package mov import ( "" "" "" "" "" dbm "" "" "" "" ) const maxFeeRate = 0.05 var ( errInvalidTradePairs = errors.New("The trade pairs in the tx input is invalid") errStatusFailMustFalse = errors.New("status fail of transaction does not allow to be true") errInputProgramMustP2WMCScript = errors.New("input program of trade tx must p2wmc script") errExistCancelOrderInMatchedTx = errors.New("can't exist cancel order in the matched transaction") errExistTradeInCancelOrderTx = errors.New("can't exist trade in the cancel order transaction") errAmountOfFeeGreaterThanMaximum = errors.New("amount of fee greater than max fee amount") errAssetIDMustUniqueInMatchedTx = errors.New("asset id must unique in matched transaction") errRatioOfTradeLessThanZero = errors.New("ratio arguments must greater than zero") errNumeratorOfRatioIsOverflow = errors.New("ratio numerator of contract args product input amount is overflow") errLengthOfInputIsIncorrect = errors.New("length of matched tx input is not equals to actual matched tx input") errSpendOutputIDIsIncorrect = errors.New("spend output id of matched tx is not equals to actual matched tx") errRequestAmountMath = errors.New("request amount of order less than one or big than max of int64") ) // MovCore represent the core logic of the match module, which include generate match transactions before packing the block, // verify the match transaction in block is correct, and update the order table according to the transaction. type MovCore struct { movStore database.MovStore startBlockHeight uint64 } // NewMovCore return a instance of MovCore by path of mov db func NewMovCore(dbBackend, dbDir string, startBlockHeight uint64) *MovCore { movDB := dbm.NewDB("mov", dbBackend, dbDir) return &MovCore{movStore: database.NewLevelDBMovStore(movDB), startBlockHeight: startBlockHeight} } // ApplyBlock parse pending order and cancel from the the transactions of block // and add pending order to the dex db, remove cancel order from dex db. func (m *MovCore) ApplyBlock(block *types.Block) error { if block.Height < m.startBlockHeight { return nil } if block.Height == m.startBlockHeight { blockHash := block.Hash() if err := m.movStore.InitDBState(block.Height, &blockHash); err != nil { return err } return nil } if err := m.validateMatchedTxSequence(block.Transactions); err != nil { return err } addOrders, deleteOrders, err := applyTransactions(block.Transactions) if err != nil { return err } return m.movStore.ProcessOrders(addOrders, deleteOrders, &block.BlockHeader) } /* @issue: I have two orders A and B, order A's seller program is order B and order B's seller program is order A. Assume consensus node accept 0% fee and This two orders are the only two order of this trading pair, will this become an infinite loop and DDoS attacks the whole network? */ // BeforeProposalBlock return all transactions than can be matched, and the number of transactions cannot exceed the given capacity. func (m *MovCore) BeforeProposalBlock(txs []*types.Tx, nodeProgram []byte, blockHeight uint64, gasLeft int64, isTimeout func() bool) ([]*types.Tx, error) { if blockHeight <= m.startBlockHeight { return nil, nil } orderTable, err := buildOrderTable(m.movStore, txs) if err != nil { return nil, err } matchEngine := match.NewEngine(orderTable, maxFeeRate, nodeProgram) tradePairMap := make(map[string]bool) tradePairIterator := database.NewTradePairIterator(m.movStore) var packagedTxs []*types.Tx for gasLeft > 0 && !isTimeout() && tradePairIterator.HasNext() { tradePair := tradePairIterator.Next() if tradePairMap[tradePair.Key()] { continue } tradePairMap[tradePair.Key()] = true tradePairMap[tradePair.Reverse().Key()] = true for gasLeft > 0 && !isTimeout() && matchEngine.HasMatchedTx(tradePair, tradePair.Reverse()) { matchedTx, err := matchEngine.NextMatchedTx(tradePair, tradePair.Reverse()) if err != nil { return nil, err } gasUsed := calcMatchedTxGasUsed(matchedTx) if gasLeft-gasUsed >= 0 { packagedTxs = append(packagedTxs, matchedTx) } gasLeft -= gasUsed } } return packagedTxs, nil } // ChainStatus return the current block height and block hash in dex core func (m *MovCore) ChainStatus() (uint64, *bc.Hash, error) { state, err := m.movStore.GetMovDatabaseState() if err != nil { return 0, nil, err } return state.Height, state.Hash, nil } // DetachBlock parse pending order and cancel from the the transactions of block // and add cancel order to the dex db, remove pending order from dex db. func (m *MovCore) DetachBlock(block *types.Block) error { if block.Height <= m.startBlockHeight { return nil } deleteOrders, addOrders, err := applyTransactions(block.Transactions) if err != nil { return err } return m.movStore.ProcessOrders(addOrders, deleteOrders, &block.BlockHeader) } // IsDust block the transaction that are not generated by the match engine func (m *MovCore) IsDust(tx *types.Tx) bool { for _, input := range tx.Inputs { if segwit.IsP2WMCScript(input.ControlProgram()) && !contract.IsCancelClauseSelector(input) { return true } } return false } // Name return the name of current module func (m *MovCore) Name() string { return "MOV" } // StartHeight return the start block height of current module func (m *MovCore) StartHeight() uint64 { return m.startBlockHeight } // ValidateBlock no need to verify the block header, because the first module has been verified. // just need to verify the transactions in the block. func (m *MovCore) ValidateBlock(block *types.Block, verifyResults []*bc.TxVerifyResult) error { return m.ValidateTxs(block.Transactions, verifyResults) } // ValidateTxs validate the trade transaction. func (m *MovCore) ValidateTxs(txs []*types.Tx, verifyResults []*bc.TxVerifyResult) error { for i, tx := range txs { if err := m.ValidateTx(tx, verifyResults[i]); err != nil { return err } } return nil } // ValidateTxs validate one transaction. func (m *MovCore) ValidateTx(tx *types.Tx, verifyResult *bc.TxVerifyResult) error { if common.IsMatchedTx(tx) { if err := validateMatchedTx(tx, verifyResult); err != nil { return err } } if common.IsCancelOrderTx(tx) { if err := validateCancelOrderTx(tx, verifyResult); err != nil { return err } } for _, output := range tx.Outputs { if !segwit.IsP2WMCScript(output.ControlProgram()) { continue } if verifyResult.StatusFail { return errStatusFailMustFalse } if err := validateMagneticContractArgs(output.AssetAmount().Amount, output.ControlProgram()); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func validateCancelOrderTx(tx *types.Tx, verifyResult *bc.TxVerifyResult) error { if verifyResult.StatusFail { return errStatusFailMustFalse } for _, input := range tx.Inputs { if !segwit.IsP2WMCScript(input.ControlProgram()) { return errInputProgramMustP2WMCScript } if contract.IsTradeClauseSelector(input) { return errExistTradeInCancelOrderTx } } return nil } func validateMagneticContractArgs(fromAmount uint64, program []byte) error { contractArgs, err := segwit.DecodeP2WMCProgram(program) if err != nil { return err } if contractArgs.RatioNumerator <= 0 || contractArgs.RatioDenominator <= 0 { return errRatioOfTradeLessThanZero } if match.CalcRequestAmount(fromAmount, contractArgs) < 1 { return errRequestAmountMath } return nil } func validateMatchedTx(tx *types.Tx, verifyResult *bc.TxVerifyResult) error { if verifyResult.StatusFail { return errStatusFailMustFalse } fromAssetIDMap := make(map[string]bool) toAssetIDMap := make(map[string]bool) for i, input := range tx.Inputs { if !segwit.IsP2WMCScript(input.ControlProgram()) { return errInputProgramMustP2WMCScript } if contract.IsCancelClauseSelector(input) { return errExistCancelOrderInMatchedTx } order, err := common.NewOrderFromInput(tx, i) if err != nil { return err } fromAssetIDMap[order.FromAssetID.String()] = true toAssetIDMap[order.ToAssetID.String()] = true } if len(fromAssetIDMap) != len(tx.Inputs) || len(toAssetIDMap) != len(tx.Inputs) { return errAssetIDMustUniqueInMatchedTx } return validateMatchedTxFeeAmount(tx) } func validateMatchedTxFeeAmount(tx *types.Tx) error { txFee, err := match.CalcMatchedTxFee(&tx.TxData, maxFeeRate) if err != nil { return err } for _, amount := range txFee { if amount.FeeAmount > amount.MaxFeeAmount { return errAmountOfFeeGreaterThanMaximum } } return nil } /* @issue: the match package didn't support circle yet */ func (m *MovCore) validateMatchedTxSequence(txs []*types.Tx) error { orderTable, err := buildOrderTable(m.movStore, txs) if err != nil { return err } matchEngine := match.NewEngine(orderTable, maxFeeRate, nil) for _, matchedTx := range txs { if !common.IsMatchedTx(matchedTx) { continue } tradePairs, err := getSortedTradePairsFromMatchedTx(matchedTx) if err != nil { return err } actualMatchedTx, err := matchEngine.NextMatchedTx(tradePairs...) if err != nil { return err } if len(matchedTx.Inputs) != len(actualMatchedTx.Inputs) { return errLengthOfInputIsIncorrect } spendOutputIDs := make(map[string]bool) for _, input := range matchedTx.Inputs { spendOutputID, err := input.SpentOutputID() if err != nil { return err } spendOutputIDs[spendOutputID.String()] = true } for _, input := range actualMatchedTx.Inputs { spendOutputID, err := input.SpentOutputID() if err != nil { return err } if _, ok := spendOutputIDs[spendOutputID.String()]; !ok { return errSpendOutputIDIsIncorrect } } } return nil } func applyTransactions(txs []*types.Tx) ([]*common.Order, []*common.Order, error) { deleteOrderMap := make(map[string]*common.Order) addOrderMap := make(map[string]*common.Order) for _, tx := range txs { addOrders, err := getAddOrdersFromTx(tx) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } for _, order := range addOrders { addOrderMap[order.Key()] = order } deleteOrders, err := getDeleteOrdersFromTx(tx) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } for _, order := range deleteOrders { deleteOrderMap[order.Key()] = order } } addOrders, deleteOrders := mergeOrders(addOrderMap, deleteOrderMap) return addOrders, deleteOrders, nil } /* @issue: if consensus node packed match transaction first then packed regular tx, this function's logic may make a valid block invalid */ func buildOrderTable(store database.MovStore, txs []*types.Tx) (*match.OrderTable, error) { var nonMatchedTxs []*types.Tx for _, tx := range txs { if !common.IsMatchedTx(tx) { nonMatchedTxs = append(nonMatchedTxs, tx) } } var arrivalAddOrders, arrivalDelOrders []*common.Order for _, tx := range nonMatchedTxs { addOrders, err := getAddOrdersFromTx(tx) if err != nil { return nil, err } delOrders, err := getDeleteOrdersFromTx(tx) if err != nil { return nil, err } arrivalAddOrders = append(arrivalAddOrders, addOrders...) arrivalDelOrders = append(arrivalDelOrders, delOrders...) } return match.NewOrderTable(store, arrivalAddOrders, arrivalDelOrders), nil } func calcMatchedTxGasUsed(tx *types.Tx) int64 { return int64(len(tx.Inputs))*150 + int64(tx.SerializedSize) } func getAddOrdersFromTx(tx *types.Tx) ([]*common.Order, error) { var orders []*common.Order for i, output := range tx.Outputs { if output.OutputType() != types.IntraChainOutputType || !segwit.IsP2WMCScript(output.ControlProgram()) { continue } order, err := common.NewOrderFromOutput(tx, i) if err != nil { return nil, err } orders = append(orders, order) } return orders, nil } func getDeleteOrdersFromTx(tx *types.Tx) ([]*common.Order, error) { var orders []*common.Order for i, input := range tx.Inputs { if input.InputType() != types.SpendInputType || !segwit.IsP2WMCScript(input.ControlProgram()) { continue } order, err := common.NewOrderFromInput(tx, i) if err != nil { return nil, err } orders = append(orders, order) } return orders, nil } func getSortedTradePairsFromMatchedTx(tx *types.Tx) ([]*common.TradePair, error) { assetMap := make(map[bc.AssetID]bc.AssetID) var firstTradePair *common.TradePair for _, tx := range tx.Inputs { contractArgs, err := segwit.DecodeP2WMCProgram(tx.ControlProgram()) if err != nil { return nil, err } assetMap[tx.AssetID()] = contractArgs.RequestedAsset if firstTradePair == nil { firstTradePair = &common.TradePair{FromAssetID: tx.AssetAmount().AssetId, ToAssetID: &contractArgs.RequestedAsset} } } tradePairs := []*common.TradePair{firstTradePair} for tradePair := firstTradePair; *tradePair.ToAssetID != *firstTradePair.FromAssetID; { nextTradePairToAssetID, ok := assetMap[*tradePair.ToAssetID] if !ok { return nil, errInvalidTradePairs } tradePair = &common.TradePair{FromAssetID: tradePair.ToAssetID, ToAssetID: &nextTradePairToAssetID} tradePairs = append(tradePairs, tradePair) } if len(tradePairs) != len(tx.Inputs) { return nil, errInvalidTradePairs } return tradePairs, nil } func mergeOrders(addOrderMap, deleteOrderMap map[string]*common.Order) ([]*common.Order, []*common.Order) { var deleteOrders, addOrders []*common.Order for orderID, order := range addOrderMap { if _, ok := deleteOrderMap[orderID]; ok { delete(deleteOrderMap, orderID) continue } addOrders = append(addOrders, order) } for _, order := range deleteOrderMap { deleteOrders = append(deleteOrders, order) } return addOrders, deleteOrders }