# Define SciTE settings for Forth files # These patterns conflict with fortran.properties and nncrontab.properties # so disable these other properties files if you want to use forth. file.patterns.forth=*.f;*.4th # add '*.tab;*.spf;' to 'source.files' variable in 'SciTEGlobal.properties' # if you want to include these file patterns into default source file list lexer.$(file.patterns.forth)=forth *language.forth=Forth|forth|| filter.forth=Forth files (4th f)|$(file.patterns.forth)| *filter.forth=$(filter.forth) word.characters.$(file.patterns.forth)=$(chars.alpha)$(chars.numeric)_ comment.block.forth=\ #comment.block.at.line.start.forth=0 comment.stream.start.forth=( comment.stream.end.forth=) comment.box.start.forth=\ comment.box.middle.forth=\ comment.box.end.forth=\ # Forth styles # control keywords Forth keywords.$(file.patterns.forth)=\ again begin case do else endcase endof if loop +loop leave unloop of repeat then until while ?do \ < > >= = <> 0<> 0= 0< <0 0>= u< u>= s< s>= jmp goto ?goto bw1 bw2 bw3 fw1 fw2 fw3 # Keywords keywords2.$(file.patterns.forth)=\ dup ?dup drop rot swap over @ ! 2@ 2! 2dup 2drop 2swap 2over nip r@ >r r> 2r@ 2>r 2r> \ sp@ sp! @ ! c@ c! s>d um/mod um* m* * fm/mod sm/rem rshift lshift invert 1+ 1- negate \ (cr) (EMIT) (accept) (warm) is lit warm depth /mod mod \ space spaces bl word char fill key? key abort abort" */ 2* 2/ /mod cell+ cells char+ \ chars move abs hex decimal hold <# # #s #> sign or \ count type . u. dump (.") >number ' immediate exit recurse here allot , \ c, branch 0branch ?branch ." align aligned create does> \ variable constant defer definitions forth forget only also previous literal \ source evaluate word interpret quit >body execute find state base \ immediate words accept emit cr type echo noecho min max true false \ char [char] postpone ['] rst_here rst_state wipe pwr_here pwr_state ( .( \ assembler # defwords keywords3.$(file.patterns.forth)=\ code endcode : ; \ lo2hi hi2lo colon asm endasm \ \[if] \[else] \[then] \[undefined] \[defined] # MSP430 assembly words & MSP430_instructions keywords4.$(file.patterns.forth)=\ adc adc.b adc.w add add.b add.w addc addc.b addc.w and and.b and.w \ bic bic.b bic.w bis bis.b bis.w bit bit.b bit.w br branch call clrc clrn clrz dint eint \ clr clr.b clr.w cmp cmp.b cmp.w dadc dadc.b dadc.w dadd dadd.b dadd.w dec dec.b dec.w decd decd.b decd.w \ inc inc.b inc.w incd incd.b incd.w inv inv.b inv.w mov mov.b mov.w pop pop.b pop.w push push.b push.w \ jc jhs je jeq jz jge jl jmp jn jnc jlo jne jnz nop nop2 nop3 nop4 nop5 nop6 nop7 ret reti setc setn setz swpb sxt \ rla rla.b rla.w rlc rlc.b rlc.w rra rra.b rra.w rrc rrc.b rrc.w sbc sbc.b sbc.w sub sub.b sub.w \ subc subc.b subc.w sbb sbb.b sbb.w tst tst.b tst.w xor xor.b xor.w \ pushm popm rlam rram rrcm rrum \ #keywords5.$(file.patterns.forth)= \ #u v w x y ip tos pc rsp psp # string words keywords6.$(file.patterns.forth)=\ s" z" " ." c" # Default style.forth.32=$(font.base) # whitespace (SCE_FORTH_DEFAULT) style.forth.0=$(font.base) # Comment (SCE_FORTH_COMMENT) style.forth.1=fore:#00FF00,$(font.comment) # ( ) comment (SCE_FORTH_COMMENT_ML) style.forth.2=fore:#00FF00,$(font.comment) # ML comment (SCE_FORTH_IDENTIFIER) style.forth.3=fore:#FFFFFF # control (keyword_FORTH_CONTROL) style.forth.4=fore:#00bfbF # Keywords (keyword2_SCE_FORTH_KEYWORD) style.forth.5=fore:#FF0FF,$(font.base) # defwords (keyword3_SCE_FORTH_DEFWORD) style.forth.6=fore:#FFFF00,$(font.base) # preword1 (keyword4_SCE_msp430_assembly) style.forth.7=fore:#FF0000,$(font.base) # preword2 (keyword5_SCE_msp430_registers) style.forth.8=fore:#FFFF00,$(font.base) # number (SCE_FORTH_NUMBER) style.forth.9=fore:#00BFBF,$(font.base) # Double quoted string (SCE_FORTH_STRING) style.forth.10=fore:#00FFFF,$(font.base) # locale style.forth.11=fore:#0077FF,$(font.base) #command.compile.*.f=spf.cmd $(FileNameExt) command.name.0.*.f=preprocess file.f with 1:[target].pat then send file.4th to [target] with ECHO command.0.*.f=*\config\scite\AS_MSP430\SendSourceFileToTarget.bat $(FileDir)\$(FileName).f $(1) ECHO command.name.1.*.f=preprocess file.f with 1:[target].pat then send file.4th to [target] without ECHO command.1.*.f=*\config\scite\AS_MSP430\SendSourceFileToTarget.bat $(FileDir)\$(FileName).f $(1) NOECHO command.name.2.*.f=preprocess file.f with 1:[target].pat then send file.4th to [target] SD_CARD command.2.*.f=*\config\scite\AS_MSP430\CopySourceFileToTarget_SD_Card.bat $(FileDir)\$(FileName).f $(1) command.name.3.*.f=preprocess file.f with 1:[target].pat to file.4th (for debug) command.3.*.f=*\config\scite\AS_MSP430\PreprocessSourceFile.f.bat $(FileDir)\$(FileName).f $(1) command.name.4.*.f=convert FORTH registers to TI's ones command.4.*.f=\prog\gema\gema -line -t -f \config\gema\FastForthREGtoTI.pat $(FileNameExt) $(FileNameExt) command.name.5.*.f=convert TI registers to FORTH's ones command.5.*.f=\prog\gema\gema -line -t -f \config\gema\TiREGtoFastForth.pat $(FileNameExt) $(FileNameExt) command.name.6.*.f=preprocess file.f with for target CurrentSelection then download file.4th with ECHO command.6.*.f=\config\scite\AS_MSP430\SendSourceFileToTarget.bat $(FileDir)\$(FileName).f $(CurrentSelection) ECHO command.name.7.*.f=preprocess file.f with for target CurrentSelection then download file.4th without ECHO command.7.*.f=\config\scite\AS_MSP430\SendSourceFileToTarget.bat $(FileDir)\$(FileName).f $(CurrentSelection) NOECHO command.name.8.*.f=preprocess file.f with for target CurrentSelection then download file.4th to target SD_CARD command.8.*.f=\config\scite\AS_MSP430\CopySourceFileToTarget_SD_Card.bat $(FileDir)\$(FileName).f $(CurrentSelection) command.name.9.*.f=preprocess file.f with for target CurrentSelection to file.4th (for debug) command.9.*.f=\config\scite\AS_MSP430\PreprocessSourceFile.f.bat $(FileDir)\$(FileName).f $(CurrentSelection) command.name.0.*.4th=send file.4th to your target with ECHO command.0.*.4th=\config\scite\AS_MSP430\SendSourceFileToTarget.bat $(FileDir)\$(FileName).4th ECHO command.name.1.*.4th=send file.4th to your target without ECHO command.1.*.4th=\config\scite\AS_MSP430\SendSourceFileToTarget.bat $(FileDir)\$(FileName).4th NOECHO command.name.2.*.4th=send file.4th to your target SD_CARD command.2.*.4th=\config\scite\AS_MSP430\CopySourceFileToTarget_SD_Card.bat $(FileDir)\$(FileName).4th command.name.3.*.4th=convert TI registers to FORTH's ones command.3.*.4th=\prog\gema\gema -line -t -f \config\gema\TiREGtoFastForth.pat $(FileNameExt) $(FileNameExt) command.name.4.*.4th=convert FORTH registers to TI's ones command.4.*.4th=\prog\gema\gema -line -t -f \config\gema\FastForthREGtoTI.pat $(FileNameExt) $(FileNameExt)