position.maximize=1 # Define SciTE settings for MACROASSEMBLER AS for MSP430 file.patterns.asm=*.asm;*.inc;*.lst;*.mac # add '*.inc;*.asm;' to 'source.files' variable in 'SciTEGlobal.properties' # if you want to include these file patterns into default source file list lexer.$(file.patterns.asm)=asm *language.asm=ASM|asm|| *source.patterns.asm=$(file.patterns.asm); filter.asm=asm files (asm inc)|$(file.patterns.asm)| *filter.asm=$(filter.asm) word.characters.$(file.patterns.asm)=$(chars.alpha)$(chars.numeric)_ comment.block.asm=\ ~ #comment.block.at.line.start.asm=0 comment.box.start.asm=\ comment.box.middle.asm=\ comment.box.end.asm=\ comment.stream.start.asm=( comment.stream.end.asm=) # asm styles #MSP430_instructions keywords.$(file.patterns.asm)=add add.b add.w addc addc.b addc.w and and.b and.w \ bic bic.b bic.w bis bis.b bis.w bit bit.b bit.w br branch call \ cmp cmp.b cmp.w dadd dadd.b dadd.w \ mov mov.b mov.w push push.b push.w \ jc jhs je jeq jz jge jl jmp jn jnc jlo jne jnz \ nop nop2 nop3 ret reti swpb sxt \ rra rra.b rra.w rrc rrc.b rrc.w sub sub.b sub.w \ subc subc.b subc.w xor xor.b xor.w \ pushm popm rlam rram rrcm rrum ##preprocessor #keywords2.$(file.patterns.asm)=#define #elif #else #endif #error\ ##if #ifdef #ifndef #include #message #pragma #undef #warning # MACROASSEMBLER AS directives keywords3.$(file.patterns.asm)=.align .cpu .byte .word .endm .endmacro \ .equ .include .macro .org .reg .set .ifdef .ifndef .if .elseif .else .endif \ .switch .case .elsecase .endcase \ .warning .error # my macros keywords4.$(file.patterns.asm)=NEXT mDOCOL # Default style.asm.32=$(font.base) # whitespace style.asm.0=$(font.base) # Comment stream style.asm.1=$(colour.code.comment.line) #style.asm.1=fore:#00FF00,$(font.comment) # Number #style.asm.2=$(colour.number) style.asm.2=fore:#FF0000 # String #style.asm.3=$(colour.string) style.asm.3=fore:#00FFFF # Operator (= - / * , etc.) style.asm.4=fore:#00FFFF # Identifier (text) style.asm.5=fore:#FFFFFF # CPU instruction ( add, adc, adiw, etc.) style.asm.6=$(colour.keyword) # preprocessor (#define #elif #else, etc.) style.asm.7=fore:#FFFF00 # directives (.byte .cseg etc.) style.asm.8=fore:#FFFF00 # assembler Directive style.asm.9=fore:#FF00ff # my macros style.asm.9=fore:#00FFff # Comment block (GNU as /*...*/ syntax, unimplemented) # style.asm.11=$(colour.code.comment.box),$(font.code.comment.box) # Character/String (single quote) (also character prefix in GNU as) style.asm.12=$(colour.char) # End of line where string is not closed #style.asm.13=fore:#000000,back:#E0C0E0,eolfilled style.asm.13=fore:#FFFFFF,back:#000000 # the star at the start of this command line is to display the parameters box # $(1) = target, example : MSP_EXP430FR5969 # $(2) = extension, example : _8MHz if PLAT_WIN command.name.0.*.asm=Assemble 1:[target] command.0.*.asm=*\config\build.bat $(FileNameExt) $(1)$(2) command.name.1.*.asm=FET Prog 1:[target] command.1.*.asm=*\config\FET_prog.bat $(1)$(2) # $(3) = "COMx" command.name.2.*.asm=BSL Prog 1:[target] with 3:[COMx] command.2.*.asm=*\config\BSL_prog.bat $(1)$(2) $(3) command.name.3.*.asm=Assemble target CurrentSelection command.3.*.asm=\config\build.bat $(FileNameExt) $(CurrentSelection) command.name.4.*.asm=FET Prog target CurrentSelection command.4.*.asm=\config\FET_prog.bat $(CurrentSelection) command.name.5.*.asm=BSL Prog target CurrentSelection with 3:[COMx] command.5.*.asm=*\config\BSL_prog.bat $(CurrentSelection) $(3) if PLAT_GTK # variable $FF = /home/thoorens/CloudStation/projets/msp430 is defined in my ~.profile # open first scite in a terminal to import $FF command.name.0.*.asm=Assemble for 1:[target] command.0.*.asm=*$FF/config/build $(FileNameExt) $(1)$(2) command.name.1.*.asm=FET Prog 1:[target] command.1.*.asm=*$FF/config/prog $(1)$(2) command.name.2.*.asm=Assemble for target CurrentSelection command.2.*.asm=$FF/config/build $(FileNameExt) $(CurrentSelection) command.name.3.*.asm=FET Prog target CurrentSelection command.3.*.asm=$FF/config/prog $(CurrentSelection)