=== Hengband Objects === The Hengband dungeons are full of objects and many monsters you meet will be carrying one or more items about their person which you may retrieve from their corpse should you be skillful enough to defeat them. You may pick up objects by moving on top of them. By setting various options (see option.txt#UserInterface [b]) you may choose to pick up items automatically or to be prompted before picking up objects. Many objects found within the dungeon have special commands for their use. Wands must be 'a'imed, staffs must be 'u'sed, scrolls must be 'r'ead, and potions must be 'q'uaffed. You may, in general, not only use items in your pack, but also items on the ground, if you are standing on top of them. ***** === Object Symbols === ! A potion (or flask) / A pole-arm ? A scroll (or book) | An edged weapon , A mushroom (or food) \ A hafted weapon - A wand or rod } A sling, bow, or x-bow _ A staff { A shot, arrow, or bolt = A ring ( Soft armor " An amulet [ Hard armor $ Gold or gems ] Misc. armor ~ Lites, Tools, Chests, etc ) A shield ~ Junk, Sticks, Skeletons, etc & Chests ` Statues or Figurines ***** === Equipment and Inventory === You can carry up to 23 different objects in your backpack while wearing and wielding up to 12 others. Items you wear and wield are referred to as your 'equipment' while items contained in your backpack are referred to as your 'inventory'. You may view a list of your current inventory and equipment at any time by using the 'i' and 'e' commands respectively. Although you are limited to 23 different items in your inventory, each item may actually be a 'pile' of up to 99 similar items. This allows you to carry multiple spell books, rations of food and other essential items while not using up all your inventory slots. If you somehow manage to stuff 24 items into your pack, for example, by removing an item from your head while your pack is full, then your pack will 'overflow' and the most recently added item will fall out and onto the ground. You will be warned about any command that seems likely to induce this behavior. In addition to the number of different items you may carry, you are also limited in the total amount of weight that you can carry. As you approach this value, you become slower, making it easier for monsters to chase you. Note that there is no upper bound on how much you can carry, if you do not mind being slow. The amount you may carry before becoming slowed is determined by your strength. For this purpose, the weight of both your equipment and your inventory is taken into consideration. Because of these space and weight constraints, it is important that a player learns to manage his inventory efficiently. You must juggle carefully the need for carrying essential items such as food, fuel for your light source, spellbooks (if applicable), healing items, escaping items, and the 101 other things necessary for your survival while at the same time maintaining space to carry back treasure from the dungeon for sale in the town and ensuring that you do not exceed your weight limit. Note that the additional powers and abilities some objects can grant the player are only effective when they are wielded. A Shield of Resist Acid, for example, will not protect you from the effects of acid while it is in your backpack. ***** === Object Generation === Objects are generated by Hengband when you enter a dungeon level and spread liberally around the dungeon floor. They may also be generated when a monster is killed (assuming the monster is capable of carrying objects). Each object has a 'native' depth or a depth at which it begins to be commonly found in the dungeon. It is unusual, though not impossible, to find objects significantly shallower in the dungeon than their native depths. Note that although items generated on the floor may be in 'piles', they will never be in 'stacks'. Which items are generated at the creation of the level or by the death of a monster is determined by a number of factors including the current dungeon level, the monster's native level and the native depth of the object being considered for generation. The quality of the object, in the case of monster drops, is also affected by the guaranteed quality level (if any) of that monster's drop. Monster drops are either normal, 'good' or 'great'. While these terms generally refer to equipment such as weapons and armor (for example, a 'good' drop means that any equipment generated is guaranteed to have magical pluses and a 'great' drop means that any equipment generated is guaranteed to be either an ego item or an artifact), they also encompass certain other objects. For example, Amulets of the Magi, the dungeon-only spellbooks and Rings of Speed are all considered as being 'great' objects and may therefore be dropped by a monster with a 'great' drop. Note that some monsters may drop treasure rather than objects. ***** === Object Compaction === Hengband can track a large, but finite, number of objects at any one time. If, as you kill monsters, the number of objects dropped together with the number of objects already lying on the floor exceeds this limit you will be told that the game is 'compacting objects'. When Hengband compacts objects it first attempts to combine similar objects into piles and, if this does not create sufficient space, will delete already existing items to create space for new ones. To the extent possible the compacting is performed on objects some distance away from the players current position. During compaction, items are removed in order of increasing quality with the least useful items removed first. Ego items are rarely removed from the level during the compaction process while artifacts (see below [d]) are never removed. ***** === Cursed Objects === A goodly percentage of the items generated in the dungeon or dropped by monsters will be cursed. Most cursed items will have penalties to various things such as your skill and deadliness or your armor class. They may also have other undesirable attributes. Shopkeepers will refuse to buy cursed items. Should you wield a cursed item, you will be prompted by the message "Oops, it feels deathly cold!" and the item will be automatically inscribed as being {cursed}. Once wielded, a cursed item may not be taken off until it has been uncursed. Uncursing an object will allow it to be removed but will not remove the negative effects such as the penalties mentioned above. There are several ways to uncurse objects. The Life realm contains two spells (one stronger than the other) for the purpose. There are also scrolls that you may find or purchase from the Temple which are similar to these prayers in their effect. It is also possible that in the course of enchanting an item you may lift a curse as a side-effect the enchanting process although this is not guaranteed to happen. --- The Curses --- There are several different types of curse and more than one may be present on a single object although this is rare. Light Curse A lightly cursed item will typically have penalties to armor class, skill and deadliness, and various other things as appropriate. It may be uncursed reading a Scroll of Remove Curse or by the weaker Life realm prayer. Heavy Curse A heavily cursed item will typically have penalties to armor class, skill and deadliness, and various other things as appropriate. It may be uncursed reading a Scroll of *Remove Curse*. or by the stronger Life realm prayer. Permanent Curse Items that are permanently cursed may not be uncursed and so may not be removed once worn. You may occasionally find objects that are permanently cursed and which you are tempted to wield. Think carefully before you do so because you probably won't get a chance to change your mind. ***** === The Ancient and Foul Curse === The Ancient and Foul Curse is sometimes referred to incorrectly as 'The Curse of Topi Ylinen' after the person who first created it. Unlike the other curses discussed above, an object with the Ancient and Foul Curse can be removed at any time and as a result you will not get the "Oops, it feels deathly cold!" prompt when wielding it (unless, of course, it also has one of the other curses in which case both these behaviors will be present as a consequence of the secondary curse(s)). While the item is wielded, the curse will be randomly invoked every so often. When invoked, the curse may have one or more of several possible effects in various combinations. Fortunately, some of the worst of such combinations such as being paralyzed while Cyberdemons are summoned around you are prevented from happening. Some possible effects of the curse include: summoning monsters, summoning Cyberdemons, paralyzation (even with Free Action), teleporting the player, removing the walls around the player, amnesia, decreasing one or more primary stats both temporarily and permanently among others. Note: Although the Ancient and Foul Curse is primarily found on objects, there are a number of other occasions where you might fall foul of it. These include as side effects of miss-cast spells, setting off certain traps, as a 'reward' from a chaos-warrior's patron and as the dying curse of an Amberite. ***** === Object Flavors === Some objects (scrolls, potions, wands, rods and staffs) are 'flavored items'. This means that with each game they are given a random flavor. For example, the first time you find a Potion of Heroism it might be described as a 'Dark Blue Potion'. Once you have identified it, the potion will be described as a 'Dark Blue Potion of Heroism'. Flavors vary from game to game so your next character might discover that that same Dark Blue Potion is now something entirely different. This means that each new character must set about learning exactly what each flavored items is. One of the Hengband Options allows the player to switch to 'plain' object descriptions which removes the flavored description from known flavored items so that the potion above, once identified, would be described simply as a 'Potion of Heroism'. ***** === Pseudo-ID === Occasionally, as you wander around the dungeon you will sense something about the quality of an item or items you are wielding or carrying in your backpack. This sensing ability is called 'pseudo-id'. The speed and accuracy of your pseudo-id ability depends on a number of factors but the primary considerations are your class and level. Pseudo-id speed can be 'slow', 'medium' or 'fast'. Pseudo-id method of weapons and armor can be 'strong' or 'weak'. Pseudo-id method of others is always 'strong'. Table 1 - Pseudo-Id ability of the Classes Weapons and Armor Others Class Method Speed Speed -------------------------------------------------------- Warrior Strong Very Fast Impossible Mage Weak Slow Very Fast Priest Weak Very Fast Fast Rogue Strong Fast Fast Ranger Strong Medium Medium Paladin Strong Medium Slow Warrior-Mage Weak Medium Medium Chaos-Warrior Strong Medium Slow Monk Weak Fast Medium Mindcrafter Weak Medium Fast High-Mage Weak Slow Very Fast Tourist Strong Extr. Fast Extr. Fast Imitator Weak Medium Slow BeastMaster Weak Medium Slow Sorcerer Weak Slow Very Fast Archer Strong Very Fast Impossible Magic-Eater Weak Slow Very Fast Bard Weak Very Fast Fast Red-Mage Weak Medium Medium Samurai Strong Very Fast Impossible ForceTrainer Weak Fast Fast Blue-Mage Weak Medium Very Fast Cavalry Strong Very Fast Impossible Berserker Strong Extr. Fast Impossible Weaponsmith Strong Very Fast Slow Mirror-Master Weak Medium Very Fast Ninja Strong Fast Slow Sniper Strong Medium Impossible When you pseudo-id an item, it will be inscribed (see below [e]) with the quality level you have determined it to be of. This inscription will remain until you identify it (see below [f]) at which time it will be removed. The various inscriptions and their meanings are as follows: Table 2 - Strong Pseudo-Id Inscription Meaning ------------------------------------------------- terrible a cursed artifact worthless a cursed ego item cursed a cursed item average an average item good an enchanted item excellent a good ego item special an non-cursed artifact Table 3 - Weak Pseudo-Id Inscription Meaning ------------------------------------------------ cursed a cursed item (includes bad ego items and artifacts) uncursed an enchanted item (includes good ego items and artifacts) ***** === Identifying Objects === Although each player may, to a lessor or greater extent, rely on their pseudo-id ability to ascertain the quality of some items. For the most part you will need to identify them before you can ascertain how much use they will be to you. There are several methods of identifying items available to you. These include Scrolls of Identify and *Identify*, Staffs and Rods of Perception, spells and prayers and services from town buildings among others. There is an important difference between 'identify'ing an object and '*identify*'ing an object. 'Identify'ing an object will reveal its correct description (including ego type where applicable), any plusses to combat or armor class and its bonus to stats and abilities (its 'pval') if it has one. '*Identify*'ing an item will reveal all information about an object including its additional fixed and random abilities if any. Once *Identified*, you may review the full abilities of an object by using the 'I'nspect command. Another means of identifying flavored items it to sell them to a shop. Having purchased the item, the shopkeeper will inform you what it is that you have sold. This can be a useful technique in the early game but exposes you to the risk of selling an unidentified item that had been generated out of depth and which you might have preferred to keep for yourself. Note: you will automatically have full knowledge about any item that you purchase in the town. ***** === Ego Objects === In addition to the ordinary weapons and armor your character may find in the dungeon, some of them may be endowed with additional powers. These objects fall into three types: (b) artifacts which are dealt with below and can be identified by their name; (c) Ego Weapons which are described more fully in Attacking Monsters (see attack.txt#EgoArtifact [g]); and (d) pieces of Ego Armor which are discussed more fully in Defending Yourself (see defend.txt#EgoArtifact [h]). Unlike artifacts which are unique and may only be found once in each game, it is not unusual to find several Ego Weapons or pieces of Ego Armor of the same type during the course of a character's adventures. Note that some Ego Armor types are limited to only certain types of armor. For example, you can find a Shield of Elvenkind but not Boots of Elvenkind. ***** === Artifacts === Of all the objects in Hengband that you might find, by far the most important group are artifacts. Artifacts are unique items with additional properties such as increasing or sustaining one or more of your stats and granting resistances or abilities. Often an artifact can be 'A'ctivated for a magical effect. These can be Extremely useful - especially for classes that are weak in magic. There are two types of artifacts - fixed and random. The fixed artifacts each have entries in the lib/edit/a_info.txt file and consequently have a chance of appearing in each game you play. On the other hand, random artifacts are created by the game and have both random names and random properties. Once created, there is only a vanishingly small chance you will ever see one exactly the same again. --- (Non-) Preserve Mode --- One important thing to note when considering artifacts is your initial choice of (non-)preserve mode. in non-preserve mode, once a fixed artifact is generated (either on the dungeon floor or in a monster drop), it will never be generated again during that game. This means that if you miss the artifact by leaving the level before you pick it up it is gone forever. On the other hand, in preserve mode this behavior is only exhibited once you have identified the artifact. It is therefor safer to leave a level before it is completely explored as any fixed artifact can be regenerated in subsequent levels. --- Special feelings --- If you have stayed on the previous level long enough, on entering a new level you will receive a 'feeling' which reflects the quality of the monsters and objects on the level. Feelings are discussed in more detail in the Town and Dungeon section. One possible feeling is 'You have a special feeling about this level'. This message is only given when playing in non-preserve mode and is an indicator that you have either a monster pit, vault or artifact on the level. Artifacts always cause special feelings but pits and vaults are increasingly less likely to do so as you get deeper in the dungeon. At very deep levels, special feelings are almost always artifacts. Note: In non-preserve mode, you can still find artifacts on levels that did not give a special feeling but these will always be the result of a monster dropping them. --- The '~' Command --- By pressing '~' and choosing the option for artifacts, you can see what fixed (but not random) artifacts you have found so far. In non-preserve mode, this option will also show which fixed (but not random) artifacts you have missed. However, in this case, it will show nothing about fixed artifacts on the current dungeon level but not yet found and as a result is often best used on the town level. ***** === Random Abilities of Objects === In addition to the ordinary weapons, armor and other equipment your character may find in the dungeon, some such items may be endowed with additional powers such as sustains, resistances and abilities. Such items fall into three categories: (b) artifacts; (c) ego items; and (d) ordinary items which grant additional powers. In addition to their fixed powers, some of these objects may also be granted an additional power (or powers) in a random fashion. The random powers of objects may be either guaranteed (so that objects of that type will always have an additional random power) or may have a varying chance of being granted (so that only some of the objects of that type will have an additional random power). A few rare objects have the possibility of having multiple random powers. Random powers fall into three categories as follows: Extra Sustains -------------- Sustain Strength Sustain Intelligence Sustain Wisdom Sustain Dexterity Sustain Constitution Sustain Charisma Extra Resistances ----------------- Resist Blindness Resist Confusion Resist Sound Resist Shards Resist Nether Resist Nexus Resist Chaos Resist Disenchantment Resist Poison Resist Light Resist Dark Extra Powers ------------ Levitation Permanent Light See Invisible Warning Slow Digestion Regeneration Free Action Hold Life ***** === Object Inscriptions === You may "inscribe" any object with a textual inscription of your choice. These inscriptions are not limited in length, though you may not be able to see the whole inscription on the item. The game applies special meaning to inscriptions containing any text of the form "@#" or "@x#" or "!x" or "!*" (see command.txt#ObjectSelection [i]) . The game provides some "fake" inscriptions to help you keep track of your possessions. Wands and staffs which are known to be empty will be inscribed with "empty". Objects which have been tried at least once but haven't been identified yet will be inscribed with "tried". Cursed objects are inscribed with "cursed". Broken objects may be inscribed with "broken". Also, any item which was purchased at a discount, implying that it is slightly "sub-standard", will be inscribed with the appropriate "discount", such as "25% off". Note that these inscriptions are fake, and cannot be removed, though they can be covered up by a real inscription if you so desire. Try "_" as a nice short one. --- Making use of Inscriptions --- Some players use the inscription feature to record useful and/or interesting facts about an object such as where and how it was acquired or what its abilities and powers are. Hengband have a feature to automatically inscribe abilities of items for you. In addition to this, inscriptions can be used in far more powerful ways. Many commands in Hengband require you to specify an object from your inventory such as which potion you wish to 'q'uaff or which staff you wish to 'u'se. Inscriptions offer a powerful way of managing this and provide a useful labor saving tool. Auto Inscription of Resistances and Powers ------------------------------------------ When you inscribe {%all} on an *identified* object, the '%all' will automatically transforms and changes into a string which describe its resistances and powers. For example, when you inscribe {%all} on a robe of Resistance which has resistance to four elements and an extra resistance to Nether, the inscription will change into {AcElFiClNt}. The 'Ac' is abbreviation of resistance to ACid, while El, Fi, Cl and Nt are resistances to ELectricity, FIre, CoLd and NeTher. On the other hand, when you inscribe {%} on an *identified* object, the {%} will transform to a string which describes only its extra resistances. In the example above, the inscription will become {Nt}, meaning the extra resistance of Nether. ***** List of abbreviations: At : extra blows Ac : resistance to acid Sp : affects speed El : resistance to electricity St : affects strength Fi : resistance to fire In : affects intelligence Co : resistance to cold Wi : affects wisdom Po : resistance to poison Dx : affects dexterity Li : resistance to light Cn : affects constitution Dk : resistance to darkness Ch : affects charisma Sh : resistance to shards Md : affects magic devices Bl : resistance to blindness Sl : affects stealth Cf : resistance to confusion Sr : affects searching ability So : resistance to sound If : affects infravision Nt : resistance to nether Dg : affects tunneling ability Nx : resistance to nexus *Ac : immune to acid Ca : resistance to chaos *El : immune to electricity Di : resistance to disenchantment *Fi : immune to fire Fe : resistance to fear *Co : immune to cold Ma : decreases mana consumption (F : fiery sheath Th : suitable for throwing (E : electric sheath Rf : reflection (C : cold sheath Fa : free action (M : anti-magic shell Si : see invisible (T : prevent teleportation Hl : hold life |A : brand acid Sd : slow digestion |E : brand electricity Rg : regeneration |F : brand fire Lv : levitation |Co : brand cold Lu : extra light |P : brand pois Wr : provides warning |Ca : chaotic effects Xm : xtra might when shooting |V : vampiric weapon Xs : xtra number of shots |Q : weapon of quake Te : random teleportaion |S : vorpal hit Ag : aggravate monsters |M : weapon of the force Bs : blessed weapon /* : slay evil /X* : *slay* evil /p : slay human /Xp : *slay* human /D : slay dragon /XD : *slay* dragon /o : slay orc /Xo : *slay* orc /T : slay troll /XT : *slay* troll /P : slay giant /XP : *slay* giant /U : slay demon /XU : *slay* demon /L : slay undead /XL : *slay* undead /Z : slay animal /XZ : *slay* animal ~Tele : telepathy (St : sustain strength ~Evil : ESP evil (In : sustain intelligence ~Good : ESP good (Wi : sustain wisdom ~Nolv : ESP non-living (Dx : sustain dexterity ~p : ESP human (Cn : sustain constitution ~D : ESP dragon (Ch : sustain charisma ~o : ESP orc ~T : ESP troll ~P : ESP giant ~U : ESP demon ~L : ESP undead ~Z : ESP animal The {@x#} Inscription --------------------- The {@x#} inscription (where 'x' is the key to activate a specific command and '#' is an object tag (number or alphabet)) is, perhaps the most commonly used inscription. When you select command 'x', followed by the tag '#', the game searches for an object with the inscription {@x#} and performs that command upon it. Thus if the player inscribes a Potion of Healing as {@q1}, then pressing 'q1' will quaff it automatically. This feature is useful because as items are added or removed from your inventory, the actual slot that they are in changes. However, the inscription will work regardless of the position. Note that you can inscribe multiple different objects with the same inscription {@x#}. If you do so, the command 'x#' will act on the first appropriately inscribed object in your inventory list and not on each of them. Also note that you can place multiple such inscriptions on a single object. So that a spell book might be inscribed {@ma@ba@Ga} since the cast spell, browse book, and gain spell commands each require a spell book reference as an argument. You can also inscribe the same command more than one so that food item might be inscribed {@E1@E2} Example 1: You have a primary weapon and a shovel. You normally use the weapon but want to use the shovel for mining treasure. Inscribe your primary weapon with {@w0} and your shovel with {@w1}. Then, when you want to wield your shovel, you can press 'w1' and to re-wield your sword you can press 'w0' regardless of where in the inventory they are located at the time. Note: you can also inscribe both weapons with {@w0} and just press 'w0' whenever you want to exchange weapon and shovel. Example 2: To cast the first spell from your first spell book, you would normally type 'maa' and to cast the first spell from the second book, you would type 'mba'. However, if your first book is stolen or destroyed, pressing 'mba' would no longer cast the spell you wanted. People often cast the wrong spells in such situation. To prevent such mistake, you can inscribe your first spellbook with {@ma}, second spellbook with {@mb}, etc. Cast spells by typing 'maa', 'mba', etc. Even if your other spell books are lost, you will never need to worry about casting the wrong spell. Example 3: You are carrying some Rations of Food and some Elvish Waybread. You wish to use up the Rations first before eating the Waybread, but also want to be able to use the healing/curing properties of the Waybread in an emergency. You would inscribe the Rations with {@E1} and the Waybread with {@E1@E2}. Since the Rations appear before the Waybread on the inventory listing, typing 'E1' will ensure you eat all the Rations first before touching the Waybread but that you only ever have to press E1 to eat. But, pressing 'E2' will bypass the Rations and jump to the Waybread. Some players also do similar things with cure and healing potions. The {@#} Inscription --------------------- The {@#} inscription (where '#' is a number from 0 to 9) is similar to the {@x#} inscription, but it works for any command, and any alphabet letters cannot be used as a tag. The {!x} Inscription -------------------- The {!x} inscription (where 'x' is the key to activate a specific command) will induce "verification" whenever that object is "selected". Thus, inscribing {!v!k!d} on an object will greatly reduce the odds of you "losing" it by accident. This is because any attempt to throw it ('f'), destroy it ('k') or drop it ('d') will prompt Hengband to verify whether or not you really wish to take that action. Note that inscribing {!*} on an object will prompt Hengband to verify any action thus you allowing you to be very paranoid about the object. Also note that "selling" and "dropping" both use the "d" command so that inscribing an item with {!d} will also prevent you from selling it by accident. The {^x} Inscription -------------------- The {^x} inscription (where 'x' is the key to activate a specific command) will induce verification before taking that action. One common example of its usage is to inscribe boots with {^<^>} which will verify the user's command to leave the level via the staircases before actually doing so. The {=g} Inscription -------------------- The {=g} inscription on an object prompts Hengband to automatically pick it up. This instruction overrides any auto-pickup options chosen chosen by the player (if necessary). The primary purpose is to allow easy retrieval of missiles such as arrows and bolts once they have been fired at a target. The {#anystring} Inscription -------------------- The {#anystring} inscription is used to make an item look like an artifact. For example, a Long Sword (2d5) (+10,+10) which is inscribed as {#of Hoge} is displayed as 'a Long Sword of Hoge (2d5) (+10,+10)'. The {!!} Inscription -------------------- The {!!} Inscription on a rod or artifact tells the game to report you when the object is recharged and became activatable again. The {.} Inscription -------------------- The {.} Inscription on a equipment which has ability of random teleportaion prevents the game from asking you whether you want to teleport or not on random chance, and the game automatically decide not to teleport. But the ability of random teleportation has another function which allows you to follow a teleporting monster; this function will not be disabled. The {$} Inscription -------------------- The {$} Inscription on a equipment which has ability of warning completely disables the warning ability. ***** === The Object Types === Ammunition ('{') Ammunition of various types and quality is a frequent find in the dungeon and is usually found in 'piles'. In order to get the full benefit from ammunition it must be 'f'ired from the appropriate missile launcher but me also be thrown. Slings fire pebbles and shots, bows fire arrows and crossbows fire bolts. Missile Launchers ('}') There are several types of missile launchers from slings to heavy crossbows. Each type of launcher has its own ammunition (see above). Missile launchers must be 'w'ielded before they can be used and will be placed in the 'b' equipment slot. Weapons ('|', '/', '\') There are numerous types of weapons in the dungeons. Each weapon varies in terms of its weight and based damage dice. Weapons must be 'w'ielded before they can be used and will be placed in the 'a' equipment slot. Armor ('[', '(', ')', ']') Armor may be worn on your body (the 'g' equipment slot), cloaks may worn about your body (the 'h' equipment slot), shields may be worn on your arm (the 'i' equipment slot), head gear (caps, helms and crowns) are worn on your head (the 'j' equipment slot), gloves and gauntlets and cesti are worn on your hands (the 'k' equipment slot) and boots are worn on your feet (the 'l' equipment slot). Armor of any kind must be 'w'ielded before it can be used. worn on your Amulets ('"') Amulets are flavored items and are worn around your neck (the 'e' equipment slot) and must be 'w'ielded before they can be used. Rings ('=') Rings are flavored items. You may wear one ring each of your left and your right hand (the 'c' and 'd' equipment slot) and must be 'w'ielded before they can be used. Scrolls ('?') Scrolls are flavored items which must be 'r'ead to benefit from their effect. Most scrolls serve utility purposes. Potions ('!') Potions are flavored items and must be 'q'uaffed before they have an effect on you. Some potions may be thrown at monsters and will have an effect on them when the potion shatters. Similarly, you may occasionally be carrying a potion which shatters during combat and thus spreading its effects on the monsters around you. Food (',') Various food items are scattered throughout the dungeons and must be 'E'aten for the player to gain nutritional value. If you do not eat regularly you will become hungry and then weak. Eventually, you will begin to faint from hunger and will finally die of starvation. Note: undead races gain little or no nutritional value from food and must therefore obtain nourishment in some other manner. Mushrooms (',') Mushrooms are a flavored food item that grant nutritional value and also have a magical effect on the player. As you might expect, not all of these are beneficial. They must be 'E'aten. Note: undead races will get little or no nutritional value from eating mushrooms but will experience any magical effects. Wands ('-') Wands are flavored, magical devices containing a finite number of 'charges'. Each charge represents a single use of the wand and using the wand reduces the number of charges available by one. Once empty, the wand must be 'recharged' before it can be used again. In general, wands will fire a bolt, beam or ball rather than have an area affect. Wands do not normally affect the player directly and are generally useful for attacking purposes. Wands must be 'a'imed and most wands will require a target. Staffs ('_') Staffs are a flavored item and are made of various types of wood. Like wands, they contain a limited number of charges and must be recharged when empty. In general, staffs have an area affect or act on the player. Unlike wands, few staffs may be used directly for offense. Staffs must be 'u'sed and do not require a target. Rods ('-') Rods are similar to both wands and staffs in that many magical effects available from wands and staffs are also available from rods. The main difference is that a rod carries a single charge but over time will recharge itself. Typically, the better the rod, the longer it will take to recharge itself. This means you have an unlimited supply of the magical effect but can only use it infrequently compared to a wand or staff which can be used each turn until it is empty. Rods must be 'z'apped and many rods will require a target. Spellbooks ('?') There are four spell books for each of the magic realms and which are found either in the shops or at varying depths in the dungeons. If you are a spellcaster, you may 'b'rowse any book which belonging to your chosen realm(s) to see what spells it contains. You may not browse books from realms other than those that your character has chosen. You may learn new spells with the 'g' command and cast them with the '*' command. Chests ('&') Chests are complex objects, containing traps, locks, and possibly treasure or other objects inside them once they are opened. Many of the commands that apply to traps or doors also apply to chests and, like traps and doors, these commands do not work if you are carrying the chest. Magical Figurines ('`') A figurine is a small. magical replica of a monster from the dungeon. When a figurine is thrown, a pet of the figurine's monster type will be generated. Statues (''') Statues made of various materials can be found throughout the dungeon. Unlike figurines, they have no magical attributes but may be worth selling depending upon the material from which they are made. Corpses ('~') You may sometimes find the corpses and skeletons of monsters and other adventurers that have died in the dungeons. Various Junk ('~') Like any dungeon, you should expect to find various junk items like broken sticks, empty bottles, etc. lying around. While most of this junk is useless, iron spikes can be used to 'j'am doors to prevent a monster from chasing you. Light Sources ('~') Various light sources and their fuel may also be found in the dungeon. You may refill your light source if you are carrying the appropriate items by using the 'F' command. Lanterns can be filled with flasks of oil and torches combined with other torches. -- Original : (??) Updated : (??) Updated : Zangband DevTeam Updated : Hengband 1.3.0 ***** Begin Hyperlinks ***** [b] option.txt#UserInterface ***** [d] objects.txt#Artifacts ***** [e] objects.txt#Inscriptions ***** [f] objects.txt#Identifying ***** [g] attack.txt#EgoArtifact ***** [h] defend.txt#EgoArtifact ***** [i] command.txt#ObjectSelection