

Usage: mrcImageAutoFilamentExtract
    [-i[nput]            In                  (NULL      ).as(inFile              ) ] :Essential :InputDataFile
    [-i[nput]S[ource]fileInS                 (NULL      ).as(inFile              ) ] :Essential :InputSourceFile
    [-o[utput]E[xtract]  OutE                (NULL      ).as(inFile              ) ] :Essential :OutputFileForExtraction
    [-o[utput]           Out                 (stdout    ).as(appendFile          ) ] :Optional  :Output Log File
    [-o[utput]F[inal]    OutF                (stdout    ).as(outFile             ) ] :Optional  :OutputFinalFile
    [-r[oi]ROI           blx                 (0.0       ).as(Real                ) 
                         bly                 (0.0       ).as(Real                ) 
                         brx                 (0.0       ).as(Real                ) 
                         bry                 (0.0       ).as(Real                ) 
                         trx                 (0.0       ).as(Real                ) 
                         try                 (0.0       ).as(Real                ) 
                         tlx                 (0.0       ).as(Real                ) 
                         tly                 (0.0       ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :Rectangle ROI 
    [-r[oi]Unbent        roiLine             (0.0       ).as(Real                ) ... ] :Variable  :
    [-x                  x                   (120       ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :x range for ROI or Unbent
    [-d[elta]dYmax       ddYmax              (0.9       ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :delta dY max
    [-d[elta]dYmin       ddYmin              (0.2       ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :delta dY mim
    [-T[ransepose]       T                   (0         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :corresponding to mrcImageTransepose mode
    [-maxd[elta]Y        maxdY               (12        ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :Maximum number of layer line
    [-H[eight] R[ange]   HeightRange         (0         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :Height Range [Pixel]
    [-RMaxX              RMaxX               (0.05      ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :RMaxX [1/A] (supported mode 1)
    [-mag                mag                 (1.1       ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :magnification ratio
    [-truePitch          truePitch           (430       ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :True Pitch [A]
    [-PixelSize          PixelSize           (5         ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :Pixel Size [A]
    [-finaly             finaly              (0         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :final y [pixel] for extraction
    [-Ignore             Ignore              (0         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :Ignore the final y 
    [-c[onfig]           configFile          (NULL      ).as(inFile              ) ] :Optional  :ConfigurationFile
    [-m[ode]             mode                (0         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :Mode
----- Additional Usage -----
----- mode -----
0 : Meridian Reflection 
1 : All layer-lines
----- NOTE for Heigth Range-----
HR option is stranger than caliculated HR
----- NOTE for ROI-----
-rROI, -rUnbent, -iS, -ddYmax, -ddYmin and -T options are for ROI
----- NOTE for File for Extraction-----
-oE file use as extraction file.
----- NOTE for FINAL-----
-finaly and -oF is for final extraction
-truePitch, -Ly and -dY are for magnification change
-Ignore option ignore finaly
This extract do with magnification and header change