package excelize import ( "bytes" "encoding/xml" "fmt" "path/filepath" "testing" "" ) func TestChartSize(t *testing.T) { f := NewFile() sheet1 := f.GetSheetName(0) categories := map[string]string{ "A2": "Small", "A3": "Normal", "A4": "Large", "B1": "Apple", "C1": "Orange", "D1": "Pear", } for cell, v := range categories { assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellValue(sheet1, cell, v)) } values := map[string]int{ "B2": 2, "C2": 3, "D2": 3, "B3": 5, "C3": 2, "D3": 4, "B4": 6, "C4": 7, "D4": 8, } for cell, v := range values { assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellValue(sheet1, cell, v)) } assert.NoError(t, f.AddChart("Sheet1", "E4", &Chart{ Type: Col3DClustered, Dimension: ChartDimension{ Width: 640, Height: 480, }, Series: []ChartSeries{ {Name: "Sheet1!$A$2", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$1:$D$1", Values: "Sheet1!$B$2:$D$2"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$3", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$1:$D$1", Values: "Sheet1!$B$3:$D$3"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$4", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$1:$D$1", Values: "Sheet1!$B$4:$D$4"}, }, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Clustered Column Chart"}}, })) var buffer bytes.Buffer // Save spreadsheet by the given path. assert.NoError(t, f.Write(&buffer)) newFile, err := OpenReader(&buffer) assert.NoError(t, err) chartsNum := newFile.countCharts() if !assert.Equal(t, 1, chartsNum, "Expected 1 chart, actual %d", chartsNum) { t.FailNow() } var ( workdir decodeWsDr anchor decodeCellAnchor ) content, ok := newFile.Pkg.Load("xl/drawings/drawing1.xml") assert.True(t, ok, "Can't open the chart") err = xml.Unmarshal(content.([]byte), &workdir) if !assert.NoError(t, err) { t.FailNow() } err = xml.Unmarshal([]byte(""+ workdir.TwoCellAnchor[0].Content+""), &anchor) if !assert.NoError(t, err) { t.FailNow() } if !assert.Equal(t, 4, anchor.From.Col, "Expected 'from' column 4") || !assert.Equal(t, 3, anchor.From.Row, "Expected 'from' row 3") { t.FailNow() } if !assert.Equal(t, 14, anchor.To.Col, "Expected 'to' column 14") || !assert.Equal(t, 29, anchor.To.Row, "Expected 'to' row 29") { t.FailNow() } } func TestAddDrawingChart(t *testing.T) { f := NewFile() assert.EqualError(t, f.addDrawingChart("SheetN", "", "", 0, 0, 0, nil), newCellNameToCoordinatesError("", newInvalidCellNameError("")).Error()) path := "xl/drawings/drawing1.xml" f.Pkg.Store(path, MacintoshCyrillicCharset) assert.EqualError(t, f.addDrawingChart("Sheet1", path, "A1", 0, 0, 0, &GraphicOptions{PrintObject: boolPtr(true), Locked: boolPtr(false)}), "XML syntax error on line 1: invalid UTF-8") } func TestAddSheetDrawingChart(t *testing.T) { f := NewFile() path := "xl/drawings/drawing1.xml" f.Pkg.Store(path, MacintoshCyrillicCharset) assert.EqualError(t, f.addSheetDrawingChart(path, 0, &GraphicOptions{PrintObject: boolPtr(true), Locked: boolPtr(false)}), "XML syntax error on line 1: invalid UTF-8") } func TestDeleteDrawing(t *testing.T) { f := NewFile() path := "xl/drawings/drawing1.xml" f.Pkg.Store(path, MacintoshCyrillicCharset) _, err := f.deleteDrawing(0, 0, path, "Chart") assert.EqualError(t, err, "XML syntax error on line 1: invalid UTF-8") f, err = OpenFile(filepath.Join("test", "Book1.xlsx")) assert.NoError(t, err) f.Drawings.Store(path, &xlsxWsDr{TwoCellAnchor: []*xdrCellAnchor{{ GraphicFrame: string(MacintoshCyrillicCharset), }}}) _, err = f.deleteDrawing(0, 0, path, "Chart") assert.EqualError(t, err, "XML syntax error on line 1: invalid UTF-8") } func TestAddChart(t *testing.T) { f, err := OpenFile(filepath.Join("test", "Book1.xlsx")) if !assert.NoError(t, err) { t.FailNow() } categories := map[string]string{"A30": "SS", "A31": "S", "A32": "M", "A33": "L", "A34": "LL", "A35": "XL", "A36": "XXL", "A37": "XXXL", "B29": "Apple", "C29": "Orange", "D29": "Pear"} values := map[string]int{"B30": 1, "C30": 1, "D30": 1, "B31": 2, "C31": 2, "D31": 2, "B32": 3, "C32": 3, "D32": 3, "B33": 4, "C33": 4, "D33": 4, "B34": 5, "C34": 5, "D34": 5, "B35": 6, "C35": 6, "D35": 6, "B36": 7, "C36": 7, "D36": 7, "B37": 8, "C37": 8, "D37": 8} for k, v := range categories { assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellValue("Sheet1", k, v)) } for k, v := range values { assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellValue("Sheet1", k, v)) } assert.EqualError(t, f.AddChart("Sheet1", "P1", nil), ErrParameterInvalid.Error()) // Test add chart on not exists worksheet assert.EqualError(t, f.AddChart("SheetN", "P1", nil), "sheet SheetN does not exist") maximum, minimum, zero := 7.5, 0.5, .0 series := []ChartSeries{ {Name: "Sheet1!$A$30", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$30:$D$30"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$31", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$31:$D$31"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$32", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$32:$D$32"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$33", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$33:$D$33"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$34", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$34:$D$34"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$35", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$35:$D$35"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$36", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$36:$D$36"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$37", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$37:$D$37"}, } series2 := []ChartSeries{ { Name: "Sheet1!$A$30", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$30:$D$30", Fill: Fill{Type: "pattern", Color: []string{"000000"}, Pattern: 1}, Marker: ChartMarker{Symbol: "none", Size: 10}, }, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$31", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$31:$D$31"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$32", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$32:$D$32"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$33", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$33:$D$33"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$34", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$34:$D$34"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$35", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$35:$D$35"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$36", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$36:$D$36"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$37", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$37:$D$37", Line: ChartLine{Width: 0.25}}, } series3 := []ChartSeries{{Name: "Sheet1!$A$30", Categories: "Sheet1!$A$30:$D$37", Values: "Sheet1!$B$30:$B$37"}} series4 := []ChartSeries{ {Name: "Sheet1!$A$30", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$30:$D$30", Sizes: "Sheet1!$B$30:$D$30"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$31", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$31:$D$31", Sizes: "Sheet1!$B$31:$D$31"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$32", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$32:$D$32", Sizes: "Sheet1!$B$32:$D$32"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$33", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$33:$D$33", Sizes: "Sheet1!$B$33:$D$33"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$34", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$34:$D$34", Sizes: "Sheet1!$B$34:$D$34"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$35", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$35:$D$35", Sizes: "Sheet1!$B$35:$D$35"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$36", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$36:$D$36", Sizes: "Sheet1!$B$36:$D$36"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$37", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$37:$D$37", Sizes: "Sheet1!$B$37:$D$37"}, } format := GraphicOptions{ ScaleX: defaultDrawingScale, ScaleY: defaultDrawingScale, OffsetX: 15, OffsetY: 10, PrintObject: boolPtr(true), LockAspectRatio: false, Locked: boolPtr(false), } legend := ChartLegend{Position: "left", ShowLegendKey: false} plotArea := ChartPlotArea{ SecondPlotValues: 3, ShowBubbleSize: true, ShowCatName: true, ShowLeaderLines: false, ShowPercent: true, ShowSerName: true, ShowVal: true, } for _, c := range []struct { sheetName, cell string opts *Chart }{ {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "P1", opts: &Chart{Type: Col, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: ChartLegend{Position: "none", ShowLegendKey: true}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "2D Column Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, Border: ChartLine{Type: ChartLineNone}, ShowBlanksAs: "zero", XAxis: ChartAxis{Font: Font{Bold: true, Italic: true, Underline: "dbl", Color: "000000"}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Primary Horizontal Axis Title"}}}, YAxis: ChartAxis{Font: Font{Bold: false, Italic: false, Underline: "sng", Color: "777777"}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Primary Vertical Axis Title", Font: &Font{Color: "777777", Bold: true, Italic: true, Size: 12}}}}}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "X1", opts: &Chart{Type: ColStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "2D Stacked Column Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, Border: ChartLine{Type: ChartLineAutomatic}, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "P16", opts: &Chart{Type: ColPercentStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "100% Stacked Column Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, Border: ChartLine{Type: ChartLineSolid, Width: 2}, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "X16", opts: &Chart{Type: Col3DClustered, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: ChartLegend{Position: "bottom", ShowLegendKey: false}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Clustered Column Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "P30", opts: &Chart{Type: Col3DStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Stacked Column Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "X30", opts: &Chart{Type: Col3DPercentStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D 100% Stacked Column Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "X45", opts: &Chart{Type: Radar, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: ChartLegend{Position: "top_right", ShowLegendKey: false}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Radar Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "span"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "AF1", opts: &Chart{Type: Col3DConeStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Column Cone Stacked Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "AF16", opts: &Chart{Type: Col3DConeClustered, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Column Cone Clustered Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "AF30", opts: &Chart{Type: Col3DConePercentStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Column Cone Percent Stacked Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "AF45", opts: &Chart{Type: Col3DCone, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Column Cone Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "AN1", opts: &Chart{Type: Col3DPyramidStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Column Pyramid Percent Stacked Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "AN16", opts: &Chart{Type: Col3DPyramidClustered, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Column Pyramid Clustered Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "AN30", opts: &Chart{Type: Col3DPyramidPercentStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Column Pyramid Percent Stacked Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "AN45", opts: &Chart{Type: Col3DPyramid, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Column Pyramid Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "AV1", opts: &Chart{Type: Col3DCylinderStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Column Cylinder Stacked Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "AV16", opts: &Chart{Type: Col3DCylinderClustered, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Column Cylinder Clustered Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "AV30", opts: &Chart{Type: Col3DCylinderPercentStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Column Cylinder Percent Stacked Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "AV45", opts: &Chart{Type: Col3DCylinder, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Column Cylinder Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "P45", opts: &Chart{Type: Col3D, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Column Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "P1", opts: &Chart{Type: Line3D, Series: series2, Format: format, Legend: ChartLegend{Position: "top", ShowLegendKey: false}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Line Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero", XAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true, MinorGridLines: true, TickLabelSkip: 1, NumFmt: ChartNumFmt{CustomNumFmt: "General"}}, YAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true, MinorGridLines: true, MajorUnit: 1, NumFmt: ChartNumFmt{CustomNumFmt: "General"}}}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "X1", opts: &Chart{Type: Scatter, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: ChartLegend{Position: "bottom", ShowLegendKey: false}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Scatter Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "P16", opts: &Chart{Type: Doughnut, Series: series3, Format: format, Legend: ChartLegend{Position: "right", ShowLegendKey: false}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Doughnut Chart"}}, PlotArea: ChartPlotArea{ShowBubbleSize: false, ShowCatName: false, ShowLeaderLines: false, ShowPercent: true, ShowSerName: false, ShowVal: false}, ShowBlanksAs: "zero", HoleSize: 30}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "X16", opts: &Chart{Type: Line, Series: series2, Format: format, Legend: ChartLegend{Position: "top", ShowLegendKey: false}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Line Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero", XAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true, MinorGridLines: true, TickLabelSkip: 1}, YAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true, MinorGridLines: true, MajorUnit: 1}}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "P32", opts: &Chart{Type: Pie3D, Series: series3, Format: format, Legend: ChartLegend{Position: "bottom", ShowLegendKey: false}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Column Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "X32", opts: &Chart{Type: Pie, Series: series3, Format: format, Legend: ChartLegend{Position: "bottom", ShowLegendKey: false}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Pie Chart"}}, PlotArea: ChartPlotArea{ShowBubbleSize: true, ShowCatName: false, ShowLeaderLines: false, ShowPercent: true, ShowSerName: false, ShowVal: false, NumFmt: ChartNumFmt{CustomNumFmt: "0.00%;0;;"}}, ShowBlanksAs: "gap"}}, // bar series chart {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "P48", opts: &Chart{Type: Bar, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "2D Clustered Bar Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "X48", opts: &Chart{Type: BarStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "2D Stacked Bar Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "P64", opts: &Chart{Type: BarPercentStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "2D Stacked 100% Bar Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "X64", opts: &Chart{Type: Bar3DClustered, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Clustered Bar Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "P80", opts: &Chart{Type: Bar3DStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Stacked Bar Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero", YAxis: ChartAxis{Maximum: &maximum, Minimum: &minimum}}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "X80", opts: &Chart{Type: Bar3DPercentStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D 100% Stacked Bar Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero", XAxis: ChartAxis{ReverseOrder: true, Secondary: true, Minimum: &zero}, YAxis: ChartAxis{ReverseOrder: true, Minimum: &zero}}}, // area series chart {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AF1", opts: &Chart{Type: Area, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "2D Area Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AN1", opts: &Chart{Type: AreaStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "2D Stacked Area Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AF16", opts: &Chart{Type: AreaPercentStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "2D 100% Stacked Area Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AN16", opts: &Chart{Type: Area3D, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Area Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AF32", opts: &Chart{Type: Area3DStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Stacked Area Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AN32", opts: &Chart{Type: Area3DPercentStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D 100% Stacked Area Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, // cylinder series chart {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AF48", opts: &Chart{Type: Bar3DCylinderStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Bar Cylinder Stacked Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AF64", opts: &Chart{Type: Bar3DCylinderClustered, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Bar Cylinder Clustered Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AF80", opts: &Chart{Type: Bar3DCylinderPercentStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Bar Cylinder Percent Stacked Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, // cone series chart {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AN48", opts: &Chart{Type: Bar3DConeStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Bar Cone Stacked Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AN64", opts: &Chart{Type: Bar3DConeClustered, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Bar Cone Clustered Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AN80", opts: &Chart{Type: Bar3DConePercentStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Bar Cone Percent Stacked Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AV48", opts: &Chart{Type: Bar3DPyramidStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Bar Pyramid Stacked Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AV64", opts: &Chart{Type: Bar3DPyramidClustered, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Bar Pyramid Clustered Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AV80", opts: &Chart{Type: Bar3DPyramidPercentStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Bar Pyramid Percent Stacked Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, // surface series chart {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AV1", opts: &Chart{Type: Surface3D, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Surface Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero", YAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true}}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AV16", opts: &Chart{Type: WireframeSurface3D, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Wireframe Surface Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero", YAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true}}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AV32", opts: &Chart{Type: Contour, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Contour Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "BD1", opts: &Chart{Type: WireframeContour, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Wireframe Contour Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, // bubble chart {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "BD16", opts: &Chart{Type: Bubble, Series: series4, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Bubble Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}}, {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "BD32", opts: &Chart{Type: Bubble3D, Series: series4, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Bubble 3D Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero", XAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true}, YAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true}}}, // pie of pie chart {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "BD48", opts: &Chart{Type: PieOfPie, Series: series3, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Pie of Pie Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero", XAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true}, YAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true}}}, // bar of pie chart {sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "BD64", opts: &Chart{Type: BarOfPie, Series: series3, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Bar of Pie Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero", XAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true}, YAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true}}}, } { assert.NoError(t, f.AddChart(c.sheetName, c.cell, c.opts)) } // combo chart _, err = f.NewSheet("Combo Charts") assert.NoError(t, err) clusteredColumnCombo := [][]interface{}{ {"A1", Line, "Clustered Column - Line Chart"}, {"I1", Doughnut, "Clustered Column - Doughnut Chart"}, } for _, props := range clusteredColumnCombo { assert.NoError(t, f.AddChart("Combo Charts", props[0].(string), &Chart{Type: Col, Series: series[:4], Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: props[2].(string)}}, PlotArea: ChartPlotArea{ShowBubbleSize: true, ShowCatName: false, ShowLeaderLines: false, ShowPercent: true, ShowSerName: true, ShowVal: true}}, &Chart{Type: props[1].(ChartType), Series: series[4:], Format: format, Legend: legend, PlotArea: ChartPlotArea{ShowBubbleSize: true, ShowCatName: false, ShowLeaderLines: false, ShowPercent: true, ShowSerName: true, ShowVal: true}, YAxis: ChartAxis{Secondary: true}})) } stackedAreaCombo := map[string][]interface{}{ "A16": {Line, "Stacked Area - Line Chart"}, "I16": {Doughnut, "Stacked Area - Doughnut Chart"}, } for axis, props := range stackedAreaCombo { assert.NoError(t, f.AddChart("Combo Charts", axis, &Chart{Type: AreaStacked, Series: series[:4], Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: props[1].(string)}}, PlotArea: ChartPlotArea{ShowBubbleSize: true, ShowCatName: false, ShowLeaderLines: false, ShowPercent: true, ShowSerName: true, ShowVal: true}}, &Chart{Type: props[0].(ChartType), Series: series[4:], Format: format, Legend: legend, PlotArea: ChartPlotArea{ShowBubbleSize: true, ShowCatName: false, ShowLeaderLines: false, ShowPercent: true, ShowSerName: true, ShowVal: true}})) } assert.NoError(t, f.SaveAs(filepath.Join("test", "TestAddChart.xlsx"))) // Test with invalid sheet name assert.EqualError(t, f.AddChart("Sheet:1", "A1", &Chart{Type: Col, Series: series[:1]}), ErrSheetNameInvalid.Error()) // Test with illegal cell reference assert.EqualError(t, f.AddChart("Sheet2", "A", &Chart{Type: Col, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "2D Column Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}), newCellNameToCoordinatesError("A", newInvalidCellNameError("A")).Error()) // Test with unsupported chart type assert.EqualError(t, f.AddChart("Sheet2", "BD32", &Chart{Type: 0x37, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Bubble 3D Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}), newUnsupportedChartType(0x37).Error()) // Test add combo chart with invalid format set assert.EqualError(t, f.AddChart("Sheet2", "BD32", &Chart{Type: Col, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "2D Column Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}, nil), ErrParameterInvalid.Error()) // Test add combo chart with unsupported chart type assert.EqualError(t, f.AddChart("Sheet2", "BD64", &Chart{Type: BarOfPie, Series: []ChartSeries{{Name: "Sheet1!$A$30", Categories: "Sheet1!$A$30:$D$37", Values: "Sheet1!$B$30:$B$37"}}, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Bar of Pie Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero", XAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true}, YAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true}}, &Chart{Type: 0x37, Series: []ChartSeries{{Name: "Sheet1!$A$30", Categories: "Sheet1!$A$30:$D$37", Values: "Sheet1!$B$30:$B$37"}}, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Bar of Pie Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero", XAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true}, YAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true}}), newUnsupportedChartType(0x37).Error()) assert.NoError(t, f.Close()) // Test add chart with unsupported charset content types. f.ContentTypes = nil f.Pkg.Store(defaultXMLPathContentTypes, MacintoshCyrillicCharset) assert.EqualError(t, f.AddChart("Sheet1", "P1", &Chart{Type: Col, Series: []ChartSeries{{Name: "Sheet1!$A$30", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$30:$D$30"}}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "2D Column Chart"}}}), "XML syntax error on line 1: invalid UTF-8") } func TestAddChartSheet(t *testing.T) { categories := map[string]string{"A2": "Small", "A3": "Normal", "A4": "Large", "B1": "Apple", "C1": "Orange", "D1": "Pear"} values := map[string]int{"B2": 2, "C2": 3, "D2": 3, "B3": 5, "C3": 2, "D3": 4, "B4": 6, "C4": 7, "D4": 8} f := NewFile() for k, v := range categories { assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellValue("Sheet1", k, v)) } for k, v := range values { assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellValue("Sheet1", k, v)) } series := []ChartSeries{ {Name: "Sheet1!$A$2", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$1:$D$1", Values: "Sheet1!$B$2:$D$2"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$3", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$1:$D$1", Values: "Sheet1!$B$3:$D$3"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$4", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$1:$D$1", Values: "Sheet1!$B$4:$D$4"}, } assert.NoError(t, f.AddChartSheet("Chart1", &Chart{Type: Col3DClustered, Series: series, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Fruit 3D Clustered Column Chart"}}})) // Test set the chartsheet as active sheet var sheetIdx int for idx, sheetName := range f.GetSheetList() { if sheetName != "Chart1" { continue } sheetIdx = idx } f.SetActiveSheet(sheetIdx) // Test cell value on chartsheet assert.EqualError(t, f.SetCellValue("Chart1", "A1", true), "sheet Chart1 is not a worksheet") // Test add chartsheet on already existing name sheet assert.EqualError(t, f.AddChartSheet("Sheet1", &Chart{Type: Col3DClustered, Series: series, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Fruit 3D Clustered Column Chart"}}}), ErrExistsSheet.Error()) // Test add chartsheet with invalid sheet name assert.EqualError(t, f.AddChartSheet("Sheet:1", nil, &Chart{Type: Col3DClustered, Series: series, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Fruit 3D Clustered Column Chart"}}}), ErrSheetNameInvalid.Error()) // Test with unsupported chart type assert.EqualError(t, f.AddChartSheet("Chart2", &Chart{Type: 0x37, Series: series, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Fruit 3D Clustered Column Chart"}}}), newUnsupportedChartType(0x37).Error()) assert.NoError(t, f.UpdateLinkedValue()) assert.NoError(t, f.SaveAs(filepath.Join("test", "TestAddChartSheet.xlsx"))) // Test add chart sheet with unsupported charset content types f = NewFile() f.ContentTypes = nil f.Pkg.Store(defaultXMLPathContentTypes, MacintoshCyrillicCharset) assert.EqualError(t, f.AddChartSheet("Chart4", &Chart{Type: Col, Series: []ChartSeries{{Name: "Sheet1!$A$30", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$30:$D$30"}}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "2D Column Chart"}}}), "XML syntax error on line 1: invalid UTF-8") } func TestDeleteChart(t *testing.T) { f, err := OpenFile(filepath.Join("test", "Book1.xlsx")) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.NoError(t, f.DeleteChart("Sheet1", "A1")) series := []ChartSeries{ {Name: "Sheet1!$A$30", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$30:$D$30"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$31", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$31:$D$31"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$32", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$32:$D$32"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$33", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$33:$D$33"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$34", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$34:$D$34"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$35", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$35:$D$35"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$36", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$36:$D$36"}, {Name: "Sheet1!$A$37", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$37:$D$37"}, } format := GraphicOptions{ ScaleX: defaultDrawingScale, ScaleY: defaultDrawingScale, OffsetX: 15, OffsetY: 10, PrintObject: boolPtr(true), LockAspectRatio: false, Locked: boolPtr(false), } legend := ChartLegend{Position: "left", ShowLegendKey: false} plotArea := ChartPlotArea{ ShowBubbleSize: true, ShowCatName: true, ShowLeaderLines: false, ShowPercent: true, ShowSerName: true, ShowVal: true, } assert.NoError(t, f.AddChart("Sheet1", "P1", &Chart{Type: Col, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "2D Column Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"})) assert.NoError(t, f.DeleteChart("Sheet1", "P1")) assert.NoError(t, f.SaveAs(filepath.Join("test", "TestDeleteChart.xlsx"))) // Test delete chart with invalid sheet name assert.EqualError(t, f.DeleteChart("Sheet:1", "P1"), ErrSheetNameInvalid.Error()) // Test delete chart on not exists worksheet assert.EqualError(t, f.DeleteChart("SheetN", "A1"), "sheet SheetN does not exist") // Test delete chart with invalid coordinates assert.EqualError(t, f.DeleteChart("Sheet1", ""), newCellNameToCoordinatesError("", newInvalidCellNameError("")).Error()) // Test delete chart on no chart worksheet assert.NoError(t, NewFile().DeleteChart("Sheet1", "A1")) assert.NoError(t, f.Close()) } func TestChartWithLogarithmicBase(t *testing.T) { // Create test XLSX file with data f := NewFile() sheet1 := f.GetSheetName(0) categories := map[string]float64{ "A1": 1, "A2": 2, "A3": 3, "A4": 4, "A5": 5, "A6": 6, "A7": 7, "A8": 8, "A9": 9, "A10": 10, "B1": 0.1, "B2": 1, "B3": 2, "B4": 3, "B5": 20, "B6": 30, "B7": 100, "B8": 500, "B9": 700, "B10": 5000, } for cell, v := range categories { assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellValue(sheet1, cell, v)) } series := []ChartSeries{{Name: "value", Categories: "Sheet1!$A$1:$A$19", Values: "Sheet1!$B$1:$B$10"}} dimension := []uint{640, 480, 320, 240} for _, c := range []struct { cell string opts *Chart }{ {cell: "C1", opts: &Chart{Type: Line, Dimension: ChartDimension{Width: dimension[0], Height: dimension[1]}, Series: series, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Line chart without log scaling"}}}}, {cell: "M1", opts: &Chart{Type: Line, Dimension: ChartDimension{Width: dimension[0], Height: dimension[1]}, Series: series, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Line chart with log 10.5 scaling"}}, YAxis: ChartAxis{LogBase: 10.5}}}, {cell: "A25", opts: &Chart{Type: Line, Dimension: ChartDimension{Width: dimension[2], Height: dimension[3]}, Series: series, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Line chart with log 1.9 scaling"}}, YAxis: ChartAxis{LogBase: 1.9}}}, {cell: "F25", opts: &Chart{Type: Line, Dimension: ChartDimension{Width: dimension[2], Height: dimension[3]}, Series: series, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Line chart with log 2 scaling"}}, YAxis: ChartAxis{LogBase: 2}}}, {cell: "K25", opts: &Chart{Type: Line, Dimension: ChartDimension{Width: dimension[2], Height: dimension[3]}, Series: series, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Line chart with log 1000.1 scaling"}}, YAxis: ChartAxis{LogBase: 1000.1}}}, {cell: "P25", opts: &Chart{Type: Line, Dimension: ChartDimension{Width: dimension[2], Height: dimension[3]}, Series: series, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Line chart with log 1000 scaling"}}, YAxis: ChartAxis{LogBase: 1000}}}, } { // Add two chart, one without and one with log scaling assert.NoError(t, f.AddChart(sheet1, c.cell, c.opts)) } // Export XLSX file for human confirmation assert.NoError(t, f.SaveAs(filepath.Join("test", "TestChartWithLogarithmicBase10.xlsx"))) // Write the XLSX file to a buffer var buffer bytes.Buffer assert.NoError(t, f.Write(&buffer)) // Read back the XLSX file from the buffer newFile, err := OpenReader(&buffer) assert.NoError(t, err) // Check the number of charts expectedChartsCount := 6 chartsNum := newFile.countCharts() if !assert.Equal(t, expectedChartsCount, chartsNum, "Expected %d charts, actual %d", expectedChartsCount, chartsNum) { t.FailNow() } chartSpaces := make([]xlsxChartSpace, expectedChartsCount) type xmlChartContent []byte xmlCharts := make([]xmlChartContent, expectedChartsCount) expectedChartsLogBase := []float64{0, 10.5, 0, 2, 0, 1000} var ( drawingML interface{} ok bool ) for i := 0; i < expectedChartsCount; i++ { chartPath := fmt.Sprintf("xl/charts/chart%d.xml", i+1) if drawingML, ok = newFile.Pkg.Load(chartPath); ok { xmlCharts[i] = drawingML.([]byte) } assert.True(t, ok, "Can't open the %s", chartPath) err = xml.Unmarshal(xmlCharts[i], &chartSpaces[i]) if !assert.NoError(t, err) { t.FailNow() } chartLogBasePtr := chartSpaces[i].Chart.PlotArea.ValAx[0].Scaling.LogBase if expectedChartsLogBase[i] == 0 { if !assert.Nil(t, chartLogBasePtr, "LogBase is not nil") { t.FailNow() } } else { if !assert.NotNil(t, chartLogBasePtr, "LogBase is nil") { t.FailNow() } if !assert.Equal(t, expectedChartsLogBase[i], *(chartLogBasePtr.Val), "Expected log base to %f, actual %f", expectedChartsLogBase[i], *(chartLogBasePtr.Val)) { t.FailNow() } } } }