Nucleus requires at least PHP version '. $minimum_php_version .''); } // make sure there's no unnecessary escaping: # set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); if ( version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<') ) { ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', '0'); } /* default installed plugins and skins */ $aConfPlugsToInstall = array('NP_SecurityEnforcer', 'NP_SkinFiles', 'NP_Text'); $aConfSkinsToImport = array('atom', 'rss2.0', 'rsd', 'default'); // Check if some important files do_check_files(); /* i18n class is needed for internationalization */ include_once('../nucleus/libs/i18n.php'); if ( !i18n::init('UTF-8', './locales') ) { exit('
Failed to initialize iconv or mbstring extension. Would you please contact the administrator of your PHP server?
'); } // check if mysql support is installed; this check may not make sense, as is, in a version past 3.5x if ( !function_exists('mysql_query') && !function_exists('mysqli_query') ) { exit('
Your PHP version does not have support for MySQL :(
'); } // include core classes that are needed for login & plugin handling include_once('../nucleus/libs/mysql.php'); // added for 3.5 sql_* wrapper global $MYSQL_HANDLER; if ( !isset($MYSQL_HANDLER) ) { $MYSQL_HANDLER = array('mysql', ''); } include_once('../nucleus/libs/sql/' . $MYSQL_HANDLER[0] . '.php'); session_start(); if ( count($_GET) == 0 && count($_POST) == 0 ) { unset($_SESSION['param_manager']); } // restore the $param from the session if ( array_key_exists('param_manager', $_SESSION) ) { $param = $_SESSION['param_manager']; } else { $param = new ParamManager(); } // include translation file if ( array_key_exists('locale', $_POST) ) $param->set_locale(); i18n::set_current_locale($param->locale); $translation_file = './locales/' . i18n::get_current_locale() . '.' . i18n::get_current_charset() . '.php'; if ( !file_exists($translation_file) ) { $translation_file = './locales/en_Latn_US.UTF-8.php'; } include($translation_file); do_action(); // $param is saved to the session if ( isset($param) ) { $_SESSION['param_manager'] = $param; } else { unset($_SESSION['param_manager']); } exit; /** * installer action */ function do_action() { global $param; if ( array_key_exists('action', $_POST) ) { $isPostback = true; } else { $isPostback = false; } // mode change if ( array_key_exists('mode', $_REQUEST) ) { if ( $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'detail' ) { $param->set_state('detail'); } elseif ( $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'simple' ) { $param->set_state('mysql'); } } // input parameter check if ( $isPostback ) { switch ( $param->state ) { case 'locale': $param->set_locale(); $param->set_state('mysql'); $isPostback = false; break; case 'mysql': if ( count($param->check_mysql_parameters()) == 0 ) { $param->set_state('weblog'); $isPostback = false; } break; case 'weblog': if ( count($param->check_user_parameters()) == 0 && count($param->check_weblog_parameters()) == 0 ) { $param->set_state('install'); $isPostback = false; } break; case 'detail': if ( $param->check_all_parameters() ) { $param->set_state('install'); $isPostback = false; } break; } } // page render show_header(); switch ( $param->state ) { case 'locale': show_select_locale_form(); break; case 'mysql': show_database_setting_form($isPostback); break; case 'weblog': show_blog_setting_form($isPostback); break; case 'detail': show_detail_setting_form($isPostback); break; case 'install': show_install_complete_form(); break; } show_footer(); } /** * header tag of the installation screens **/ function show_header() { global $param; /* HTTP 1.1 application for no caching */ header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . i18n::get_current_charset()); ?> <?php echo _TITLE; ?>

Select your locale:

', $config_writable, ''; } if ( $mysql_version == '0.0.0' ) { echo '', _DBVERSION_UNKOWN, ''; } elseif ( version_compare($mysql_version, $minimum_mysql_version, '<') ) { echo '', sprintf(_DBVERSION_TOOLOW , $minimum_mysql_version), ''; } ?>

check_mysql_parameters(); if ( is_array($errors) ) { foreach ( $errors as $error ) { echo '', $error, "\n"; } } } ?>

check_weblog_parameters(); if ( is_array($errors) ) { foreach ( $errors as $error ) { echo '', $error, "\n"; } } } ?>

check_user_parameters(); if ( is_array($errors) ) { foreach ( $errors as $error ) { echo '', $error, "\n"; } } } ?>

check_all_parameters() ) { echo '', _VALID_ERROR, "\n"; } ?>

check_mysql_parameters(); if ( is_array($errors) ) { foreach ( $errors as $error ) { echo '', $error, "\n"; } } } ?>

check_uri_parameters(); if ( is_array($errors) ) { foreach ( $errors as $error ) { echo '', $error, "\n"; } } $errors = $param->check_path_parameters(); if ( is_array($errors) ) { foreach ( $errors as $error ) { echo '', $error, "\n"; } } } ?>

check_user_parameters(); if ( is_array($errors) ) { foreach ( $errors as $error ) { echo '', $error, "\n"; } } } ?>

check_weblog_parameters(); if ( is_array($errors) ) { foreach ( $errors as $error ) { echo '', $error, "\n"; } } } ?>

0 ) { echo _INST_ERROR; foreach ( $errors as $error ) { echo '', $error, "\n"; } } else { echo _INST_TEXT; if ( array_key_exists('config_data', $_SESSION) ) { echo '', _INST_TEXT4, ''; ?> ', _INST_TEXT5, ''; } ?>

blog_name); ?>

mysql_host; $MYSQL_USER = $param->mysql_user; $MYSQL_PASSWORD = $param->mysql_password; $MYSQL_DATABASE = $param->mysql_database; $MYSQL_PREFIX = $param->mysql_tablePrefix; $DIR_NUCLEUS = $param->AdminPath; $DIR_MEDIA = $param->MediaPath; $DIR_SKINS = $param->SkinsPath; $DIR_PLUGINS = $DIR_NUCLEUS . 'plugins/'; $DIR_LOCALES = $DIR_NUCLEUS . 'locales/'; $DIR_LIBS = $DIR_NUCLEUS . 'libs/'; /* * mySQL connection */ $MYSQL_CONN = @sql_connect_args($MYSQL_HOST, $MYSQL_USER, $MYSQL_PASSWORD); if ( $MYSQL_CONN == false ) { $errors[] = _DBCONNECT_ERROR; return $errors; } /* * 3. try to create database if needed */ if ( !sql_query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {$MYSQL_DATABASE}") ) { $errors[] = _INST_ERROR1 . ': ' . sql_error(); } /* * 4. try to select database */ if ( !sql_select_db($MYSQL_DATABASE) ) { $errors[] = _INST_ERROR2; } sql_set_charset('utf8'); if ( count($errors) > 0 ) { return $errors; } /* * 5. execute queries */ $table_names = array( 'nucleus_actionlog', 'nucleus_ban', 'nucleus_blog', 'nucleus_category', 'nucleus_comment', 'nucleus_config', 'nucleus_item', 'nucleus_karma', 'nucleus_member', 'nucleus_plugin', 'nucleus_skin', 'nucleus_template', 'nucleus_team', 'nucleus_activation', 'nucleus_tickets' ); $prefixed_table_names = array(); foreach ( $table_names as $table_name ) { $prefixed_table_names[] = $MYSQL_PREFIX . $table_name; } // table exists check $result = sql_query('SHOW TABLES'); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { if ( in_array($row[0], $prefixed_table_names) ) { $errors[] = _INST_ERROR3; break; } } if ( count($errors) > 0 ) { return $errors; } $filename = 'install.sql'; $fd = fopen($filename, 'r'); $queries = fread($fd, filesize($filename) ); fclose($fd); $queries = preg_split('#(;\n|;\r)#', $queries); foreach ( $queries as $query ) { if ( preg_match('/\w+/', $query) ) { if ( $MYSQL_PREFIX ) { $query = str_replace($table_names, $prefixed_table_names, $query); } if ( !sql_query($query) ) { $errors[] = _INST_ERROR4 . ' (' . $query . '): ' . sql_error(); } } } /* * 6. put needed records */ /* push first post */ $query = "INSERT INTO %s VALUES (1, '%s', '%s', '%s', 1, 1, '%s', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1)"; $query = sprintf($query, tableName('nucleus_item'), _1ST_POST_TITLE, _1ST_POST, _1ST_POST2, i18n::formatted_datetime('mysql', time())); if ( !sql_query($query) ) { $errors[] = _INST_ERROR4 . ' (' . $newpost . '): ' . sql_error(); } /* push configurations */ array_merge($errors, updateConfig('IndexURL', $param->IndexURL)); array_merge($errors, updateConfig('AdminURL', $param->AdminURL)); array_merge($errors, updateConfig('MediaURL', $param->MediaURL)); array_merge($errors, updateConfig('SkinsURL', $param->SkinsURL)); array_merge($errors, updateConfig('PluginURL', $param->PluginURL)); array_merge($errors, updateConfig('ActionURL', $param->ActionURL)); array_merge($errors, updateConfig('AdminEmail', $param->user_email)); array_merge($errors, updateConfig('SiteName', $param->blog_name)); array_merge($errors, updateConfig('Locale', i18n::get_current_locale())); /* escape strings for SQL */ $user_name = sql_real_escape_string($param->user_name); $user_realname = sql_real_escape_string($param->user_realname); $user_password = sql_real_escape_string(md5($param->user_password)); $user_email = sql_real_escape_string($param->user_email); $blog_name = sql_real_escape_string($param->blog_name); $blog_shortname = sql_real_escape_string($param->blog_shortname); $config_indexurl = sql_real_escape_string($param->IndexURL); /* push super admin */ $query = "UPDATE %s SET mname = '%s', mrealname = '%s', mpassword = '%s', memail = '%s', murl = '%s', madmin = 1, mcanlogin = 1 WHERE mnumber = 1"; $query = sprintf($query, tableName('nucleus_member'), $user_name, $user_realname, $user_password, $user_email, $config_indexurl); if ( !sql_query($query) ) { $errors[] = _INST_ERROR5 . ': ' . sql_error(); } /* push new weblog */ $query = "UPDATE %s SET bname = '%s', bshortname = '%s', burl = '%s' WHERE bnumber = 1"; $query = sprintf($query, tableName('nucleus_blog'), $blog_name, $blog_shortname, $config_indexurl); if ( !sql_query($query) ) { $errors[] = _INST_ERROR6 . ': ' . sql_error(); } /* push default category */ $query = "UPDATE %s SET cname = '%s', cdesc = '%s' WHERE catid = 1"; $query = sprintf($query, tableName('nucleus_category'), _GENERALCAT_NAME, _GENERALCAT_DESC); if ( !sql_query($query) ) { $errors[] = _INST_ERROR6 . ': ' . sql_error(); } sql_close(); /* * 7. install default plugins and skins */ global $aConfPlugsToInstall, $aConfSkinsToImport; $aSkinErrors = array(); $aPlugErrors = array(); if ( (count($aConfPlugsToInstall) > 0) || (count($aConfSkinsToImport) > 0) ) { include_once($DIR_LIBS . 'globalfunctions.php'); global $manager; if ( !isset($manager) ) { $manager = new Manager(); } $aSkinErrors = installCustomSkins(); if ( count($aSkinErrors) > 0 ) { array_merge($errors, $aSkinErrors); } $query = "SELECT sdnumber FROM %s WHERE sdname='default'"; $query = sprintf($query, tableName('nucleus_skin_desc')); $res = sql_query($query); $obj = sql_fetch_assoc($res); $defSkinID = (integer) $obj['sdnumber']; $query = "UPDATE %s SET bdefskin=%d WHERE bnumber=1"; $query = sprintf($query, tableName('nucleus_blog'), $defSkinID); sql_query($query); $query = "UPDATE %s SET value=%d WHERE name='BaseSkin'"; $query = sprintf($query, tableName('nucleus_config'), $defSkinID); sql_query($query); $aPlugErrors = installCustomPlugs($manager); if ( count($aPlugErrors) > 0 ) { array_merge($errors, $aPlugErrors); } } /* * 8. Write config file ourselves (if possible) */ $config_data = '<' . '?php' . "\n"; $config_data .= "// mySQL connection information\n"; $config_data .= "\$MYSQL_HOST = '" . $MYSQL_HOST . "';\n"; $config_data .= "\$MYSQL_USER = '" . $MYSQL_USER . "';\n"; $config_data .= "\$MYSQL_PASSWORD = '" . $MYSQL_PASSWORD . "';\n"; $config_data .= "\$MYSQL_DATABASE = '" . $MYSQL_DATABASE . "';\n"; $config_data .= "\$MYSQL_PREFIX = '" . $MYSQL_PREFIX . "';\n"; $config_data .= "// new in 3.50. first element is db handler, the second is the db driver used by the handler\n"; $config_data .= "// default is \$MYSQL_HANDLER = array('mysql','mysql');\n"; $config_data .= "//\$MYSQL_HANDLER = array('mysql','mysql');\n"; $config_data .= "//\$MYSQL_HANDLER = array('pdo','mysql');\n"; $config_data .= "\$MYSQL_HANDLER = array('".$MYSQL_HANDLER[0]."','".$MYSQL_HANDLER[1]."');\n"; $config_data .= "\n"; $config_data .= "// main nucleus directory\n"; $config_data .= "\$DIR_NUCLEUS = '" . $DIR_NUCLEUS . "';\n"; $config_data .= "\n"; $config_data .= "// path to media dir\n"; $config_data .= "\$DIR_MEDIA = '" . $DIR_MEDIA . "';\n"; $config_data .= "\n"; $config_data .= "// extra skin files for imported skins\n"; $config_data .= "\$DIR_SKINS = '" . $DIR_SKINS . "';\n"; $config_data .= "\n"; $config_data .= "// these dirs are normally sub dirs of the nucleus dir, but \n"; $config_data .= "// you can redefine them if you wish\n"; $config_data .= "\$DIR_PLUGINS = \$DIR_NUCLEUS . 'plugins/';\n"; $config_data .= "\$DIR_LOCALES = \$DIR_NUCLEUS . 'locales/';\n"; $config_data .= "\$DIR_LIBS = \$DIR_NUCLEUS . 'libs/';\n"; $config_data .= "\n"; $config_data .= "// include libs\n"; $config_data .= "include(\$DIR_LIBS.'globalfunctions.php');\n"; $config_data .= "?" . ">"; $result = false; if ( @!file_exists('../config.php') || is_writable('../config.php') ) { if ( $fp = @fopen('../config.php', 'w') ) { $result = @fwrite($fp, $config_data, i18n::strlen($config_data) ); fclose($fp); } } if ( $result ) { // try to change the read-only permission. if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN' ) { @chmod('../config.php', 0444); } } else { $_SESSION['config_data'] = $config_data; } return $errors; } /** * Confirm that you can write to the configuration file * @return string error message */ function canConfigFileWritable() { if ( @file_exists('../config.php') && @!is_writable('../config.php') ) { // try to change the read-write permission. if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN' ) { @chmod('../config.php', 0666); } if ( @!is_writable('../config.php') ) { return _INST_ERROR8; } } return ''; } /** * To obtain the version of MySQL * @return string */ function getMySqlVersion() { global $minimum_mysql_version, $errors; // Turn on output buffer // Needed to repress the output of the sql function that are // not part of php (in this case the @ operator doesn't work) ob_start(); // note: this piece of code is taken from phpMyAdmin $conn = sql_connect_args('localhost', '', ''); $result = @sql_query('SELECT VERSION() AS version', $conn); if ( $result != FALSE && sql_num_rows($result) > 0 ) { $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $match = preg_split('#\.#', $row['version']); } else { $result = @sql_query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE \'version\'', $conn); if ( $result != FALSE && @sql_num_rows($result) > 0 ) { $row = sql_fetch_row($result); $match = preg_split('#\.#', $row[1]); } else { //$output = shell_exec('mysql -V'); $output = ( function_exists('shell_exec') ) ? @shell_exec('mysql -V') : '0.0.0'; preg_match('@[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+@', $output, $version); $match = preg_split('#\.#', $version[0]); if ( $match[0] == '' ) { $match = array('0', '0', '0'); } } } @sql_disconnect($conn); //End and clean output buffer ob_end_clean(); return implode($match, '.'); } /** * Add a table prefix if it is used * * @param string $input table name with prefix * @return string */ function tableName($input) { global $MYSQL_PREFIX; if ( $MYSQL_PREFIX ) { return $MYSQL_PREFIX . $input; } else { return $input; } } /** * Install custom plugins * * @param object $manager MANAGER class instance */ function installCustomPlugs($manager) { global $aConfPlugsToInstall, $DIR_LIBS; $aErrors = array(); if ( count($aConfPlugsToInstall) == 0 ) { return $aErrors; } $res = sql_query('SELECT * FROM ' . tableName('nucleus_plugin') ); $numCurrent = sql_num_rows($res); foreach ( $aConfPlugsToInstall as $plugName ) { $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . tableName('nucleus_plugin') . ' (porder, pfile) VALUES (' . (++$numCurrent) . ", '" . sql_real_escape_string($plugName) . "')"; sql_query($query); $manager->clearCachedInfo('installedPlugins'); $plugin =& $manager->getPlugin($plugName); $plugin->setID($numCurrent); if ( !$plugin ) { sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . tableName('nucleus_plugin') . " WHERE pfile = '" . sql_real_escape_string($plugName) . "'"); $numCurrent--; array_push($aErrors, sprintf(_INST_ERROR9 ,$plugName)); continue; } $plugin->install(); } sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . tableName('nucleus_plugin_event') ); $res = sql_query('SELECT pid, pfile FROM ' . tableName('nucleus_plugin') ); while ( $o = sql_fetch_object($res) ) { $pid = $o->pid; $plug =& $manager->getPlugin($o->pfile); if ( $plug ) { $eventList = $plug->getEventList(); foreach ( $eventList as $eventName ) { sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . tableName('nucleus_plugin_event') . ' (pid, event) VALUES (' . $pid . ", '" . $eventName . "')"); } } } return $aErrors; } /** * Install custom skins * Prepares the installation of custom skins */ function installCustomSkins() { global $aConfSkinsToImport, $DIR_LIBS, $DIR_SKINS; $aErrors = array(); if ( count($aConfSkinsToImport) == 0 ) { return $aErrors; } include_once($DIR_LIBS . 'skinie.php'); $importer = new SkinImport(); foreach ( $aConfSkinsToImport as $skinName ) { $importer->reset(); $skinFile = $DIR_SKINS . $skinName . '/skinbackup.xml'; if ( !@file_exists($skinFile) ) { array_push($aErrors, sprintf(_INST_ERROR10, $skinFile)); continue; } $error = $importer->readFile($skinFile); if ( $error ) { array_push($aErrors, sprintf(_INST_ERROR11, $skinName) . ' : ' . $error); continue; } $error = $importer->writeToDatabase(1); if ( $error ) { array_push($aErrors, sprintf(_INST_ERROR12, $skinName) . ' : ' . $error); continue; } } return $aErrors; } /** * Check if some important files of the Nucleus CMS installation are available * Give an error if one or more files are not accessible */ function do_check_files() { $missingfiles = array(); $files = array( './install.sql', '../index.php', '../action.php', '../nucleus/index.php', '../nucleus/media.php', '../nucleus/libs/ACTION.php', '../nucleus/libs/ACTIONLOG.php', '../nucleus/libs/ACTIONS.php', '../nucleus/libs/ADMIN.php', '../nucleus/libs/BaseActions.php', '../nucleus/libs/BLOG.php', '../nucleus/libs/BODYACTIONS.php', '../nucleus/libs/COMMENT.php', '../nucleus/libs/COMMENTACTIONS.php', '../nucleus/libs/COMMENTS.php', '../nucleus/libs/ENCAPSULATE.php', '../nucleus/libs/ENTITY.php', '../nucleus/libs/globalfunctions.php', '../nucleus/libs/i18n.php', '../nucleus/libs/ITEM.php', '../nucleus/libs/ITEMACTIONS.php', '../nucleus/libs/LINK.php', '../nucleus/libs/MANAGER.php', '../nucleus/libs/MEDIA.php', '../nucleus/libs/MEMBER.php', '../nucleus/libs/mysql.php', '../nucleus/libs/NOTIFICATION.php', '../nucleus/libs/PAGEFACTORY.php', '../nucleus/libs/PARSER.php', '../nucleus/libs/PLUGIN.php', '../nucleus/libs/PLUGINADMIN.php', '../nucleus/libs/SEARCH.php', '../nucleus/libs/showlist.php', '../nucleus/libs/SKIN.php', '../nucleus/libs/TEMPLATE.php', '../nucleus/libs/vars4.1.0.php', '../nucleus/libs/', '../nucleus/libs/', '../nucleus/libs/sql/mysql.php' ); $count = count($files); for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) { if ( !is_readable($files[$i]) ) { array_push( $missingfiles, 'File ' . $files[$i] . ' is missing or not readable.
'); } } if ( count($missingfiles) > 0 ) { exit(implode( "\n", $missingfiles)); } } /** * Updates the configuration in the database * * @param string $name name of the config var * @param string $value new value of the config var * @return array */ function updateConfig($name, $value) { $errors = array(); $name = sql_real_escape_string($name); $value = trim(sql_real_escape_string($value) ); $query = "UPDATE %s SET value = '%s' WHERE name = '%s'"; $query = sprintf($query, tableName('nucleus_config'), $value, $name); if ( !sql_query($query) ) { $errors[] = _INST_ERROR4 . ': ' . sql_error(); } return $errors; } class ParamManager { /* process parameter */ public $state; public $locale; /* mysql connection parameters */ public $mysql_host; public $mysql_user; public $mysql_password; public $mysql_database; public $mysql_tablePrefix; /* weblog configuration parameters */ public $blog_name; public $blog_shortname; /* member configuration parameters */ public $user_name; public $user_realname; public $user_password; private $user_password2; public $user_email; /* URI parameters */ private $root_url; public $IndexURL; public $AdminURL; public $MediaURL; public $SkinsURL; public $PluginURL; public $ActionURL; /* path parameters */ private $root_path; public $AdminPath; public $MediaPath; public $SkinsPath; /** * constructor */ public function __construct() { $this->init(); } public function init() { // set default values $this->state = 'locale'; $this->install_mode = 'simple'; $this->locale = 'en_Latn_US'; $this->mysql_host = @ini_get('mysql.default_host'); $this->blog_name = 'My Nucleus CMS'; $this->blog_shortname = 'mynucleuscms'; /* root path */ $this->root_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'); if ( substr($this->root_path, -1, 1) !== '/' ) { $this->root_path .= '/'; } $base_path_pcre = preg_quote($this->root_path, '#'); /* current directry name */ $directory_name = preg_replace("#$base_path_pcre#", '', dirname(__FILE__)); $directory_name_pcre = preg_quote($directory_name, '#'); /* root uri */ $root_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $this->root_url = preg_replace("#$directory_name_pcre(.*)$#", '', $root_url); $this->AdminPath = $this->root_path . 'nucleus' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $this->MediaPath = $this->root_path . 'media' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $this->SkinsPath = $this->root_path . 'skins' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $this->IndexURL = $this->root_url; $this->AdminURL = $this->root_url . 'nucleus/'; $this->MediaURL = $this->root_url . 'media/'; $this->SkinsURL = $this->root_url . 'skins/'; $this->PluginURL = $this->root_url . 'nucleus/plugins/'; $this->ActionURL = $this->root_url . 'action.php'; } private function read_parameter($parameter) { foreach ( $parameter as $element ) { if ( array_key_exists($element, $_POST) ) { $this->$element = $_POST[$element]; } } } public function set_state($state) { $states = array('locale', 'mysql', 'weblog', 'detail', 'install'); if ( in_array($state, $states) ) { $this->state = $state; } } public function set_locale() { $this->read_parameter(array('locale')); if ( !in_array($this->locale, i18n::get_available_locale_list()) ) { $this->locale = 'en_Latn_US'; } } public function check_mysql_parameters() { $parameters = array('mysql_host', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password', 'mysql_database', 'mysql_tablePrefix'); $this->read_parameter($parameters); $errors = array(); if ( $this->mysql_host == '' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR1, _DB_FIELD1); } if ( $this->mysql_user == '' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR1, _DB_FIELD2); } if ( $this->mysql_user != '' && !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_\-]+$/i', $this->mysql_user) ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR2, _DB_FIELD2); } if ( $this->mysql_password == '' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR1, _DB_FIELD3); } if ( $this->mysql_database == '' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR1, _DB_FIELD4); } if ( $this->mysql_database != '' && !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_\-]+$/i', $this->mysql_database) ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR2, _DB_FIELD4); } if ( $this->mysql_tablePrefix != '' && !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+$/i', $this->mysql_tablePrefix) ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR3, _DB_FIELD5); } if ( count($errors) == 0 ) { $mysql_conn = @sql_connect_args($this->mysql_host, $this->mysql_user, $this->mysql_password); if ( $mysql_conn == false ) { $errors[] = _DBCONNECT_ERROR; } else { @sql_close($mysql_conn); } } return $errors; } public function check_user_parameters() { $parameters = array('user_name', 'user_realname', 'user_password', 'user_password2', 'user_email'); $this->read_parameter($parameters); $errors = array(); if ( $this->user_realname == '' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR1, _ADMIN_FIELD1); } if ( $this->user_name == '' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR1, _ADMIN_FIELD2); } elseif ( !preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+([ a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]+)?$/i", $this->user_name) ) { $errors[] = _VALID_ERROR5; } if ( $this->user_password == '' || $this->user_password2 == '' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR1, _ADMIN_FIELD3); $this->user_password = ''; } elseif ( $this->user_password != $this->user_password2 ) { $errors[] = _VALID_ERROR6; $this->user_password = ''; } if ( !preg_match("/^[a-z0-9\._+\-]+@[a-z0-9\._\-]+\.[a-z]{2,6}$/i", $this->user_email) ) { $errors[] = _VALID_ERROR7; } return $errors; } public function check_weblog_parameters() { $parameters = array('blog_name', 'blog_shortname'); $this->read_parameter($parameters); $errors = array(); if ( $this->blog_name == '' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR1, _BLOG_FIELD1); } if ( $this->blog_shortname == '' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR1, _BLOG_FIELD2); } if ( !preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+$/i", $this->blog_shortname) ) { $errors[] = _VALID_ERROR4; } return $errors; } public function check_uri_parameters() { $parameters = array('IndexURL', 'AdminURL', 'MediaURL', 'SkinsURL', 'PluginURL', 'ActionURL'); $this->read_parameter($parameters); $errors = array(); if ( substr($this->IndexURL, -1, 1) !== '/' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR8, _PATH_FIELD1); } if ( substr($this->AdminURL, -1, 1) !== '/' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR8, _PATH_FIELD2); } if ( substr($this->MediaURL, -1, 1) !== '/' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR8, _PATH_FIELD4); } if ( substr($this->SkinsURL, -1, 1) !== '/' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR8, _PATH_FIELD6); } if ( substr($this->PluginURL, -1, 1) !== '/' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR8, _PATH_FIELD8); } if ( strrchr($this->ActionURL, '/') != '/action.php' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR9, _PATH_FIELD9); } return $errors; } public function check_path_parameters() { $parameters = array('AdminPath', 'MediaPath', 'SkinsPath'); $this->read_parameter($parameters); $separators = array('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $errors = array(); if ( !in_array(substr($this->AdminPath, -1, 1), $separators) ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR10, _PATH_FIELD3); } elseif ( !file_exists($this->AdminPath) ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR11, _PATH_FIELD3); } if ( !in_array(substr($this->MediaPath, -1, 1), $separators) ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR10, _PATH_FIELD5); } elseif ( !file_exists($this->MediaPath) ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR11, _PATH_FIELD5); } if ( !in_array(substr($this->SkinsPath, -1, 1), $separators) ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR10, _PATH_FIELD7); } elseif ( !file_exists($this->SkinsPath) ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR11, _PATH_FIELD7); } return $errors; } /** * check all parameters * @return bool */ public function check_all_parameters() { $this->set_locale(); $isValid = true; $isValid &= (count($this->check_mysql_parameters()) == 0); $isValid &= (count($this->check_user_parameters()) == 0); $isValid &= (count($this->check_weblog_parameters()) == 0); $isValid &= (count($this->check_uri_parameters()) == 0); $isValid &= (count($this->check_path_parameters()) == 0); return $isValid; } }