Treating Trees II: ``treestep`` =============================== Let's consider a tree structure, similar to one described `"Why functional programming matters" by John Hughes `__, that consists of a node value followed by zero or more child trees. (The asterisk is meant to indicate the `Kleene star `__.) :: tree = [] | [node tree*] In the spirit of ``step`` we are going to define a combinator ``treestep`` which expects a tree and three additional items: a base-case function ``[B]``, and two quoted programs ``[N]`` and ``[C]``. :: tree [B] [N] [C] treestep If the current tree node is empty then just execute ``B``: :: [] [B] [N] [C] treestep --------------------------- [] B Otherwise, evaluate ``N`` on the node value, ``map`` the whole function (abbreviated here as ``K``) over the child trees recursively, and then combine the result with ``C``. :: [node tree*] [B] [N] [C] treestep --------------------------------------- w/ K == [B] [N] [C] treestep node N [tree*] [K] map C (Later on we'll experiment with making ``map`` part of ``C`` so you can use other combinators.) Derive the recursive function. ------------------------------ We can begin to derive it by finding the ``ifte`` stage that ``genrec`` will produce. :: K == [not] [B] [R0] [R1] genrec == [not] [B] [R0 [K] R1] ifte So we just have to derive ``J``: :: J == R0 [K] R1 The behavior of ``J`` is to accept a (non-empty) tree node and arrive at the desired outcome. :: [node tree*] J ------------------------------ node N [tree*] [K] map C So ``J`` will have some form like: :: J == ... [N] ... [K] ... [C] ... Let's dive in. First, unquote the node and ``dip`` ``N``. :: [node tree*] uncons [N] dip node [tree*] [N] dip node N [tree*] Next, ``map`` ``K`` over the child trees and combine with ``C``. :: node N [tree*] [K] map C node N [tree*] [K] map C node N [K.tree*] C So: :: J == uncons [N] dip [K] map C Plug it in and convert to ``genrec``: :: K == [not] [B] [J ] ifte == [not] [B] [uncons [N] dip [K] map C] ifte == [not] [B] [uncons [N] dip] [map C] genrec Extract the givens to parameterize the program. ----------------------------------------------- Working backwards: :: [not] [B] [uncons [N] dip] [map C] genrec [B] [not] swap [uncons [N] dip] [map C] genrec [B] [uncons [N] dip] [[not] swap] dip [map C] genrec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [B] [[N] dip] [uncons] swoncat [[not] swap] dip [map C] genrec [B] [N] [dip] cons [uncons] swoncat [[not] swap] dip [map C] genrec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Extract a couple of auxiliary definitions: :: TS.0 == [[not] swap] dip TS.1 == [dip] cons [uncons] swoncat :: [B] [N] TS.1 TS.0 [map C] genrec [B] [N] [map C] [TS.1 TS.0] dip genrec [B] [N] [C] [map] swoncat [TS.1 TS.0] dip genrec The givens are all to the left so we have our definition. (alternate) Extract the givens to parameterize the program. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Working backwards: :: [not] [B] [uncons [N] dip] [map C] genrec [not] [B] [N] [dip] cons [uncons] swoncat [map C] genrec [B] [N] [not] roll> [dip] cons [uncons] swoncat [map C] genrec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Define ``treestep`` ------------------- .. code:: ipython2 from notebook_preamble import D, J, V, define, DefinitionWrapper .. code:: ipython2 DefinitionWrapper.add_definitions(''' _treestep_0 == [[not] swap] dip _treestep_1 == [dip] cons [uncons] swoncat treegrind == [_treestep_1 _treestep_0] dip genrec treestep == [map] swoncat treegrind ''', D) Examples -------- Consider trees, the nodes of which are integers. We can find the sum of all nodes in a tree with this function: :: sumtree == [pop 0] [] [sum +] treestep .. code:: ipython2 define('sumtree == [pop 0] [] [sum +] treestep') Running this function on an empty tree value gives zero: :: [] [pop 0] [] [sum +] treestep ------------------------------------ 0 .. code:: ipython2 J('[] sumtree') # Empty tree. .. parsed-literal:: 0 Running it on a non-empty node: :: [n tree*] [pop 0] [] [sum +] treestep n [tree*] [[pop 0] [] [sum +] treestep] map sum + n [ ... ] sum + n m + n+m .. code:: ipython2 J('[23] sumtree') # No child trees. .. parsed-literal:: 23 .. code:: ipython2 J('[23 []] sumtree') # Child tree, empty. .. parsed-literal:: 23 .. code:: ipython2 J('[23 [2 [4]] [3]] sumtree') # Non-empty child trees. .. parsed-literal:: 32 .. code:: ipython2 J('[23 [2 [8] [9]] [3] [4 []]] sumtree') # Etc... .. parsed-literal:: 49 .. code:: ipython2 J('[23 [2 [8] [9]] [3] [4 []]] [pop 0] [] [cons sum] treestep') # Alternate "spelling". .. parsed-literal:: 49 .. code:: ipython2 J('[23 [2 [8] [9]] [3] [4 []]] [] [pop 23] [cons] treestep') # Replace each node. .. parsed-literal:: [23 [23 [23] [23]] [23] [23 []]] .. code:: ipython2 J('[23 [2 [8] [9]] [3] [4 []]] [] [pop 1] [cons] treestep') .. parsed-literal:: [1 [1 [1] [1]] [1] [1 []]] .. code:: ipython2 J('[23 [2 [8] [9]] [3] [4 []]] [] [pop 1] [cons] treestep sumtree') .. parsed-literal:: 6 .. code:: ipython2 J('[23 [2 [8] [9]] [3] [4 []]] [pop 0] [pop 1] [sum +] treestep') # Combine replace and sum into one function. .. parsed-literal:: 6 .. code:: ipython2 J('[4 [3 [] [7]]] [pop 0] [pop 1] [sum +] treestep') # Combine replace and sum into one function. .. parsed-literal:: 3 Redefining the Ordered Binary Tree in terms of ``treestep``. ------------------------------------------------------------ :: Tree = [] | [[key value] left right] What kind of functions can we write for this with our ``treestep``? The pattern for processing a non-empty node is: :: node N [tree*] [K] map C Plugging in our BTree structure: :: [key value] N [left right] [K] map C Traversal ~~~~~~~~~ :: [key value] first [left right] [K] map i key [value] [left right] [K] map i key [left right] [K] map i key [lkey rkey ] i key lkey rkey This doesn't quite work: .. code:: ipython2 J('[[3 0] [[2 0] [][]] [[9 0] [[5 0] [[4 0] [][]] [[8 0] [[6 0] [] [[7 0] [][]]][]]][]]] ["B"] [first] [i] treestep') .. parsed-literal:: 3 'B' 'B' Doesn't work because ``map`` extracts the ``first`` item of whatever its mapped function produces. We have to return a list, rather than depositing our results directly on the stack. :: [key value] N [left right] [K] map C [key value] first [left right] [K] map flatten cons key [left right] [K] map flatten cons key [[lk] [rk] ] flatten cons key [ lk rk ] cons [key lk rk ] So: :: [] [first] [flatten cons] treestep .. code:: ipython2 J('[[3 0] [[2 0] [] []] [[9 0] [[5 0] [[4 0] [] []] [[8 0] [[6 0] [] [[7 0] [] []]] []]] []]] [] [first] [flatten cons] treestep') .. parsed-literal:: [3 2 9 5 4 8 6 7] There we go. In-order traversal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From here: :: key [[lk] [rk]] C key [[lk] [rk]] i key [lk] [rk] roll< [lk] [rk] key swons concat [lk] [key rk] concat [lk key rk] So: :: [] [i roll< swons concat] [first] treestep .. code:: ipython2 J('[[3 0] [[2 0] [] []] [[9 0] [[5 0] [[4 0] [] []] [[8 0] [[6 0] [] [[7 0] [] []]] []]] []]] [] [uncons pop] [i roll< swons concat] treestep') .. parsed-literal:: [2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] With ``treegrind``? ------------------- The ``treegrind`` function doesn't include the ``map`` combinator, so the ``[C]`` function must arrange to use some combinator on the quoted recursive copy ``[K]``. With this function, the pattern for processing a non-empty node is: :: node N [tree*] [K] C Plugging in our BTree structure: :: [key value] N [left right] [K] C .. code:: ipython2 J('[["key" "value"] ["left"] ["right"] ] ["B"] ["N"] ["C"] treegrind') .. parsed-literal:: ['key' 'value'] 'N' [['left'] ['right']] [[not] ['B'] [uncons ['N'] dip] ['C'] genrec] 'C' ``treegrind`` with ``step`` --------------------------- Iteration through the nodes .. code:: ipython2 J('[[3 0] [[2 0] [] []] [[9 0] [[5 0] [[4 0] [] []] [[8 0] [[6 0] [] [[7 0] [] []]] []]] []]] [pop] ["N"] [step] treegrind') .. parsed-literal:: [3 0] 'N' [2 0] 'N' [9 0] 'N' [5 0] 'N' [4 0] 'N' [8 0] 'N' [6 0] 'N' [7 0] 'N' Sum the nodes' keys. .. code:: ipython2 J('0 [[3 0] [[2 0] [] []] [[9 0] [[5 0] [[4 0] [] []] [[8 0] [[6 0] [] [[7 0] [] []]] []]] []]] [pop] [first +] [step] treegrind') .. parsed-literal:: 44 Rebuild the tree using ``map`` (imitating ``treestep``.) .. code:: ipython2 J('[[3 0] [[2 0] [] []] [[9 0] [[5 0] [[4 0] [] []] [[8 0] [[6 0] [] [[7 0] [] []]] []]] []]] [] [[100 +] infra] [map cons] treegrind') .. parsed-literal:: [[103 0] [[102 0] [] []] [[109 0] [[105 0] [[104 0] [] []] [[108 0] [[106 0] [] [[107 0] [] []]] []]] []]] Do we have the flexibility to reimplement ``Tree-get``? ------------------------------------------------------- I think we do: :: [B] [N] [C] treegrind We'll start by saying that the base-case (the key is not in the tree) is user defined, and the per-node function is just the query key literal: :: [B] [query_key] [C] treegrind This means we just have to define ``C`` from: :: [key value] query_key [left right] [K] C Let's try ``cmp``: :: C == P [T>] [E] [T<] cmp [key value] query_key [left right] [K] P [T>] [E] [T<] cmp The predicate ``P`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seems pretty easy (we must preserve the value in case the keys are equal): :: [key value] query_key [left right] [K] P [key value] query_key [left right] [K] roll< [key value] [left right] [K] query_key [roll< uncons swap] dip [key value] [left right] [K] roll< uncons swap query_key [left right] [K] [key value] uncons swap query_key [left right] [K] key [value] swap query_key [left right] [K] [value] key query_key P == roll< [roll< uncons swap] dip (Possibly with a swap at the end? Or just swap ``T<`` and ``T>``.) So now: :: [left right] [K] [value] key query_key [T>] [E] [T<] cmp Becomes one of these three: :: [left right] [K] [value] T> [left right] [K] [value] E [left right] [K] [value] T< ``E`` ~~~~~ Easy. :: E == roll> popop first ``T<`` and ``T>`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: T< == pop [first] dip i T> == pop [second] dip i Putting it together ------------------- :: T> == pop [first] dip i T< == pop [second] dip i E == roll> popop first P == roll< [roll< uncons swap] dip Tree-get == [P [T>] [E] [T<] cmp] treegrind To me, that seems simpler than the ``genrec`` version. .. code:: ipython2 DefinitionWrapper.add_definitions(''' T> == pop [first] dip i T< == pop [second] dip i E == roll> popop first P == roll< [roll< uncons swap] dip Tree-get == [P [T>] [E] [T<] cmp] treegrind ''', D) .. code:: ipython2 J('''\ [[3 13] [[2 12] [] []] [[9 19] [[5 15] [[4 14] [] []] [[8 18] [[6 16] [] [[7 17] [] []]] []]] []]] [] [5] Tree-get ''') .. parsed-literal:: 15 .. code:: ipython2 J('''\ [[3 13] [[2 12] [] []] [[9 19] [[5 15] [[4 14] [] []] [[8 18] [[6 16] [] [[7 17] [] []]] []]] []]] [pop "nope"] [25] Tree-get ''') .. parsed-literal:: 'nope'