# Random engravings on the floor # Elbereth # trap engravings ヴラドはここにいる ad aerarium # take-offs and other famous engravings Owlbreath Galadriel キルロイ参上 # Journey to the Center of the Earth A.S. -> <- A.S. # Adventure それはできません. # Inferno # 神曲:地獄編, ダンテ ここから入らんとするものは全て希望を捨てよ. # Prisoner よく来たな # So Long... ご迷惑をおかけしたことを深くお詫びいたします. # アメリカ横断ウルトラクイズ 早く来い来い木曜日 # Smokey Stover # 古いアニメつながり のらくろ バイア☆ラ 8?7-5309 # Various zoos around the world 動物にエサを与えないでください. # A palindrome 私負けましたわ # Siskel & Ebert イチ推し! # The First C Program Hello, World! ^?MAIL # AOL ユー・ガッタ・メール! ^. # Clueless 冗談じゃない! # 200x incarnation of Dr.Who BAD WOLF # Gang tag Arooo! Werewolves of Yendor! # Strategy and pun Dig for Victory here # Pompeii Gaius Julius Primigenius was here. Why are you late? # Helpful guiding Don't go this way Go left ---> <--- Go right X marks the spot X <--- You are here. Here be dragons Save now, and do your homework! There was a hole here. It's gone now. The Vibrating Square This is a pit! This is not the dungeon you are looking for. Watch out, there's a gnome with a wand of death behind that door! # Misc fun This square deliberately left blank. # Viking graffiti Haermund Hardaxe carved these runes # Advertising Need a light? Come visit the Minetown branch of Izchak's Lighting Store! Snakes on the Astral Plane - Soon in a dungeon near you You are the one millionth visitor to this place! Please wait 200 turns for your wand of wishing. # DnD Warning, Exploding runes! # "Whispers Underground" Ben Aaronovitch If you can read these words then you are not only a nerd but probably dead.