Nucleus requires at least PHP version ' . $minimum_php_version . ''); } // make sure there's no unnecessary escaping: # set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); if ( version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<') ) { ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', '0'); } /* default installed plugins and skins */ $aConfPlugsToInstall = array('NP_SecurityEnforcer', 'NP_SkinFiles'); $aConfSkinsToImport = array('atom', 'rss2.0', 'rsd', 'default'); // Check if some important files do_check_files(); /* i18n class is needed for internationalization */ include_once('../nucleus/libs/i18n.php'); if ( !i18n::init('UTF-8', '../nucleus/locales') ) { exit('
Failed to initialize iconv or mbstring extension. Would you please contact the administrator of your PHP server?
'); } // include core classes that are needed for login & plugin handling // added for 3.5 sql_* wrapper global $MYSQL_HANDLER; if ( !isset($MYSQL_HANDLER) ) { $MYSQL_HANDLER = array('mysql', ''); // check if mysql support is installed; this check may not make sense, as is, in a version past 3.5x if ( !function_exists('mysql_query') && !function_exists('mysqli_query') ) { exit('
Your PHP version does not have support for MySQL :(
'); } } include_once('../nucleus/libs/sql/sql.php'); session_start(); if ( count($_GET) == 0 && count($_POST) == 0 ) { unset($_SESSION['param_manager']); } // restore the $param from the session if ( array_key_exists('param_manager', $_SESSION) ) { $param = $_SESSION['param_manager']; } else { $param = new ParamManager(); } // include translation file if ( array_key_exists('locale', $_POST) ) $param->set_locale(); i18n::set_current_locale($param->locale); $translation_file = './locales/' . i18n::get_current_locale() . '.' . i18n::get_current_charset() . '.php'; if ( !file_exists($translation_file) ) { $translation_file = './locales/en_Latn_US.UTF-8.php'; } include($translation_file); do_action(); // $param is saved to the session if ( isset($param) ) { $_SESSION['param_manager'] = $param; } else { unset($_SESSION['param_manager']); } exit; /** * installer action */ function do_action() { global $param; if ( array_key_exists('action', $_POST) ) { $isPostback = true; } else { $isPostback = false; } // mode change if ( array_key_exists('mode', $_REQUEST) ) { if ( $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'detail' ) { $param->set_state('detail'); } elseif ( $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'simple' ) { $param->set_state('mysql'); } } // input parameter check if ( $isPostback ) { switch ( $param->state ) { case 'locale': $param->set_locale(); $param->set_state('mysql'); $isPostback = false; break; case 'mysql': if ( count($param->check_mysql_parameters()) == 0 ) { $param->set_state('weblog'); $isPostback = false; } break; case 'weblog': if ( count($param->check_user_parameters()) == 0 && count($param->check_weblog_parameters()) == 0 ) { $param->set_state('install'); $isPostback = false; } break; case 'detail': if ( $param->check_all_parameters() ) { $param->set_state('install'); $isPostback = false; } break; } } // page render show_header(); switch ( $param->state ) { case 'locale': show_select_locale_form(); break; case 'mysql': show_database_setting_form($isPostback); break; case 'weblog': show_blog_setting_form($isPostback); break; case 'detail': show_detail_setting_form($isPostback); break; case 'install': show_install_complete_form(); break; } show_footer(); } /** * header tag of the installation screens **/ function show_header() { global $param; /* HTTP 1.1 application for no caching */ header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . i18n::get_current_charset()); ?> <?php echo _TITLE; ?>

Select your locale:

Nucleus is installed in the selected locale, the locale of the Asterisk prefixed will be displayed in English because there is no translation of the installer file.

We will wait for the translator by volunteers!

', $config_writable, ''; } if ( $mysql_version == '0.0.0' ) { echo '', _DBVERSION_UNKOWN, ''; } elseif ( version_compare($mysql_version, $minimum_mysql_version, '<') ) { echo '', sprintf(_DBVERSION_TOOLOW, $minimum_mysql_version), ''; } ?>

check_mysql_parameters(); if ( is_array($errors) ) { foreach ( $errors as $error ) { echo '', $error, "\n"; } } } ?>

check_weblog_parameters(); if ( is_array($errors) ) { foreach ( $errors as $error ) { echo '', $error, "\n"; } } } ?>

check_user_parameters(); if ( is_array($errors) ) { foreach ( $errors as $error ) { echo '', $error, "\n"; } } } ?>

check_all_parameters() ) { echo '', _VALID_ERROR, "\n"; } ?>

check_mysql_parameters(); if ( is_array($errors) ) { foreach ( $errors as $error ) { echo '', $error, "\n"; } } } ?>

check_uri_parameters(); if ( is_array($errors) ) { foreach ( $errors as $error ) { echo '', $error, "\n"; } } $errors = $param->check_path_parameters(); if ( is_array($errors) ) { foreach ( $errors as $error ) { echo '', $error, "\n"; } } } ?>

check_user_parameters(); if ( is_array($errors) ) { foreach ( $errors as $error ) { echo '', $error, "\n"; } } } ?>

check_weblog_parameters(); if ( is_array($errors) ) { foreach ( $errors as $error ) { echo '', $error, "\n"; } } } ?>

0 ) { echo _INST_ERROR; foreach ( $errors as $error ) { echo '', $error, "\n"; } } else { echo _INST_TEXT; if ( array_key_exists('config_data', $_SESSION) ) { echo '', _INST_TEXT4, ''; ?> ', _INST_TEXT5, ''; } ?>

blog_name); ?>

mysql_host; $MYSQL_USER = $param->mysql_user; $MYSQL_PASSWORD = $param->mysql_password; $MYSQL_DATABASE = $param->mysql_database; $MYSQL_PREFIX = $param->mysql_tablePrefix; $DIR_NUCLEUS = $param->AdminPath; $DIR_MEDIA = $param->MediaPath; $DIR_SKINS = $param->SkinsPath; $DIR_PLUGINS = $DIR_NUCLEUS . 'plugins/'; $DIR_LOCALES = $DIR_NUCLEUS . 'locales/'; $DIR_LIBS = $DIR_NUCLEUS . 'libs/'; /* * mySQL connection */ $MYSQL_CONN = @DB::setConnectionInfo($MYSQL_HANDLER[1], $MYSQL_HOST, $MYSQL_USER, $MYSQL_PASSWORD); if ( $MYSQL_CONN == FALSE ) { $errors[] = _DBCONNECT_ERROR; return $errors; } /* * 3. try to create database if needed */ if ( DB::execute("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {$MYSQL_DATABASE}") === FALSE ) { $errinfo = DB::getError(); $errors[] = _INST_ERROR1 . ': ' . $errinfo[2]; } /* * 4. try to select database */ $MYSQL_CONN = @DB::setConnectionInfo($MYSQL_HANDLER[1], $MYSQL_HOST, $MYSQL_USER, $MYSQL_PASSWORD, $MYSQL_DATABASE); if ( !$MYSQL_CONN ) { $errors[] = _INST_ERROR2; } if ( count($errors) > 0 ) { return $errors; } /* * 5. execute queries */ $table_names = array( 'nucleus_actionlog', 'nucleus_ban', 'nucleus_blog', 'nucleus_category', 'nucleus_comment', 'nucleus_config', 'nucleus_item', 'nucleus_karma', 'nucleus_member', 'nucleus_plugin', 'nucleus_skin', 'nucleus_template', 'nucleus_team', 'nucleus_activation', 'nucleus_tickets' ); $prefixed_table_names = array(); foreach ( $table_names as $table_name ) { $prefixed_table_names[] = $MYSQL_PREFIX . $table_name; } // table exists check $result = DB::getResult('SHOW TABLES'); foreach ( $result as $row ) { if ( in_array($row[0], $prefixed_table_names) ) { $errors[] = _INST_ERROR3; break; } } if ( count($errors) > 0 ) { return $errors; } $filename = 'install.sql'; $fd = fopen($filename, 'r'); $queries = fread($fd, filesize($filename)); fclose($fd); $queries = preg_split('#(;\n|;\r)#', $queries); foreach ( $queries as $query ) { if ( preg_match('/\w+/', $query) ) { if ( $MYSQL_PREFIX ) { $query = str_replace($table_names, $prefixed_table_names, $query); } if ( DB::execute($query) === FALSE ) { $errinfo = DB::getError(); $errors[] = _INST_ERROR4 . ' (' . $query . '): ' . $errinfo[2]; } } } /* * 6. put needed records */ /* push first post */ $query = "INSERT INTO %s VALUES (1, %s, %s, %s, 1, 1, %s, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1)"; $query = sprintf($query, tableName('nucleus_item'), DB::quoteValue(_1ST_POST_TITLE), DB::quoteValue(_1ST_POST), DB::quoteValue(_1ST_POST2), DB::formatDateTime() ); if ( DB::execute($query) === FALSE ) { $errinfo = DB::getError(); $errors[] = _INST_ERROR4 . ' (' . $query . '): ' . $errinfo[2]; } /* push configurations */ array_merge($errors, updateConfig('IndexURL', $param->IndexURL)); array_merge($errors, updateConfig('AdminURL', $param->AdminURL)); array_merge($errors, updateConfig('MediaURL', $param->MediaURL)); array_merge($errors, updateConfig('SkinsURL', $param->SkinsURL)); array_merge($errors, updateConfig('PluginURL', $param->PluginURL)); array_merge($errors, updateConfig('ActionURL', $param->ActionURL)); array_merge($errors, updateConfig('AdminEmail', $param->user_email)); array_merge($errors, updateConfig('SiteName', $param->blog_name)); array_merge($errors, updateConfig('Locale', i18n::get_current_locale())); /* push super admin */ $query = "UPDATE %s SET mname = %s, mrealname = %s, mpassword = %s, memail = %s, murl = %s, madmin = 1, mcanlogin = 1 WHERE mnumber = 1"; $query = sprintf($query, tableName('nucleus_member'), DB::quoteValue($param->user_name), DB::quoteValue($param->user_realname), DB::quoteValue(md5($param->user_password)), DB::quoteValue($param->user_email), DB::quoteValue($param->IndexURL) ); if ( DB::execute($query) === FALSE ) { $errinfo = DB::getError(); $errors[] = _INST_ERROR5 . ': ' . $errinfo[2]; } /* push new weblog */ $query = "UPDATE %s SET bname = %s, bshortname = %s, burl = %s WHERE bnumber = 1"; $query = sprintf($query, tableName('nucleus_blog'), DB::quoteValue($param->blog_name), DB::quoteValue($param->blog_shortname), DB::quoteValue($param->IndexURL) ); if ( DB::execute($query) === FALSE ) { $errinfo = DB::getError(); $errors[] = _INST_ERROR6 . ': ' . $errinfo[2]; } /* push default category */ $query = "UPDATE %s SET cname = %s, cdesc = %s WHERE catid = 1"; $query = sprintf($query, tableName('nucleus_category'), DB::quoteValue(_GENERALCAT_NAME), DB::quoteValue(_GENERALCAT_DESC) ); if ( DB::execute($query) === FALSE ) { $errinfo = DB::getError(); $errors[] = _INST_ERROR6 . ': ' . $errinfo[2]; } /* * 7. install default plugins and skins */ global $aConfPlugsToInstall, $aConfSkinsToImport; $aSkinErrors = array(); $aPlugErrors = array(); if ( (count($aConfPlugsToInstall) > 0) || (count($aConfSkinsToImport) > 0) ) { include_once($DIR_LIBS . 'globalfunctions.php'); global $manager; if ( !isset($manager) ) { $manager = new Manager(); } include_once($DIR_LIBS . 'skinie.php'); $aSkinErrors = installCustomSkins(); if ( count($aSkinErrors) > 0 ) { array_merge($errors, $aSkinErrors); } $query = "SELECT sdnumber FROM %s WHERE sdname='default'"; $query = sprintf($query, tableName('nucleus_skin_desc')); $defSkinID = intval(DB::getValue($query)); $query = "UPDATE %s SET bdefskin=%d WHERE bnumber=1"; $query = sprintf($query, tableName('nucleus_blog'), $defSkinID); DB::execute($query); $query = "UPDATE %s SET value=%d WHERE name='BaseSkin'"; $query = sprintf($query, tableName('nucleus_config'), $defSkinID); DB::execute($query); $aPlugErrors = installCustomPlugs(); if ( count($aPlugErrors) > 0 ) { array_merge($errors, $aPlugErrors); } } /* * 8. Write config file ourselves (if possible) */ $config_data = '<' . '?php' . "\n"; $config_data .= "// mySQL connection information\n"; $config_data .= "\$MYSQL_HOST = '" . $MYSQL_HOST . "';\n"; $config_data .= "\$MYSQL_USER = '" . $MYSQL_USER . "';\n"; $config_data .= "\$MYSQL_PASSWORD = '" . $MYSQL_PASSWORD . "';\n"; $config_data .= "\$MYSQL_DATABASE = '" . $MYSQL_DATABASE . "';\n"; $config_data .= "\$MYSQL_PREFIX = '" . $MYSQL_PREFIX . "';\n"; $config_data .= "// new in 3.50. first element is db handler, the second is the db driver used by the handler\n"; $config_data .= "// default is \$MYSQL_HANDLER = array('mysql','mysql');\n"; $config_data .= "//\$MYSQL_HANDLER = array('mysql','mysql');\n"; $config_data .= "//\$MYSQL_HANDLER = array('pdo','mysql');\n"; $config_data .= "\$MYSQL_HANDLER = array('" . $MYSQL_HANDLER[0] . "','" . $MYSQL_HANDLER[1] . "');\n"; $config_data .= "\n"; $config_data .= "// main nucleus directory\n"; $config_data .= "\$DIR_NUCLEUS = '" . $DIR_NUCLEUS . "';\n"; $config_data .= "\n"; $config_data .= "// path to media dir\n"; $config_data .= "\$DIR_MEDIA = '" . $DIR_MEDIA . "';\n"; $config_data .= "\n"; $config_data .= "// extra skin files for imported skins\n"; $config_data .= "\$DIR_SKINS = '" . $DIR_SKINS . "';\n"; $config_data .= "\n"; $config_data .= "// these dirs are normally sub dirs of the nucleus dir, but \n"; $config_data .= "// you can redefine them if you wish\n"; $config_data .= "\$DIR_PLUGINS = \$DIR_NUCLEUS . 'plugins/';\n"; $config_data .= "\$DIR_LOCALES = \$DIR_NUCLEUS . 'locales/';\n"; $config_data .= "\$DIR_LIBS = \$DIR_NUCLEUS . 'libs/';\n"; $config_data .= "\n"; $config_data .= "// include libs\n"; $config_data .= "include(\$DIR_LIBS.'globalfunctions.php');\n"; $config_data .= "?" . ">"; $result = false; if ( @!file_exists('../config.php') || is_writable('../config.php') ) { if ( $fp = @fopen('../config.php', 'w') ) { $result = @fwrite($fp, $config_data, i18n::strlen($config_data)); fclose($fp); } } if ( $result ) { // try to change the read-only permission. if ( strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN' ) { @chmod('../config.php', 0444); } } else { $_SESSION['config_data'] = $config_data; } return $errors; } /** * Confirm that you can write to the configuration file * @return string error message */ function canConfigFileWritable() { if ( @file_exists('../config.php') && @!is_writable('../config.php') ) { // try to change the read-write permission. if ( strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN' ) { @chmod('../config.php', 0666); } if ( @!is_writable('../config.php') ) { return _INST_ERROR8; } } return ''; } /** * To obtain the version of MySQL * @return string */ function getMySqlVersion() { global $MYSQL_HANDLER, $minimum_mysql_version, $errors; // Turn on output buffer // Needed to repress the output of the sql function that are // not part of php (in this case the @ operator doesn't work) ob_start(); // note: this piece of code is taken from phpMyAdmin $conn = @DB::setConnectionInfo($MYSQL_HANDLER[1], 'localhost', '', ''); if ( $conn ) { $row = DB::getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION); $match = preg_split('#\.#', $row); } else { $row = @DB::getRow('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE \'version\''); if ( $row ) { $match = preg_split('#\.#', $row[1]); } else { $output = (function_exists('shell_exec')) ? @shell_exec('mysql -V') : '0.0.0'; preg_match('@[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+@', $output, $version); $match = preg_split('#\.#', $version[0]); if ( $match[0] == '' ) { $match = array('0', '0', '0'); } } } @DB::disConnect(); //End and clean output buffer ob_end_clean(); return implode($match, '.'); } /** * Add a table prefix if it is used * * @param string $input table name with prefix * @return string */ function tableName($input) { global $MYSQL_PREFIX; if ( $MYSQL_PREFIX ) { return $MYSQL_PREFIX . $input; } else { return $input; } } /** * Install custom plugins */ function installCustomPlugs() { global $aConfPlugsToInstall, $DIR_LIBS, $manager; $aErrors = array(); if ( count($aConfPlugsToInstall) == 0 ) { return $aErrors; } $query = sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s', tableName('nucleus_plugin')); $res = DB::getResult($query); $numCurrent = $res->rowCount(); foreach ( $aConfPlugsToInstall as $plugName ) { $query = sprintf('INSERT INTO %s (porder, pfile) VALUES (%d, %s)', tableName('nucleus_plugin'), (++$numCurrent), DB::quoteValue($plugName)); DB::execute($query); $manager->clearCachedInfo('installedPlugins'); $plugin =& $manager->getPlugin($plugName); $plugin->setID($numCurrent); if ( !$plugin ) { $query = sprintf('DELETE FROM %s WHERE pfile = %s', tableName('nucleus_plugin'), DB::quoteValue($plugName)); DB::execute($query); $numCurrent--; array_push($aErrors, sprintf(_INST_ERROR9, $plugName)); continue; } $plugin->install(); } $query = sprintf('DELETE FROM %s', tableName('nucleus_plugin_event')); DB::execute($query); $query = sprintf('SELECT pid, pfile FROM %s', tableName('nucleus_plugin')); $res = DB::getResult($query); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $plug =& $manager->getPlugin($row['pfile']); if ( $plug ) { $eventList = $plug->getEventList(); foreach ( $eventList as $eventName ) { $query = sprintf('INSERT INTO %s (pid, event) VALUES (%d, %s)', tableName('nucleus_plugin_event'), intval($row['pid']), DB::quoteValue($eventName)); DB::execute($query); } } } return $aErrors; } /** * Install custom skins * Prepares the installation of custom skins */ function installCustomSkins() { global $aConfSkinsToImport, $DIR_LIBS, $DIR_SKINS; $aErrors = array(); if ( count($aConfSkinsToImport) == 0 ) { return $aErrors; } $importer = new SkinImport(); foreach ( $aConfSkinsToImport as $skinName ) { $importer->reset(); $skinFile = $DIR_SKINS . $skinName . '/skinbackup.xml'; if ( !@file_exists($skinFile) ) { array_push($aErrors, sprintf(_INST_ERROR10, $skinFile)); continue; } $error = $importer->readFile($skinFile); if ( $error ) { array_push($aErrors, sprintf(_INST_ERROR11, $skinName) . ' : ' . $error); continue; } $error = $importer->writeToDatabase(1); if ( $error ) { array_push($aErrors, sprintf(_INST_ERROR12, $skinName) . ' : ' . $error); continue; } } return $aErrors; } /** * Check if some important files of the Nucleus CMS installation are available * Give an error if one or more files are not accessible */ function do_check_files() { $missingfiles = array(); $files = array( './install.sql', '../index.php', '../action.php', '../nucleus/index.php', '../nucleus/media.php', '../nucleus/libs/ACTION.php', '../nucleus/libs/ACTIONLOG.php', '../nucleus/libs/ACTIONS.php', '../nucleus/libs/ADMIN.php', '../nucleus/libs/BaseActions.php', '../nucleus/libs/BLOG.php', '../nucleus/libs/BODYACTIONS.php', '../nucleus/libs/COMMENT.php', '../nucleus/libs/COMMENTACTIONS.php', '../nucleus/libs/COMMENTS.php', '../nucleus/libs/ENCAPSULATE.php', '../nucleus/libs/ENTITY.php', '../nucleus/libs/globalfunctions.php', '../nucleus/libs/i18n.php', '../nucleus/libs/ITEM.php', '../nucleus/libs/ITEMACTIONS.php', '../nucleus/libs/LINK.php', '../nucleus/libs/MANAGER.php', '../nucleus/libs/MEDIA.php', '../nucleus/libs/MEMBER.php', '../nucleus/libs/NOTIFICATION.php', '../nucleus/libs/PAGEFACTORY.php', '../nucleus/libs/PARSER.php', '../nucleus/libs/PLUGIN.php', '../nucleus/libs/PLUGINADMIN.php', '../nucleus/libs/SEARCH.php', '../nucleus/libs/showlist.php', '../nucleus/libs/SKIN.php', '../nucleus/libs/TEMPLATE.php', '../nucleus/libs/vars4.1.0.php', '../nucleus/libs/', '../nucleus/libs/', '../nucleus/libs/sql/DB.php', '../nucleus/libs/sql/MYSQLPDO.php' ); $count = count($files); for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) { if ( !is_readable($files[$i]) ) { array_push($missingfiles, 'File ' . $files[$i] . ' is missing or not readable.
'); } } if ( count($missingfiles) > 0 ) { exit(implode("\n", $missingfiles)); } } /** * Updates the configuration in the database * * @param string $name name of the config var * @param string $value new value of the config var * @return array */ function updateConfig($name, $value) { $errors = array(); $query = "UPDATE %s SET value = %s WHERE name = %s"; $query = sprintf($query, tableName('nucleus_config'), DB::quoteValue(trim($value)), DB::quoteValue($name)); if ( DB::execute($query) === FALSE ) { $errinfo = DB::getError(); $errors[] = _INST_ERROR4 . ': ' . $errinfo[2]; } return $errors; } class ParamManager { /* process parameter */ public $state; public $locale; /* mysql connection parameters */ public $mysql_host; public $mysql_user; public $mysql_password; public $mysql_database; public $mysql_tablePrefix; /* weblog configuration parameters */ public $blog_name; public $blog_shortname; /* member configuration parameters */ public $user_name; public $user_realname; public $user_password; private $user_password2; public $user_email; /* URI parameters */ private $root_url; public $IndexURL; public $AdminURL; public $MediaURL; public $SkinsURL; public $PluginURL; public $ActionURL; /* path parameters */ private $root_path; public $AdminPath; public $MediaPath; public $SkinsPath; /** * constructor */ public function __construct() { $this->init(); } public function init() { // set default values $this->state = 'locale'; $this->install_mode = 'simple'; $this->locale = 'en_Latn_US'; $this->mysql_host = @ini_get('mysql.default_host'); $this->blog_name = 'My Nucleus CMS'; $this->blog_shortname = 'mynucleuscms'; /* root path */ $directory_separator = preg_quote(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '|'); $this->root_path = implode('/', preg_split("|$directory_separator|", realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'))); if ( substr($this->root_path, -1, 1) !== '/' ) { $this->root_path .= '/'; } $base_path_pcre = preg_quote($this->root_path, '|'); /* current directry name */ $directory_name = preg_replace("#{$base_path_pcre}#", '', implode('/', preg_split("#{$directory_separator}#", realpath(dirname(__FILE__))))); $directory_name_pcre = preg_quote($directory_name, '|'); /* root uri */ $root_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $this->root_url = preg_replace("|$directory_name_pcre(.*)$|", '', $root_url); $this->AdminPath = $this->root_path . 'nucleus/'; $this->MediaPath = $this->root_path . 'media/'; $this->SkinsPath = $this->root_path . 'skins/'; $this->IndexURL = $this->root_url; $this->AdminURL = $this->root_url . 'nucleus/'; $this->MediaURL = $this->root_url . 'media/'; $this->SkinsURL = $this->root_url . 'skins/'; $this->PluginURL = $this->root_url . 'nucleus/plugins/'; $this->ActionURL = $this->root_url . 'action.php'; } private function read_parameter($parameter) { foreach ( $parameter as $element ) { if ( array_key_exists($element, $_POST) ) { $this->$element = $_POST[$element]; } } } public function set_state($state) { $states = array('locale', 'mysql', 'weblog', 'detail', 'install'); if ( in_array($state, $states) ) { $this->state = $state; } } public function set_locale() { $this->read_parameter(array('locale')); if ( !in_array($this->locale, i18n::get_available_locale_list()) ) { $this->locale = 'en_Latn_US'; } } public function check_mysql_parameters() { global $MYSQL_HANDLER; $parameters = array('mysql_host', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password', 'mysql_database', 'mysql_tablePrefix'); $this->read_parameter($parameters); $errors = array(); if ( $this->mysql_host == '' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR1, _DB_FIELD1); } if ( $this->mysql_user == '' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR1, _DB_FIELD2); } if ( $this->mysql_user != '' && !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_\-]+$/i', $this->mysql_user) ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR2, _DB_FIELD2); } if ( $this->mysql_database == '' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR1, _DB_FIELD4); } if ( $this->mysql_database != '' && !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_\-]+$/i', $this->mysql_database) ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR2, _DB_FIELD4); } if ( $this->mysql_tablePrefix != '' && !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+$/i', $this->mysql_tablePrefix) ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR3, _DB_FIELD5); } if ( count($errors) == 0 ) { $mysql_conn = @DB::setConnectionInfo($MYSQL_HANDLER[1], $this->mysql_host, $this->mysql_user, $this->mysql_password); if ( $mysql_conn == false ) { $errors[] = _DBCONNECT_ERROR; } else { @DB::disConnect(); } } return $errors; } public function check_user_parameters() { $parameters = array('user_name', 'user_realname', 'user_password', 'user_password2', 'user_email'); $this->read_parameter($parameters); $errors = array(); if ( $this->user_realname == '' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR1, _ADMIN_FIELD1); } if ( $this->user_name == '' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR1, _ADMIN_FIELD2); } elseif ( !preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+([ a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]+)?$/i", $this->user_name) ) { $errors[] = _VALID_ERROR5; } if ( $this->user_password == '' || $this->user_password2 == '' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR1, _ADMIN_FIELD3); $this->user_password = ''; } elseif ( $this->user_password != $this->user_password2 ) { $errors[] = _VALID_ERROR6; $this->user_password = ''; } if ( !preg_match("/^[a-z0-9\._+\-]+@[a-z0-9\._\-]+\.[a-z]{2,6}$/i", $this->user_email) ) { $errors[] = _VALID_ERROR7; } return $errors; } public function check_weblog_parameters() { $parameters = array('blog_name', 'blog_shortname'); $this->read_parameter($parameters); $errors = array(); if ( $this->blog_name == '' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR1, _BLOG_FIELD1); } if ( $this->blog_shortname == '' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR1, _BLOG_FIELD2); } if ( !preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+$/i", $this->blog_shortname) ) { $errors[] = _VALID_ERROR4; } return $errors; } public function check_uri_parameters() { $parameters = array('IndexURL', 'AdminURL', 'MediaURL', 'SkinsURL', 'PluginURL', 'ActionURL'); $this->read_parameter($parameters); $errors = array(); if ( substr($this->IndexURL, -1, 1) !== '/' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR8, _PATH_FIELD1); } if ( substr($this->AdminURL, -1, 1) !== '/' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR8, _PATH_FIELD2); } if ( substr($this->MediaURL, -1, 1) !== '/' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR8, _PATH_FIELD4); } if ( substr($this->SkinsURL, -1, 1) !== '/' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR8, _PATH_FIELD6); } if ( substr($this->PluginURL, -1, 1) !== '/' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR8, _PATH_FIELD8); } if ( strrchr($this->ActionURL, '/') != '/action.php' ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR9, _PATH_FIELD9); } return $errors; } public function check_path_parameters() { $parameters = array('AdminPath', 'MediaPath', 'SkinsPath'); $this->read_parameter($parameters); $separators = array('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $errors = array(); if ( !in_array(substr($this->AdminPath, -1, 1), $separators) ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR10, _PATH_FIELD3); } elseif ( !file_exists($this->AdminPath) ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR11, _PATH_FIELD3); } if ( !in_array(substr($this->MediaPath, -1, 1), $separators) ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR10, _PATH_FIELD5); } elseif ( !file_exists($this->MediaPath) ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR11, _PATH_FIELD5); } if ( !in_array(substr($this->SkinsPath, -1, 1), $separators) ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR10, _PATH_FIELD7); } elseif ( !file_exists($this->SkinsPath) ) { $errors[] = sprintf(_VALID_ERROR11, _PATH_FIELD7); } return $errors; } /** * check all parameters * @return bool */ public function check_all_parameters() { $this->set_locale(); $isValid = true; $isValid &= (count($this->check_mysql_parameters()) == 0); $isValid &= (count($this->check_user_parameters()) == 0); $isValid &= (count($this->check_weblog_parameters()) == 0); $isValid &= (count($this->check_uri_parameters()) == 0); $isValid &= (count($this->check_path_parameters()) == 0); return $isValid; } }