[[[[G|=== Online Help Commands === You can move cursor using [[[[y|the arrow keys|. [[[[B|Movement commands| Press the indicated letter [a-z] to [[[[y| 'q' |(Leave the help system) activate a link. [[[[y| ESC |(Return to the prev file) For example, press [[[[y|the j key| when you see [[[[y| Home |(Go to the top) "(see monster.txt#Pets [j])" etc. [[[[y| PageUp |(Go up 1 page) Pressing [[[[y|the ESC key| takes you back to [[[[y| Up Arrow |(Go up 1 line) the previous location. [[[[y|Down Arrow|(Go down 1 line) [[[[y| PageDown |(Go down 1 page) [[[[y| End |(Go to the bottom) [[[[y| '#' |(Jump to a specific line) [[[[B|Other commands| [[[[y| '%' |(Jump to a specific file) [[[[y|'/'| or [[[[y|'^S'| (Search for a string) [[[[y|'='| (Highlight lines containing a string) [[[[y]'|'] (Save current document to a file) -- Updated : Hengband 1.7.0 ***** [j] monster.txt#Pets