pkgbase = alterlinux-live-tools-git pkgdesc = Scripts required for live environment pkgver = v1.6.r0.g8e25520 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = any license = SUSHI-WARE makedepends = git depends = xdg-user-dirs depends = bash source = git+ md5sums = SKIP pkgname = alterlinux-live-tools-git pkgdesc = Scripts required for live environment (meta package) depends = xdg-user-dirs depends = bash depends = alterlinux-live-info provides = alterlinux-live-tools conflicts = alterlinux-live-tools pkgname = alterlinux-gtk-bookmarks-git pkgdesc = Simple script to automatically generate GTK bookmarks pkgname = alterlinux-welcome-page-git pkgdesc = A simple script to open the official AlterLinux website optdepends = chromium: To open the page optdepends = google-chrome: To open the page optdepends = firefox: To open the page pkgname = alterlinux-plasma-bookmarks-git pkgdesc = Simple script to automatically generate Plasma bookmarks pkgname = alterlinux-desktop-file-git pkgdesc = Place the Calamares icon on your desktop pkgname = alterlinux-live-info-git pkgdesc = Display version information of live environment