FAQ for Common source code project (CSP) (English)

Jan 24, 2016
K.Ohta <whatisthis.sowhat _at_ gmail.com>

Q. What is this document?
A. Some anthwers and questions, not enough to main doumentations.

Q. With linux, appaered menu bar, but not display screen (>_<)
A. Try setting LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTAWARE environment variable to any value (i.e. =1).
If you have problem with this, try unset LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE .
See: http://www.mesa3d.org/envvars.html.

Q. With Ubuntu linux, no menu bar has appeared!!
A. This is issue of appmenu-qt5 . Try apt-get remove appmenu-qt5. See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/appmenu-qt5/+bug/1307619

Q. With Windows XP, warning dialog is arrived at start up.
A. This is related by matching both Windows XP and Angle , bundled OpenGL implementation.
   Try to set environment variable QT_OPENGL to software.
   See: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/310519

Q. With windows, not displayed.
A. Try set environment variable QT_OPENGL to angle,desktop or software.
See: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/windows-requirements.html

Q. I found BUG. Where I report to?
A. If you can talk with Japanese, write to "PC emulator general thread" of Japanese BBS "2Channel"'s Retro PC board.
I also accept bug reports at Twitter, but not recommanded.
I recommand to report to GITHUB's issues.

Q. Where I place ROMS to?
A. With Windows, place .\emu{VM-Name} . With other OSs, place ~/emu{VM-Name} .

Q. Where I get ROMS from...
A. DUMP from *real* machine. DO NOT use the internet。°(●'ω'o)°。うるうる

Q. What your development environment?
A. I'm using 8 cores of AMD FX PC with Debian GNU/Linux(sid) mainly.
   I use GNU Emacs as text editor.
   For Windows build, I use both Windows10 under Oracle VirtualBox and Wine under GNU/Linux.
   In addition, I don't use IDE.I use GDB and "printf" to debug.

Q. What's your SEX? And are you リア充(ria-jyu, fulfilling IRLs)?
A. I'm male, but not LGBT, and I am NOT リア充(p`・ω・´q)

K.Ohta <whatisthis.sowhat _at_ gmail.com>
Last modified: Fri 26 Feb, 2016 23:28:50 JST