# File: q_info.txt # Includes all the quest files # Quest feature preferences %:q_pref.txt # Thieves Hideout ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 1] %:q0000001.txt # Sever ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 2] %:q0000002.txt # Druid Shop ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 3] %:q0000003.txt # Vault ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 4] %:q0000004.txt # Tower ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 5] %:q0000005.txt # Tower part 2 ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 6] %:q0000006.txt # Tower part 3 ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 7] %:q0000007.txt # Oberon ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 8] %:q_oberon.txt # Serpent of Chaos ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 9] %:q_serpen.txt # Node of Sorcery ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 10] %:q000sorc.txt # Node of Chaos ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 11] %:q000chao.txt # Node of Nature ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 12] %:q000natu.txt # Quest #13 is still unfinished # Warg problem ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 14] %:q_warg.txt # Eric's Stronghold ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 15] %:q000eric.txt # Assault on Montsalvat ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 16] %:q000dekn.txt # The City beneath the Sea #?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 17] #%:q000lyeh.txt # Water Cave ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 18] %:q00water.txt # Doom Quest 1 ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 19] %:q0000019.txt # Vapor Quest ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 20] %:q0000020.txt # Doom Quest 2 ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 21] %:q0000021.txt # Orc Camp ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 22] %:q0000022.txt # Spawning Pits ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 23] %:q0000023.txt # The Rise and Fall of Micro$oft ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 24] %:q00000ms.txt # Haunted House ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 25] %:qhaunted.txt # Killing Fields ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 26] %:q0fields.txt # The Old Castle ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 27] %:q0000027.txt # Royal Crypt ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 28] %:q0000028.txt # The Mimic's Treasure ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 29] %:q0thief1.txt # Tengu and Death Swords ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 30] %:q0thief2.txt # Old Man Willow Quest ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 31] %:q0willow.txt # Dark Elven Lords Quest ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 32] %:qdarkelf.txt # The Cloning Pits ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 33] %:q0clone0.txt # Random quests (always adressed with number 40) ?:[EQU $QUEST_NUMBER 40] %:q_random.txt