrentSymbol = m_CurrentSymbol : End Property Public Property Get CurrentTest : If IsObject(m_CurrentTest) Then Set CurrentTest = m_CurrentTest : Else CurrentTest = m_CurrentTest : End If : End Property Public Property Get bAllTest : bAllTest = m_bAllTest : End Property Public Property Get Symbol : Symbol = m_Symbol : End Property '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [Tests::Class_Initialize] >>> '******************************************************************************** Private Sub Class_Initialize Set m_Sets = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") m_BaseFolderPath = g_fs.GetParentFolderName( WScript.ScriptFullName ) m_CurrentSymbol = "ALL" m_AllFName = "T_ALL.vbs" m_bAllTest = False Me.bTargetDebug = False Me.c_ErrDblSymbol = 1010 m_bDisableAddTestScript = False m_bAutoDiff = False m_bSkipSection = not IsEmpty( g_SkipSection ) If not m_bSkipSection Then SkipToSection 0 End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [Tests::AddTestScriptAuto] >>> '******************************************************************************** Public Function AddTestScriptAuto( BasePath, FName ) m_AllFName = FName AddTestScriptAuto_EnumSubFolders g_fs.GetFolder( BasePath ), FName End Function Private Sub AddTestScriptAuto_EnumSubFolders( fo, FName ) Dim subfo If g_fs.FileExists( fo.Path + "\" + FName ) Then AddTestScript g_fs.GetFileName( fo.Path ), fo.Path + "\" + FName End If For Each subfo in fo.SubFolders AddTestScriptAuto_EnumSubFolders subfo, FName Next End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [Tests::AddTestScript] >>> '******************************************************************************** Public Function AddTestScript( Symbol, Path ) Dim test If Not g_fs.FileExists( Path ) Then Err.Raise 53,,"ファイルが見つかりません " + Path If m_bDisableAddTestScript Then Exit Function Set test = new UnitTest : ErrCheck test.Symbol = Symbol test.ScriptPath = g_fs.GetAbsolutePathName( Path ) If m_Sets.Exists( test.Symbol ) Then _ Err.Raise c_ErrDblSymbol,"class Tests", "[ERROR] Already defined the symbol '"+Symbol+"' in "+ _ m_Sets.Item(Symbol).ScriptPath m_Sets.Add test.Symbol, test Me.CurrentTestPriority = 1000 If g_debug Then call_vbs_d Path, "test_current", Me _ Else call_vbs_t Path, "test_current", Me test.Priority = Me.CurrentTestPriority Set AddTestScript = test End Function '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [Tests::SetCurrentSymbol] >>> '******************************************************************************** Public Function SetCurrentSymbol( Symbol_or_Path ) Dim key, item, b SetCurrentSymbol = 0 '// ALL and ALL_R is special symbol If Symbol_or_Path = "ALL" or Symbol_or_Path = "ALL_R" Then m_CurrentSymbol = Symbol_or_Path : _ m_CurrentTest = Empty : Exit Function '// Search by test symbol For Each key in m_Sets.Keys() If key = Symbol_or_Path Then m_CurrentSymbol = Symbol_or_Path : _ Set m_CurrentTest = m_Sets.Item( m_CurrentSymbol ) : Exit Function Next '// Search by path For Each item in m_Sets.Items() If item.ScriptPath = Symbol_or_Path Then m_CurrentSymbol = item.Symbol : _ Set m_CurrentTest = m_Sets.Item( m_CurrentSymbol ) : Exit Function Next '// If Symbol is path, Add test symbol If g_fs.FileExists( Symbol_or_Path ) Then If UCase(g_fs.GetFileName( Symbol_or_Path )) = UCase(m_AllFName) Then _ m_CurrentSymbol = g_fs.GetFileName( g_fs.GetParentFolderName( g_fs.GetAbsolutePathName(Symbol_or_Path) ) ) _ Else m_CurrentSymbol = g_fs.GetBaseName( Symbol_or_Path ) b = True : If m_Sets.Exists( m_CurrentSymbol ) Then _ b = ( m_Sets.Item( m_CurrentSymbol ).ScriptPath <> g_fs.GetAbsolutePathName( Symbol_or_Path ) ) If b Then 'If Not m_Sets.Exists( m_CurrentSymbol ) or _ ' m_Sets.Item( m_CurrentSymbol ).ScriptPath <> g_fs.GetAbsolutePathName( Symbol_or_Path ) Then AddTestScript m_CurrentSymbol, Symbol_or_Path End If Set m_CurrentTest = m_Sets.Item( m_CurrentSymbol ) Exit Function End If '// Error: Symbol echo "[ERROR] Not found symbol or path """ + Symbol_or_Path + """. CurrentDirectory = " & g_sh.CurrentDirectory SetCurrentSymbol = 1 End Function '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [Tests::DoTest] >>> '******************************************************************************** Public Sub DoTest( Func, bReverse ) If m_CurrentSymbol = "ALL" Or m_CurrentSymbol = "ALL_R" Then Redim utests(-1) If bReverse Then ShakerSort_fromDic m_Sets, utests, -1, GetRef("CmpUnitTestPriorityDec"), Empty Else ShakerSort_fromDic m_Sets, utests, +1, GetRef("CmpUnitTestPriorityInc"), Empty End If g_Test.m_DefLogFName = m_BaseFolderPath + "\" + g_fs.GetFileName( g_Test.m_DefLogFName ) g_Test.Start If m_bAutoDiff Then g_Test.m_MemLog = "" For Each m_CurrentTest in utests TestCurrentSetup g_Test.Do_ m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, "test_current", Me TestSetup g_Test.Do_ m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, Func, Me If Me.AutoDiff Then g_Test.Finish : m_bAllTest = False : Exit Sub Next g_Test.Finish Else g_Test.m_DefLogFName = g_fs.GetParentFolderName( m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath ) + "\" + g_fs.GetFileName( g_Test.m_DefLogFName ) g_Test.Start If m_bAutoDiff Then g_Test.m_MemLog = "" Set m_CurrentTest = m_Sets.Item( m_CurrentSymbol ) TestCurrentSetup g_Test.Do_ m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, "test_current", Me TestSetup g_Test.Do_ m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, Func, Me If Me.AutoDiff Then g_Test.Finish : m_bAllTest = False : Exit Sub g_Test.Finish End If End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [Tests::DebugTest] >>> '******************************************************************************** Public Sub DebugTest( Func, bReverse ) If m_CurrentSymbol = "ALL" Or m_CurrentSymbol = "ALL_R" Then Dim items(), i i = m_Sets.Count - 1 ReDim Preserve items( i ) If bReverse Then For Each m_CurrentTest in m_Sets.Items() Set items( i ) = m_CurrentTest i = i - 1 Next Else i = 0 For Each m_CurrentTest in m_Sets.Items() Set items( i ) = m_CurrentTest i = i + 1 Next End If g_Test.m_DefLogFName = m_BaseFolderPath + "\" + g_fs.GetFileName( g_Test.m_DefLogFName ) g_Test.Start For Each m_CurrentTest in items If NotSkipSection() Then TestCurrentSetup g_Test.Debug m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, "test_current", Me TestSetup g_Test.Debug m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, Func, Me End If Next g_Test.Finish Else g_Test.m_DefLogFName = g_fs.GetParentFolderName( m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath ) + "\" + g_fs.GetFileName( g_Test.m_DefLogFName ) g_Test.Start Set m_CurrentTest = m_Sets.Item( m_CurrentSymbol ) TestCurrentSetup g_Test.Debug m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, "test_current", Me TestSetup g_Test.Debug m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, Func, Me g_Test.Finish End If End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [Tests::DoAllTest] >>> '******************************************************************************** Public Sub DoAllTest() m_bAllTest = True If m_CurrentSymbol = "ALL" Or m_CurrentSymbol = "ALL_R" Then Redim utests_inc(-1), utests_dec(-1) ShakerSort_fromDic m_Sets, utests_inc, +1, GetRef("CmpUnitTestPriorityInc"), Empty ShakerSort_fromDic m_Sets, utests_dec, -1, GetRef("CmpUnitTestPriorityDec"), Empty g_Test.m_DefLogFName = m_BaseFolderPath + "\" + g_fs.GetFileName( g_Test.m_DefLogFName ) g_Test.Start If m_bAutoDiff Then g_Test.m_MemLog = "" For Each m_CurrentTest in utests_inc If NotSkipSection() Then TestCurrentSetup g_Test.Do_ m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, "test_current", Me If Me.AutoDiff Then g_Test.Finish : m_bAllTest = False : Exit Sub End If Next For Each m_CurrentTest in utests_inc If NotSkipSection() Then TestSetup g_Test.Do_ m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, "test_build", Me If Me.AutoDiff Then g_Test.Finish : m_bAllTest = False : Exit Sub End If Next For Each m_CurrentTest in utests_inc If NotSkipSection() Then TestSetup g_Test.Do_ m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, "test_setup", Me If Me.AutoDiff Then g_Test.Finish : m_bAllTest = False : Exit Sub End If Next For Each m_CurrentTest in utests_inc If NotSkipSection() Then TestSetup g_Test.Do_ m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, "test_start", Me If Me.AutoDiff Then g_Test.Finish : m_bAllTest = False : Exit Sub End If Next For Each m_CurrentTest in utests_dec If NotSkipSection() Then TestSetup g_Test.Do_ m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, "test_check", Me If Me.AutoDiff Then g_Test.Finish : m_bAllTest = False : Exit Sub End If Next For Each m_CurrentTest in utests_dec If NotSkipSection() Then TestSetup g_Test.Do_ m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, "test_clean", Me If Me.AutoDiff Then g_Test.Finish : m_bAllTest = False : Exit Sub End If Next If m_bSkipSection Then g_Test.Raise 1, "SkipToSection をカットしてください。" g_Test.Finish Else Set m_CurrentTest = m_Sets.Item( m_CurrentSymbol ) g_Test.m_DefLogFName = g_fs.GetParentFolderName( m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath ) + "\" + g_fs.GetFileName( g_Test.m_DefLogFName ) g_Test.Start If m_bAutoDiff Then g_Test.m_MemLog = "" If NotSkipSection() Then TestCurrentSetup g_Test.Do_ m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, "test_current", Me End If If NotSkipSection() Then TestSetup g_Test.Do_ m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, "test_build", Me If Me.AutoDiff Then g_Test.Finish : m_bAllTest = False : Exit Sub End If If NotSkipSection() Then TestSetup g_Test.Do_ m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, "test_setup", Me If Me.AutoDiff Then g_Test.Finish : m_bAllTest = False : Exit Sub End If If NotSkipSection() Then TestSetup g_Test.Do_ m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, "test_start", Me If Me.AutoDiff Then g_Test.Finish : m_bAllTest = False : Exit Sub End If If NotSkipSection() Then TestSetup g_Test.Do_ m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, "test_check", Me If Me.AutoDiff Then g_Test.Finish : m_bAllTest = False : Exit Sub End If If NotSkipSection() Then TestSetup g_Test.Do_ m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath, "test_clean", Me If Me.AutoDiff Then g_Test.Finish : m_bAllTest = False : Exit Sub End If If m_bSkipSection Then g_Test.Raise 1, "SkipToSection をカットしてください。" g_Test.Finish End If m_bAllTest = False End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [Tests::TestCurrentSetup] >>> '******************************************************************************** Private Sub TestCurrentSetup() m_Symbol = m_CurrentTest.Symbol CurrentTestPriority = m_CurrentTest.Priority g_Test.m_Pass = True End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [Tests::TestSetup] >>> '******************************************************************************** Private Sub TestSetup() m_Symbol = m_CurrentTest.Symbol g_Test.m_Pass = False End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [Tests::SetCur] >>> '******************************************************************************** Public Sub SetCur( SubSymbol ) m_CurrentSubSymbol = SubSymbol End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [Tests::IsCur] >>> '******************************************************************************** Public Function IsCur( SubSymbol ) If m_CurrentSubSymbol = "ALL" Or m_CurrentSubSymbol = "ALL_R" Or _ m_CurrentSubSymbol = SubSymbol Then IsCur = True Else IsCur = False End IF End Function '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [Tests::AutoDiff] >>> '******************************************************************************** Public Function AutoDiff() If m_bAutoDiff and g_Test.m_nFail > 0 Then Dim f : Set f = new StringStream : ErrCheck ReDim path(1) Dim n_path, line '//=== parse the output of fc command n_path = 0 f.SetString g_Test.m_MemLog Do Until f.AtEndOfStream line = f.ReadLine If Left( line, 6 ) = "***** " Then path( n_path ) = Mid( line, 7 ) n_path = n_path + 1 If n_path = 2 Then Exit Do End If Loop f = Empty '//=== Start Diff tool If not IsEmpty( path(1) ) Then path(0) = GetAbsPath( path(0), g_fs.GetParentFolderName( m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath ) ) path(1) = GetAbsPath( path(1), g_fs.GetParentFolderName( m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath ) ) If IsDefined("Setting_getDiffCmdLine") Then line = """" + Setting_getDiffCmdLine(0) + """ """ + path(0) + """ """ + path(1) + """" CreateFile g_fs.GetParentFolderName( m_CurrentTest.ScriptPath ) + "\Test_diff.bat", _ "start """" " + line g_sh.Run line Else echo "[WARNING] Cannot open diff tool : not defined Setting_getDiffCmdLine" End If AutoDiff = True : Exit Function End If End If AutoDiff = False End Function '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [Tests::OpenFailFolder] >>> '******************************************************************************** Public Sub OpenFailFolder() echo ">OpenFailFolder" Dim ec Set ec = new EchoOff : ErrCheck Dim f, line, i, s Dim ds_:Set ds_= new CurDirStack : ErrCheck Set f = OpenTextFile( g_Test.m_DefLogFName ) ec = Empty Do Until f.AtEndOfStream line = f.ReadLine If Left( line, 6 ) = "[FAIL]" Then '//=== Open fail folder and ReTest echo line line = f.ReadLine echo line Set ec = new EchoOff : ErrCheck i = 1 s = MeltQuot( line, i ) If i > 0 Then s = MeltQuot( line, i ) If not IsEmpty( s ) Then Setting_openFolder s If LCase( g_fs.GetFileName( s ) ) = "test.vbs" Then CreateFile g_fs.GetParentFolderName( s ) + "\Test_debugger.bat", _ "cscript //x Test.vbs /g_debug:1 /set_input:8.5.5." echo "Created debug.bat" Sleep 1000 echo "Run Test.vbs AutoDiff mode" g_sh.Run "cscript """ + s + """ /set_input:",,True '// echo "Run Test.vbs AutoDiff mode" '// cd g_fs.GetParentFolderName( s ) '// g_sh.Run "debug.bat" End If End If End If '//=== Change from [FAIL] to [FAIL:Checked] in Test_logs.txt file f = Empty Set f = StartReplace( "Test_logs.txt", "Test_logs_replacing.txt", False ) i = 0 Do Until f.r.AtEndOfStream line = f.r.ReadLine If i = 0 and InStr( line, "[FAIL]" ) > 0 Then line = Replace( line, "[FAIL]", "[FAIL:Checked]" ) i = 1 End If f.w.WriteLine line Loop f.Finish ec = Empty Exit Sub End If Loop Raise 1, "No Fail" End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [Tests::NextFail] >>> '******************************************************************************** Public Sub NextFail() Dim f, line, i, s Dim ds_:Set ds_= new CurDirStack : ErrCheck Set f = OpenTextFile( g_Test.m_DefLogFName ) Do Until f.AtEndOfStream line = f.ReadLine If Left( line, 6 ) = "[FAIL]" Then '//=== Open fail folder echo line line = f.ReadLine echo line i = 1 s = MeltQuot( line, i ) If i > 0 Then s = MeltQuot( line, i ) If not IsEmpty( s ) Then Setting_openFolder s If LCase( g_fs.GetFileName( s ) ) = "test.vbs" Then CreateFile g_fs.GetParentFolderName( s ) + "\Test_debugger.bat", _ "cscript //x Test.vbs /g_debug:1 /set_input:8.5.5." echo "Created debug.bat" Sleep 1000 echo "Run Test.vbs AutoDiff mode" g_sh.Run "cscript """ + s + """ /set_input:",,True '// echo "Run Test.vbs AutoDiff mode" '// cd g_fs.GetParentFolderName( s ) '// g_sh.Run "debug.bat" End If End If End If '//=== Change from [FAIL] to [FAIL:Checked] in Test_logs.txt file f = Empty Set f = StartReplace( "Test_logs.txt", "Test_logs_replacing.txt", False ) i = 0 Do Until f.r.AtEndOfStream line = f.r.ReadLine If i = 0 and InStr( line, "[FAIL]" ) > 0 Then line = Replace( line, "[FAIL]", "[FAIL:Checked]" ) i = 1 End If f.w.WriteLine line Loop f = Empty Exit Sub End If Loop Raise 1, "No Fail" End Sub End Class '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [CmpUnitTestPriorityInc] >>> '******************************************************************************** Function CmpUnitTestPriorityInc( left, right, param ) CmpUnitTestPriorityInc = left.Priority - right.Priority End Function '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [CmpUnitTestPriorityDec] >>> '******************************************************************************** Function CmpUnitTestPriorityDec( left, right, param ) CmpUnitTestPriorityDec = right.Priority - left.Priority End Function '*-------------------------------------------------------------------------* '* ◆<<<< [UnitTest] Class >>>> */ '*-------------------------------------------------------------------------* Class UnitTest Public Symbol ' As String Public ScriptPath ' As String Public Priority ' As Integer '---------------------------------- Private Sub Class_Initialize Symbol = "NoSymbol" ScriptPath = "" End Sub Public Function Value Value = "[" & Symbol & "]" & vbCR & vbLF & " " & ScriptPath End Function Public Function PathToAbs( BaseFolderPath ) Dim s PathToAbs = True s = g_fs.GetAbsolutePathName( BaseFolderPath & "\" & ScriptPath ) If Not g_fs.FileExists( s ) Then echo "[ERROR] Not found " + ScriptPath + ", Base=" + BaseFolderPath : PathToAbs = False ScriptPath = s End Function End Class '*-------------------------------------------------------------------------* '* ◆<<<< Test Result >>>> */ '*-------------------------------------------------------------------------* '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [Pass] >>> '******************************************************************************** Sub Pass Dim b : b = g_EchoObj.m_bEchoOff : g_EchoObj.m_bEchoOff = False echo "Pass." g_EchoObj.m_bEchoOff = b Err.Raise Err_TestPass, WScript.ScriptFullName, "Pass." End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [Fail] >>> '******************************************************************************** Sub Fail() Err.Raise Err_TestFail,, "Fail the Test" End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [Skip] >>> '******************************************************************************** Sub Skip() Err.Raise Err_TestSkip,, "[SKIP] Skip the Test" End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [ManualTest] >>> '******************************************************************************** Sub ManualTest( TestSymbol ) Dim b : b = g_EchoObj.m_bEchoOff : g_EchoObj.m_bEchoOff = False echo "((( ["+TestSymbol+"] )))" echo "This is ManualTest." g_EchoObj.m_bEchoOff = b g_Test.AddManualTest TestSymbol End Sub '*-------------------------------------------------------------------------* '* ◆<<<< Tools for Test Program >>>> */ '*-------------------------------------------------------------------------* '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [EchoTestStart] >>> '******************************************************************************** Sub EchoTestStart( TestSymbol ) echo "((( ["+TestSymbol+"] )))" End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [CheckTestErrLevel] >>> '******************************************************************************** Sub CheckTestErrLevel( r ) If r = Err_TestSkip Then Skip ElseIf r <> Err_TestPass Then Fail End If End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [ConvertToAbsPath] >>> '******************************************************************************** Sub ConvertToAbsPath( SrcPath, DstPath ) Dim src, dst, dst_parent, line, p1, p2, path Set src = OpenTextFile( SrcPath ) mkdir_for DstPath echo ">ConvertToAbsPath """ + SrcPath + """, """ + DstPath + """" g_AppKey.AddNewWritableFolder DstPath Set dst = g_fs.CreateTextFile( DstPath, True, (g_TextFileConvertFormat = F_Unicode) ) Do Until src.AtEndOfStream line = src.ReadLine Do p1 = InStr( line, "%AbsPath(" ) If p1 = 0 Then Exit Do p2 = InStr( p1 + 9, line, ")%" ) path = Mid( line, p1+9, p2-p1-9 ) path = GetAbsPath( path, g_fs.GetParentFolderName( g_fs.GetAbsolutePathName( SrcPath ) ) ) line = Left( line, p1 - 1 ) + path + Mid( line, p2 + 2 ) Loop line = Replace( line, "%DesktopPath%", g_sh.SpecialFolders("Desktop") ) dst.WriteLine line Loop src = Empty dst = Empty End Sub '******************************************************************************** ' <<< [OpenTextFile] >>> '******************************************************************************** Function OpenTextFile( Path ) Dim en, ed On Error Resume Next Set OpenTextFile = g_fs.OpenTextFile( Path,,,-2 ) en = Err.Number : ed = Err.Description : On Error GoTo 0 If en = E_FileNotExist or en = E_PathNotFound Then Err.raise en,,ed+" : "+Path If en <> 0 Then Err.Raise en,,ed End Function