# Example configuration file for AIDE and Linux-IMA. @@define DBDIR /var/lib/aide @@define LOGDIR /var/log/aide # The location of the database to be read. database=file:@@{DBDIR}/aide.db.gz # The location of the database to be written. database_out=file:@@{DBDIR}/aide.db.new.gz # Whether to gzip the output to database gzip_dbout=yes # Default. verbose=5 report_url=file:@@{LOGDIR}/aide.log report_url=stdout # rules. IMA = p+u+g+acl+xattrs+sha1+sha256+sha512 # Next decide what directories/files you want in the database. /boot IMA /bin IMA /sbin IMA /lib IMA /lib64 IMA /opt IMA /usr IMA /etc IMA /var IMA /root IMA !/dev IMA !/home IMA !/media IMA !/misc IMA !/mnt IMA !/net IMA !/proc IMA !/sys IMA !/tmp IMA !/gsa !/gsacache !/gsaro