set bindings(dummy) {} proc bltResetBindings { graph type } { global bindings set all [array names bindings] set cmds {} foreach i $all { if [string match "$type,$graph,*" $i] { lappend cmds $bindings($i) } } bind $graph $type [join $cmds \n] } proc bltActivateLegend { graph name } { global lastActive set last $lastActive($graph) if { $name != $last } { if { $last != "" } { $graph legend deactivate $last $graph element deactivate $last } if { $name != "" } { $graph legend activate $name $graph element activate $name } set lastActive($graph) $name } } proc SetActiveLegend { graph } { global lastActive bindings set lastActive($graph) {} set bindings(,$graph,activeLegend) { set info [%W legend get @%x,%y] bltActivateLegend %W $info } bltResetBindings $graph } proc SetCrosshairs { graph } { global bindings $graph crosshairs on set bindings(,$graph,crosshairs) { %W crosshairs configure -position @%x,%y } bltResetBindings $graph } proc bltFindElement { graph x y } { set info [$graph element closest $x $y ] if { $info == "" } { blt_bell return } set name [lindex $info 0] set points [lrange $info 2 3] set index [lindex $info 1] global tagId catch { $graph tag delete $tagId($graph,$name,$index) } set tagId($graph,$name,$index) \ [$graph tag create text $points -text " $name \[$index\] " -anchor s \ -yoffset -10 -fg black -bg {}] bltFlashPoint $graph $name $index 10 } proc bltFlashPoint { graph name index count } { if { $count & 1 } { $graph element deactivate $name } else { $graph element activate $name $index } incr count -1 if { $count > 0 } { after 200 bltFlashPoint $graph $name $index $count update } else { global tagId catch { $graph tag delete $tagId($graph,$name,$index) } } } proc SetClosestPoint { graph } { global bindings global tagId set tagId(dummy) {} set bindings(,$graph,closestPoint) { bltFindElement %W %x %y } bltResetBindings $graph } proc bltGetCoords { graph winX winY var index } { scan [$graph invtransform $winX $winY] "%s %s" x y scan [$graph xaxis limits] "%s %s" xmin xmax scan [$graph yaxis limits] "%s %s" ymin ymax if { $x > $xmax } { set x $xmax } elseif { $x < $xmin } { set x $xmin } if { $y > $ymax } { set y $ymax } elseif { $y < $ymin } { set y $ymin } upvar $var arr set arr($index,x) $x set arr($index,y) $y } proc bltGetAnchor { graph x y } { global pos bindings set pos(B,x) {} set pos(B,y) {} bltGetCoords $graph $x $y pos A set bindings(,$graph,zoom) { bltScan %W %x %y } set bindings(,$graph,zoom) { bltZoom %W %x %y } bltResetBindings $graph bltResetBindings $graph } proc bltGetAnchorX { graph x y } { global pos bindings set pos(B,x) {} set pos(B,y) {} bltGetCoords $graph $x $y pos A set bindings(,$graph,zoomx) { bltScanX %W %x %y } set bindings(,$graph,zoomx) { bltZoomX %W %x %y } bltResetBindings $graph bltResetBindings $graph } proc bltBox { graph x1 y1 x2 y2 } { global tagId set text [format "%.4g,%.4g" $x1 $y1] if { $tagId($graph,text1) == "" } then { set tagId($graph,text1) \ [$graph tag create text {$x1 $y1} -text $text ] } else { $graph tag configure $tagId($graph,text1) -text $text $graph tag coords $tagId($graph,text1) "$x1 $y1" } set text [format "%.4g,%.4g" $x2 $y2] if { $tagId($graph,text2) == "" } then { set tagId($graph,text2) \ [$graph tag create text {$x2 $y2} -text $text ] } else { $graph tag configure $tagId($graph,text2) -text $text $graph tag coords $tagId($graph,text2) "$x2 $y2" } set coords { $x1 $y1 $x1 $y2 $x1 $y1 $x2 $y1 $x2 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2 $x2 $y2 } if { $tagId($graph,outline) == "" } then { set tagId($graph,outline) [$graph tag create line $coords] } else { $graph tag coords $tagId($graph,outline) $coords } } proc bltBoxX { graph x1 y1 x2 y2 } { global tagId set text [format "%.4g" $x1] if { $tagId($graph,text1) == "" } then { set tagId($graph,text1) \ [$graph tag create text {$x1 $y1} -text $text ] } else { $graph tag configure $tagId($graph,text1) -text $text $graph tag coords $tagId($graph,text1) "$x1 $y1" } set text [format "%.4g" $x2] if { $tagId($graph,text2) == "" } then { set tagId($graph,text2) \ [$graph tag create text {$x2 $y2} -text $text ] } else { $graph tag configure $tagId($graph,text2) -text $text $graph tag coords $tagId($graph,text2) "$x2 $y2" } set coords { $x1 $y1 $x1 $y2 $x1 $y1 $x2 $y1 $x2 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2 $x2 $y2 } if { $tagId($graph,outline) == "" } then { set tagId($graph,outline) [$graph tag create line $coords] } else { $graph tag coords $tagId($graph,outline) $coords } } set pos(last,x) 0 set pos(last,y) 0 proc bltScan { graph x y } { global pos set deltaX [expr abs($pos(last,x)-$x)] set deltaY [expr abs($pos(last,y)-$y)] if { ($deltaX < 5) && ($deltaY < 5) } { return } set pos(last,x) $x set pos(last,y) $y bltGetCoords $graph $x $y pos B if { $pos(A,x) > $pos(B,x) } { bltBox $graph $pos(B,x) $pos(B,y) $pos(A,x) $pos(A,y) } else { bltBox $graph $pos(A,x) $pos(A,y) $pos(B,x) $pos(B,y) } } proc bltScanX { graph x y } { global pos set deltaX [expr abs($pos(last,x)-$x)] set deltaY [expr abs($pos(last,y)-$y)] if { ($deltaX < 5) && ($deltaY < 5) } { return } set pos(last,x) $x set pos(last,y) $y bltGetCoords $graph $x $y pos B if { $pos(A,x) > $pos(B,x) } { bltBox $graph $pos(B,x) $pos(B,y) $pos(A,x) $pos(A,y) } else { bltBox $graph $pos(A,x) $pos(A,y) $pos(B,x) $pos(B,y) } } proc bltZoom { graph x y } { global bindings pos tagId # Go back to original bindings set bindings(,$graph,zoom) { bltGetAnchor %W %x %y } set bindings(,$graph,zoom) {} catch {$graph tag delete $tagId($graph,text1) $tagId($graph,text2)} set tagId($graph,text1) {} set tagId($graph,text2) {} bltResetBindings $graph bltResetBindings $graph if { $pos(B,x) == "" } then { catch {$graph tag delete $tagId($graph,outline)} set tagId($graph,outline) {} $graph xaxis configure -min {} -max {} $graph yaxis configure -min {} -max {} return } if { $pos(A,x) > $pos(B,x) } { $graph xaxis configure -min $pos(B,x) -max $pos(A,x) } else { if { $pos(A,x) < $pos(B,x) } { $graph xaxis configure -min $pos(A,x) -max $pos(B,x) } } if { $pos(A,y) > $pos(B,y) } { $graph yaxis configure -min $pos(B,y) -max $pos(A,y) } else { if { $pos(A,y) < $pos(B,y) } { $graph yaxis configure -min $pos(A,y) -max $pos(B,y) } } # $graph configure -cursor crosshair catch {$graph tag delete $tagId($graph,outline)} set tagId($graph,outline) {} blt_busy hold $graph update blt_busy release $graph } proc bltZoomX { graph x y } { global bindings pos tagId # Go back to original bindings set bindings(,$graph,zoomx) { bltGetAnchorX %W %x %y } set bindings(,$graph,zoomx) {} catch {$graph tag delete $tagId($graph,text1) $tagId($graph,text2)} set tagId($graph,text1) {} set tagId($graph,text2) {} bltResetBindings $graph bltResetBindings $graph if { $pos(B,x) == "" } then { catch {$graph tag delete $tagId($graph,outline)} set tagId($graph,outline) {} $graph xaxis configure -min {} -max {} $graph yaxis configure -min {} -max {} return } if { $pos(A,x) > $pos(B,x) } { $graph xaxis configure -min $pos(B,x) -max $pos(A,x) } else { if { $pos(A,x) < $pos(B,x) } { $graph xaxis configure -min $pos(A,x) -max $pos(B,x) } } # $graph configure -cursor crosshair catch {$graph tag delete $tagId($graph,outline)} set tagId($graph,outline) {} blt_busy hold $graph update blt_busy release $graph } proc SetZoom { graph } { global bindings tagId set tagId($graph,text1) {} set tagId($graph,text2) {} set tagId($graph,outline) {} set bindings(,$graph,zoom) { catch {%W tag delete $tagId(outline) } set tagId(outline) {} %W yaxis configure -min {} -max {} %W xaxis configure -min {} -max {} blt_busy hold %W update blt_busy release %W } set bindings(,$graph,zoom) { # %W configure -cursor {crosshair red black} bltGetAnchor %W %x %y bltScan %W %x %y } bltResetBindings $graph bltResetBindings $graph } proc SetZoomX { graph } { global bindings tagId set tagId($graph,text1) {} set tagId($graph,text2) {} set tagId($graph,outline) {} set bindings(,$graph,zoomx) { catch {%W tag delete $tagId(outline) } set tagId(outline) {} %W yaxis configure -min {} -max {} %W xaxis configure -min {} -max {} blt_busy hold %W update blt_busy release %W } set bindings(,$graph,zoomx) { # %W configure -cursor {crosshair red black} bltGetAnchorX %W %x %y bltScanX %W %x %y } bltResetBindings $graph bltResetBindings $graph } proc SetPrint { graph } { global bindings set bindings(,$graph,print) { puts stdout "creating file \"\... " nonewline flush stdout %W postscript "" -pagewidth 6.5i -pageheight 8.5i -landscape true puts stdout "done." flush stdout } bltResetBindings $graph }