/* Package equity provides a compiler for Chain's Equity contract language. A contract is a means to lock some payment in the output of a transaction. It contains a number of clauses, each describing a way to unlock, or redeem, the payment in a subsequent transaction. By executing the statements in a clause, using contract arguments supplied by the payer and clause arguments supplied by the redeemer, nodes in a Chain network can determine whether a proposed spend is valid. The language definition is in flux, but here's what's implemented as of late May 2017. program = contract* contract = "contract" identifier "(" [params] ")" "locks" identifier "{" clause+ "}" The identifier after "locks" is a name for the value locked by the contract. It must be unlocked or re-locked (with "unlock" or "lock") in every clause. clause = "clause" identifier "(" [params] ")" ["requires" requirements] "{" statement+ "}" The requirements are blockchain values that must be present in the spending transaction in order to spend the value locked by the earlier transaction. Each such value must be re-locked (with "lock") in its clause. statement = verify | unlock | lock verify = "verify" expr Verifies that boolean expression expr produces a true result. unlock = "unlock" expr Expr must evaluate to the contract value. This unlocks that value for any use. lock = "lock" expr "with" expr The first expr must be a blockchain value (i.e., one named with "locks" or "requires"). The second expr must be a program. This unlocks expr and re-locks it with the new program. requirements = requirement | requirements "," requirement requirement = identifier ":" expr "of" expr The first expr must be an amount, the second must be an asset. This denotes that the named value must have the given quantity and asset type. params = param | params "," param param = idlist ":" identifier The identifiers in idlist are individual parameter names. The identifier after the colon is their type. Available types are: Amount; Asset; Boolean; Hash; Integer; Program; PublicKey; Signature; String; Time idlist = identifier | idlist "," identifier expr = unary_expr | binary_expr | call_expr | identifier | "(" expr ")" | literal unary_expr = unary_op expr binary_expr = expr binary_op expr call_expr = expr "(" [args] ")" If expr is the name of an Equity contract, then calling it (with the appropriate arguments) produces a program suitable for use in "lock" statements. Otherwise, expr should be one of these builtin functions: sha3(x) SHA3-256 hash of x. sha256(x) SHA-256 hash of x. size(x) Size in bytes of x. abs(x) Absolute value of x. min(x, y) The lesser of x and y. max(x, y) The greater of x and y. checkTxSig(pubkey, signature) Whether signature matches both the spending transaction and pubkey. concat(x, y) The concatenation of x and y. concatpush(x, y) The concatenation of x with the bytecode sequence needed to push y on the ChainVM stack. before(x) Whether the spending transaction is happening before time x. after(x) Whether the spending transaction is happening after time x. checkTxMultiSig([pubkey1, pubkey2, ...], [sig1, sig2, ...]) Like checkTxSig, but for M-of-N signature checks. Every sig must match both the spending transaction and one of the pubkeys. There may be more pubkeys than sigs, but they are only checked left-to-right so must be supplied in the same order as the sigs. The square brackets here are literal and must appear as shown. unary_op = "-" | "~" binary_op = ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<=" | "==" | "!=" | "^" | "|" | "+" | "-" | "&" | "<<" | ">>" | "%" | "*" | "/" args = expr | args "," expr literal = int_literal | str_literal | hex_literal */ package compiler