# # By Chih-Wei Huang # Last updated 2012/07/07 # # License: GNU Public License # We explicitely grant the right to use the scripts # with Android-x86 project. # tempfile=/tmp/temp-$$ menufile=/tmp/menu-$$ CPIO=/system/xbin/cpio rebooting() { dialog --title " Rebooting... " --nocancel --pause "" 8 41 1 sync umount -a reboot -f } choose() { dialog --clear --title " $1 " \ --menu "$2" 20 71 13 --file $menufile 2> $tempfile retval=$? choice=`cat $tempfile` } select_dev() { fdisk -l | grep ^/dev | cut -b6-12,55- | awk '{ if (!match($2, "Extended")) { printf("\"%-28s", $0) system("echo -n `cat /sys/block/*/"$1"/../device/model`") printf("\" \"\"\n") } } END { printf("\"Create/Modify partitions\" \"\"\n\"Detect devices\" \"\"") }' > $menufile choose "Choose Partition" "Please select a partition to install Android-x86:" return $retval } progress_bar() { dialog --clear --title " $1 " --gauge "\n $2" 8 70 } format_fs() { local cmd echo -e '"Do not format" ""\next3 ""\next2 ""\nntfs ""\nfat32 ""' > $menufile choose "Choose filesystem" "Please select a filesystem to format $1:" case "$choice" in ext3) cmd="mke2fs -jL" ;; ext2) cmd="mke2fs -L" ;; ntfs) cmd="mkntfs -fL" ;; fat32) cmd="newfs_msdos -L" ;; *) ;; esac if [ -n "$cmd" ]; then dialog --title " Confirm " --no-label Skip --yesno \ "\n You chose to format $1 to $choice.\n All data in that partition will LOSE.\n\n Are you sure to format the partition $1?" 10 51 [ $? -ne 0 ] && return 1 $cmd Android-x86 /dev/$1 | awk '{ # FIXME: very imprecise progress if (match($0, "done")) printf("%d\n", i+=33) }' | progress_bar "Formatting" "Formatting partition $1..." fi } create_entry() { title=$1 shift echo -e "title $title\n\tkernel /$asrc/kernel$vga $@ SRC=/$asrc\n\tinitrd /$asrc/initrd.img\n" >> $menulst } create_menulst() { menulst=/hd/grub/menu.lst [ -n "$VESA" ] && vga=" vga=788 modeset=0" echo -e "${GRUB_OPTIONS:-default=0\ntimeout=6\nsplashimage=/grub/android-x86.xpm.gz\n}root (hd0,$1)\n" > $menulst cmdline=`cat /proc/cmdline | sed "s|\(initrd.*img\s*\)||; s|quiet\s*||; s|\(vga=\w\+\?\s*\)||; s|\(DPI=\w\+\?\s*\)||; s|\(INSTALL=\w\+\?\s*\)||; s|\(SRC=\S\+\?\s*\)||; s|\(DEBUG=\w\+\?\s*\)||; s|\(BOOT_IMAGE.*\)||"` create_entry "Android-x86 $VER" quiet $cmdline create_entry "Android-x86 $VER (Debug mode)" $cmdline DEBUG=2 create_entry "Android-x86 $VER (Debug nomodeset)" nomodeset $cmdline DEBUG=2 create_entry "Android-x86 $VER (Debug video=LVDS-1:d)" video=LVDS-1:d $cmdline DEBUG=2 } create_winitem() { win=`fdisk -l /dev/$(echo $1 | cut -b-3) | grep ^/dev | cut -b6-12,55- | awk '{ if (match($2, "NTFS")) print $1 }' | head -1` if [ -n "$win" ]; then dialog --title " Confirm " --yesno \ "\nThe installer found a Windows partition in /dev/$win.\n\nDo you want to create a boot item for Windows?" 9 59 [ $? -ne 0 ] && return 1 wp=$((`echo $win | cut -b4-`-1)) echo -e "title Windows\n\trootnoverify (hd$d,$wp)\n\tchainloader +1\n" >> $menulst fi } create_img() { bname=`basename $2` if [ -e $2 ]; then dialog --title " Confirm " --defaultno --yesno \ "\n $bname exists. Overwrite it?" 7 38 [ $? -ne 0 ] && return 255 rm -f $2 fi dialog --title " Question " --nook --nocancel --inputbox \ "\nPlease input the size of the $bname in MB (max 2047):" 8 63 $1 2> $tempfile size=`cat $tempfile` [ 0$size -le 0 -o 0$size -gt 2047 ] && size=2047 ( dd bs=1M count=$size if=/dev/zero | pv -ns ${size}m | dd of=$2 ) 2>&1 \ | progress_bar "Creating $bname" "Expect to write $size MB..." } create_data_img() { dialog --title " Confirm " --yesno \ "\nThe installer is going to create a disk image to save the user data. At least 512MB free disk space is recommended.\n\nAre you sure to create the image?" 11 62 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if create_img 512 data.img; then losetup /dev/loop6 data.img mke2fs -jL /data /dev/loop6 > /dev/tty6 fi [ $? -ne 0 ] && dialog --msgbox "\n Failed to create data.img." 7 33 else dialog --title " Warning " --msgbox \ "\nOK. So data will be save to a RAMDISK(tmpfs), and lose after power off." 8 49 fi } install_to() { cd / mountpoint -q /hd && umount /hd while [ 1 ]; do format_fs $1 try_mount rw /dev/$1 /hd && break dialog --clear --title " Error " --defaultno --yesno \ "\n Cannot mount /dev/$1\n Do you want to format it?" 8 37 [ $? -ne 0 ] && return 255 done fs=`cat /proc/mounts | grep /dev/$1 | awk '{ print $3 }'` asrc=android-$VER dialog --title " Confirm " --no-label Skip --defaultno --yesno \ "\n Do you want to install boot loader GRUB?" 7 47 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then cp -af /grub /hd d=0 while [ 1 ]; do h=`echo $d | awk '{ printf("%c", $1+97) }'` [ -d /sys/block/[sh]d$h/$1 ] && break d=$(($d+1)) done p=$((`echo $1 | cut -b4-`-1)) create_menulst $p create_winitem $1 $d rm -f /hd/boot/grub/stage1 echo "setup (hd$d) (hd$d,$p)" | grub > /dev/tty5 [ $? -ne 0 ] && return 255 fi [ "$fs" != "vfat" -a "$fs" != "fuseblk" ] && dialog --title " Question " --yesno \ "\nDo you want to install /system directory as read-write?\n\nMaking /system be read-write is easier for debugging, but it needs more disk space and longer installation time." 10 61 instal_rw=$? files="mnt/$SRC/kernel mnt/$SRC/initrd.img mnt/$SRC/ramdisk.img" [ $instal_rw -eq 0 ] && files="$files android/system" || files="$files mnt/$SRC/system.*" size=0 for s in `du -sk $files | awk '{print $1}'`; do size=$(($size+$s)) done mkdir hd/$asrc cd hd/$asrc rm -rf system* ( ( cd /; find $files | $CPIO -H newc -o ) | pv -ns ${size}k | ( $CPIO -iud > /dev/null; echo $? > /tmp/result )) 2>&1 \ | progress_bar "Installing Android-x86" "Expect to write $size KB..." result=$((`cat /tmp/result`*255)) if [ $result -eq 0 ]; then chmod 644 * chown 0.0 * mv mnt/$SRC/* . && rm -rf mnt [ -d android ] && mv android/* . && rmdir android case "$fs" in vfat|fuseblk) create_data_img ;; *) mkdir data ;; esac fi sync return $result } install_hd() { select_dev || rebooting retval=1 case "$choice" in [sh]d*) install_to $choice retval=$? ;; Create*) cfdisk ;; Detect*) dialog --title " Detecting... " --nocancel --pause "" 8 41 1 ;; esac return $retval } do_install() { until install_hd; do if [ $retval -eq 255 ]; then dialog --title ' Error! ' --yes-label Retry --no-label Reboot \ --yesno '\nInstallation failed! Please check if you have enough free disk space to install Android-x86.' 8 51 [ $? -eq 1 ] && rebooting fi done [ -n "$VESA" ] || runit="Run Android-x86" dialog --clear --title ' Congratulations! ' \ --menu "\n Android-x86 is installed successfully.\n " 11 51 13 \ "$runit" "" "Reboot" "" 2> $tempfile case "`cat $tempfile`" in Run*) cd /android umount system if mountpoint -q /sfs; then umount /sfs mount -o loop /hd/$asrc/system.sfs /sfs mount -o loop /sfs/system.img system else mount -o loop /hd/$asrc/system.img system fi if [ -d /hd/$asrc/data ]; then mount --bind /hd/$asrc/data data elif [ -e /hd/$asrc/data.img ]; then mount -o loop /hd/$asrc/data.img data fi ;; *) rebooting ;; esac }