Sorry this one took so long. We think just about every computer and network we depend on has broken sometime in last few weeks. Work on the PC overlay mechanism continues, with Kevin Smolkowski joining Pierre Martineau, Stephen Spackman, and Norm Meluch. Breaking each .c file into separately-swapped pieces should help performance considerably. More changes to the overlay manager are brewing, and will be distributed in the unfortunately required Patch 8. The Amiga port was brought up to date and extended by Richard Addison, Jochen Erwied, Mark Gooderum, Ken Lorber, Greg Olson, Mike Passaretti, and Gregg Wonderly. The Macintosh port was futher extended by Kevin Sitze, Andy Swanson, Jon Watte, and Tom West, working with Johnny Lee. Support for recent versions of HP-UX was added by Steve Creps. We believe all major various platforms and compilers are working properly now. In other news, '/' now distinguishes among monsters of a given class, named objects (including artifacts) are handled better, an extended version command gives compilation options, monster colors should show up better, more occupations are being stopped appropriately, unconscious and non-animal monsters are handled better, and the eating behavior and ending messages have been overhauled again. Various display nuisances have been fixed and the "worm segment", "nymph freeinv", and combined nymph/succubus/polymorphing bugs are gone, along with a large number of less notorious problems. A few more fun loopholes no longer exist. In all, we think this is the stablest and most balanced version yet.