Init Start mrcImageCorrelation



Usage: mrcImageCorrelation
    [-i[nput]            In                  (NULL      ).as(inFile              ) ] :Essential :InputDataFile
    [-o[utput]           Out                 (NULL      ).as(outFile             ) ] :Optional  :OutputDataFile: Correlation Map
    [-O[utput]           Out2                (NULL      ).as(outFile             ) ] :Optional  :OutputDataFile: Correlation Map for Refinement
    [-r[eference]        Ref                 (NULL      ).as(inFile              ) ] :Essential :ReferenceDataFile
    [-cor[relation]Info  OutCor              (stdout    ).as(outFile             ) ] :Optional  :Output: Correlation Info
    [-a[verage]          Avg                 (NULL      ).as(outFile             ) ] :Optional  :OutputDataFile: Averaged File
    [-s[hit]             Shift               (NULL      ).as(outFile             ) ] :Optional  :OutputDataFile: Shifted InputFile
    [-refine             RefineStep          (0.25      ).as(Real                ) 
                         RefineRange         (3.0       ).as(Real                ) 
                         RefineMode          (2         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :Refinemnet: Step Range[pixelUnit]
    [-c[onfig]           configFile          (NULL      ).as(inFile              ) ] :Optional  :ConfigurationFile
    [-m[ode]             mode                (0         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :Mode
    [-M[ode2]            mode2               (0         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :Mode2
----- Mode:  -m -----
0: Normal Correlation FxG*
1: Phase  Correlation FxG*/     |FxG*|
2: Phase  Correlation FxG*/sqrt(|FxG*|)
3: Normalized Normal Correlation FxG*/|F||G|)
16: (0,0) = 0 
Refinement Correlation Map
0: sqrt(Sum |Fi-Gi|^2                 / Sum |Gi|^2)
1:      Sum |Gi||phaseFi - phaseGi|   / Sum |Gi|  
2: sqrt(Sum |Gi||phaseFi - phaseGi|^2 / Sum |Gi|  )
----- Mode2: -M -----
mode 0: Correlation by FFT.  Output is a mrcImage to file.
            -a : Averaged image after Shift Transform [pixel unit] and Averaging
            -s : Shifted  image after Shift Transform [pixel unit]
            -o : Correation Map 
mode 1: Correlation by multiplying in normal space.  Output is a real value 
            Normalized correlation value
            No shift transform 
            No Correlation Map 
----- Refinement:  -refine -----
            refineStep[PixelUnit]  : refinement step size 
            refineRange[PixelUnit] : refinement range     
            refineMode             : refinement mode      
            --- search area ----- 
            the position of max correlation +- refineRange / refineStep 
            Attention: If this option is set, the meaning of -o option is changed to a residual map