package blockchain import ( "context" // "" "" // "" // "" // "" "" "" "" "" "" // "" "" // "" "" "" "" ) func isTemporary(info httperror.Info, err error) bool { switch info.ChainCode { case "CH000": // internal server error return true case "CH001": // request timed out return true case "CH761": // outputs currently reserved return true case "CH706": // 1 or more action errors errs := errors.Data(err)["actions"].([]httperror.Response) temp := true for _, actionErr := range errs { temp = temp && isTemporary(actionErr.Info, nil) } return temp default: return false } } // Map error values to standard chain error codes. Missing entries // will map to internalErrInfo. // See // // TODO(jackson): Share one error table across Chain // products/services so that errors are consistent. var errorFormatter = httperror.Formatter{ Default: httperror.Info{500, "CH000", "Chain API Error"}, IsTemporary: isTemporary, Errors: map[error]httperror.Info{ // General error namespace (0xx) context.DeadlineExceeded: {408, "CH001", "Request timed out"}, httpjson.ErrBadRequest: {400, "CH003", "Invalid request body"}, /*errNotFound: {404, "CH006", "Not found"}, errRateLimited: {429, "CH007", "Request limit exceeded"}, errNotAuthenticated: {401, "CH009", "Request could not be authenticated"}, */ txbuilder.ErrMissingFields: {400, "CH010", "One or more fields are missing"}, //authz.ErrNotAuthorized: {403, "CH011", "Request is unauthorized"}, //asset.ErrDuplicateAlias: {400, "CH050", "Alias already exists"}, account.ErrDuplicateAlias: {400, "CH050", "Alias already exists"}, //txfeed.ErrDuplicateAlias: {400, "CH050", "Alias already exists"}, account.ErrBadIdentifier: {40, "CH051", "Either an ID or alias must be provided, but not both"}, //asset.ErrBadIdentifier: {40, "CH051", "Either an ID or alias must be provided, but not both"}, // Core error namespace //errUnconfigured: {400, "CH100", "This core still needs to be configured"}, //errAlreadyConfigured: {400, "CH101", "This core has already been configured"}, //config.ErrBadGenerator: {400, "CH102", "Generator URL returned an invalid response"}, //errBadBlockPub: {400, "CH103", "Provided Block XPub is invalid"}, rpc.ErrWrongNetwork: {502, "CH104", "A peer core is operating on a different blockchain network"}, protocol.ErrTheDistantFuture: {400, "CH105", "Requested height is too far ahead"}, //config.ErrBadSignerURL: {400, "CH106", "Block signer URL is invalid"}, //config.ErrBadSignerPubkey: {400, "CH107", "Block signer pubkey is invalid"}, //config.ErrBadQuorum: {400, "CH108", "Quorum must be greater than 0 if there are signers"}, //config.ErrNoBlockPub: {400, "CH109", "Block Pub cannot be empty when configuring a mockhsm disabled signer"}, //errNoMockHSM: {400, "CH110", "This endpoint is disabled for this server's configuration"}, //errNoReset: {400, "CH110", "This endpoint is disabled for this server's configuration"}, //config.ErrNoBlockHSMURL: {400, "CH111", "Block HSM URL cannot be empty when configuring a non mockhsm signer"}, //errNoClientTokens: {400, "CH120", "Cannot enable client authentication with no client tokens"}, //blocksigner.ErrConsensusChange: {400, "CH150", "Refuse to sign block with consensus change"}, //errMissingAddr: {400, "CH160", "Address is missing"}, // Signers error namespace (2xx) signers.ErrBadQuorum: {400, "CH200", "Quorum must be greater than 1 and less than or equal to the length of xpubs"}, signers.ErrBadXPub: {400, "CH201", "Invalid xpub format"}, signers.ErrNoXPubs: {400, "CH202", "At least one xpub is required"}, signers.ErrBadType: {400, "CH203", "Retrieved type does not match expected type"}, signers.ErrDupeXPub: {400, "CH204", "Root XPubs cannot contain the same key more than once"}, // Access token and grant error namespace (3xx) //accesstoken.ErrBadID: {400, "CH300", "Malformed or empty access token id"}, //accesstoken.ErrBadType: {400, "CH301", "Access tokens must be type client or network"}, //accesstoken.ErrDuplicateID: {400, "CH302", "Access token id is already in use"}, /*errMissingTokenID: {400, "CH303", "Access token id does not exist"}, errCurrentToken: {400, "CH310", "The access token used to authenticate this request cannot be deleted"}, errProtectedGrant: {400, "CH320", "Protected grants cannot be manually deleted"}, errCreateProtectedGrant: {400, "CH321", "Protected grants cannot be manually created"}, */ // Query error namespace (6xx) query.ErrBadAfter: {400, "CH600", "Malformed pagination parameter `after`"}, query.ErrParameterCountMismatch: {400, "CH601", "Incorrect number of parameters to filter"}, filter.ErrBadFilter: {400, "CH602", "Malformed query filter"}, // Transaction error namespace (7xx) // Build error namespace (70x) txbuilder.ErrBadRefData: {400, "CH700", "Reference data does not match previous transaction's reference data"}, /*errBadActionType: {400, "CH701", "Invalid action type"}, errBadAlias: {400, "CH702", "Invalid alias on action"}, errBadAction: {400, "CH703", "Invalid action object"}, */ txbuilder.ErrBadAmount: {400, "CH704", "Invalid asset amount"}, txbuilder.ErrBlankCheck: {400, "CH705", "Unsafe transaction: leaves assets to be taken without requiring payment"}, txbuilder.ErrAction: {400, "CH706", "One or more actions had an error: see attached data"}, // Submit error namespace (73x) txbuilder.ErrMissingRawTx: {400, "CH730", "Missing raw transaction"}, txbuilder.ErrBadInstructionCount: {400, "CH731", "Too many signing instructions in template for transaction"}, txbuilder.ErrBadTxInputIdx: {400, "CH732", "Invalid transaction input index"}, txbuilder.ErrBadWitnessComponent: {400, "CH733", "Invalid witness component"}, txbuilder.ErrRejected: {400, "CH735", "Transaction rejected"}, txbuilder.ErrNoTxSighashCommitment: {400, "CH736", "Transaction is not final, additional actions still allowed"}, txbuilder.ErrTxSignatureFailure: {400, "CH737", "Transaction signature missing, client may be missing signature key"}, txbuilder.ErrNoTxSighashAttempt: {400, "CH738", "Transaction signature was not attempted"}, // account action error namespace (76x) account.ErrInsufficient: {400, "CH760", "Insufficient funds for tx"}, account.ErrReserved: {400, "CH761", "Some outputs are reserved; try again"}, // Mock HSM error namespace (80x) }, }