program gikoNavi; {%ToDo 'gikoNavi.todo'} uses Windows, SysUtils, Forms, Messages, MainForm in 'MainForm.pas' {MainWindow}, Giko in 'Giko.pas' {GikoForm}, Splash in 'Splash.pas' {SplashWindow}, About in 'About.pas' {AboutDialog}, Option in 'Option.pas' {OptionDialog}, Editor in 'Editor.pas' {EditorForm}, Round in 'Round.pas' {RoundDialog}, ListSelect in 'ListSelect.pas' {ListSelectDialog}, Search in 'Search.pas' {SearchDialog}, GikoSystem in 'GikoSystem.pas', Setting in 'Setting.pas', BoardGroup in 'BoardGroup.pas', SaveFile in 'SaveFile.pas', Sort in 'Sort.pas', ThreadControl in 'ThreadControl.pas', ItemDownload in 'ItemDownload.pas', RoundData in 'RoundData.pas', RoundName in 'RoundName.pas' {RoundNameDialog}, NewBoard in 'NewBoard.pas' {NewBoardDialog}, Dolib in 'Dolib.pas', UBase64 in 'Encrypt\UBase64.pas', UCryptAuto in 'Encrypt\UCryptAuto.pas', KeySetting in 'KeySetting.pas' {KeySettingForm}, FavoriteAdd in 'FavoriteAdd.pas' {FavoriteAddDialog}, NewFavoriteFolder in 'NewFavoriteFolder.pas' {NewFavoriteFolderDialog}, FavoriteArrange in 'FavoriteArrange.pas' {FavoriteArrangeDialog}, Favorite in 'Favorite.pas' {FavoriteDM: TDataModule}, AddressHistory in 'AddressHistory.pas' {AddressHistoryDM: TDataModule}, Preview in 'Preview.pas', HTMLDocumentEvent in 'HTMLDocumentEvent.pas', Kotehan in 'Kotehan.pas' {KotehanDialog}, MonaUtils in 'MonaUtils.pas', HintWindow in 'HintWindow.pas', GikoUtil in 'GikoUtil.pas', ToolBarSetting in 'ToolBarSetting.pas' {ToolBarSettingDialog}, ToolBarUtil in 'ToolBarUtil.pas', YofUtils in 'YofUtils.pas', AbonUnit in 'AbonUnit.pas', IndividualAbon in 'IndividualAbon.pas' {IndividualAbonForm}; {$R *.RES} {$R gikoResource.res} var hMutex: THandle; Wnd{, AppWnd}: HWnd; i: Integer; CDS: TCopyDataStruct; const MutexString: string = 'gikoNaviInstance'; begin hMutex := OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS, False, PChar(MutexString)); if hMutex <> 0 then begin //ミューテックスが存在した場合は起動中止 Wnd := FindWindow('TGikoForm', nil); if Wnd <> 0 then begin //既に起動済みギコナビのアクティブ化&アイコン化されてたら復元 SetForegroundWindow(Wnd); if IsIconic(Wnd) then SendMessage(Wnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, -1); // AppWnd := GetWindowLong(Wnd, GWL_HWNDPARENT); // if (AppWnd <> 0) and (IsIconic(AppWnd)) then // SendMessage(AppWnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, -1); //で、引数があったら起動済みギコナビに送る for i := 1 to ParamCount do begin CDS.dwData := 0; CDS.cbData := Length(ParamStr(i)) + 1; GetMem(CDS.lpData, CDS.cbData); try StrPCopy(CDS.lpData, ParamStr(i)); SendMessage(Wnd, WM_COPYDATA, 0, LParam(@CDS)); finally FreeMem(CDS.lpData); end; end; end; CloseHandle(hMutex); end else begin //ミューテックスが存在しない場合はアプリケーション起動続行 hMutex := CreateMutex(nil, False, PChar(MutexString)); Application.Initialize; Application.Title := 'ギコナビ'; Application.ShowMainForm := False; Application.CreateForm(TMainWindow, MainWindow); Application.CreateForm(TFavoriteDM, FavoriteDM); Application.CreateForm(TAddressHistoryDM, AddressHistoryDM); Application.CreateForm(TGikoForm, GikoForm); Application.Run; ReleaseMutex(hMutex); end; end.