// Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project cc_library_host_static { name: "libf2fs_utils_host", srcs: ["f2fs_utils.c"], static_libs: [ "libsparse", "libz", ], include_dirs: [ "external/f2fs-tools/include", "external/f2fs-tools/mkfs", ], cflags: ["-Wno-unused-parameter"], target: { darwin: { enabled: false, }, }, } cc_library_host_static { name: "libf2fs_ioutils_host", srcs: ["f2fs_ioutils.c"], include_dirs: [ "external/f2fs-tools/include", "external/f2fs-tools/mkfs", ], cflags: ["-Wno-unused-parameter"], static_libs: [ "libselinux", "libsparse", "libext2_uuid", "libz", ], target: { darwin: { enabled: false, }, }, } cc_library_host_static { name: "libf2fs_dlutils_host", srcs: ["f2fs_dlutils.c"], include_dirs: [ "external/f2fs-tools/include", "external/f2fs-tools/mkfs", ], // Will attempt to dlopen("libf2fs_fmt_host_dyn") host_ldlibs: ["-ldl"], target: { darwin: { enabled: false, }, }, } cc_binary_host { name: "make_f2fs", srcs: ["make_f2fs_main.c"], // libf2fs_dlutils_host will dlopen("libf2fs_fmt_host_dyn") host_ldlibs: [ "-ldl", ], ldflags: [ "-rdynamic" ], // The following libf2fs_* are from system/extras/f2fs_utils, // and do not use code in external/f2fs-tools. static_libs: [ "libf2fs_utils_host", "libf2fs_ioutils_host", "libf2fs_dlutils_host", "libsparse", "libz", ], required: ["libf2fs_fmt_host_dyn"], target: { darwin: { enabled: false, }, }, } cc_library_shared { name: "libf2fs_dlutils", srcs: ["f2fs_dlutils.c"], include_dirs: [ "external/f2fs-tools/include", "external/f2fs-tools/mkfs", ], shared_libs: ["libdl"], target: { darwin: { enabled: false, }, }, } cc_library_static { name: "libf2fs_dlutils_static", srcs: ["f2fs_dlutils.c"], include_dirs: [ "external/f2fs-tools/include", "external/f2fs-tools/mkfs", ], shared_libs: ["libdl"], target: { darwin: { enabled: false, }, }, } cc_library_static { name: "libf2fs_utils_static", srcs: ["f2fs_utils.c"], include_dirs: [ "external/f2fs-tools/include", "external/f2fs-tools/mkfs", ], cflags: ["-Wno-unused-parameter"], static_libs: ["libsparse"], target: { darwin: { enabled: false, }, }, } cc_library_shared { name: "libf2fs_sparseblock", srcs: ["f2fs_sparseblock.c"], shared_libs: [ "liblog", "libcutils", ], include_dirs: [ "external/f2fs-tools/include", "system/core/include/log", ], export_include_dirs: ["."] } cc_binary { name: "f2fs_sparseblock", srcs: ["f2fs_sparseblock.c"], shared_libs: [ "liblog", "libcutils", ], include_dirs: [ "external/f2fs-tools/include", "system/core/include/log", ], } cc_prebuilt_binary { name: "mkf2fsuserimg.sh", srcs: ["mkf2fsuserimg.sh"], host_supported: true, }