

Usage: mrcImageZPad
    [-i[nput]            In                  (NULL      ).as(inFile              ) ] :Essential :InputDataFile
    [-o[utput]           Out                 (NULL      ).as(outFile             ) ] :Essential :OutputDataFile
    [-c[onfig]           configFile          (NULL      ).as(inFile              ) ] :Optional  :ConfigurationFile
    [-r[max]             r                   (0         ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :rmax = height of z window * 0.5 .
    [-w[idth]            w                   (1         ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :Width of slope. For mode 1. Usually w>=3 is good enough. 
    [-v[alue]            v                   (0         ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :Value of out of threshold.
    [-Nx                 Nx                  (0         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :Number of x.Default is inputfile.
    [-Ny                 Ny                  (0         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :Number of y.Default is inputfile.
    [-Nz                 Nz                  (0         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :Number of z.Default is inputfile.
    [-Floating                                                                     ] :Optional  :Floating
    [-m[ode]             mode                (0         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :Mode
----- mode -----
0:Default: Out of threshold is avrage of threshold plain.
1:Mulplying cos function. Default: Out of threshold is avrage of threshold plain.