# Form/Window View - Generated Source Code File # Generated by the Ring 1.11 Form Designer # Date : 17/09/2019 # Time : 20:32:12 Load "stdlibcore.ring" Load "guilib.ring" import System.GUI if IsMainSourceFile() { new App { StyleFusion() new secondwindowView { win.show() } exec() } } class secondwindowView from WindowsViewParent win = new MainWindow() { move(111,91) resize(400,400) setWindowTitle("The Second Window") setstylesheet("background-color:#00007f;") Button1 = new pushbutton(win) { move(56,81) resize(277,61) setstylesheet("color:black;background-color:#ffff7f;") oFont = new qfont("",0,0,0) oFont.fromstring("MS Shell Dlg 2,16,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0") setfont(oFont) oFont.delete() setText("Close Window") setClickEvent(Method(:CloseWindow)) setBtnImage(Button1,"") } Label1 = new label(win) { move(57,181) resize(279,56) setstylesheet("color:#ffffff;background-color:;") oFont = new qfont("",0,0,0) oFont.fromstring("Arial") setfont(oFont) oFont.delete() setText("") setAlignment(Qt_AlignLeft | Qt_AlignVCenter) } } # End of the Generated Source Code File...