#!/usr/bin/perl my $src_name = shift; # source file to be read my $tgt_name = shift; # change file to be created open (my $fh_src, '<'.$src_name) or die "Error: " . $src_name; open (my $fh_tgt, '>'.$tgt_name) or die "error: $!"; my $lines = ""; print $fh_tgt "%\n"; print $fh_tgt "% This is part of LFSbookja package.\n"; print $fh_tgt "%\n"; print $fh_tgt "% This is a CTIE change file for the original XML source of the LFSbook.\n"; print $fh_tgt "%\n"; print $fh_tgt "% \$Author:\$\n"; print $fh_tgt "% \$Rev:\$\n"; print $fh_tgt "% \$Date:: \$\n"; print $fh_tgt "%\n"; foreach my $line (<$fh_src>) { if ($line =~ /^[ \t]*$/) { if ($lines ne "") { &output_change_strings; $lines = ""; } } else { $lines = $lines . $line; } } if ($lines ne "") { &output_change_strings; } close($fh_src); close($fh_tgt); sub output_change_strings { my $last = ""; if ($lines =~ /[\n]$/) { } else { $last = "\n"; } print $fh_tgt "\n"; print $fh_tgt "\@x\n"; print $fh_tgt $lines . $last; print $fh_tgt "\@y\n"; print $fh_tgt $lines . $last; print $fh_tgt "\@z\n"; }