# Requires: # LOCAL_MODULE_SUFFIX # LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS # all_res_assets ifeq ($(TARGET_BUILD_PDK),true) ifeq ($(TARGET_BUILD_PDK_JAVA_PLATFORM),) # LOCAL_SDK not defined or set to current ifeq ($(filter-out current,$(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION)),) LOCAL_SDK_VERSION := $(PDK_BUILD_SDK_VERSION) endif endif # !PDK_JAVA endif #PDK LOCAL_NO_STANDARD_LIBRARIES:=$(strip $(LOCAL_NO_STANDARD_LIBRARIES)) LOCAL_SDK_VERSION:=$(strip $(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION)) ifneq ($(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION),) ifeq ($(LOCAL_NO_STANDARD_LIBRARIES),true) $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): Must not define both LOCAL_NO_STANDARD_LIBRARIES and LOCAL_SDK_VERSION) else ifeq ($(strip $(filter $(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION),$(TARGET_AVAILABLE_SDK_VERSIONS))),) $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): Invalid LOCAL_SDK_VERSION '$(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION)' \ Choices are: $(TARGET_AVAILABLE_SDK_VERSIONS)) else ifeq ($(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION)$(TARGET_BUILD_APPS),current) # Use android_stubs_current if LOCAL_SDK_VERSION is current and no TARGET_BUILD_APPS. LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android_stubs_current $(LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES) else LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := sdk_v$(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION) $(LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES) endif endif endif else ifneq ($(LOCAL_NO_STANDARD_LIBRARIES),true) LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := $(TARGET_DEFAULT_JAVA_LIBRARIES) $(LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES) endif endif proto_sources := $(filter %.proto,$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES)) ifneq ($(proto_sources),) ifeq ($(LOCAL_PROTOC_OPTIMIZE_TYPE),micro) LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES += libprotobuf-java-2.3.0-micro else ifeq ($(LOCAL_PROTOC_OPTIMIZE_TYPE),nano) LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES += libprotobuf-java-2.3.0-nano else LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES += libprotobuf-java-2.3.0-lite endif endif endif LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := $(sort $(LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES)) LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE_STEM := $(strip $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE_STEM)) ifeq ($(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE_STEM),) $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): Target java template must define LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE_STEM) endif ifneq ($(filter classes-compiled.jar classes.jar,$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE_STEM)),) $(error LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE_STEM may not be "$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE_STEM)") endif ############################################################################## # Define the intermediate targets before including base_rules so they get # the correct environment. ############################################################################## intermediates := $(call local-intermediates-dir) intermediates.COMMON := $(call local-intermediates-dir,COMMON) # Choose leaf name for the compiled jar file. ifeq ($(LOCAL_EMMA_INSTRUMENT),true) full_classes_compiled_jar_leaf := classes-no-debug-var.jar built_dex_intermediate_leaf := classes-no-local.dex else full_classes_compiled_jar_leaf := classes-full-debug.jar built_dex_intermediate_leaf := classes-with-local.dex endif ifeq ($(LOCAL_PROGUARD_ENABLED),disabled) LOCAL_PROGUARD_ENABLED := endif ifdef LOCAL_PROGUARD_ENABLED proguard_jar_leaf := proguard.classes.jar else proguard_jar_leaf := noproguard.classes.jar endif full_classes_compiled_jar := $(intermediates.COMMON)/$(full_classes_compiled_jar_leaf) jarjar_leaf := classes-jarjar.jar full_classes_jarjar_jar := $(intermediates.COMMON)/$(jarjar_leaf) emma_intermediates_dir := $(intermediates.COMMON)/emma_out # emma is hardcoded to use the leaf name of its input for the output file -- # only the output directory can be changed full_classes_emma_jar := $(emma_intermediates_dir)/lib/$(jarjar_leaf) full_classes_proguard_jar := $(intermediates.COMMON)/$(proguard_jar_leaf) built_dex_intermediate := $(intermediates.COMMON)/$(built_dex_intermediate_leaf) full_classes_stubs_jar := $(intermediates.COMMON)/stubs.jar ifeq ($(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES)$(LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES)$(LOCAL_SOURCE_FILES_ALL_GENERATED),APPS) # If this is an apk without any Java code (e.g. framework-res), we should skip compiling Java. full_classes_jar := built_dex := else full_classes_jar := $(intermediates.COMMON)/classes.jar built_dex := $(intermediates.COMMON)/classes.dex endif LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS += \ $(full_classes_compiled_jar) \ $(full_classes_jarjar_jar) \ $(full_classes_emma_jar) \ $(full_classes_jar) \ $(full_classes_proguard_jar) \ $(built_dex_intermediate) \ $(built_dex) \ $(full_classes_stubs_jar) LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_SOURCE_DIR := $(intermediates.COMMON)/src ############################################################### ## .rs files: RenderScript sources to .java files and .bc files ## .fs files: Filterscript sources to .java files and .bc files ############################################################### renderscript_sources := $(filter %.rs %.fs,$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES)) # Because names of the java files from RenderScript are unknown until the # .rs file(s) are compiled, we have to depend on a timestamp file. RenderScript_file_stamp := rs_compatibility_jni_libs := ifneq ($(renderscript_sources),) renderscript_sources_fullpath := $(addprefix $(LOCAL_PATH)/, $(renderscript_sources)) RenderScript_file_stamp := $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_SOURCE_DIR)/RenderScript.stamp renderscript_intermediate.COMMON := $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_SOURCE_DIR)/renderscript renderscript_target_api := ifneq (,$(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_TARGET_API)) renderscript_target_api := $(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_TARGET_API) else ifneq (,$(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION)) # Set target-api for LOCAL_SDK_VERSIONs other than current. ifneq (,$(filter-out current, $(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION))) renderscript_target_api := $(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION) endif endif # LOCAL_SDK_VERSION is set endif # LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_TARGET_API is set ifeq ($(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_CC),) LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_CC := $(LLVM_RS_CC) endif # Turn on all warnings and warnings as errors for RS compiles. # This can be disabled with LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_FLAGS := -Wno-error renderscript_flags := -Wall -Werror renderscript_flags += $(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_FLAGS) # prepend the RenderScript system include path ifneq ($(filter-out current,$(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION))$(if $(TARGET_BUILD_APPS),$(filter current,$(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION))),) # if a numeric LOCAL_SDK_VERSION, or current LOCAL_SDK_VERSION with TARGET_BUILD_APPS LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_INCLUDES := \ $(HISTORICAL_SDK_VERSIONS_ROOT)/renderscript/clang-include \ $(HISTORICAL_SDK_VERSIONS_ROOT)/renderscript/include \ $(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_INCLUDES) else LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_INCLUDES := \ $(TOPDIR)external/clang/lib/Headers \ $(TOPDIR)frameworks/rs/scriptc \ $(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_INCLUDES) endif ifneq ($(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_INCLUDES_OVERRIDE),) LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_INCLUDES_OVERRIDE) endif $(RenderScript_file_stamp): PRIVATE_RS_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_INCLUDES) $(RenderScript_file_stamp): PRIVATE_RS_CC := $(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_CC) $(RenderScript_file_stamp): PRIVATE_RS_FLAGS := $(renderscript_flags) $(RenderScript_file_stamp): PRIVATE_RS_SOURCE_FILES := $(renderscript_sources_fullpath) # By putting the generated java files into $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_SOURCE_DIR), they will be # automatically found by the java compiling function transform-java-to-classes.jar. $(RenderScript_file_stamp): PRIVATE_RS_OUTPUT_DIR := $(renderscript_intermediate.COMMON) $(RenderScript_file_stamp): PRIVATE_RS_TARGET_API := $(renderscript_target_api) $(RenderScript_file_stamp): $(renderscript_sources_fullpath) $(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_CC) $(transform-renderscripts-to-java-and-bc) ifneq ($(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_COMPATIBILITY),) bc_files := $(patsubst %.fs,%.bc, $(patsubst %.rs,%.bc, $(notdir $(renderscript_sources)))) rs_generated_bc := $(addprefix \ $(renderscript_intermediate.COMMON)/res/raw/, $(bc_files)) renderscript_intermediate := $(intermediates)/renderscript # We don't need the .so files in bundled branches # Prevent these from showing up on the device ifneq (,$(TARGET_BUILD_APPS)) rs_compatibility_jni_libs := $(addprefix \ $(renderscript_intermediate)/librs., \ $(patsubst %.bc,%.so, $(bc_files))) $(rs_generated_bc) : $(RenderScript_file_stamp) rs_support_lib := $(TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATE_LIBRARIES)/libRSSupport.so rs_jni_lib := $(TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATE_LIBRARIES)/librsjni.so LOCAL_JNI_SHARED_LIBRARIES += libRSSupport librsjni $(rs_compatibility_jni_libs): $(RenderScript_file_stamp) $(RS_PREBUILT_CLCORE) \ $(rs_support_lib) $(rs_jni_lib) $(rs_compiler_rt) $(rs_compatibility_jni_libs): $(BCC_COMPAT) $(rs_compatibility_jni_libs): PRIVATE_CXX := $(TARGET_CXX) $(rs_compatibility_jni_libs): $(renderscript_intermediate)/librs.%.so: \ $(renderscript_intermediate.COMMON)/res/raw/%.bc $(transform-bc-to-so) endif endif # include the dependency files (.d) generated by llvm-rs-cc. renderscript_generated_dep_files := $(addprefix $(renderscript_intermediate.COMMON)/, \ $(patsubst %.fs,%.d, $(patsubst %.rs,%.d, $(notdir $(renderscript_sources))))) -include $(renderscript_generated_dep_files) LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS += $(RenderScript_file_stamp) # Make sure the generated resource will be added to the apk. LOCAL_RESOURCE_DIR := $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_SOURCE_DIR)/renderscript/res $(LOCAL_RESOURCE_DIR) endif # All of the rules after full_classes_compiled_jar are very unlikely # to fail except for bugs in their respective tools. If you would # like to run these rules, add the "all" modifier goal to the make # command line. ifdef full_classes_jar java_alternative_checked_module := $(full_classes_compiled_jar) else java_alternative_checked_module := endif # TODO: It looks like the only thing we need from base_rules is # all_java_sources. See if we can get that by adding a # common_java.mk, and moving the include of base_rules.mk to # after all the declarations. ####################################### include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/base_rules.mk ####################################### java_alternative_checked_module := # Make sure there's something to build. ifdef full_classes_jar ifndef need_compile_java $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): Target java module does not define any source or resource files) endif endif # Install the RS compatibility libraries to /system/lib/ if necessary ifdef rs_compatibility_jni_libs installed_rs_compatibility_jni_libs := $(addprefix $(TARGET_OUT_SHARED_LIBRARIES)/,\ $(notdir $(rs_compatibility_jni_libs))) # Provide a way to skip sources included in multiple projects. ifdef LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_SKIP_INSTALL skip_install_rs_libs := $(patsubst %.rs,%.so, \ $(addprefix $(TARGET_OUT_SHARED_LIBRARIES)/librs., \ $(notdir $(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_SKIP_INSTALL)))) installed_rs_compatibility_jni_libs := \ $(filter-out $(skip_install_rs_libs),$(installed_rs_compatibility_jni_libs)) endif ifneq (,$(strip $(installed_rs_compatibility_jni_libs))) $(installed_rs_compatibility_jni_libs) : $(TARGET_OUT_SHARED_LIBRARIES)/lib%.so : \ $(renderscript_intermediate)/lib%.so $(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@) && cp -f $< $@ # Install them only if the current module is installed. $(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE) : $(installed_rs_compatibility_jni_libs) endif endif # We use intermediates.COMMON because the classes.jar/.dex files will be # common even if LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE isn't. # # Override some target variables that base_rules set up for us. $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS): \ PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR := $(intermediates.COMMON)/classes $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS): \ PRIVATE_SOURCE_INTERMEDIATES_DIR := $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_SOURCE_DIR) # Since we're using intermediates.COMMON, make sure that it gets cleaned # properly. $(cleantarget): PRIVATE_CLEAN_FILES += $(intermediates.COMMON) ifdef full_classes_jar # Droiddoc isn't currently able to generate stubs for modules, so we're just # allowing it to use the classes.jar as the "stubs" that would be use to link # against, for the cases where someone needs the jar to link against. # - Use the classes.jar instead of the handful of other intermediates that # we have, because it's the most processed, but still hasn't had dex run on # it, so it's closest to what's on the device. # - This extra copy, with the dependency on LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE allows the # PRIVATE_ vars to be preserved. $(full_classes_stubs_jar): PRIVATE_SOURCE_FILE := $(full_classes_jar) $(full_classes_stubs_jar) : $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE) | $(ACP) @echo Copying $(PRIVATE_SOURCE_FILE) $(hide) $(ACP) -fp $(PRIVATE_SOURCE_FILE) $@ ALL_MODULES.$(LOCAL_MODULE).STUBS := $(full_classes_stubs_jar) # The layers file allows you to enforce a layering between java packages. # Run build/tools/java-layers.py for more details. layers_file := $(addprefix $(LOCAL_PATH)/, $(LOCAL_JAVA_LAYERS_FILE)) $(full_classes_compiled_jar): PRIVATE_JAVA_LAYERS_FILE := $(layers_file) $(full_classes_compiled_jar): PRIVATE_WARNINGS_ENABLE := $(LOCAL_WARNINGS_ENABLE) # Compile the java files to a .jar file. # This intentionally depends on java_sources, not all_java_sources. # Deps for generated source files must be handled separately, # via deps on the target that generates the sources. $(full_classes_compiled_jar): PRIVATE_JAVACFLAGS := $(LOCAL_JAVACFLAGS) $(full_classes_compiled_jar): PRIVATE_JAR_EXCLUDE_FILES := $(LOCAL_JAR_EXCLUDE_FILES) $(full_classes_compiled_jar): PRIVATE_JAR_PACKAGES := $(LOCAL_JAR_PACKAGES) $(full_classes_compiled_jar): PRIVATE_DONT_DELETE_JAR_META_INF := $(LOCAL_DONT_DELETE_JAR_META_INF) $(full_classes_compiled_jar): $(java_sources) $(java_resource_sources) $(full_java_lib_deps) \ $(jar_manifest_file) $(layers_file) $(RenderScript_file_stamp) \ $(proto_java_sources_file_stamp) $(LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES) $(transform-java-to-classes.jar) $(full_classes_compiled_jar): PRIVATE_JAVAC_DEBUG_FLAGS := -g # Run jarjar if necessary, otherwise just copy the file. ifneq ($(strip $(LOCAL_JARJAR_RULES)),) $(full_classes_jarjar_jar): PRIVATE_JARJAR_RULES := $(LOCAL_JARJAR_RULES) $(full_classes_jarjar_jar): $(full_classes_compiled_jar) $(LOCAL_JARJAR_RULES) | $(JARJAR) @echo JarJar: $@ $(hide) java -jar $(JARJAR) process $(PRIVATE_JARJAR_RULES) $< $@ else $(full_classes_jarjar_jar): $(full_classes_compiled_jar) | $(ACP) @echo Copying: $@ $(hide) $(ACP) -fp $< $@ endif ifeq ($(LOCAL_EMMA_INSTRUMENT),true) $(full_classes_emma_jar): PRIVATE_EMMA_COVERAGE_FILE := $(intermediates.COMMON)/coverage.em $(full_classes_emma_jar): PRIVATE_EMMA_INTERMEDIATES_DIR := $(emma_intermediates_dir) # module level coverage filter can be defined using LOCAL_EMMA_COVERAGE_FILTER # in Android.mk ifdef LOCAL_EMMA_COVERAGE_FILTER $(full_classes_emma_jar): PRIVATE_EMMA_COVERAGE_FILTER := $(LOCAL_EMMA_COVERAGE_FILTER) else # by default, avoid applying emma instrumentation onto emma classes itself, # otherwise there will be exceptions thrown $(full_classes_emma_jar): PRIVATE_EMMA_COVERAGE_FILTER := *,-emma,-emmarun,-com.vladium.* endif # this rule will generate both $(PRIVATE_EMMA_COVERAGE_FILE) and # $(full_classes_emma_jar) $(full_classes_emma_jar): $(full_classes_jarjar_jar) | $(EMMA_JAR) $(transform-classes.jar-to-emma) else $(full_classes_emma_jar): $(full_classes_jarjar_jar) | $(ACP) @echo Copying: $@ $(copy-file-to-target) endif # Keep a copy of the jar just before proguard processing. $(full_classes_jar): $(full_classes_emma_jar) | $(ACP) @echo Copying: $@ $(hide) $(ACP) -fp $< $@ # Run proguard if necessary, otherwise just copy the file. ifdef LOCAL_PROGUARD_ENABLED ifneq ($(filter-out full custom nosystem obfuscation optimization,$(LOCAL_PROGUARD_ENABLED)),) $(warning while processing: $(LOCAL_MODULE)) $(error invalid value for LOCAL_PROGUARD_ENABLED: $(LOCAL_PROGUARD_ENABLED)) endif proguard_dictionary := $(intermediates.COMMON)/proguard_dictionary proguard_flags := $(addprefix -libraryjars ,$(full_shared_java_libs)) \ -forceprocessing \ -printmapping $(proguard_dictionary) ifeq ($(filter nosystem,$(LOCAL_PROGUARD_ENABLED)),) proguard_flags += -include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/proguard.flags ifeq ($(LOCAL_EMMA_INSTRUMENT),true) proguard_flags += -include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/proguard.emma.flags endif # If this is a test package, add proguard keep flags for tests. ifneq ($(LOCAL_INSTRUMENTATION_FOR)$(filter tests,$(LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS)),) proguard_flags += -include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/proguard_tests.flags endif # test package ifeq ($(filter obfuscation,$(LOCAL_PROGUARD_ENABLED)),) # By default no obfuscation proguard_flags += -dontobfuscate endif # No obfuscation ifeq ($(filter optimization,$(LOCAL_PROGUARD_ENABLED)),) # By default no optimization proguard_flags += -dontoptimize endif # No optimization ifdef LOCAL_INSTRUMENTATION_FOR ifeq ($(filter obfuscation,$(LOCAL_PROGUARD_ENABLED)),) # If no obfuscation, link in the instrmented package's classes.jar as a library. # link_instr_classes_jar is defined in base_rule.mk proguard_flags += -libraryjars $(link_instr_classes_jar) else # obfuscation # If obfuscation is enabled, the main app must be obfuscated too. # We need to run obfuscation using the main app's dictionary, # and treat the main app's class.jar as injars instead of libraryjars. proguard_flags := -injars $(link_instr_classes_jar) \ -outjars $(intermediates.COMMON)/proguard.$(LOCAL_INSTRUMENTATION_FOR).jar \ -include $(link_instr_intermediates_dir.COMMON)/proguard_options \ -applymapping $(link_instr_intermediates_dir.COMMON)/proguard_dictionary \ -verbose \ $(proguard_flags) # Sometimes (test + main app) uses different keep rules from the main app - # apply the main app's dictionary anyway. proguard_flags += -ignorewarnings # Make sure we run Proguard on the main app first $(full_classes_proguard_jar) : $(link_instr_intermediates_dir.COMMON)/proguard.classes.jar endif # no obfuscation endif # LOCAL_INSTRUMENTATION_FOR endif # LOCAL_PROGUARD_ENABLED is not nosystem proguard_flag_files := $(addprefix $(LOCAL_PATH)/, $(LOCAL_PROGUARD_FLAG_FILES)) LOCAL_PROGUARD_FLAGS += $(addprefix -include , $(proguard_flag_files)) $(full_classes_proguard_jar): PRIVATE_PROGUARD_FLAGS := $(proguard_flags) $(LOCAL_PROGUARD_FLAGS) $(full_classes_proguard_jar) : $(full_classes_jar) $(proguard_flag_files) | $(ACP) $(PROGUARD) $(call transform-jar-to-proguard) else # LOCAL_PROGUARD_ENABLED not defined $(full_classes_proguard_jar) : $(full_classes_jar) @echo Copying: $@ $(hide) $(ACP) -fp $< $@ endif # LOCAL_PROGUARD_ENABLED defined # Override PRIVATE_INTERMEDIATES_DIR so that install-dex-debug # will work even when intermediates != intermediates.COMMON. $(built_dex_intermediate): PRIVATE_INTERMEDIATES_DIR := $(intermediates.COMMON) $(built_dex_intermediate): PRIVATE_DX_FLAGS := $(LOCAL_DX_FLAGS) # If you instrument class files that have local variable debug information in # them emma does not correctly maintain the local variable table. # This will cause an error when you try to convert the class files for Android. # The workaround here is to build different dex file here based on emma switch # then later copy into classes.dex. When emma is on, dx is run with --no-locals # option to remove local variable information ifeq ($(LOCAL_EMMA_INSTRUMENT),true) $(built_dex_intermediate): PRIVATE_DX_FLAGS += --no-locals endif $(built_dex_intermediate): $(full_classes_proguard_jar) $(DX) $(transform-classes.jar-to-dex) $(built_dex): $(built_dex_intermediate) | $(ACP) @echo Copying: $@ $(hide) $(ACP) -fp $< $@ ifneq ($(GENERATE_DEX_DEBUG),) $(install-dex-debug) endif findbugs_xml := $(intermediates.COMMON)/findbugs.xml $(findbugs_xml) : PRIVATE_JAR_FILE := $(full_classes_jar) $(findbugs_xml) : PRIVATE_AUXCLASSPATH := $(addprefix -auxclasspath ,$(strip \ $(call normalize-path-list,$(filter %.jar,\ $(full_java_libs))))) # We can't depend directly on full_classes_jar because the PRIVATE_ # vars won't be set up correctly. $(findbugs_xml) : $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE) @echo Findbugs: $@ $(hide) $(FINDBUGS) -textui -effort:min -xml:withMessages \ $(PRIVATE_AUXCLASSPATH) \ $(PRIVATE_JAR_FILE) \ > $@ ALL_FINDBUGS_FILES += $(findbugs_xml) findbugs_html := $(PRODUCT_OUT)/findbugs/$(LOCAL_MODULE).html $(findbugs_html) : PRIVATE_XML_FILE := $(findbugs_xml) $(LOCAL_MODULE)-findbugs : $(findbugs_html) $(findbugs_html) : $(findbugs_xml) @mkdir -p $(dir $@) @echo ConvertXmlToText: $@ $(hide) prebuilt/common/findbugs/bin/convertXmlToText -html:fancy.xsl $(PRIVATE_XML_FILE) \ > $@ $(LOCAL_MODULE)-findbugs : $(findbugs_html) endif # full_classes_jar is defined