package match import ( "testing" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestGenerateMatchedTxs(t *testing.T) { btc2eth := &common.TradePair{FromAssetID: &mock.BTC, ToAssetID: &mock.ETH} eth2btc := &common.TradePair{FromAssetID: &mock.ETH, ToAssetID: &mock.BTC} eth2eos := &common.TradePair{FromAssetID: &mock.ETH, ToAssetID: &mock.EOS} eos2btc := &common.TradePair{FromAssetID: &mock.EOS, ToAssetID: &mock.BTC} cases := []struct { desc string tradePairs []*common.TradePair initStoreOrders []*common.Order wantMatchedTxs []*types.Tx }{ { desc: "full matched", tradePairs: []*common.TradePair{btc2eth, eth2btc}, initStoreOrders: []*common.Order{ mock.Btc2EthOrders[0], mock.Btc2EthOrders[1], mock.Eth2BtcOrders[0], }, wantMatchedTxs: []*types.Tx{ mock.MatchedTxs[1], }, }, { desc: "partial matched", tradePairs: []*common.TradePair{btc2eth, eth2btc}, initStoreOrders: []*common.Order{ mock.Btc2EthOrders[0], mock.Btc2EthOrders[1], mock.Eth2BtcOrders[1], }, wantMatchedTxs: []*types.Tx{ mock.MatchedTxs[0], }, }, { desc: "partial matched and continue to match", tradePairs: []*common.TradePair{btc2eth, eth2btc}, initStoreOrders: []*common.Order{ mock.Btc2EthOrders[0], mock.Btc2EthOrders[1], mock.Eth2BtcOrders[2], }, wantMatchedTxs: []*types.Tx{ mock.MatchedTxs[2], mock.MatchedTxs[3], }, }, { desc: "unable to match", tradePairs: []*common.TradePair{btc2eth, eth2btc}, initStoreOrders: []*common.Order{ mock.Btc2EthOrders[1], mock.Eth2BtcOrders[0], }, wantMatchedTxs: []*types.Tx{}, }, { desc: "cycle match", tradePairs: []*common.TradePair{btc2eth, eth2eos, eos2btc}, initStoreOrders: []*common.Order{ mock.Btc2EthOrders[0], mock.Eth2EosOrders[0], mock.Eos2BtcOrders[0], }, wantMatchedTxs: []*types.Tx{ mock.MatchedTxs[6], }, }, { desc: "multiple assets as a fee", tradePairs: []*common.TradePair{btc2eth, eth2btc}, initStoreOrders: []*common.Order{ mock.Btc2EthOrders[0], mock.Eth2BtcOrders[3], }, wantMatchedTxs: []*types.Tx{ mock.MatchedTxs[11], }, }, } for i, c := range cases { movStore := mock.NewMovStore([]*common.TradePair{btc2eth, eth2btc}, c.initStoreOrders) matchEngine := NewEngine(NewOrderBook(movStore, nil, nil), NewDefaultFeeStrategy(0.05), mock.RewardProgram) var gotMatchedTxs []*types.Tx for matchEngine.HasMatchedTx(c.tradePairs...) { matchedTx, err := matchEngine.NextMatchedTx(c.tradePairs...) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } gotMatchedTxs = append(gotMatchedTxs, matchedTx) } if len(c.wantMatchedTxs) != len(gotMatchedTxs) { t.Errorf("#%d(%s) the length of got matched tx is not equals want matched tx", i, c.desc) continue } for j, gotMatchedTx := range gotMatchedTxs { if _, err := validation.ValidateTx(gotMatchedTx.Tx, &bc.Block{BlockHeader: &bc.BlockHeader{Version: 1}}); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } c.wantMatchedTxs[j].Version = 1 byteData, err := c.wantMatchedTxs[j].MarshalText() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } c.wantMatchedTxs[j].SerializedSize = uint64(len(byteData)) wantMatchedTx := types.NewTx(c.wantMatchedTxs[j].TxData) if gotMatchedTx.ID != wantMatchedTx.ID { t.Errorf("#%d(%s) the tx hash of got matched tx: %s is not equals want matched tx: %s", i, c.desc, gotMatchedTx.ID.String(), wantMatchedTx.ID.String()) } } } } func TestValidateTradePairs(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { desc string tradePairs []*common.TradePair wantError bool }{ { desc: "valid case of two trade pairs", tradePairs: []*common.TradePair{ { FromAssetID: &mock.BTC, ToAssetID: &mock.ETH, }, { FromAssetID: &mock.ETH, ToAssetID: &mock.BTC, }, }, wantError: false, }, { desc: "invalid case of two trade pairs", tradePairs: []*common.TradePair{ { FromAssetID: &mock.BTC, ToAssetID: &mock.ETH, }, { FromAssetID: &mock.ETH, ToAssetID: &mock.EOS, }, }, wantError: true, }, { desc: "valid case of three trade pairs", tradePairs: []*common.TradePair{ { FromAssetID: &mock.BTC, ToAssetID: &mock.ETH, }, { FromAssetID: &mock.ETH, ToAssetID: &mock.EOS, }, { FromAssetID: &mock.EOS, ToAssetID: &mock.BTC, }, }, wantError: false, }, { desc: "invalid case of three trade pairs", tradePairs: []*common.TradePair{ { FromAssetID: &mock.BTC, ToAssetID: &mock.ETH, }, { FromAssetID: &mock.ETH, ToAssetID: &mock.BTC, }, { FromAssetID: &mock.BTC, ToAssetID: &mock.BTC, }, }, wantError: true, }, { desc: "valid case 2 of three trade pairs", tradePairs: []*common.TradePair{ { FromAssetID: &mock.BTC, ToAssetID: &mock.ETH, }, { FromAssetID: &mock.EOS, ToAssetID: &mock.BTC, }, { FromAssetID: &mock.ETH, ToAssetID: &mock.EOS, }, }, wantError: false, }, } for i, c := range cases { err := validateTradePairs(c.tradePairs) if c.wantError && err == nil { t.Errorf("#%d(%s): want error, got no error", i, c.desc) } if !c.wantError && err != nil { t.Errorf("#%d(%s): want no error, got error (%v)", i, c.desc, err) } } } func TestIsMatched(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { desc string orders []*common.Order wantMatched bool }{ { desc: "ratio is equals", orders: []*common.Order{ { FromAssetID: &mock.BTC, ToAssetID: &mock.ETH, RatioNumerator: 6250, RatioDenominator: 3, }, { FromAssetID: &mock.ETH, ToAssetID: &mock.BTC, RatioNumerator: 3, RatioDenominator: 6250, }, }, wantMatched: true, }, { desc: "ratio is equals, and numerator and denominator are multiples of the opposite", orders: []*common.Order{ { FromAssetID: &mock.BTC, ToAssetID: &mock.ETH, RatioNumerator: 6250, RatioDenominator: 3, }, { FromAssetID: &mock.ETH, ToAssetID: &mock.BTC, RatioNumerator: 9, RatioDenominator: 18750, }, }, wantMatched: true, }, { desc: "matched with a slight diff", orders: []*common.Order{ { FromAssetID: &mock.BTC, ToAssetID: &mock.ETH, RatioNumerator: 62500000000000000, RatioDenominator: 30000000000001, }, { FromAssetID: &mock.ETH, ToAssetID: &mock.BTC, RatioNumerator: 3, RatioDenominator: 6250, }, }, wantMatched: true, }, { desc: "not matched with a slight diff", orders: []*common.Order{ { FromAssetID: &mock.BTC, ToAssetID: &mock.ETH, RatioNumerator: 62500000000000001, RatioDenominator: 30000000000000, }, { FromAssetID: &mock.ETH, ToAssetID: &mock.BTC, RatioNumerator: 3, RatioDenominator: 6250, }, }, wantMatched: false, }, { desc: "ring matched", orders: []*common.Order{ { FromAssetID: &mock.BTC, ToAssetID: &mock.ETH, RatioNumerator: 2000000003, RatioDenominator: 100000001, }, { FromAssetID: &mock.ETH, ToAssetID: &mock.EOS, RatioNumerator: 400000000001, RatioDenominator: 2000000003, }, { FromAssetID: &mock.EOS, ToAssetID: &mock.BTC, RatioNumerator: 100000001, RatioDenominator: 400000000001, }, }, wantMatched: true, }, { desc: "ring matched with a slight diff", orders: []*common.Order{ { FromAssetID: &mock.BTC, ToAssetID: &mock.ETH, RatioNumerator: 2000000003, RatioDenominator: 100000001, }, { FromAssetID: &mock.ETH, ToAssetID: &mock.EOS, RatioNumerator: 400000000001, RatioDenominator: 2000000003, }, { FromAssetID: &mock.EOS, ToAssetID: &mock.BTC, RatioNumerator: 100000000, RatioDenominator: 400000000001, }, }, wantMatched: true, }, { desc: "ring fail matched with a slight diff", orders: []*common.Order{ { FromAssetID: &mock.BTC, ToAssetID: &mock.ETH, RatioNumerator: 2000000003, RatioDenominator: 100000001, }, { FromAssetID: &mock.ETH, ToAssetID: &mock.EOS, RatioNumerator: 400000000001, RatioDenominator: 2000000003, }, { FromAssetID: &mock.EOS, ToAssetID: &mock.BTC, RatioNumerator: 100000002, RatioDenominator: 400000000001, }, }, wantMatched: false, }, } for i, c := range cases { gotMatched := IsMatched(c.orders) if gotMatched != c.wantMatched { t.Errorf("#%d(%s) got matched:%v, want matched:%v", i, c.desc, gotMatched, c.wantMatched) } } }