FileName:::: lmrcFFTInfo.h typedef struct mrcFSInfo { double F00; double Max; double MaxExceptForF00; } mrcFSInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageBinalization.h typedef struct lmrcImageBinalizationInfo { double thresHold; double value; int flagNear; double near; /* pixel unit */ }lmrcImageBinalizationInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageCTFDetermination.h typedef struct lmrcImageCTFDeterminationInfo { ctfInfo val; ctfInfo min; ctfInfo max; ctfInfo del; mrcImageParaTypeReal Rmax; mrcImageParaTypeReal Rmin; mrcImage Dif; double minResidual; double minDef; double minRatio; FILE* Out; int flagOutF; mrcImage resFFT; } lmrcImageCTFDeterminationInfo; typedef struct lmrcImageCTFDeterminationInfoMode { long FilterType; long WeightType; long SumType; long CTFInfoType; } lmrcImageCTFDeterminationInfoMode; typedef struct lmrcImageCTFDeterminationInfoRef { FILE* fptIn; char* In; FILE* fptRef; char* Ref; FILE* fptOut; char* Out; char MrcOut[100]; mrcImage* in; mrcImage* out; long Width; float PixelSize; float truePitch; float firstDf; float withinDf; float firstAoverP; float withinAoverP; mrcImageParaTypeReal maxiter; mrcImageParaTypeReal iter; } lmrcImageCTFDeterminationInfoRef; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageCentre.h typedef struct lmrcImageCenterOfMass { float x; float y; float z; } lmrcImageCenterOfMass; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageCommonLine.h typedef enum lmrcImageCommonLineMode { lmrcImageCommonLineModeImageCenterIsGC = 1 } lmrcImageCommonLineMode; typedef enum lmrcImageCommonLineSearchMode { lmrcImageCommonLineSearchModeFourierSpace = 0, lmrcImageCommonLineSearchModeRealSpace = 1 } lmrcImageCommonLineSearchMode; typedef struct lmrcImageCommonLineInfo { /* Input */ double dtheta; lmrcImageCommonLineSearchMode searchMode; /* Output */ double optimumThetaIn; double optimumThetaRef; double optimumCor; } lmrcImageCommonLineInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageConnection.h typedef struct lmrcImageConnectionInfo { long mode; } lmrcImageConnectionInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageContourSurface.h typedef struct lmrcImageContourSurfaceInfo { mrcImageParaTypeReal Contour; } lmrcImageContourSurfaceInfo; typedef enum lmrcImageContourSurfaceMode { lmrcImageContourSurfaceModeSimple=0 } lmrcImageContourSurfaceMode; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageCorrelation.h typedef struct lmrcImageAutoRotationCorrelationInfo { int iter; /* iteration */ int nRot; /* Rotation */ int Method; float max; float maxTheta; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord maxP; mrcImageInformation corInfo; lmrcImageSSDAInfo SSDAInfo; float EuclidDistance; float LinearCorrelation; /* Restriction Rotation Area */ int flagRestrictionArea; float thetaMin; float thetaMax; int flagXshiftOnly; } lmrcImageAutoRotationCorrelationInfo; typedef struct lmrcImageCorrelationRefinementInfo { mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord shift; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord step; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord range; mrcImageInformation corInfo; int mode; } lmrcImageCorrelationRefinementInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageCrystalCreate.h typedef struct lmrcImageCrystalCreateInfo { long nx; long ny; long nz; } lmrcImageCrystalCreateInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageDensity.h typedef struct lmrcImageDensityInfoInfo { floatVector percentageVolume; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord centreOfGravity; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord centreOfGravitySD; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord max; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord maxSD; double deltaVolume; mrcImage in; } lmrcImageDensityInfoInfo; typedef enum lmrcImageDensityInfoMode { mrcImageDensityInfoPercentageVolume =1, mrcImageDensityInfoCentreOfGravity =2, mrcImageDensityInfoMax =4, mrcImageDensityInfoCentreOfGravitySD =8, mrcImageDensityInfoMaxSD =16 } lmrcImageDensityInfoMode; typedef struct lmrcImageDensityChangeEsitmationInfo0 { mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord change; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord changeSD; double delta; double deltaSD; double deltaXY; double deltaXYSD; } lmrcImageDensityChangeEstimationInfo0; typedef struct lmrcImageDensityChangeEsitmationInfo { lmrcImageDensityChangeEstimationInfo0 CG; lmrcImageDensityChangeEstimationInfo0 Max; mrcImage in1; mrcImage in2; } lmrcImageDensityChangeEstimationInfo; typedef enum lmrcImageDensityChangeEstimationMode { mrcImageDensityChangeEstimationCentreOfGravity =2, mrcImageDensityChangeEstimationMax =4, mrcImageDensityChangeEstimationCentreOfGravitySD =8, mrcImageDensityChangeEstimationMaxSD =16 } lmrcImageDensityChageEstimationMode; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImage.h typedef struct lmrcImageDenstiyNormalizationByImageInfo { /* Input */ double sigma; /* Region Information */ int flagCylinder; float centerx, centery; float minr, maxr; /* Fitting Mode */ int fitMode; float tstBGMin; float tstBGMax; float tstBGDelta; /* Output */ float a; float b; float sigma_a; float sigma_b; float chi2; float q; float r; float refBG; float tstBG; float chi2Signal; float chi2BG; int nData; float* testData; float* refData; } lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageInfo; /* minimization of (in1 - (a+b*in2))^2 out = a + b*in2 */ typedef enum lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageMode { lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageModeSigma = 1, lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageModeStdout = 2, lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageModeReverse = 4, lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageModeRobust = 8 } lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageMode; typedef enum lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageFitMode { lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageFitModeSingleLine = 0, lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageFitModeSingleLineWithBackground = 1 } lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageFitMode; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageEdgeAverage.h typedef struct lmrcImageEdgeAverageInfo { /* In */ mrcImageParaTypeInteger devide; mrcImageParaTypeInteger width; /* Out */ mrcImageParaTypeReal* avg[4]; mrcImageParaTypeReal* count[4]; } lmrcImageEdgeAverageInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageFilterCreate.h typedef enum lmrcImageFilterCreateMode { lmrcImageFilterModeSquare=0, lmrcImageFilterModeCircle=1 } lmrcImageFilterCreateMode; typedef struct lmrcImageFilterCreateInfo { mrcImageParaTypeInteger np; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord* p; mrcImageParaTypeReal* weight; mrcImageParaTypeIntegerCoord N; mrcImageParaTypeIntegerCoord Size; lmrcImageFilterCreateMode shape; long outputMode; } lmrcImageFilterCreateInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageFirstNoiseReductionByRelaxation.h typedef struct lmrcImageNoiseReductionByRelaxationInfo { /* input */ /* OR Output */ double SD; double datamax; double datamin; long classNumber; int ddimx; int ddimy; int ddimz; } lmrcImageNoiseReductionByRelaxationInfo; typedef enum lmrcImageNoiseReductionByRelaxationMode { lmrcImageNoiseReductionByRelaxationModeSigma = 1, } lmrcImageNoiseReductionByRelaxationMode; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageMasking.h typedef enum lmrcImageMaskingInfoShape { lmrcImageMaskingInfoShapeCircle=0, lmrcImageMaskingInfoSquare=0 } lmrcImageMaskingInfoShape; typedef struct lmrcImageMaskingInfo { mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord n; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord c; lmrcImageMaskingInfoShape shape; long mode; } lmrcImageMaskingInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageModelCreate.h typedef struct _lmrcImageModelCreateMode1Info { float radius; float nHelix; float zPitch; float phiAngle; float deltaPhi; float startZ; float endZ; float startPhi; int flagIn; mrcImage* in; mrcImageDataSetMode inMode; int fm; int units; } _lmrcImageModelCreateMode1Info; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageMontage.h typedef struct lmrcImageMontageInfo { lmrcImagePadMode PadMode; lmrcImagePadInfo PadInfo; int nx; int ny; int flagMaxValue; mrcImageParaTypeReal MaxValue; int flagValueAssignedToMax; mrcImageParaTypeReal ValueAssignedToMax; int flagEdgeAverage; int EdgeAverageWindow; int flagNoAverage; } lmrcImageMontageInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageMove.h typedef enum lmrcImageMoveMode { lmrcImageMoveModePixelUnit=0 } lmrcImageMoveMode; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageNormalizing.h typedef float lmrcImageNormalizingParaTypeReal; typedef enum lmrcImageNormalizingMode { lmrcImageNormalizingModeDoubleExponential=0, lmrcImageNormalizingModeMinMax=1, lmrcImageNormalizingModeUsingContour=2, lmrcImageNormalizingModeUsingContourWithSolventFlattening=3, lmrcImageNormalizingModeNoEstimation=4 } lmrcImageNormalizingMode ; typedef struct lmrcImageNormalizingInfo { lmrcImageNormalizingParaTypeReal A; lmrcImageNormalizingParaTypeReal B; /* A x + B */ lmrcImageNormalizingParaTypeReal ContourMin; lmrcImageNormalizingParaTypeReal ContourMax; lmrcImageNormalizingParaTypeReal ContourSolvent; lmrcImageNormalizingMode Mode; } lmrcImageNormalizingInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImagePad.h typedef struct lmrcImagePadInfo { mrcImageParaTypeInteger Width; mrcImageParaTypeInteger Height; mrcImageParaTypeReal Value; mrcImageParaTypeReal AWSize; mrcImageParaTypeReal AWMin; mrcImageParaTypeReal AWMax; } lmrcImagePadInfo; typedef enum lmrcImagePadMode { lmrcImagePadModeAverage = 0, lmrcImagePadModeAveragedYAxis = 1, lmrcImagePadModeDynamicAveragedYAxis = 2, lmrcImagePadModeAveragedEdge = 3, lmrcImagePadModeBottomLeft = 4, lmrcImagePadModeCenterWithoutAveraging = 5, lmrcImagePadModeBottomLeftWithoutAveraging= 6, lmrcImagePadModeAveragedOutsideCircle = 7, lmrcImagePadModeAveragedOutsideRing = 8, lmrcImagePadModeByValue = 9 } lmrcImagePadMode; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImagePrint.h typedef struct mrcImagePSFilePrintInfo { mrcImageParaTypeReal scale; mrcImageParaTypeReal contourLineColorChange; mrcImageParaTypeReal contourLineWidthStart; mrcImageParaTypeReal contourLineWidthStep; long centre; /* 0: bottom right or 1:centre */ char whichSection; /* [x|y|z] */ double untwistAngle; /* untwist Image */ psImageInfo psInfo; mrcImageParaTypeReal circleRadius; } mrcImagePSFilePrintInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageProjection.h typedef struct lmrcImageProjectionInfo{ long mode; } lmrcImageProjectionInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageROI2D.h typedef enum lmrcImageROIShape { Rect =0, Rect2 =1, Circle =2, Line =3 } lmrcImageROIShape; typedef struct lmrcImageSingleROIInfo { char* FileName; lmrcImageROIShape Shape; float centerx; /* For All Shape */ float centery; float blx; /* For Rect, Rect2, Circle */ float bly; float brx; float bry; float trx; float try; float tlx; float tly; float startx; /* For Line */ float starty; float endx; float endy; /* For Post Modification */ int flagWidth; /* For Rect, Rect2, Circle, Line */ float width; int flagHeight; /* For Rect, Rect2, Circle */ float height; float radius; int mode; int flagRotation; float angle; int flagMagnifiedWidth; float magnifiedWidth; int flagMagnifiedHeight; float magnifiedHeight; /* For Layer Line Information */ int flagLayerLine; float truePitch; float Ly; float dY; } lmrcImageSingleROIInfo; typedef struct lmrcImageROIsInfo { lmrcImageSingleROIInfo* ROI; int numROI; } lmrcImageROIsInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageROI3D.h typedef struct lmrcImageROI3DInfo { mrcImageParaTypeReal z1; mrcImageParaTypeReal z2; int flagz; /* This is a dummy parameter the current version for the future */ int flagx; mrcImageParaTypeReal x1; mrcImageParaTypeReal x2; int flagy; mrcImageParaTypeReal y1; mrcImageParaTypeReal y2; } lmrcImageROI3DInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageRadialDistribution.h typedef struct lmrcImageRadialDistributionInfo { float Cx; float Cy; int flagAverage; } lmrcImageRadialDistributionInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageSSDA.h typedef struct lmrcImageSSDAInfo { double Threshold; /* Threshold Level */ double Error; /* Sum of residual differences at (x, y)*/ mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord p; /* Lower Right Point Coordinate on Partial Image on the Input Image */ mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord optimump; /* Optimum Point */ mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord smin; /* Search Area: Bottom Right */ mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord smax; /* Search Area: Top Left */ mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord predict; /* Predictive Point */ mrcImageParaTypeInteger n; /* Addition Times at (x, y)*/ } lmrcImageSSDAInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageSamplingUnitChange.h typedef struct lmrcImageSamplingUnitChangeInfo { mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord L; mrcImageParaTypeIntegerCoord N; mrcImageParaTypeInteger SamplingMethodMode; } lmrcImageSamplingUnitChangeInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxation.h typedef enum lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode1 { lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode1SavitzyGolay = 1 } lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode1; typedef enum lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode2 { lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode2Rectangle = 1, lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode2Circle = 2 } lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode2; typedef enum lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode3 { lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode3FiveTimesFive = 1, lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode3SevenTimesSeven = 2 } lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode3; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageSinogram.h typedef struct lmrcImageSinogramInfo { double dphi; int correlationMode; } lmrcImageSinogramInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageSolventFlattening.h typedef struct lmrcImageSolventFlatteningInfo { double density; long flagdensity; } lmrcImageSolventFlatteningInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageSphere.h typedef struct lmrcImageSphereInfo { float size; float r; float w; long mode; }lmrcImageSphereInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageSymmetryFind.h typedef enum lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckType { lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCheckByAdd=1, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCheckByCorrelation=2, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCheckByFourier=4, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCheckByTTest=8, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCheckBySRP=16 } lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckType; typedef enum lmrcImageSymmetryFindCentreType { lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCentreGC = 0, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCentreSymmetry = 1 } lmrcImageSymmetryFindCentreType; typedef enum lmrcImageSymmetryFindSubtractionType { lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeNoSubtraction = 0, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeMeanSubtraction = 1, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeMinSubtraction = 2 } lmrcImageSymmetryFindSubtractionType; typedef struct lmrcImageSymmetryFindInfo { double dr; double dtheta; double threshold1; double threshold2; int maxNfold; /* Centre */ lmrcImageSymmetryFindCentreType centreMode; lmrcImageDeterminationOfPolarAxisByAssumingNfoldInfo centreInfo; lmrcImageSymmetryFindSubtractionType subtractionMode; /* Subtraction Mode */ int flagImages; mrcImage Image; mrcImage* Images; int flagBacks; mrcImage Back; mrcImage* Backs; floatVector Value; floatVector Point; int Symmetry; FILE* fptOut; int flagCorrelation; mrcImage correlation; int flagFourier; mrcImage fourier; int flagTmap; mrcImage tmap; int flagAvg; mrcImage avg; char* avgName; DescartesCoord centre; } lmrcImageSymmetryFindInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageTransformDescartesIntoPolar.h typedef struct lmrcImageDeterminationOfPolarAxisByAssumingNfoldInfo { int nFold; double minx; double maxx; double delx; double miny; double maxy; double dely; double minz; double maxz; double delz; double delPHI; } lmrcImageDeterminationOfPolarAxisByAssumingNfoldInfo; typedef struct lmrcImageTransformDescartesIntoPolarInfo { double dr; /* Angstrom */ double dphi; /* Radian */ double dtheta; /* Radian */ int flagImageCentreIsGravityCentre; int flagDescartesIntoPolarInfo; int flagrWeight; /* RotationalSymmetry */ int flagRotationalSymmetry; int nRotationalSymmetry; lmrcImageDeterminationOfPolarAxisByAssumingNfoldInfo axisInfo; int flagCentre; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord Centre; } lmrcImageTransformDescartesIntoPolarInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImageWindowing.h typedef struct lmrcImageWindowingInfo { long flagWy; float Wy; long flagWx; float Wx; } lmrcImageWindowingInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcImagesStatDataGet.h typedef struct lmrcImagesStatDataGetInfo { int numImage; int flagAvg; mrcImage Avg; int flagSQRAvg; mrcImage SQRAvg; int flagVar; mrcImage Var; int flagSD; mrcImage SD; int flagSN; mrcImage SN; int flagSE; mrcImage SE; int flagt; mrcImage t; } lmrcImagesStatDataGetInfo; /* struct end */ FileName:::: mrcRefUtil.h typedef double mrcRefDegCoordinate; typedef struct { mrcRefDegCoordinate ip; mrcRefDegCoordinate iw; mrcRefDegCoordinate ia; mrcRefDegCoordinate dp; mrcRefDegCoordinate dw; mrcRefDegCoordinate da; mrcRefDegCoordinate wp; mrcRefDegCoordinate ww; mrcRefDegCoordinate wa; } mrcRefHeader; typedef struct { mrcRefDegCoordinate ip; mrcRefDegCoordinate iw; mrcRefDegCoordinate ia; mrcRefDegCoordinate dp; mrcRefDegCoordinate dw; mrcRefDegCoordinate da; mrcRefDegCoordinate wp; mrcRefDegCoordinate ww; mrcRefDegCoordinate wa; int mode; } mrcRefCorHeader; #define mrcRefHeaderNumber 9; typedef struct { mrcRefDegCoordinate ip; mrcRefDegCoordinate iw; mrcRefDegCoordinate ia; mrcRefDegCoordinate dp; mrcRefDegCoordinate dw; mrcRefDegCoordinate da; mrcRefDegCoordinate wp; mrcRefDegCoordinate ww; mrcRefDegCoordinate wa; double sy; double ey; double refsize; int inverse; } mrcpwzCorHeader; /* struct end */ FileName:::: lmrcFFTInfo.h typedef struct mrcFSInfo { double F00; double Max; double MaxExceptForF00; } mrcFSInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageBinalization.h typedef struct lmrcImageBinalizationInfo { double thresHold; double value; int flagNear; double near; /* pixel unit */ }lmrcImageBinalizationInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageCTFDetermination.h typedef struct lmrcImageCTFDeterminationInfo { ctfInfo val; ctfInfo min; ctfInfo max; ctfInfo del; mrcImageParaTypeReal Rmax; mrcImageParaTypeReal Rmin; mrcImage Dif; double minResidual; double minDef; double minRatio; FILE* Out; int flagOutF; mrcImage resFFT; } lmrcImageCTFDeterminationInfo; typedef struct lmrcImageCTFDeterminationInfoMode { long FilterType; long WeightType; long SumType; long CTFInfoType; } lmrcImageCTFDeterminationInfoMode; typedef struct lmrcImageCTFDeterminationInfoRef { FILE* fptIn; char* In; FILE* fptRef; char* Ref; FILE* fptOut; char* Out; char MrcOut[100]; mrcImage* in; mrcImage* out; long Width; float PixelSize; float truePitch; float firstDf; float withinDf; float firstAoverP; float withinAoverP; mrcImageParaTypeReal maxiter; mrcImageParaTypeReal iter; } lmrcImageCTFDeterminationInfoRef; FileName:::: lmrcImageCentre.h typedef struct lmrcImageCenterOfMass { float x; float y; float z; } lmrcImageCenterOfMass; FileName:::: lmrcImageCommonLine.h typedef enum lmrcImageCommonLineMode { lmrcImageCommonLineModeImageCenterIsGC = 1 } lmrcImageCommonLineMode; typedef enum lmrcImageCommonLineSearchMode { lmrcImageCommonLineSearchModeFourierSpace = 0, lmrcImageCommonLineSearchModeRealSpace = 1 } lmrcImageCommonLineSearchMode; typedef struct lmrcImageCommonLineInfo { /* Input */ double dtheta; lmrcImageCommonLineSearchMode searchMode; /* Output */ double optimumThetaIn; double optimumThetaRef; double optimumCor; } lmrcImageCommonLineInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageConnection.h typedef struct lmrcImageConnectionInfo { long mode; } lmrcImageConnectionInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageContourSurface.h typedef struct lmrcImageContourSurfaceInfo { mrcImageParaTypeReal Contour; } lmrcImageContourSurfaceInfo; typedef enum lmrcImageContourSurfaceMode { lmrcImageContourSurfaceModeSimple=0 } lmrcImageContourSurfaceMode; FileName:::: lmrcImageCorrelation.h typedef struct lmrcImageAutoRotationCorrelationInfo { int iter; /* iteration */ int nRot; /* Rotation */ int Method; float max; float maxTheta; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord maxP; mrcImageInformation corInfo; lmrcImageSSDAInfo SSDAInfo; float EuclidDistance; float LinearCorrelation; /* Restriction Rotation Area */ int flagRestrictionArea; float thetaMin; float thetaMax; int flagXshiftOnly; } lmrcImageAutoRotationCorrelationInfo; typedef struct lmrcImageCorrelationRefinementInfo { mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord shift; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord step; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord range; mrcImageInformation corInfo; int mode; } lmrcImageCorrelationRefinementInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageCrystalCreate.h typedef struct lmrcImageCrystalCreateInfo { long nx; long ny; long nz; } lmrcImageCrystalCreateInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageDensity.h typedef struct lmrcImageDensityInfoInfo { floatVector percentageVolume; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord centreOfGravity; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord centreOfGravitySD; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord max; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord maxSD; double deltaVolume; mrcImage in; } lmrcImageDensityInfoInfo; typedef enum lmrcImageDensityInfoMode { mrcImageDensityInfoPercentageVolume =1, mrcImageDensityInfoCentreOfGravity =2, mrcImageDensityInfoMax =4, mrcImageDensityInfoCentreOfGravitySD =8, mrcImageDensityInfoMaxSD =16 } lmrcImageDensityInfoMode; typedef struct lmrcImageDensityChangeEsitmationInfo0 { mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord change; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord changeSD; double delta; double deltaSD; double deltaXY; double deltaXYSD; } lmrcImageDensityChangeEstimationInfo0; typedef struct lmrcImageDensityChangeEsitmationInfo { lmrcImageDensityChangeEstimationInfo0 CG; lmrcImageDensityChangeEstimationInfo0 Max; mrcImage in1; mrcImage in2; } lmrcImageDensityChangeEstimationInfo; typedef enum lmrcImageDensityChangeEstimationMode { mrcImageDensityChangeEstimationCentreOfGravity =2, mrcImageDensityChangeEstimationMax =4, mrcImageDensityChangeEstimationCentreOfGravitySD =8, mrcImageDensityChangeEstimationMaxSD =16 } lmrcImageDensityChageEstimationMode; FileName:::: lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImage.h typedef struct lmrcImageDenstiyNormalizationByImageInfo { /* Input */ double sigma; /* Region Information */ int flagCylinder; float centerx, centery; float minr, maxr; /* Fitting Mode */ int fitMode; float tstBGMin; float tstBGMax; float tstBGDelta; /* Output */ float a; float b; float sigma_a; float sigma_b; float chi2; float q; float r; float refBG; float tstBG; float chi2Signal; float chi2BG; int nData; float* testData; float* refData; } lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageInfo; /* minimization of (in1 - (a+b*in2))^2 out = a + b*in2 */ typedef enum lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageMode { lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageModeSigma = 1, lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageModeStdout = 2, lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageModeReverse = 4, lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageModeRobust = 8 } lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageMode; typedef enum lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageFitMode { lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageFitModeSingleLine = 0, lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageFitModeSingleLineWithBackground = 1 } lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageFitMode; FileName:::: lmrcImageEdgeAverage.h typedef struct lmrcImageEdgeAverageInfo { /* In */ mrcImageParaTypeInteger devide; mrcImageParaTypeInteger width; /* Out */ mrcImageParaTypeReal* avg[4]; mrcImageParaTypeReal* count[4]; } lmrcImageEdgeAverageInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageFilterCreate.h typedef enum lmrcImageFilterCreateMode { lmrcImageFilterModeSquare=0, lmrcImageFilterModeCircle=1 } lmrcImageFilterCreateMode; typedef struct lmrcImageFilterCreateInfo { mrcImageParaTypeInteger np; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord* p; mrcImageParaTypeReal* weight; mrcImageParaTypeIntegerCoord N; mrcImageParaTypeIntegerCoord Size; lmrcImageFilterCreateMode shape; long outputMode; } lmrcImageFilterCreateInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageFirstNoiseReductionByRelaxation.h typedef struct lmrcImageNoiseReductionByRelaxationInfo { /* input */ /* OR Output */ double SD; double datamax; double datamin; long classNumber; int ddimx; int ddimy; int ddimz; } lmrcImageNoiseReductionByRelaxationInfo; typedef enum lmrcImageNoiseReductionByRelaxationMode { lmrcImageNoiseReductionByRelaxationModeSigma = 1, } lmrcImageNoiseReductionByRelaxationMode; FileName:::: lmrcImageMasking.h typedef enum lmrcImageMaskingInfoShape { lmrcImageMaskingInfoShapeCircle=0, lmrcImageMaskingInfoSquare=0 } lmrcImageMaskingInfoShape; typedef struct lmrcImageMaskingInfo { mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord n; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord c; lmrcImageMaskingInfoShape shape; long mode; } lmrcImageMaskingInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageModelCreate.h typedef struct _lmrcImageModelCreateMode1Info { float radius; float nHelix; float zPitch; float phiAngle; float deltaPhi; float startZ; float endZ; float startPhi; int flagIn; mrcImage* in; mrcImageDataSetMode inMode; int fm; int units; } _lmrcImageModelCreateMode1Info; FileName:::: lmrcImageMontage.h typedef struct lmrcImageMontageInfo { lmrcImagePadMode PadMode; lmrcImagePadInfo PadInfo; int nx; int ny; int flagMaxValue; mrcImageParaTypeReal MaxValue; int flagValueAssignedToMax; mrcImageParaTypeReal ValueAssignedToMax; int flagEdgeAverage; int EdgeAverageWindow; int flagNoAverage; } lmrcImageMontageInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageMove.h typedef enum lmrcImageMoveMode { lmrcImageMoveModePixelUnit=0 } lmrcImageMoveMode; FileName:::: lmrcImageNormalizing.h typedef float lmrcImageNormalizingParaTypeReal; typedef enum lmrcImageNormalizingMode { lmrcImageNormalizingModeDoubleExponential=0, lmrcImageNormalizingModeMinMax=1, lmrcImageNormalizingModeUsingContour=2, lmrcImageNormalizingModeUsingContourWithSolventFlattening=3, lmrcImageNormalizingModeNoEstimation=4 } lmrcImageNormalizingMode ; typedef struct lmrcImageNormalizingInfo { lmrcImageNormalizingParaTypeReal A; lmrcImageNormalizingParaTypeReal B; /* A x + B */ lmrcImageNormalizingParaTypeReal ContourMin; lmrcImageNormalizingParaTypeReal ContourMax; lmrcImageNormalizingParaTypeReal ContourSolvent; lmrcImageNormalizingMode Mode; } lmrcImageNormalizingInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImagePad.h typedef struct lmrcImagePadInfo { mrcImageParaTypeInteger Width; mrcImageParaTypeInteger Height; mrcImageParaTypeReal Value; mrcImageParaTypeReal AWSize; mrcImageParaTypeReal AWMin; mrcImageParaTypeReal AWMax; } lmrcImagePadInfo; typedef enum lmrcImagePadMode { lmrcImagePadModeAverage = 0, lmrcImagePadModeAveragedYAxis = 1, lmrcImagePadModeDynamicAveragedYAxis = 2, lmrcImagePadModeAveragedEdge = 3, lmrcImagePadModeBottomLeft = 4, lmrcImagePadModeCenterWithoutAveraging = 5, lmrcImagePadModeBottomLeftWithoutAveraging= 6, lmrcImagePadModeAveragedOutsideCircle = 7, lmrcImagePadModeAveragedOutsideRing = 8, lmrcImagePadModeByValue = 9 } lmrcImagePadMode; FileName:::: lmrcImagePrint.h typedef struct mrcImagePSFilePrintInfo { mrcImageParaTypeReal scale; mrcImageParaTypeReal contourLineColorChange; mrcImageParaTypeReal contourLineWidthStart; mrcImageParaTypeReal contourLineWidthStep; long centre; /* 0: bottom right or 1:centre */ char whichSection; /* [x|y|z] */ double untwistAngle; /* untwist Image */ psImageInfo psInfo; mrcImageParaTypeReal circleRadius; } mrcImagePSFilePrintInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageProjection.h typedef struct lmrcImageProjectionInfo{ long mode; } lmrcImageProjectionInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageROI2D.h typedef enum lmrcImageROIShape { Rect =0, Rect2 =1, Circle =2, Line =3 } lmrcImageROIShape; typedef struct lmrcImageSingleROIInfo { char* FileName; lmrcImageROIShape Shape; float centerx; /* For All Shape */ float centery; float blx; /* For Rect, Rect2, Circle */ float bly; float brx; float bry; float trx; float try; float tlx; float tly; float startx; /* For Line */ float starty; float endx; float endy; /* For Post Modification */ int flagWidth; /* For Rect, Rect2, Circle, Line */ float width; int flagHeight; /* For Rect, Rect2, Circle */ float height; float radius; int mode; int flagRotation; float angle; int flagMagnifiedWidth; float magnifiedWidth; int flagMagnifiedHeight; float magnifiedHeight; /* For Layer Line Information */ int flagLayerLine; float truePitch; float Ly; float dY; } lmrcImageSingleROIInfo; typedef struct lmrcImageROIsInfo { lmrcImageSingleROIInfo* ROI; int numROI; } lmrcImageROIsInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageROI3D.h typedef struct lmrcImageROI3DInfo { mrcImageParaTypeReal z1; mrcImageParaTypeReal z2; int flagz; /* This is a dummy parameter the current version for the future */ int flagx; mrcImageParaTypeReal x1; mrcImageParaTypeReal x2; int flagy; mrcImageParaTypeReal y1; mrcImageParaTypeReal y2; } lmrcImageROI3DInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageRadialDistribution.h typedef struct lmrcImageRadialDistributionInfo { float Cx; float Cy; int flagAverage; } lmrcImageRadialDistributionInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageSSDA.h typedef struct lmrcImageSSDAInfo { double Threshold; /* Threshold Level */ double Error; /* Sum of residual differences at (x, y)*/ mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord p; /* Lower Right Point Coordinate on Partial Image on the Input Image */ mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord optimump; /* Optimum Point */ mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord smin; /* Search Area: Bottom Right */ mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord smax; /* Search Area: Top Left */ mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord predict; /* Predictive Point */ mrcImageParaTypeInteger n; /* Addition Times at (x, y)*/ } lmrcImageSSDAInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageSamplingUnitChange.h typedef struct lmrcImageSamplingUnitChangeInfo { mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord L; mrcImageParaTypeIntegerCoord N; mrcImageParaTypeInteger SamplingMethodMode; } lmrcImageSamplingUnitChangeInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxation.h typedef enum lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode1 { lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode1SavitzyGolay = 1 } lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode1; typedef enum lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode2 { lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode2Rectangle = 1, lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode2Circle = 2 } lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode2; typedef enum lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode3 { lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode3FiveTimesFive = 1, lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode3SevenTimesSeven = 2 } lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode3; FileName:::: lmrcImageSinogram.h typedef struct lmrcImageSinogramInfo { double dphi; int correlationMode; } lmrcImageSinogramInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageSolventFlattening.h typedef struct lmrcImageSolventFlatteningInfo { double density; long flagdensity; } lmrcImageSolventFlatteningInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageSphere.h typedef struct lmrcImageSphereInfo { float size; float r; float w; long mode; }lmrcImageSphereInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageSymmetryFind.h typedef enum lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckType { lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCheckByAdd=1, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCheckByCorrelation=2, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCheckByFourier=4, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCheckByTTest=8, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCheckBySRP=16 } lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckType; typedef enum lmrcImageSymmetryFindCentreType { lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCentreGC = 0, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCentreSymmetry = 1 } lmrcImageSymmetryFindCentreType; typedef enum lmrcImageSymmetryFindSubtractionType { lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeNoSubtraction = 0, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeMeanSubtraction = 1, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeMinSubtraction = 2 } lmrcImageSymmetryFindSubtractionType; typedef struct lmrcImageSymmetryFindInfo { double dr; double dtheta; double threshold1; double threshold2; int maxNfold; /* Centre */ lmrcImageSymmetryFindCentreType centreMode; lmrcImageDeterminationOfPolarAxisByAssumingNfoldInfo centreInfo; lmrcImageSymmetryFindSubtractionType subtractionMode; /* Subtraction Mode */ int flagImages; mrcImage Image; mrcImage* Images; int flagBacks; mrcImage Back; mrcImage* Backs; floatVector Value; floatVector Point; int Symmetry; FILE* fptOut; int flagCorrelation; mrcImage correlation; int flagFourier; mrcImage fourier; int flagTmap; mrcImage tmap; int flagAvg; mrcImage avg; char* avgName; DescartesCoord centre; } lmrcImageSymmetryFindInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageTransformDescartesIntoPolar.h typedef struct lmrcImageDeterminationOfPolarAxisByAssumingNfoldInfo { int nFold; double minx; double maxx; double delx; double miny; double maxy; double dely; double minz; double maxz; double delz; double delPHI; } lmrcImageDeterminationOfPolarAxisByAssumingNfoldInfo; typedef struct lmrcImageTransformDescartesIntoPolarInfo { double dr; /* Angstrom */ double dphi; /* Radian */ double dtheta; /* Radian */ int flagImageCentreIsGravityCentre; int flagDescartesIntoPolarInfo; int flagrWeight; /* RotationalSymmetry */ int flagRotationalSymmetry; int nRotationalSymmetry; lmrcImageDeterminationOfPolarAxisByAssumingNfoldInfo axisInfo; int flagCentre; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord Centre; } lmrcImageTransformDescartesIntoPolarInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageWindowing.h typedef struct lmrcImageWindowingInfo { long flagWy; float Wy; long flagWx; float Wx; } lmrcImageWindowingInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImagesStatDataGet.h typedef struct lmrcImagesStatDataGetInfo { int numImage; int flagAvg; mrcImage Avg; int flagSQRAvg; mrcImage SQRAvg; int flagVar; mrcImage Var; int flagSD; mrcImage SD; int flagSN; mrcImage SN; int flagSE; mrcImage SE; int flagt; mrcImage t; } lmrcImagesStatDataGetInfo; FileName:::: mrcRefUtil.h typedef double mrcRefDegCoordinate; typedef struct { mrcRefDegCoordinate ip; mrcRefDegCoordinate iw; mrcRefDegCoordinate ia; mrcRefDegCoordinate dp; mrcRefDegCoordinate dw; mrcRefDegCoordinate da; mrcRefDegCoordinate wp; mrcRefDegCoordinate ww; mrcRefDegCoordinate wa; } mrcRefHeader; typedef struct { mrcRefDegCoordinate ip; mrcRefDegCoordinate iw; mrcRefDegCoordinate ia; mrcRefDegCoordinate dp; mrcRefDegCoordinate dw; mrcRefDegCoordinate da; mrcRefDegCoordinate wp; mrcRefDegCoordinate ww; mrcRefDegCoordinate wa; int mode; } mrcRefCorHeader; #define mrcRefHeaderNumber 9; typedef struct { mrcRefDegCoordinate ip; mrcRefDegCoordinate iw; mrcRefDegCoordinate ia; mrcRefDegCoordinate dp; mrcRefDegCoordinate dw; mrcRefDegCoordinate da; mrcRefDegCoordinate wp; mrcRefDegCoordinate ww; mrcRefDegCoordinate wa; double sy; double ey; double refsize; int inverse; } mrcpwzCorHeader; FileName:::: lmrcFFTInfo.h typedef struct mrcFSInfo { double F00; double Max; double MaxExceptForF00; } mrcFSInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageBinalization.h typedef struct lmrcImageBinalizationInfo { double thresHold; double value; int flagNear; double near; /* pixel unit */ }lmrcImageBinalizationInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageCTFDetermination.h typedef struct lmrcImageCTFDeterminationInfo { ctfInfo val; ctfInfo min; ctfInfo max; ctfInfo del; mrcImageParaTypeReal Rmax; mrcImageParaTypeReal Rmin; mrcImage Dif; double minResidual; double minDef; double minRatio; FILE* Out; int flagOutF; mrcImage resFFT; } lmrcImageCTFDeterminationInfo; typedef struct lmrcImageCTFDeterminationInfoMode { long FilterType; long WeightType; long SumType; long CTFInfoType; } lmrcImageCTFDeterminationInfoMode; typedef struct lmrcImageCTFDeterminationInfoRef { FILE* fptIn; char* In; FILE* fptRef; char* Ref; FILE* fptOut; char* Out; char MrcOut[100]; mrcImage* in; mrcImage* out; long Width; float PixelSize; float truePitch; float firstDf; float withinDf; float firstAoverP; float withinAoverP; mrcImageParaTypeReal maxiter; mrcImageParaTypeReal iter; } lmrcImageCTFDeterminationInfoRef; FileName:::: lmrcImageCentre.h typedef struct lmrcImageCenterOfMass { float x; float y; float z; } lmrcImageCenterOfMass; FileName:::: lmrcImageCommonLine.h typedef enum lmrcImageCommonLineMode { lmrcImageCommonLineModeImageCenterIsGC = 1 } lmrcImageCommonLineMode; typedef enum lmrcImageCommonLineSearchMode { lmrcImageCommonLineSearchModeFourierSpace = 0, lmrcImageCommonLineSearchModeRealSpace = 1 } lmrcImageCommonLineSearchMode; typedef struct lmrcImageCommonLineInfo { /* Input */ double dtheta; lmrcImageCommonLineSearchMode searchMode; /* Output */ double optimumThetaIn; double optimumThetaRef; double optimumCor; } lmrcImageCommonLineInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageConnection.h typedef struct lmrcImageConnectionInfo { long mode; } lmrcImageConnectionInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageContourSurface.h typedef struct lmrcImageContourSurfaceInfo { mrcImageParaTypeReal Contour; } lmrcImageContourSurfaceInfo; typedef enum lmrcImageContourSurfaceMode { lmrcImageContourSurfaceModeSimple=0 } lmrcImageContourSurfaceMode; FileName:::: lmrcImageCorrelation.h typedef struct lmrcImageAutoRotationCorrelationInfo { int iter; /* iteration */ int nRot; /* Rotation */ int Method; float max; float maxTheta; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord maxP; mrcImageInformation corInfo; lmrcImageSSDAInfo SSDAInfo; float EuclidDistance; float LinearCorrelation; /* Restriction Rotation Area */ int flagRestrictionArea; float thetaMin; float thetaMax; int flagXshiftOnly; } lmrcImageAutoRotationCorrelationInfo; typedef struct lmrcImageCorrelationRefinementInfo { mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord shift; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord step; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord range; mrcImageInformation corInfo; int mode; } lmrcImageCorrelationRefinementInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageCrystalCreate.h typedef struct lmrcImageCrystalCreateInfo { long nx; long ny; long nz; } lmrcImageCrystalCreateInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageDensity.h typedef struct lmrcImageDensityInfoInfo { floatVector percentageVolume; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord centreOfGravity; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord centreOfGravitySD; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord max; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord maxSD; double deltaVolume; mrcImage in; } lmrcImageDensityInfoInfo; typedef enum lmrcImageDensityInfoMode { mrcImageDensityInfoPercentageVolume =1, mrcImageDensityInfoCentreOfGravity =2, mrcImageDensityInfoMax =4, mrcImageDensityInfoCentreOfGravitySD =8, mrcImageDensityInfoMaxSD =16 } lmrcImageDensityInfoMode; typedef struct lmrcImageDensityChangeEsitmationInfo0 { mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord change; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord changeSD; double delta; double deltaSD; double deltaXY; double deltaXYSD; } lmrcImageDensityChangeEstimationInfo0; typedef struct lmrcImageDensityChangeEsitmationInfo { lmrcImageDensityChangeEstimationInfo0 CG; lmrcImageDensityChangeEstimationInfo0 Max; mrcImage in1; mrcImage in2; } lmrcImageDensityChangeEstimationInfo; typedef enum lmrcImageDensityChangeEstimationMode { mrcImageDensityChangeEstimationCentreOfGravity =2, mrcImageDensityChangeEstimationMax =4, mrcImageDensityChangeEstimationCentreOfGravitySD =8, mrcImageDensityChangeEstimationMaxSD =16 } lmrcImageDensityChageEstimationMode; FileName:::: lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImage.h typedef struct lmrcImageDenstiyNormalizationByImageInfo { /* Input */ double sigma; /* Region Information */ int flagCylinder; float centerx, centery; float minr, maxr; /* Fitting Mode */ int fitMode; float tstBGMin; float tstBGMax; float tstBGDelta; /* Output */ float a; float b; float sigma_a; float sigma_b; float chi2; float q; float r; float refBG; float tstBG; float chi2Signal; float chi2BG; int nData; float* testData; float* refData; } lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageInfo; /* minimization of (in1 - (a+b*in2))^2 out = a + b*in2 */ typedef enum lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageMode { lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageModeSigma = 1, lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageModeStdout = 2, lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageModeReverse = 4, lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageModeRobust = 8 } lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageMode; typedef enum lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageFitMode { lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageFitModeSingleLine = 0, lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageFitModeSingleLineWithBackground = 1 } lmrcImageDensityNormalizationByImageFitMode; FileName:::: lmrcImageEdgeAverage.h typedef struct lmrcImageEdgeAverageInfo { /* In */ mrcImageParaTypeInteger devide; mrcImageParaTypeInteger width; /* Out */ mrcImageParaTypeReal* avg[4]; mrcImageParaTypeReal* count[4]; } lmrcImageEdgeAverageInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageFilterCreate.h typedef enum lmrcImageFilterCreateMode { lmrcImageFilterModeSquare=0, lmrcImageFilterModeCircle=1 } lmrcImageFilterCreateMode; typedef struct lmrcImageFilterCreateInfo { mrcImageParaTypeInteger np; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord* p; mrcImageParaTypeReal* weight; mrcImageParaTypeIntegerCoord N; mrcImageParaTypeIntegerCoord Size; lmrcImageFilterCreateMode shape; long outputMode; } lmrcImageFilterCreateInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageFirstNoiseReductionByRelaxation.h typedef struct lmrcImageNoiseReductionByRelaxationInfo { /* input */ /* OR Output */ double SD; double datamax; double datamin; long classNumber; int ddimx; int ddimy; int ddimz; } lmrcImageNoiseReductionByRelaxationInfo; typedef enum lmrcImageNoiseReductionByRelaxationMode { lmrcImageNoiseReductionByRelaxationModeSigma = 1, } lmrcImageNoiseReductionByRelaxationMode; FileName:::: lmrcImageMasking.h typedef enum lmrcImageMaskingInfoShape { lmrcImageMaskingInfoShapeCircle=0, lmrcImageMaskingInfoSquare=0 } lmrcImageMaskingInfoShape; typedef struct lmrcImageMaskingInfo { mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord n; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord c; lmrcImageMaskingInfoShape shape; long mode; } lmrcImageMaskingInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageModelCreate.h typedef struct _lmrcImageModelCreateMode1Info { float radius; float nHelix; float zPitch; float phiAngle; float deltaPhi; float startZ; float endZ; float startPhi; int flagIn; mrcImage* in; mrcImageDataSetMode inMode; int fm; int units; } _lmrcImageModelCreateMode1Info; FileName:::: lmrcImageMontage.h typedef struct lmrcImageMontageInfo { lmrcImagePadMode PadMode; lmrcImagePadInfo PadInfo; int nx; int ny; int flagMaxValue; mrcImageParaTypeReal MaxValue; int flagValueAssignedToMax; mrcImageParaTypeReal ValueAssignedToMax; int flagEdgeAverage; int EdgeAverageWindow; int flagNoAverage; } lmrcImageMontageInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageMove.h typedef enum lmrcImageMoveMode { lmrcImageMoveModePixelUnit=0 } lmrcImageMoveMode; FileName:::: lmrcImageNormalizing.h typedef float lmrcImageNormalizingParaTypeReal; typedef enum lmrcImageNormalizingMode { lmrcImageNormalizingModeDoubleExponential=0, lmrcImageNormalizingModeMinMax=1, lmrcImageNormalizingModeUsingContour=2, lmrcImageNormalizingModeUsingContourWithSolventFlattening=3, lmrcImageNormalizingModeNoEstimation=4 } lmrcImageNormalizingMode ; typedef struct lmrcImageNormalizingInfo { lmrcImageNormalizingParaTypeReal A; lmrcImageNormalizingParaTypeReal B; /* A x + B */ lmrcImageNormalizingParaTypeReal ContourMin; lmrcImageNormalizingParaTypeReal ContourMax; lmrcImageNormalizingParaTypeReal ContourSolvent; lmrcImageNormalizingMode Mode; } lmrcImageNormalizingInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImagePad.h typedef struct lmrcImagePadInfo { mrcImageParaTypeInteger Width; mrcImageParaTypeInteger Height; mrcImageParaTypeReal Value; mrcImageParaTypeReal AWSize; mrcImageParaTypeReal AWMin; mrcImageParaTypeReal AWMax; } lmrcImagePadInfo; typedef enum lmrcImagePadMode { lmrcImagePadModeAverage = 0, lmrcImagePadModeAveragedYAxis = 1, lmrcImagePadModeDynamicAveragedYAxis = 2, lmrcImagePadModeAveragedEdge = 3, lmrcImagePadModeBottomLeft = 4, lmrcImagePadModeCenterWithoutAveraging = 5, lmrcImagePadModeBottomLeftWithoutAveraging= 6, lmrcImagePadModeAveragedOutsideCircle = 7, lmrcImagePadModeAveragedOutsideRing = 8, lmrcImagePadModeByValue = 9 } lmrcImagePadMode; FileName:::: lmrcImagePrint.h typedef struct mrcImagePSFilePrintInfo { mrcImageParaTypeReal scale; mrcImageParaTypeReal contourLineColorChange; mrcImageParaTypeReal contourLineWidthStart; mrcImageParaTypeReal contourLineWidthStep; long centre; /* 0: bottom right or 1:centre */ char whichSection; /* [x|y|z] */ double untwistAngle; /* untwist Image */ psImageInfo psInfo; mrcImageParaTypeReal circleRadius; } mrcImagePSFilePrintInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageProjection.h typedef struct lmrcImageProjectionInfo{ long mode; } lmrcImageProjectionInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageROI2D.h typedef enum lmrcImageROIShape { Rect =0, Rect2 =1, Circle =2, Line =3 } lmrcImageROIShape; typedef struct lmrcImageSingleROIInfo { char* FileName; lmrcImageROIShape Shape; float centerx; /* For All Shape */ float centery; float blx; /* For Rect, Rect2, Circle */ float bly; float brx; float bry; float trx; float try; float tlx; float tly; float startx; /* For Line */ float starty; float endx; float endy; /* For Post Modification */ int flagWidth; /* For Rect, Rect2, Circle, Line */ float width; int flagHeight; /* For Rect, Rect2, Circle */ float height; float radius; int mode; int flagRotation; float angle; int flagMagnifiedWidth; float magnifiedWidth; int flagMagnifiedHeight; float magnifiedHeight; /* For Layer Line Information */ int flagLayerLine; float truePitch; float Ly; float dY; } lmrcImageSingleROIInfo; typedef struct lmrcImageROIsInfo { lmrcImageSingleROIInfo* ROI; int numROI; } lmrcImageROIsInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageROI3D.h typedef struct lmrcImageROI3DInfo { mrcImageParaTypeReal z1; mrcImageParaTypeReal z2; int flagz; /* This is a dummy parameter the current version for the future */ int flagx; mrcImageParaTypeReal x1; mrcImageParaTypeReal x2; int flagy; mrcImageParaTypeReal y1; mrcImageParaTypeReal y2; } lmrcImageROI3DInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageRadialDistribution.h typedef struct lmrcImageRadialDistributionInfo { float Cx; float Cy; int flagAverage; } lmrcImageRadialDistributionInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageSSDA.h typedef struct lmrcImageSSDAInfo { double Threshold; /* Threshold Level */ double Error; /* Sum of residual differences at (x, y)*/ mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord p; /* Lower Right Point Coordinate on Partial Image on the Input Image */ mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord optimump; /* Optimum Point */ mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord smin; /* Search Area: Bottom Right */ mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord smax; /* Search Area: Top Left */ mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord predict; /* Predictive Point */ mrcImageParaTypeInteger n; /* Addition Times at (x, y)*/ } lmrcImageSSDAInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageSamplingUnitChange.h typedef struct lmrcImageSamplingUnitChangeInfo { mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord L; mrcImageParaTypeIntegerCoord N; mrcImageParaTypeInteger SamplingMethodMode; } lmrcImageSamplingUnitChangeInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxation.h typedef enum lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode1 { lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode1SavitzyGolay = 1 } lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode1; typedef enum lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode2 { lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode2Rectangle = 1, lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode2Circle = 2 } lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode2; typedef enum lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode3 { lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode3FiveTimesFive = 1, lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode3SevenTimesSeven = 2 } lmrcImageSecondNoiseReductionByRelaxationDijStyleMode3; FileName:::: lmrcImageSinogram.h typedef struct lmrcImageSinogramInfo { double dphi; int correlationMode; } lmrcImageSinogramInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageSolventFlattening.h typedef struct lmrcImageSolventFlatteningInfo { double density; long flagdensity; } lmrcImageSolventFlatteningInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageSphere.h typedef struct lmrcImageSphereInfo { float size; float r; float w; long mode; }lmrcImageSphereInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageSymmetryFind.h typedef enum lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckType { lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCheckByAdd=1, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCheckByCorrelation=2, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCheckByFourier=4, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCheckByTTest=8, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCheckBySRP=16 } lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckType; typedef enum lmrcImageSymmetryFindCentreType { lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCentreGC = 0, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeCentreSymmetry = 1 } lmrcImageSymmetryFindCentreType; typedef enum lmrcImageSymmetryFindSubtractionType { lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeNoSubtraction = 0, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeMeanSubtraction = 1, lmrcImageSymmetryFindCheckTypeMinSubtraction = 2 } lmrcImageSymmetryFindSubtractionType; typedef struct lmrcImageSymmetryFindInfo { double dr; double dtheta; double threshold1; double threshold2; int maxNfold; /* Centre */ lmrcImageSymmetryFindCentreType centreMode; lmrcImageDeterminationOfPolarAxisByAssumingNfoldInfo centreInfo; lmrcImageSymmetryFindSubtractionType subtractionMode; /* Subtraction Mode */ int flagImages; mrcImage Image; mrcImage* Images; int flagBacks; mrcImage Back; mrcImage* Backs; floatVector Value; floatVector Point; int Symmetry; FILE* fptOut; int flagCorrelation; mrcImage correlation; int flagFourier; mrcImage fourier; int flagTmap; mrcImage tmap; int flagAvg; mrcImage avg; char* avgName; DescartesCoord centre; } lmrcImageSymmetryFindInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageTransformDescartesIntoPolar.h typedef struct lmrcImageDeterminationOfPolarAxisByAssumingNfoldInfo { int nFold; double minx; double maxx; double delx; double miny; double maxy; double dely; double minz; double maxz; double delz; double delPHI; } lmrcImageDeterminationOfPolarAxisByAssumingNfoldInfo; typedef struct lmrcImageTransformDescartesIntoPolarInfo { double dr; /* Angstrom */ double dphi; /* Radian */ double dtheta; /* Radian */ int flagImageCentreIsGravityCentre; int flagDescartesIntoPolarInfo; int flagrWeight; /* RotationalSymmetry */ int flagRotationalSymmetry; int nRotationalSymmetry; lmrcImageDeterminationOfPolarAxisByAssumingNfoldInfo axisInfo; int flagCentre; mrcImageParaTypeRealCoord Centre; } lmrcImageTransformDescartesIntoPolarInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImageWindowing.h typedef struct lmrcImageWindowingInfo { long flagWy; float Wy; long flagWx; float Wx; } lmrcImageWindowingInfo; FileName:::: lmrcImagesStatDataGet.h typedef struct lmrcImagesStatDataGetInfo { int numImage; int flagAvg; mrcImage Avg; int flagSQRAvg; mrcImage SQRAvg; int flagVar; mrcImage Var; int flagSD; mrcImage SD; int flagSN; mrcImage SN; int flagSE; mrcImage SE; int flagt; mrcImage t; } lmrcImagesStatDataGetInfo; FileName:::: mrcRefUtil.h typedef double mrcRefDegCoordinate; typedef struct { mrcRefDegCoordinate ip; mrcRefDegCoordinate iw; mrcRefDegCoordinate ia; mrcRefDegCoordinate dp; mrcRefDegCoordinate dw; mrcRefDegCoordinate da; mrcRefDegCoordinate wp; mrcRefDegCoordinate ww; mrcRefDegCoordinate wa; } mrcRefHeader; typedef struct { mrcRefDegCoordinate ip; mrcRefDegCoordinate iw; mrcRefDegCoordinate ia; mrcRefDegCoordinate dp; mrcRefDegCoordinate dw; mrcRefDegCoordinate da; mrcRefDegCoordinate wp; mrcRefDegCoordinate ww; mrcRefDegCoordinate wa; int mode; } mrcRefCorHeader; #define mrcRefHeaderNumber 9; typedef struct { mrcRefDegCoordinate ip; mrcRefDegCoordinate iw; mrcRefDegCoordinate ia; mrcRefDegCoordinate dp; mrcRefDegCoordinate dw; mrcRefDegCoordinate da; mrcRefDegCoordinate wp; mrcRefDegCoordinate ww; mrcRefDegCoordinate wa; double sy; double ey; double refsize; int inverse; } mrcpwzCorHeader;