Hengband Objects. Please choose one of the following online help files: (a) Hengband Objects (objects.txt) (b) Object Symbols (objects.txt#ObjectSymbols) (c) Equipment and Inventory (objects.txt#EquipInvent) (d) Objects Generation (objects.txt#Generation) (e) Object Compaction (objects.txt#Compaction) (f) Cursed Objects (objects.txt#CursedObjects) (g) The Ancient and Foul Curse (objects.txt#AncientCurse) (h) Object Flavors (objects.txt#ObjectFlavors) (i) Pseudo-ID (objects.txt#PseudoID) (j) Identifying Objects (objects.txt#Identifying) (k) Ego Objects (objects.txt#EgoObjects) (l) Artifacts (objects.txt#Artifacts) (m) Random Abilities of Objects (objects.txt#RandomAbilities) (n) Object Inscriptions (objects.txt#Inscriptions) (o) Object Types (objects.txt#ObjectTypes) (?) Help System Commands (helpinfo.txt) ***** [a] objects.txt ***** [b] objects.txt#ObjectSymbols ***** [c] objects.txt#EquipInvent ***** [d] objects.txt#Generation ***** [e] objects.txt#Compaction ***** [f] objects.txt#CursedObjects ***** [g] objects.txt#AncientCurse ***** [h] objects.txt#ObjectFlavors ***** [i] objects.txt#PseudoID ***** [j] objects.txt#Identifying ***** [k] objects.txt#EgoObjects ***** [l] objects.txt#Artifacts ***** [m] objects.txt#RandomAbilities ***** [n] objects.txt#Inscriptions ***** [o] objects.txt#ObjectTypes