read(); * $array = & $obj->get($title); * $array[] = array(4, 5, 6); // Add - directly * $obj->add($title, array(4, 5, 6)); // Add - method of Config object * $array = array(1=>array(1, 2, 3)); // Replace - directly * $obj->put($title, array(1=>array(1, 2, 3)); // Replace - method of Config object * $obj->put_values($title, NULL); // Delete * $obj->write(); */ // Fixed prefix of configuration-page's name define('PKWK_CONFIG_PREFIX', ':config/'); // Configuration-page manager class Config { var $name, $page; // Page name var $objs = array(); function Config($name) { $this->name = $name; $this->page = PKWK_CONFIG_PREFIX . $name; } // Load the configuration-page function read() { if (! is_page($this->page)) return FALSE; $this->objs = array(); $obj = & new ConfigTable(''); $matches = array(); foreach (get_source($this->page) as $line) { if ($line == '') continue; $head = $line{0}; // The first letter $level = strspn($line, $head); if ($level > 3) { $obj->add_line($line); } else if ($head == '*') { // Cut fixed-heading anchors $line = preg_replace('/^(\*{1,3}.*)\[#[A-Za-z][\w-]+\](.*)$/', '$1$2', $line); if ($level == 1) { $this->objs[$obj->title] = $obj; $obj = & new ConfigTable($line); } else { if (! is_a($obj, 'ConfigTable_Direct')) $obj = & new ConfigTable_Direct('', $obj); $obj->set_key($line); } } else if ($head == '-' && $level > 1) { if (! is_a($obj, 'ConfigTable_Direct')) $obj = & new ConfigTable_Direct('', $obj); $obj->add_value($line); } else if ($head == '|' && preg_match('/^\|(.+)\|\s*$/', $line, $matches)) { // Table row if (! is_a($obj, 'ConfigTable_Sequential')) $obj = & new ConfigTable_Sequential('', $obj); // Trim() each table cell $obj->add_value(array_map('trim', explode('|', $matches[1]))); } else { $obj->add_line($line); } } $this->objs[$obj->title] = $obj; return TRUE; } // Get an array function & get($title) { $obj = & $this->get_object($title); return $obj->values; } // Set an array (Override) function put($title, $values) { $obj = & $this->get_object($title); $obj->values = $values; } // Add a line function add($title, $value) { $obj = & $this->get_object($title); $obj->values[] = $value; } // Get an object (or create it) function & get_object($title) { if (! isset($this->objs[$title])) $this->objs[$title] = & new ConfigTable('*' . trim($title) . "\n"); return $this->objs[$title]; } function write() { page_write($this->page, $this->toString()); } function toString() { $retval = ''; foreach ($this->objs as $title=>$obj) $retval .= $obj->toString(); return $retval; } } // Class holds array values class ConfigTable { var $title = ''; // Table title var $before = array(); // Page contents (except table ones) var $after = array(); // Page contents (except table ones) var $values = array(); // Table contents function ConfigTable($title, $obj = NULL) { if ($obj !== NULL) { $this->title = $obj->title; $this->before = array_merge($obj->before, $obj->after); } else { $this->title = trim(substr($title, strspn($title, '*'))); $this->before[] = $title; } } // Addi an explanation function add_line($line) { $this->after[] = $line; } function toString() { return join('', $this->before) . join('', $this->after); } } class ConfigTable_Sequential extends ConfigTable { // Add a line function add_value($value) { $this->values[] = (count($value) == 1) ? $value[0] : $value; } function toString() { $retval = join('', $this->before); if (is_array($this->values)) { foreach ($this->values as $value) { $value = is_array($value) ? join('|', $value) : $value; $retval .= '|' . $value . '|' . "\n"; } } $retval .= join('', $this->after); return $retval; } } class ConfigTable_Direct extends ConfigTable { var $_keys = array(); // Used at initialization phase function set_key($line) { $level = strspn($line, '*'); $this->_keys[$level] = trim(substr($line, $level)); } // Add a line function add_value($line) { $level = strspn($line, '-'); $arr = & $this->values; for ($n = 2; $n <= $level; $n++) $arr = & $arr[$this->_keys[$n]]; $arr[] = trim(substr($line, $level)); } function toString($values = NULL, $level = 2) { $retval = ''; $root = ($values === NULL); if ($root) { $retval = join('', $this->before); $values = & $this->values; } foreach ($values as $key=>$value) { if (is_array($value)) { $retval .= str_repeat('*', $level) . $key . "\n"; $retval .= $this->toString($value, $level + 1); } else { $retval .= str_repeat('-', $level - 1) . $value . "\n"; } } if ($root) $retval .= join('', $this->after); return $retval; } } ?>