#!/bin/bash @ECHO OFF :: ============================================================================================== :: your git copy of fast forth must be the root of a virtual drive :: ============================================================================================== IF "%1" == "" GOTO CopyError :: ============================================================================================== :: source file.f part :: %~dpn1.f is the symbolic source file.f described as drive\path\name.f :: %~dpn2.pat is the pattern file.pat for preprocessor gema.exe described as drive\path\name.pat :: %~dpn1.4th is the source file.4th to be sent to the target :: %~d1 is the drive of arg %1 :: %~nx0 is name.ext of this bat file IF NOT EXIST %~dpn1.f GOTO 4th IF NOT EXIST %~dpn2.pat GOTO errorF IF /I "%3" == "" GOTO preprocessF :errorF @start %~d1\config\scite\AS_MSP430\Error.bat CopyErrorF %~nx0 exit :preprocessF ::@%~d1\prog\gema\gema.exe -nobackup -line -t '\n=\r\n;\r\n=\r\n' -f %~dpn2.pat %~dpn1.f %~dpn1.4th @%~d1\prog\gema\gema.exe -nobackup -line -t '-\r\n=\r\n' -f %~dpn2.pat %~dpn1.f %~dpn1.4th :DownloadF @taskkill /F /IM ttermpro.exe 1> NULL 2>&1 :win32f @"C:\Program Files\teraterm\ttpmacro.exe" /V %~d1\config\scite\AS_MSP430\SendToSD.ttl %~dpn1.4th /C 1> NULL 2>&1 @IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO EndF :win64f del null @"C:\Program Files (x86)\teraterm\ttpmacro.exe" /V %~d1\config\scite\AS_MSP430\SendToSD.ttl %~dpn1.4th /C :EndF @del %~dpn1.4th exit :: ============================================================================================== :: source file.4th part :: %~dpn1.4th is the file to be sent described as drive\path\name.4th :: %~d1 is the drive of param %1 :: %~nx0 is name.ext of this bat file :: %2 must not exist :4th IF NOT EXIST %~dpn1.4th GOTO CopyError if /I "%2"=="" GOTO Download4th :Error4th @start %~d1\config\scite\AS_MSP430\Error.bat CopyError4th %~nx0 exit :Download4th @taskkill /F /IM ttermpro.exe 1> NULL 2>&1 :win324th @"C:\Program Files\teraterm\ttpmacro.exe" /V %~d0\config\scite\AS_MSP430\SendtoSD.ttl %~dpn1.4th /C 1> NULL 2>&1 @IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO End4th :win644th del null @"C:\Program Files (x86)\teraterm\ttpmacro.exe" /V %~d0\config\scite\AS_MSP430\SendtoSD.ttl %~dpn1.4th /C :End4th exit :CopyError @start %~d1\config\scite\AS_MSP430\Error.bat CopyError %~nx0 exit