package blockchain import ( "context" "encoding/json" "sync" "time" "" chainjson "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var defaultTxTTL = 5 * time.Minute func (a *BlockchainReactor) actionDecoder(action string) (func([]byte) (txbuilder.Action, error), bool) { var decoder func([]byte) (txbuilder.Action, error) switch action { case "control_account": decoder = a.accounts.DecodeControlAction case "control_program": decoder = txbuilder.DecodeControlProgramAction case "control_receiver": decoder = txbuilder.DecodeControlReceiverAction case "issue": decoder = a.assets.DecodeIssueAction case "retire": decoder = txbuilder.DecodeRetireAction case "spend_account": decoder = a.accounts.DecodeSpendAction case "spend_account_unspent_output": decoder = a.accounts.DecodeSpendUTXOAction case "set_transaction_reference_data": decoder = txbuilder.DecodeSetTxRefDataAction default: return nil, false } return decoder, true } func (a *BlockchainReactor) buildSingle(ctx context.Context, req *BuildRequest) (*txbuilder.Template, error) { err := a.filterAliases(ctx, req) if err != nil { return nil, err } actions := make([]txbuilder.Action, 0, len(req.Actions)) for i, act := range req.Actions { typ, ok := act["type"].(string) if !ok { return nil, errors.WithDetailf(errBadActionType, "no action type provided on action %d", i) } decoder, ok := a.actionDecoder(typ) if !ok { return nil, errors.WithDetailf(errBadActionType, "unknown action type %q on action %d", typ, i) } // Remarshal to JSON, the action may have been modified when we // filtered aliases. b, err := json.Marshal(act) if err != nil { return nil, err } action, err := decoder(b) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithDetailf(errBadAction, "%s on action %d", err.Error(), i) } actions = append(actions, action) } ttl := req.TTL.Duration if ttl == 0 { ttl = defaultTxTTL } maxTime := time.Now().Add(ttl) tpl, err := txbuilder.Build(ctx, req.Tx, actions, maxTime) if errors.Root(err) == txbuilder.ErrAction { // Format each of the inner errors contained in the data. var formattedErrs []httperror.Response for _, innerErr := range errors.Data(err)["actions"].([]error) { resp := errorFormatter.Format(innerErr) formattedErrs = append(formattedErrs, resp) } err = errors.WithData(err, "actions", formattedErrs) } if err != nil { return nil, err } // ensure null is never returned for signing instructions if tpl.SigningInstructions == nil { tpl.SigningInstructions = []*txbuilder.SigningInstruction{} } return tpl, nil } // POST /build-transaction func (a *BlockchainReactor) build(ctx context.Context, buildReqs []*BuildRequest) (interface{}, error) { responses := make([]interface{}, len(buildReqs)) var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(len(responses)) for i := 0; i < len(responses); i++ { go func(i int) { subctx := reqid.NewSubContext(ctx, reqid.New()) defer wg.Done() defer batchRecover(subctx, &responses[i]) tmpl, err := a.buildSingle(subctx, buildReqs[i]) if err != nil { responses[i] = err } else { responses[i] = tmpl } }(i) } wg.Wait() return responses, nil } func (a *BlockchainReactor) submitSingle(ctx context.Context, tpl *txbuilder.Template, waitUntil string) (interface{}, error) { if tpl.Transaction == nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(txbuilder.ErrMissingRawTx) } err := a.finalizeTxWait(ctx, tpl, waitUntil) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "tx %s", tpl.Transaction.ID.String()) } return map[string]string{"id": tpl.Transaction.ID.String()}, nil } /* // recordSubmittedTx records a lower bound height at which the tx // was first submitted to the tx pool. If this request fails for // some reason, a retry will know to look for the transaction in // blocks starting at this height. // // If the tx has already been submitted, it returns the existing // height. func recordSubmittedTx(ctx context.Context, db pg.DB, txHash bc.Hash, currentHeight uint64) (uint64, error) { const insertQ = ` INSERT INTO submitted_txs (tx_hash, height) VALUES($1, $2) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING ` res, err := db.Exec(ctx, insertQ, txHash.Bytes(), currentHeight) if err != nil { return 0, err } inserted, err := res.RowsAffected() if err != nil { return 0, err } if inserted == 1 { return currentHeight, nil } // The insert didn't affect any rows, meaning there was already an entry // for this transaction hash. const selectQ = ` SELECT height FROM submitted_txs WHERE tx_hash = $1 ` var height uint64 err = db.QueryRow(ctx, selectQ, txHash.Bytes()).Scan(&height) return height, err } */ /* // cleanUpSubmittedTxs will periodically delete records of submitted txs // older than a day. This function blocks and only exits when its context // is cancelled. func cleanUpSubmittedTxs(ctx context.Context, db pg.DB) { ticker := time.NewTicker(15 * time.Minute) for { select { case <-ticker.C: // TODO(jackson): We could avoid expensive bulk deletes by partitioning // the table and DROP-ing tables of expired rows. Partitioning doesn't // play well with ON CONFLICT clauses though, so we would need to rework // how we guarantee uniqueness. const q = `DELETE FROM submitted_txs WHERE submitted_at < now() - interval '1 day'` _, err := db.Exec(ctx, q) if err != nil { log.Error(ctx, err) } case <-ctx.Done(): ticker.Stop() return } } } */ // finalizeTxWait calls FinalizeTx and then waits for confirmation of // the transaction. A nil error return means the transaction is // confirmed on the blockchain. ErrRejected means a conflicting tx is // on the blockchain. context.DeadlineExceeded means ctx is an // expiring context that timed out. func (a *BlockchainReactor) finalizeTxWait(ctx context.Context, txTemplate *txbuilder.Template, waitUntil string) error { // Use the current generator height as the lower bound of the block height // that the transaction may appear in. localHeight := a.chain.Height() generatorHeight := localHeight log.Printf(ctx, "localHeight:%v\n", localHeight) // Remember this height in case we retry this submit call. /*height, err := recordSubmittedTx(ctx, a.db, txTemplate.Transaction.ID, generatorHeight) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "saving tx submitted height") }*/ err := txbuilder.FinalizeTx(ctx, a.chain, txTemplate.Transaction) if err != nil { return err } if waitUntil == "none" { return nil } _, err = a.waitForTxInBlock(ctx, txTemplate.Transaction, generatorHeight) if err != nil { return err } if waitUntil == "confirmed" { return nil } /* select { case <-ctx.Done(): return ctx.Err() case <-a.pinStore.AllWaiter(height): } */ return nil } func (a *BlockchainReactor) waitForTxInBlock(ctx context.Context, tx *legacy.Tx, height uint64) (uint64, error) { log.Printf(ctx, "waitForTxInBlock function.") for { height++ select { case <-ctx.Done(): return 0, ctx.Err() case <-a.chain.BlockWaiter(height): b, err := a.chain.GetBlock(height) if err != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "getting block that just landed") } for _, confirmed := range b.Transactions { if confirmed.ID == tx.ID { // confirmed return height, nil } } if tx.MaxTime > 0 && tx.MaxTime < b.TimestampMS { return 0, errors.Wrap(txbuilder.ErrRejected, "transaction max time exceeded") } // might still be in pool or might be rejected; we can't // tell definitively until its max time elapses. // Re-insert into the pool in case it was dropped. err = txbuilder.FinalizeTx(ctx, a.chain, tx) if err != nil { return 0, err } // TODO(jackson): Do simple rejection checks like checking if // the tx's blockchain prevouts still exist in the state tree. } } } type SubmitArg struct { Transactions []txbuilder.Template Wait chainjson.Duration WaitUntil string `json:"wait_until"` // values none, confirmed, processed. default: processed } // POST /submit-transaction func (a *BlockchainReactor) submit(ctx context.Context, x SubmitArg) (interface{}, error) { // Setup a timeout for the provided wait duration. timeout := x.Wait.Duration if timeout <= 0 { timeout = 30 * time.Second } ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout) defer cancel() responses := make([]interface{}, len(x.Transactions)) var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(len(responses)) for i := range responses { go func(i int) { subctx := reqid.NewSubContext(ctx, reqid.New()) defer wg.Done() defer batchRecover(subctx, &responses[i]) tx, err := a.submitSingle(subctx, &x.Transactions[i], x.WaitUntil) log.Printf(ctx, "-----tx:%v\n", tx) if err != nil { responses[i] = err } else { responses[i] = tx } }(i) } wg.Wait() return responses, nil }