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Project Goals - SIE

This version is 2016-12-11.

The 'SIE' is an Opensorce software to display a W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics ( SVG ) on the World Wide Web. SVG is a language for drawing 2D graphics. The SIE project is a community of SIE developers. We will maintain the Web standard, and provide to access the SIE's code.


1, SVG on the Web

The project focuses on the development of SIE with which almost browsers are able to show vector graphics such as SVG. A Hyperlink function is given in SVG like HTML.

2, Open Source

SIE should be under the Opensource licenses such as The MIT License (or othor Opensource Licenses). SIE users can create, modifiy, or provide it freely.

3, Compatibility

For the comptibility of SIE, SIE aim to meet a Web standard.

4, Light Weight

SIE will be light weight, because improving heigh speed in SIE is important.

No Goals

1, SIE is not a tool to create an image

The project doesn't provide a creating tool for images and movies.

2, SIE project is not a solution.

We, as a community, do not take a solution.

3, SIE is not the Rich Internet Application ( RIA ).

The RIA, rich web application is not supported in our project.

4, SIE is not a movie player.

We do not develop the media player to play a movie.


© Copyright 2007 dhrname (E-mail: sie-developers@lists.osdn.jp)