Name CHROMIUM_texture_filtering_hint Name Strings GL_CHROMIUM_texture_filtering_hint Contributors Alexis Hetu, Google Inc. Nicolas Capens, Google Inc. Shannon Woods, Google Inc. Contact Alexis Hetu, Google Inc. (sugoi 'at' chromium 'dot' org) Version Last Modifed Date: July 18, 2017 Dependencies This extension is written against the OpenGL ES 2.0 specification. OpenGL ES 2.0 is required. Overview This extension defines a way to request high precision texture filtering using a new value to Hint. When this extension is enabled, TEXTURE_FILTERING_HINT_CHROMIUM can be used by the implementation as a means to distinguish between a performance focused implementation, using FASTEST, or a precision focused implementation, using NICEST. Like other hints, either option is spec compliant and the behavior of DONT_CARE is implementation specific. New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of GetIntegerv, GetFloatv and GetBooleanv and by the parameter of Hint: TEXTURE_FILTERING_HINT_CHROMIUM 0x8AF0 New Procedures and Functions None. Errors None. New State None. Issues 1) When does the hint take effect? At the time of the next draw call, and all subsequent draw calls. 2) Does the first draw call after the filtering hint is changed use the updated filtering method? Yes 3) Can I switch it back and forth between every draw call, multiple times during a single frame? Yes 4) Do program objects which were created before the filtering hint was changed and which contain sampling instructions use the filtering method from when they were created, or the method at the time of draw call? At the time of draw call. Revision History 2/7/2014 Documented the extension