import os import ui import time import strconv as strc import regex //import eventbus const ( win_width = 300 win_height = 180 ) struct App { mut: window &ui.Window = 0 first_ipsum string second_ipsum string full_name string } fn main(){ // Check environment check_system_env() mut app := &App{} app.window = ui.window( width: win_width height: win_height mode: .resizable //resizable: false on_resize: fn (width int, height int, win &ui.Window){ // ウィンドウリサイズ時の処理 } title: "ブログの新規記事の作成" state: app children: [ ui.column( id: "main" width: int(ui.stretch) //height: int(ui.stretch) alignment: .center //spacing: 2 margin_: 5 children: [ ui.row( //height: 20 id: "group_url" widths: ui.stretch //heights: ui.stretch children: [ ui.label( id: "url_label" text: "Please enter URL" ) ui.textbox( id: "url_tb" read_only: false //min: 1 max_len: 20 width: 250 ) ] ) ui.row( //height: 10 id: "group_title" widths: ui.stretch heights: ui.stretch children: [ ui.label( id: "title_label" text: "Please enter the title" ) ui.textbox( id: "title_tb" read_only: false max_len: 20 width: 250 ) ] ) ui.column( id: "group_create" widths: ui.stretch heights: ui.stretch children: [ ui.row( alignment: .center widths: ui.stretch margin : ui.Margin{ bottom: 10 } children: [ ui.button( id: "exit_btn" text: "Exit" radius: .0 onclick: fn(w voidptr, b &ui.Button){ exit(0) } ) ui.button( id: 'create_btn' text: 'Create' onclick: fn(_ voidptr, b &ui.Button){ mut title := b.ui.window.textbox("title_tb").text_ mut url := b.ui.window.textbox("url_tb").text_ //println(text) create_article(url, title) } ) ] ) ] ) ] ) ] ) } fn create_article(url string, title string){ //eprintln("まだ実装されてないンゴ") mut now := mut date := "${strc.v_sprintf("%02d", now.year)}${strc.v_sprintf("%02d", now.month)}${strc.v_sprintf("%02d",}" mut filename := "posts/$date/$url/" mut command := ["hugo", "new", "\"$filename\""] if url == ""{ ui.message_box("Empty URL!") return } mut result := os.execute(command.join(" ")) if result.exit_code !=0 { ui.message_box(result.output) } mut re := regex.regex_opt('^title: ".*"$') or {return} mut path := os.resource_abs_path("./src/content/${filename}") println(path) mut article_md := os.read_lines(path) or { ui.message_box("Failed to open \"$path\"") return //exit(1) } for cnt,line in article_md{ if re.matches_string(line){ eprintln("書き換え対象を${cnt}行目に発見") article_md[cnt] = re.replace(line, 'title: "$title"') eprintln("${line} ==> title: \"$title\"") break } } os.write_file(path, article_md.join("\n")) or { ui.message_box("Failed to write to $path") } exit(0) } fn cmd_available(c string) bool{ mut cmd := "" $if windows{ cmd = "WHERE" }$else{ cmd = "type" } result := os.execute("${cmd} \"${c}\"") return result.exit_code == 0 } fn check_system_env(){ mut check := 0 if ! cmd_available("hugo"){ eprintln("Hugo command was not found on this computer.") check++ } if check != 0{ exit(1) } return }