# # Visual C++ 4.1 makefile # # This is the main Visual C++ makefile for the Windows distribution # of [incr Tcl] version 2.2. To compile the distribution using Visual # C++, copy "makefile.vc" to "makefile". Then set the macros for the # location of the source tree, the target directory, and the Microsoft # Compilers. You may then "make dist" to build the distribution, and # "make dist-install" to install it to the target directory you specify # below. # # There are three primary targets for the distribution: # # dist: build the entire distribution: Tcl, Tk, Itcl, Itk # # dist-install: moves built files to target directory # # dist-clean: erases built files in source tree # # TOOLS32 = location of VC++ 32-bit development tools. Note that the # VC++ 2.0 header files are broken, so you need to use the # ones that come with the developer network CD's, or later # versions of VC++. # # TOOLS16 = location of VC++ 1.5 16-bit tools, needed to build thunking # library. This information is optional; if the 16-bit compiler # is not available, then the 16-bit code will not be built. # Tcl will still run without the 16-bit code, but... # A. Under Windows 3.X you will any calls to the exec command # will return an error. # B. A 16-bit program to test the behavior of the exec # command under NT and 95 will not be built. # # TARGET_ROOT -- Target Directory for installation # # SOURCE_ROOT -- Path to root of source tree # TOOLS32 = c:\msdev TOOLS16 = c:\msvc TARGET_ROOT = c:\Program files\Itcl2.2 SOURCE_ROOT = c:\itcl2.2 # # You should not have to modify anything further in this makefile # # # Borland C++ tools # cc32 = $(TOOLS32)\bin\cl.exe link32 = $(TOOLS32)\bin\link.exe rc32 = $(TOOLS32)\bin\rc.exe include32 = -I$(TOOLS32)\include cc16 = $(TOOLS16)\bin\cl.exe link16 = $(TOOLS16)\bin\link.exe rc16 = $(TOOLS16)\bin\rc.exe include16 = -I$(TOOLS16)\include MAKE = $(TOOLS32)\bin\nmake -fmakefile.vc # # System calls # CP = copy RM = del MKDIR = -mkdir # # Source and Build Paths # TCLDIR = $(SOURCE_ROOT)\Tcl7.6 TKDIR = $(SOURCE_ROOT)\Tk4.2 ITCLDIR = $(SOURCE_ROOT)\Itcl ITKDIR = $(SOURCE_ROOT)\Itk IWIDGETSDIR = $(SOURCE_ROOT)\Iwidgets2.2.0 # # Target Paths # TARGET_BIN = $(TARGET_ROOT)\Bin TARGET_LIB_ROOT = $(TARGET_ROOT)\Lib TARGET_LIB = $(TARGET_LIB_ROOT)\Itcl TARGET_INCLUDE_ROOT = $(TARGET_ROOT)\Include TARGET_INCLUDE = $(TARGET_INCLUDE_ROOT)\Itcl TARGET_DOC = $(TARGET_ROOT)\Html # # Shared Target Files: # TCLLIB = Tcl76i.lib TCLDLL = Tcl76i.dll TKLIB = Tk42i.lib TKDLL = Tk42i.dll ITCLLIB = Itcl22.lib ITCLDLL = Itcl22.dll ITKLIB = Itk22.lib ITKDLL = Itk22.dll # # Paths to Build locations of libraries # TCLLIBDIR = $(TCLDIR)\Win TKLIBDIR = $(TKDIR)\Win ITCLLIBDIR = $(ITCLDIR)\Win ITKLIBDIR = $(ITKDIR)\Win dist: cd $(TCLDIR)\Win $(MAKE) all cd $(TKDIR)\Win $(MAKE) all cd $(ITCLDIR)\Win $(MAKE) all cd $(ITKDIR)\Win $(MAKE) all dist-install: cd $(TCLDIR)\Win $(MAKE) install cd $(TKDIR)\Win $(MAKE) install cd $(ITCLDIR)\Win $(MAKE) install cd $(ITKDIR)\Win $(MAKE) install cd $(IWIDGETSDIR)\Win $(MAKE) install dist-clean: cd $(TCLDIR)\Win $(MAKE) clean cd $(TKDIR)\Win $(MAKE) clean cd $(ITCLDIR)\Win $(MAKE) clean cd $(ITKDIR)\Win $(MAKE) clean