eq [false] [true] [false] cmp gt [true] [false] [false] cmp lt [false] [false] [true] cmp neq [true] [false] [true] cmp le [false] [true] [true] cmp ge [true] [true] [false] cmp ? dup bool !- 0 >= ++ 1 + -- 1 - <{} [] swap <<{} [] rollup abs dup 0 < [] [neg] branch anamorphism [pop []] swap [dip swons] genrec and nulco [nullary [false]] dip branch app1 grba infrst app2 [grba swap grba swap] dip [infrst] cons ii app3 3 appN appN [grabN] codi map reverse disenstacken at drop first average [sum] [size] cleave / b [i] dip i binary unary popd ccccons ccons ccons ccons cons cons choice [pop] [popd] branch clear [] swaack pop cleave fork popdd clop cleave popdd cmp [[>] swap] dipd [ifte] ccons [=] swons ifte codi cons dip codireco codi reco dinfrirst dip infrst dipd [dip] codi dipdd [dip] cons dipd dipddd [dipd] cons dipd disenstacken swaack pop divmod [/] [%] clop down_to_zero [0 >] [dup --] while drop [rest] times dupdd [dup] dipd dupd [dup] dip dupdipd dup dipd dupdip dupd dip enstacken stack [clear] dip first uncons pop first_two uncons first flatten <{} [concat] step fork [i] app2 fourth rest third gcd true [tuck mod dup 0 >] loop pop genrec [[genrec] ccccons] nullary swons concat ifte getitem [rest] times first grabN <{} [cons] times grba [stack popd] dip ifte [nullary] dipd swap branch ii [dip] dupdip i infra swons swaack [i] dip swaack infrst infra first << lshift lshift [2 *] times make_generator [codireco] ccons mod % modulus % neg 0 swap - not [true] [false] branch nulco [nullary] cons nullary [stack] dinfrirst null _isnt_list bool not of swap at or nulco [nullary] dip [true] branch over [dup] dip swap pam [i] map pick getitem pm [+] [-] clop popdd [pop] dipd popd [pop] dip popopdd [popop] dipd popopd [popop] dip popopop pop popop popop pop pop pow 1 roll> swap [*] cons times pred -- product 1 swap [*] step quoted [unit] dip range [0 <=] [-- dup] anamorphism range_to_zero unit [down_to_zero] infra reco rest cons rest uncons popd reverse <{} shunt rolldown roll< roll< swapd swap roll> swap swapd rollup roll> rrest rest rest >> rshift rshift [2 /] times run <{} infra second rest first shift uncons [swons] dip shunt [swons] step select [first] [second] branch size [pop ++] step_zero small empty? [rest null] [pop true] branch spiral_next [[[abs] ii <=] [[<>] [pop !-] or] and] [[!-] [[++]] [[--]] ifte dip] [[pop !-] [--] [++] ifte] ifte split_at [drop] [take] clop split_list [take reverse] [drop] clop sqr dup mul stackd [stack] dip step_zero 0 roll> step stuncons stack uncons succ -- sum [+] step_zero swapd [swap] dip swoncat swap concat swons swap cons tailrec [i] genrec take <<{} [shift] times pop ternary binary popd third rest second tuck dup swapd unary nullary popd uncons [first] dupdip rest unit [] cons unquoted [i] dip unstack [[] swaack] dip swoncat swaack pop unswons uncons swap while swap nulco dupdipd concat loop x dup i step [_step0] x _step0 _step1 [popopop] [_stept] branch _step1 [?] dipd roll< _stept [uncons] dipd [dupdipd] dip x times [_times0] x _times0 _times1 [popopop] [_timest] branch _times1 [dup 0 >] dipd roll< _timest [[--] dip dupdipd] dip x map [_map0] cons [[] [_map?] [_mape]] dip tailrec _map? pop bool not _mape popd reverse _map0 [_map1] dipd _map2 _map1 stackd shift _map2 [infrst] cons dipd roll< swons _isnt_bool [false] [true] branch _isnt_two_bools [_isnt_bool] ii _\/_ [_isnt_bool] [not] branch /\ _isnt_two_bools [pop false] [] branch \/ _isnt_two_bools [] [pop true] branch _isnt_list [] swoncat zip [null] [pop] [uncons-pair] [i cons] genrec uncons-pair uncons-two [quote-two] dipd uncons-two [uncons] ii swapd quote-two unit cons empty? dup null max-of-two [>] [pop] [popd] ifte max [uncons [max-of-two] step] on-non-empty-list min-of-two [<] [pop] [popd] ifte min [uncons [min-of-two] step] on-non-empty-list on-non-empty-list [empty?] dip [first] branch