N:*:Default Borg Dalek Destructor Predator Wizard of Yendor Smurf Cosmic Horror Ultimate Unspeakable Lovecraftian Nightmare Space Invader Transformer Master of the Universe He-Man Pizza Worm Bogeyman Care Bear My Little Pony IRA Terrorist Nazi Klingon Cardassian Snark Luggage Killer penguin Were-penguin Giant were-penguin Peeping-Tom Jester Battlemech Invid Amazon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Stork Hippo Roadrunner Fooglebird Ghoti Whale Apocalyptic Beast Anti-Christ Dark Avenger Evil Computer Finnish Sprayer Natas Poodle Fire Hydrant Multi-hued elephant Martian Purple alligator Space ship Miniature space fleet 6-feet tall elephant Insurance salesman Benji Magnet Squid Typewriter Manitou Miniature Shetland pony Munchkin Mad Scientist Keystone Kop Magnificent big-game hunter Wicked witch B-1 Bomber Superman Batman Boy Wonder Incredible Hulk Amazing Spider-Man Orphan Fifth columnist Secret agent Spy Dog catcher Vacuum cleaner Lawnmower Man Buzzard Oyster Wombat Midget elephant Chameleon Dungeon Master Dungeon Keeper Beyonder Robocop Robocod Paradroid Dominatrix Paranoid Wagtail Great tit Pope Tribble Jedi knight Dark Jedi Master of Teras Kasi Vulcan Rancor Sarlacc Warbot Tailgunner Skinhead Paul Bunyan Machine Bungee Sumo wrestler Gargantuan sumo wrestler Karateka President King Lobo Trashman Teacher Cheshire Cat Mad Hatter March Hare Voodoo doll Rag doll Scarecrow Porcupine Stone idol Hacker Samurai Samurai Cat Phantom of the Opera X-man Wumpus Walrus Silver Surfer Chimpanzee Omnipotent being Reaperbot G. I. Joe Cobra Commander Dreadnok Autobot Battlemage Saboteur Master of Sinanju Cyborg Lemming Green Goblin Galactus Gooey Kablooie Prowler Iron Fist Stuka Mahdi Xeroc Catwoman Stupendous Man Lost boy Hunter-killer Mad butcher Vore Rotfish Heresiarch False prophet Emperor Tumtum Androgyne Thieving magpie Boast of England Red Rose Knight Unholy cow Q Red Baron Giddy goon Vogon Hutt Puppet master Wookie Giant sandworm Muad' Dib Werepotato Mindless one Alien queen Alligator man Ancient ape Ancient astronaut Astro-zombie Beast from 20000 fathoms Beast with a million eyes Black goat of the woods with a thousand young Behemoth Leviathan Big Bug Blob Khyberdemon Body snatcher Brain from Planet Ardus Scatologist Brain of Venus Brain that would not die Breath blaster Chickenstein's monster Creature from the Black Lagoon Loch Ness monster Creeping death Creeping unknown Fifty-foot woman Flumsh 4D-man Bride of Frankenstein Galaxy being Giant baby Giant chicken Krazy Kat Giant celery stalk Gorilla witch Great god Porno H-dial monster Heap Love lotus Herman munster Highest intelligence H-man Hound of the Baskervilles Wizball ID monster Mancubus Pain elemental I-ball Killdozer Killer tomato Lurking fear Madball M.U.L.E. Magnetic monster Mixed-up zombie Hunchback of Notre Dame Monster that challenged the World Monster from green hell Morlock Queen Kong Robot Kong Mecha-Godzilla Ghidhrah Saucerman Ethereal Space Brain Floating brain of Hitler Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Supercow Swamp Thing Thing Teenage Frankenstein Teenage Werewolf Terror from the year 5000 Triffid Tripod Xenophobic man Undying monster Unknown terror Unnamable Womaneater E.T. Toxic Avenger Onslaught Pacman Paradroid Bantha Ass-headed fish Wizard of Oz Juggernaut Cheshire Cat Tauntaun Heretic Other Uncanny Libido Super-ego Ego Id Boy Blunder Big nothing Parademon Zelda Super Mario Great Giana Sister Magnetic man Pink elephant Elephant man Great Unknown Lurking unknown Cenobite Cheerleader Model T-1000 Terminator Whippoorwill Moon Maniac Killer Clown Stocking Strangler Torture Doctor Beast of the Black Forest Demon of the Belfry Sex Beast Sunday Morning Slasher Computer god Evil woman Lord of this world Sadist Masochist Sado-masochist War pig Iron Man Dehumanizer Holy diver Jugulator Exciter Painkiller angry mob Who Y2K bug RNG Greater hell magic mushroom cyber-unmaker leprechaun of the Dawn Devastator, the Destroyer's Big Brother Celestial Valkyrie Diablo Eidolon Medic Tank Tank Commander Man-in-Black Spawn Neon knight Defender of the Faith Eternal idol