%define name @PACKAGE@ %define version @VERSION@ %define release 1 Name: %{name} Version: %{version} Release: %{release} Summary: TCG Platform Trust Service (PTS) Group: Applications/System License: CPL URL: http://sourceforge.jp/projects/openpts/ Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildRequires: autoconf automake libtool trousers-devel openssl-devel libxml2-devel libuuid-devel Requires: trousers >= 0.3.6, openssl >= 1.0.0, libxml2, libuuid # libtnc only supported by Fedora 10-12, RHEL does not support libtnc %define with_tboot 0 #%define with_libtnc 0 %if 0%{?fedora} >= 14 #BuildRequires: libtnc-devel Requires: tboot libtnc %define with_tboot 1 #%define with_libtnc 1 %endif %description OpenPTS is an open-source package of Platform Trust Service (PTS) defined by Trusted Computing Group (TCG). Trusted Computing is a set of specifications set forth by the Trusted Computing Group (TCG). %prep %setup -q %build # %configure --disable-static --prefix=/usr --libdir=%{_libdir} --with-tss --with-aru --enable-tnc \ # %configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=%{_libdir} --with-tss --with-aru --enable-tnc \ %configure --disable-static --prefix=/usr --libdir=%{_libdir} --with-tss --with-aru --enable-tnc \ %if %{with_tboot} --with-tboot \ %endif # DISABLE -j4 to build with libopenpts.so #make %{?_smp_mflags} make %install # This line keeps build machines from being affected [ "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" != "/" ] && [ -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} ] && rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}; #mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_initrddir} cp dist/fedora.initrd.ptsc ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_initrddir}/ptsc cp dist/ptsc.conf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_sysconfdir}/ptsc.conf #%if %{with_libtnc} cp dist/ptsv.conf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_sysconfdir}/ptsv.conf #%endif mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_prefix}/share/openpts/models cp models/*.uml ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_prefix}/share/openpts/models/ mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_prefix}/share/openpts/tpm_emulator cp dist/tpm_emulator/README.rhel ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_prefix}/share/openpts/tpm_emulator/README cp dist/tpm_emulator/binary_bios_measurements ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_prefix}/share/openpts/tpm_emulator/ cp dist/tpm_emulator/tcsd ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_prefix}/share/openpts/tpm_emulator/ %if %{with_tboot} mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_prefix}/share/openpts/tboot cp dist/tboot/README.fedora15 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_prefix}/share/openpts/tboot/README cp dist/tboot/ptsc.conf.fedora15 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_prefix}/share/openpts/tboot/ptsc.conf cp dist/tboot/tcsd.conf.fedora15 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_prefix}/share/openpts/tboot/tcsd.conf cp dist/tboot/tcsd.fedora15 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_prefix}/share/openpts/tboot/tcsd %endif make install DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} %clean rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} %pre getent group ptsc >/dev/null || groupadd -r ptsc %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc LICENSE README %attr(755, root, root) %{_sbindir}/ptsc %attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/openpts %attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/uml2dot #%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/iml2aide %attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/tpm_createkey %attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/tpm_readpcr %attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/tpm_extendpcr %attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/iml2text %attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/ir2text %attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/rm2dot %if %{with_tboot} %attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/tboot2iml %{_prefix}/share/openpts/tboot/* %endif %{_libdir}/libopenpts.la %{_libdir}/libopenpts*.so #%if %{with_libtnc} %{_libdir}/libopenpts_imc.la %{_libdir}/libopenpts_imc.so* %{_libdir}/libopenpts_imv.la %{_libdir}/libopenpts_imv.so* %config(noreplace) %attr(640, root, ptsc) %{_sysconfdir}/ptsv.conf #%endif %{_prefix}/share/openpts/models/*uml %{_prefix}/share/openpts/tpm_emulator/* %{_prefix}/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/openpts.mo %config(noreplace) %attr(640, root, ptsc) %{_sysconfdir}/ptsc.conf #%{_mandir}/man1/openpts* %{_mandir}/man5/* %{_mandir}/man8/* # Fedora/RHEL %{_initrddir}/ptsc %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %changelog * Fri Dec 16 2011 Seiji Munetoh - 0.2.6 - remove aide support - add ARU support * Fri Jun 24 2011 Seiji Munetoh - 0.2.5 - added TNC IMV/IMC, configure --enable-tnc - added libopenpts.so * Fri May 6 2011 Seiji Munetoh - 0.2.4 * Thu Mar 10 2011 Seiji Munetoh - 0.2.3 * Sun Jul 25 2010 Seiji Munetoh - 0.2.0 * Fri Mar 12 2010 Seiji Munetoh - 0.0.1