=== Races, Classes and Personalities === This file describes about the races, classes and personalities available in Hengband; racial, class, personality tables are provided at the bottom. ***** === The Races === There are thirty seven different races that you can choose from in Hengband. Each race has various strengths and weaknesses and its own adjustments to a character's stats and abilities. Many races also have intrinsic abilities and powers. Their racial powers can be used by the racial/class power command ("U"/"O"). ***** --- Human --- The human is the base character. All other races are compared to them. Humans can choose any class and are average at everything. Humans tend to go up levels faster than most other races because of their shorter life spans. No racial adjustments or intrinsics occur to characters choosing human. ***** --- Half-Elf --- Half-elves tend to be smarter and faster than humans, but not as strong. Half-elves are slightly better at searching, disarming, saving throws, stealth, bows, and magic, but they are not as good at hand weapons. Half-elves may choose any class and do not receive any intrinsic abilities. ***** --- Elf --- Elves are better magicians then humans, but not as good at fighting. They tend to be smarter and faster than either humans or half-elves and also have better wisdom. Elves are better at searching, disarming, perception, stealth, bows, and magic, but they are not as good at hand weapons. They resist light effects intrinsically. ***** --- Hobbits --- Hobbits, or Halflings, are very good at bows, throwing, and have good saving throws. They also are very good at searching, disarming, perception, and stealth; so they make excellent rogues, but prefer to be called burglars. They are much weaker than humans, and no good at melee fighting. Halflings have fair infravision, so they can detect warm creatures at a distance. They have their dexterity sustained. ***** --- Gnome --- Gnomes are smaller than dwarves but larger than Halflings. They, like the hobbits, live in the earth in burrow-like homes. Gnomes make excellent mages, and have very good saving throws. They are good at searching, disarming, perception, and stealth. They have lower strength than humans so they are not very good at fighting with hand weapons. Gnomes have fair infra-vision, so they can detect warm-blooded creatures at a distance. Gnomes are intrinsically protected against paralysis. ***** --- Dwarf --- Dwarves are the headstrong miners and fighters of legend. Dwarves tend to be stronger and tougher but slower and less intelligent than humans. Because they are so headstrong and are somewhat wise, they resist spells which are cast on them. They are very good at searching, perception, fighting, and bows. Dwarves have a miserable stealth. They can never be blinded. ***** --- Half-Orc --- Half-orcs make excellent warriors, but are terrible at magic. They are as bad as dwarves at stealth, and horrible at searching, disarming, and perception. Half-orcs are quite ugly, and tend to pay more for goods in town. Because of their preference to living underground to on the surface, half-orcs resist darkness attacks. ***** --- Half-Troll --- Half-Trolls are incredibly strong, and have more hit points than most other races. They are also very stupid and slow. They are bad at searching, disarming, perception, and stealth. They are so ugly that a Half-Orc grimaces in their presence. They also happen to be fun to run... Half-trolls always have their strength sustained. At higher levels, Half-Trolls regenerate wounds automatically, and if he or her is warrior slowly. ***** --- Amberites --- The Amberites are a reputedly immortal race, who are endowed with numerous advantages in addition to their longevity. They are very tough and their constitution cannot be reduced, and their ability to heal wounds far surpasses that of any other race. Having seen virtually everything, very little is new to them, and they gain levels much slower than the other races. ***** --- High-Elf --- High-elves are a race of immortal beings dating from the beginning of time. They are masters of all skills, and are strong and intelligent, although their wisdom is sometimes suspect. High-elves begin their lives able to see the unseen, and resist light effects just like regular elves. However, there are few things that they have not seen already, and experience is very hard for them to gain. ***** --- Barbarian --- Barbarians are hardy men of the north. They are fierce in combat, and their wrath is feared throughout the world. Combat is their life: they feel no fear, and they learn to enter battle frenzy at will even sooner than half-trolls. Barbarians are, however, suspicious of magic, which makes magic devices fairly hard for them to use. ***** --- Half-Ogre --- Half-Ogres are like Half-Orcs, only more so. They are big, bad, and stupid. For warriors, they have all the necessary attributes, and they can even become wizards: after all, they are related to Ogre Magi, from whom they have learned the skill of setting trapped runes once their level is high enough. Like Half-Orcs, they resist darkness, and like Half-Trolls, they have their strength sustained. ***** --- Half-Giant --- Half-Giants limited intelligence makes it difficult for them to become full spellcasters, but with their huge strength they make excellent warriors. Their thick skin makes them resistant to shards, and like Half-Ogres and Half-Trolls, they have their strength sustained. ***** --- Half-Titan --- Half-mortal descendants of the mighty titans, these immensely powerful creatures put almost any other race to shame. They may lack the fascinating special powers of certain other races, but their enhanced attributes more than make up for that. They learn to estimate the strengths of their foes, and their love for law and order makes them resistant to the effects of Chaos. ***** --- Cyclops --- With but one eye, a Cyclops can see more than many with two eyes. They are headstrong, and loud noises bother them very little. They are not quite qualified for the magic using professions, but as a certain Mr. Ulysses can testify, their accuracy with thrown rocks can be deadly... ***** --- Yeek --- Yeeks are among the most pathetic creatures. Fortunately, their horrible screams can scare away less confident foes, and their skin becomes more and more resistant to acid, as they gain experience. But having said that, even a mediocre monster can wipe the proverbial floor with an unwary Yeek. ***** --- Klackon --- Klackons are bizarre semi-intelligent ant-like insectoid creatures. They make great fighters, but their mental abilities are severely limited. Obedient and well-ordered, they can never be confused. They are also very nimble, and become faster as they advance levels. They are also very acidic, inherently resisting acid, and capable of spitting acid at higher levels. ***** --- Kobold --- Kobolds are a weak goblin race. They love poisoned weapons, and can learn to throw poisoned darts (of which they carry an unlimited supply). They are also inherently resistant to poison, although they are not one of the more powerful races. ***** --- Nibelung --- The hated and persecuted race of nocturnal dwarves, these cave-dwellers are not much bothered by darkness. Their natural inclination to magical items has made them immune to effects which could drain away magical energy. ***** --- Dark Elf --- Another dark, cave-dwelling race, likewise unhampered by darkness attacks, the Dark Elves have a long tradition and knowledge of magic. They have an inherent magic missile attack available to them at a low level. With their keen sight, they also learn to see invisible things as their relatives High-Elves do, but at a higher level. ***** --- Draconian --- A humanoid race with dragon-like attributes. As they advance levels, they gain new elemental resistances (up to Poison Resistance), and they also have a breath weapon, which becomes more powerful with experience. The exact type of the breath weapon depends on the Draconian's class and level. With their wings, they can easily escape any pit trap unharmed. ***** --- Mind Flayer --- A secretive and mysterious ancient race. Their civilization may well be older than any other on our planet, and their intelligence and wisdom are naturally sustained, and are so great that they enable Mind Flayers to become more powerful spellcasters than any other race, even if their physical attributes are a good deal less admirable. As they advance levels, they gain the powers of See Invisible and Telepathy. ***** --- Imp --- A demon-creature from the nether-world, naturally resistant to fire attacks, and capable of learning fire bolt and fire ball attacks. They are little loved by other races, but can perform fairly well in most professions. As they advance levels, they gain the powers of See Invisible. ***** --- Golem --- A Golem is an artificial creature, built from a lifeless raw material like clay, and awakened to life. They are nearly mindless, making them useless for professions which rely on magic, but as warriors they are very tough. They are resistant to poison, they can see invisible things, and move freely. At higher levels, they also become resistant to attacks which threaten to drain away their life force. Golems gain very little nutrition from ordinary food, but can absorb mana from staves and wands as their power source. Golems also gain a natural armor class bonus from their tough body. ***** --- Skeleton --- There are two types of skeletons: the ordinary, warrior-like skeletons, and the spell-using skeletons, which are also called liches. As undead beings, skeletons need to worry very little about poison or attacks that can drain life. They do not really use eyes for perceiving things, and are thus not fooled by invisibility. Their bones are resistant to sharp shrapnel, and they will quickly become resistant to cold. Although the magical effects of these will affect the skeleton even without entering the skeleton's (non-existent) belly, the potion or food itself will fall through the skeleton's jaws, giving no nutritional benefit. They can absorb mana from staves and wands as their energy source. ***** --- Zombie --- Much like Skeletons, Zombies too are undead horrors: they are resistant to life-draining attacks, and can learn to restore their life-force. Like skeletons, they become resistant to cold-based attacks (actually earlier than skeletons), resist poison and can see invisible. While still vulnerable to cuts (unlike skeletons), Zombies are resistant to Nether. Like Golems, they gain very little nutrition from the food of mortals, but can absorb mana from staves and wands as their energy source. ***** --- Vampire --- One of the mightier undead creatures, the Vampire is an awe-inspiring sight. Yet this dread creature has a serious weakness: the bright rays of sun are its bane, and it will need to flee the surface to the deep recesses of earth until the sun finally sets. Darkness, on the other hand, only makes the Vampire stronger. As undead, the Vampire has a firm hold on its life force, and resists nether attacks. The Vampire also resists cold and poison based attacks. It is, however, susceptible to its perpetual hunger for fresh blood, which can only be satiated by sucking the blood from a nearby monster. ***** --- Spectre --- Another powerful undead creature: the Spectre is a ghastly apparition, surrounded by an unearthly green glow. They exist only partially on our plane of existence: half-corporeal, they can pass through walls, although the density of the wall will hurt them in the process of doing this. As undead, they have a firm hold on their life force, see invisible, and resist poison and cold. They also resist nether. At higher levels they develop telepathic abilities. Spectres make superb spellcasters, but their physical form is very weak. They gain very little nutrition from the food of mortals, but can absorb mana from staves and wands as their energy source. ***** --- Sprite --- One of the several fairy races, Sprites are very small. They have tiny wings and can fly over traps that may open up beneath them. They enjoy sunlight intensely, and need worry little about light based attacks. Although physically among the weakest races, Sprites are very talented in magic, and can become highly skilled wizards. Sprites have the special power of spraying Sleeping Dust, and at higher levels they learn to fly faster. ***** --- Beastman --- "This race is a blasphemous abomination produced by Chaos. It is not an independent race but rather a humanoid creature, most often a human, twisted by the Chaos, or a nightmarish crossbreed of a human and a beast. All Beastmen are accustomed to Chaos so much that they are untroubled by confusion and sound, although raw logrus can still have effects on them. Beastmen revel in chaos, as it twists them more and more. Beastmen are subject to mutations: when they have been created, they receive a random mutation. After that, every time they advance a level they have a small chance of gaining yet another mutation. ***** --- Ent --- The Ents are a powerful race dating from the beginning of the world, oldest of all animals or plants who inhabit Arda. Spirits of the land, they were summoned to guard the forests of Middle-earth. Being much like trees they are very clumsy but strong, and very susceptible to fire. They gain very little nutrition from the food of mortals, but they can absorb water from potions as their nutrition. ***** --- Archon --- Archons are a higher class of angels. They are good at all skills, and are strong, wise, and are a favorite with any people. They are able to see the unseen, and their wings allow them to safely fly over traps and other dangerous places. However, belonging to a higher plane as they do, the experiences of this world do not leave a strong impression on them and they gain levels slowly. ***** --- Balrog --- Balrogs are a higher class of demons. They are strong, intelligent and tough. They do not believe in gods, and are not suitable for priest at all. Balrog are resistant to fire and nether, and have a firm hold on their life force. They also eventually learn to see invisible things. They are good at almost all skills except stealth. They gain very little nutrition from the food of mortals, and need human corpses as sacrifices to regain their vitality. ***** --- Dunadan --- Dunedain are a race of hardy men from the West. This elder race surpasses human abilities in every field, especially constitution. However, being men of the world, very little is new to them, and levels are very hard for them to gain. Their constitution cannot be reduced. ***** --- Shadow Fairy --- Shadow Fairies are one of the several fairy races. They have wings, and can fly over traps that may open up beneath them. Shadow Fairies must beware of sunlight, as they are vulnerable to bright light. They are physically weak, but have advantages in using magic and are amazingly stealthy. Shadow Fairies have a wonderful advantage in that they never aggravate monsters (If their equipment normally aggravates monsters, they only suffer a penalty to stealth, but if they aggravate by their personality itself, the advantage will be lost). ***** --- Kutar --- A Kutar is an expressionless animal-like living creature. The word 'kuta' means 'absentmindedly' or 'vacantly'. Their absentmindedness hurts their searching and perception skills, but renders them incapable of being confused. Their unearthly calmness and serenity make them among the most stealthy of any race. Kutars, although expressionless, are beautiful and so have a high charisma. Members of this race can learn to expand their body horizontally. This increases armour class, but renders them vulnerable to magical attacks. ***** --- Android --- An android is a artificial creation with a body of machinery. They are poor at spell casting, but they make excellent warriors. They don't acquire experience like other races, but rather gain in power as they attach new equipment to their frame. Rings, amulets, and lights do not influence growth. Androids are resistant to poison, can move freely, and are immune to life-draining attacks. Moreover, because of their hard metallic bodies, they get a bonus to AC. Androids have electronic circuits throughout their body and must beware of electric shocks. They gain very little nutrition from the food of mortals, but they can use flasks of oil as their energy source. ***** === The Classes === There are twenty seven different classes that you can choose from in Hengband. Each class has various strengths and weaknesses and its own adjustments to a character's stats and abilities. Many classes also have intrinsic abilities and powers. These are often linked to the character's experience level and only become available later in the game. Their class powers can be used by the racial/class power command("U"/"O"). ***** --- Warrior --- A Warrior is a hack-and-slash character, who solves most of his problems by cutting them to pieces, but will occasionally fall back on the help of a magical device. Unfortunately, many high-level devices may be forever beyond their use. Warriors cast no spells. They hate magic. In fact, they even gain experience for destroying high level spellbooks. They have a class power - 'Sword Dancing' - which allows them to conduct a melee attack in six random directions. ***** --- Mage --- A Mage is a spell caster that must live by his wits as he cannot hope to simply hack his way through the dungeon like a warrior. In addition to his spellbooks, a Mage should carry a range of magical devices to help him in his endeavors which he can master far more easily than anyone else. A Mage's prime statistic is Intelligence as this determines his spell casting ability. Mages have the least restrictions in choosing and learning spells. They can freely choose any two realms when a character is created. Their natural inclination makes Life magic fairly hard to learn. Otherwise, a mage tends to learn and cast all the spells in his or her realms better than any other character. The ability to choose second realm of magic has a special meaning in Hengband; only second realm can be changed in the middle of the game. You can change second realm by studying ("G") from a spellbook of new realm. They have a class power - 'Eat Magic' - which absorbs mana from wands, staves or rods. ***** --- Priest --- A Priest is a character devoted to serving a higher power. They explore the dungeon in the service of their God. Since Priests receive new prayers as gifts from their patron deity, they cannot choose which ones they will learn. Priests are familiar with magical devices which they believe act as foci for divine intervention in the natural order of things. A priest wielding an edged weapon will be so uncomfortable with it that his fighting ability. A Priest's primary stat is Wisdom since this determine his success at praying to his deity. Priest can select from Life, Death, Daemon, or Crusade as a first realm, and choose second realm almost freely. But pairs of a good magic and an evil magic from these four realms are not allowed. Priests can learn all spells in the selected realms, even if not as efficiently as mages. However, when learning spells, priests cannot voluntarily decide which spells to study: they are rewarded with new prayers by their patron deities, with no money-back satisfaction guarantee. Priests which select Life realm or Crusade realm have a class power - 'Bless Weapon' - which blesses any edged weapon to be suitable for priests to wield. Every priest which select Death realm or Daemon realm have a class power - 'Evocation' - which damages, scares and banish all monsters in sight. ***** --- Rogue --- A Rogue is a character that prefers to live by his cunning, but is capable of fighting his way out of a tight spot. Rogues are good at locating hidden traps and doors and are the masters of disarming traps and picking locks. A rogue has a high stealth allowing him to sneak around many creatures without having to fight, or to get in a telling first blow. A rogue may also backstab a fleeing monster. Intelligence determines a Rogue's spell casting ability. Rogues can select one realm from Sorcery, Death, Trump, Arcane, or Craft. All Rogues have certain limitations on which spells they can learn, and they do not learn new spells very quickly. They have a class power - 'Hit and Away' - which allows them to attack in melee and teleport away from there at once. ***** --- Ranger --- A Ranger is a combination of a warrior and a mage who has developed a special affinity for the natural world around him. He is a good fighter and also good about a missile weapon such as a bow. A ranger has a good stealth, good perception, good searching, a good saving throw and is good with magical devices. Intelligence determines a Ranger's spell casting ability. All rangers are trained in Nature magic, and all Nature spells are available to them. They even learn these spells almost as fast as mages. They can also select a secondary realm (from Sorcery, Chaos, Death, Trump, Arcane, and Daemon), but they are slow learners here, and may find themselves unable to learn some of the highest level spells. They have a class power - 'Probe Monster' - which allows them to know a monster's HP, speed, and experience required to evolve. ***** --- Paladin --- A Paladin is a combination of a warrior and a priest. Paladins are very good fighters, but not very good at missile weapons. A paladin lacks much in the way of abilities. He is poor at stealth, perception, searching, and magical devices but has a decent saving throw due to his divine alliance. Wisdom determines a Paladin's success at praying to his deity. Paladins can select a realm from Crusade and Death. Like priests, they cannot select which prayers to learn, but are rewarded with new prayers by their deities. They can learn all spells, but not as fast as priests. They detest paganism so strongly that they will even gain experience for destroying high-level pagan spell- books: 'pagan' means Life or Crusade spellbooks for a Death Paladin and all spellbooks other than Life and Crusade for a Crusade Paladin. Depending on their realm, they have a class power - 'Holy Lance' or 'Hell Lance'. ***** --- Warrior-Mage --- A Warrior-Mage is precisely what the name suggests: a cross between the warrior and mage classes. While their brothers, the rangers, specialize in Nature magic and survival skills, true Warrior-Mages attempt to reach the best of both worlds. As warriors they are much superior to the usual Mage class. Intelligence determines a Warrior-Mage's spell casting ability. Warrior-mages begin the game with Arcane magic, and they can freely select another realm of magic. Although they do not gain new spells as fast as regular mages, they will eventually learn every spell in both realms, thus making them a very competitive choice for players who appreciate Arcane magic. They have two class powers - 'Convert HP to SP' and 'Convert SP to HP' - which allow them to heal HP using mana or gain mana using HP. ***** --- Chaos-Warrior --- Chaos Warriors are the feared servants of the terrible Demon Lords of Chaos. Every Chaos Warrior has a Patron Demon and, when gaining a level, may receive a reward from his Patron. He might be healed or polymorphed, his stats could be increased, or he might be rewarded with an awesome weapon. On the other hand, the Patrons might surround him with monsters, drain his stats or wreck his equipment or they might simply ignore him. The Demon Lords of Chaos are chaotic and unpredictable indeed. The exact type of reward depends on both the Patron Demon (different Demons give different rewards) and chance. Chaos Warriors can select a realm from Chaos and Daemon. They are not interested in any other form of magic. They can learn every spell. They have a class power - 'Confusing Light' - which stuns, confuses, and scares all monsters in sight. ***** --- Monk --- The Monk character class is very different from all other classes. Their training in martial arts makes them much more powerful with no armor or weapons. To gain the resistances necessary for survival a monk may need to wear some kind of armor, but if the armor he wears is too heavy, it will severely disturb his martial arts maneuvers. As the monk advances levels, new, powerful forms of attack become available. Their defensive capabilities increase likewise, but if armour is being worn, this effect decreases. Wisdom determines a Monk's spell casting ability. The different sects of monks are devoted to different areas of magic. They select a realm from Life, Nature, Craft, and Death. They will eventually learn all prayers in the discipline of their choice. They have two class powers - 'Assume a Posture' and 'Double Attack'. They can choose different forms of postures in different situations, and use powerful combinations of attacks for the finishing blow. ***** --- Mindcrafter --- The Mindcrafter is a unique class that uses the powers of the mind instead of magic. These powers are unique to Mindcrafters, and vary from simple extrasensory powers to mental domination of others. Since these powers are developed by the practice of certain disciplines, a Mindcrafter requires no spellbooks to use them. The available powers are simply determined by the character's level. Wisdom determines a Mindcrafter's ability to use mind powers, Mindcrafters gain new mindcrafting powers and their existing ones become stronger as they gain levels. They can use their power even when blinded. They have a class power - 'Clear Mind' - which allows them to rapidly regenerate their mana. ***** --- High-Mage --- High-mages are mages who specialize in one particular field of magic and learn it very well - much better than the ordinary mage. A high mage's prime statistic is intelligence as this determines his spell casting ability. For the price of giving up a second realm of magic, High-mages gain substantial benefits in the mana costs, minimum levels, and failure rates of the spells in their speciality realm. They have a class power - 'Eat Magic' - which absorbs mana from wands, staves, or rods. ***** --- Tourist --- Tourists have visited this world for the purpose of sightseeing. Their fighting skills is bad, and they cannot cast powerful spells. They are the most difficult class to win the game with. Intelligence determines a tourist's spell casting ability. Tourists are always seeing more of the world to add to their stock of information; no other class can compete with their identification skills. They have two class powers - 'Take a Photograph' and 'Identify True'. Their magic is based on Arcane, and - aside from identify - is very weak indeed. ***** --- Imitator --- Imitators have enough fighting skills to survive, but rely on their unique technique - 'Imitation' - which imitates monster spells/techniques include whose damage/duration value. Dexterity determines general imitation ability, but a stat related to the specific action is often also taken into account. To use imitation, Imitators must see monster's spell at first. When monsters in view use spells, they are added to a temporary spell list which the imitator can choose among. Spells should be imitated quickly, because timing and situation are everything. An imitator can only repeat a spell once each time he observes it. They only have a small long-term memory for spells, which ranges from one to three, depending on their level. When they memorize more spells than this, they will forget the oldest spell in the list. They have a class power - 'Double Revenge' - which allows them to imitate spells at double damage or duration. ***** --- BeastMaster --- Beastmasters are in tune with the minds of the creatures of the world of Hengband. They are very good at riding, and have enough fighting ability. They use monsters which summoned or dominated by him as his hands and feet. Beastmasters can cast trump magic, and very good at summoning spell, but they can not summon non-living creatures. Charisma determines a Beastmaster's spell casting ability. Beastmasters use Trump magic to make good use of their monster domination and riding abilities. They are very good at summoning living creatures, and they learn summoning spells quicker than Mages. However, they cannot summon non-living creatures. They have two class powers - 'Dominate a Living Thing' and 'Dominate Living Things'. ***** --- Sorcerer --- Sorcerers are the all-around best magicians, being able to cast any spell from most magic realms without having to learn it. On the downside, they are the worst fighters in the dungeon, being unable to use any weapon but a Wizardstaff. Sorcerers can cast any spell from any spellbooks of all nine magic realms with 'Master' proficiency level without having to learn it. They have a class power - 'Eat Magic' - which absorbs mana from wands, staves or rods. ***** --- Archer --- Archers are to bows what warriors are to melee. They are the best class around with any bow, crossbow, or sling. They need a lot of ammunition, but will learn how to make it from junk found in the dungeon. An archer is better than a warrior at stealth, perception, searching and magical devices. Archers have a class power - 'Create Ammo' - which creates stones or shots from pile of rubble, and arrows and crossbow bolts from bones. ***** --- Magic-Eater --- Magic-Eaters can absorb magic devices, and use these magics as their spells. They are middling-poor at fighting. A Magic-Eater's prime statistic is intelligence. Magic-Eaters can absorb the energy of wands, staffs, and rods, and can then use these magics as if they were carrying all of these absorbed devices. Mana and changes of absorbed devices are regenerated naturally by a Magic-Eater's power, and speed of regeneration is influenced by their intelligence. They have a class power - 'Absorb Magic' - which is used to absorb magic devices. ***** --- Bard --- Bards are something like traditional musicians. Their magical attacks are sound-based, and last as long as the Bard has mana. Although a bard cannot sing two or more songs at the same time, he or she does have the advantage that many songs affect all areas in sight. A bard's prime statistic is charisma. The songs are found in four songbooks, of which two are sold in town. There is a special feature of music; many songs continue to be sung until either the Bard chooses to stop, or he runs out of the energy required to sing that type of song. Bards have a class power - 'Stop Singing'. ***** --- Red-Mage --- Red Mages are similar to Warrior-Mage; they are decent fighters and spellcasters. Red-Mages can use almost all spells from lower rank spellbooks of all realms, but they cannot cast spells from higher rank spellbooks, and they are extremely slow learners in them. They are not bad at using magical devices and magic resistance, but are bad at other skills. A red-mage's prime statistic is intelligence. Red-Mages can use almost all spells from lower rank spellbooks of all realms: first and second spellbooks of all realms and third and fourth Arcane spellbooks, without having to learn it, but they cannot cast spells from higher rank spellbooks; third and fourth spellbooks for all realms other than Arcane. Since they use all realms at once, they have large penalties in the mana costs, minimum levels, and failure rates of spells. They have a class power - 'Double Magic' - which allows them to cast two spells at once. ***** --- Samurai --- Samurai, masters of the art of the blade, are the next strongest fighters after Warriors, and can use various special combat techniques. Samurai are not good at most other skills, and many magical devices may be too difficult for them to use. Wisdom determines a Samurai's ability to use the special combat techniques available to him. Samurai use the art of the blade called Kendo (or Bugei). Books of Kendo are similar to spellbooks, but Samurai don't need to carry them around; the books are needed only when they study new combat techniques. Samurai need a weapon wielded to use the techniques of Kendo, and most techniques will add powerful special properties to their blows; such as flaming, poisoning, vampiric, etc... Their maximum spellpoints don't depend on their level but solely on wisdom, and they can use the class power 'Concentration' to temporarily increase SP beyond its usual maximum value. They have one more class power - 'Assume a Posture'. They can choose different forms of posture in different situations. ***** --- ForceTrainer --- A ForceTrainer is a master of the spiritual Force. They prefer fighting with neither weapon nor armor. They are not as good fighters as are Monks, but they can use both magic and the spiritual Force. Wielding weapons or wearing heavy armor disturbs use of the Force. Wisdom is a ForceTrainer's primary stat. ForceTrainer use both spellbook magic and the special spiritual power called the Force. They can select a realm from Life, Nature, Craft, Death, and Crusade. To use The Force, you select it just as if it were spellbook 'w'; which means you need to press 'm' and then 'w' to select the Force. The most important spell of the Force is 'Improve Force'; each time a ForceTrainer activates it, their Force power becomes more powerful, and their attack power in bare-handed melee fighting is increased temporarily. The strengthened Force can be released at one stroke when a ForceTrainer activates some other Force spell, typically an attack spell. They have a class power - 'Clear Mind' - which allows them to rapidly regenerate their mana. ***** --- Blue-Mage --- A Blue-Mage is a spell caster that must live by his wits, as he cannot hope to simply hack his way through the dungeon like a warrior. A major difference between the Mage and the Blue-Mage is the method of learning spells: Blue-Mages may learn spells from monsters. A Blue-Mage's prime statistic is Intelligence as this determines his spell casting ability. A Blue-Mage can learn and cast monster ranged attacks, spells, or summons as their own spells; this technique is called Blue magic. Unlike Imitators, Blue-Mages remember their spells permanently, but they must get hit by a monster's spell while their class power 'Learning' is active to learn spells. Because of this requirement, they do not learn spells, like healing, that affect the monster itself. ***** --- Cavalry --- Cavalry ride on horses into battle. Although they cannot cast spells, they are proud of their overwhelming offensive strength on horseback. They are good at shooting. At high levels, they learn to forcibly saddle and tame wild monsters. Since they take pride in the body and the soul, they don't use magical devices well. Like Warriors and Archers, the cavalry don't use magic. Since they are very good at riding, they have a class power - 'Rodeo' - which allows them to forcibly saddle and tame wild monsters. ***** --- Berserker --- A Berserker is a fearful fighter indeed, immune to fear and paralysis. At high levels, Berserkers can reflect bolt spells with their tough flesh. Furthermore, they can fight without weapons, can remove cursed equipment by force, and can even use their special combat techniques when surrounded by an anti-magic barrier. Berserkers, however, cannot use any magical devices or read any scrolls, and are hopeless at all non-combat skills. Since Berserker Amberite or Spectres are quite easy to *win* with, their scores are lowered. Berserkers use a unique system of techniques called 'Rage'. They gain more techniques as they gain levels. They use no magic: indeed, they cannot use any magic devices or activate any artifacts, and cannot read scrolls. To offset these great disadvantages, Berserkers are allowed to have an important class power - 'Recall'. ***** --- Weaponsmith --- A Weaponsmith can improve weapons and armors for him or herself. They are good at fighting, and they have potential ability to become even better than Warriors using improved equipments. They cannot cast spells, and are poor at skills such as stealth or magic defense. A Weaponsmith extract the essences of special effects from weapons or armors which have various special abilities, and can add these essences to another weapon or armor. Normally, each equipment can be improved only once, but they can remove a previously added essence from improved equipment to improve it with another essence. To-hit, to-damage bonus, and AC can be improved freely up to a maximum value depending on level. Weaponsmiths have a class power - 'Judgment' - which allows them to identify (later *identify*) weapons and armor. ***** --- Mirror-Master --- Mirror-Masters are spell casters; like other mages, they must live by their wits. They can create magical mirrors, and employ them in the casting of Mirror-Magic spells. Intelligence determines a Mirror-Master's spell casting ability. Mirror-Masters gain more spells and each spell becomes more powerful as they gain levels. They can use their spells even when blinded. For Mirror-Masters, the arrangement of mirrors is very important: Some attack spells reflect from mirrors, and some other spells are effective only against monsters standing on a mirror. A Mirror-Master standing on a mirror has greater ability and, for example, can perform quick teleports. The maximum number of magical Mirrors which can be controlled simultaneously depends on the level, and breaking unnecessary mirrors is important work for them. They have two class powers - 'Break Mirrors', which breaks all mirrors in current dungeon level and 'Mirror Concentration', which allows them to rapidly regenerate their mana on a mirror. ***** --- Ninja --- A Ninja is a fearful assassin lurking in darkness. He or she can navigate effectively with no light source, catch enemies unawares, and kill with a single blow. Ninjas can use Ninjutsu, and are good at locating hidden traps and doors, disarming traps and picking locks. Since heavy armors, heavy weapons, or shields will restrict their motion greatly, they prefer light clothes, and become faster and more stealthy as they gain levels. A Ninja knows no fear and, at high level, becomes almost immune to poison and able to see invisible things. Dexterity determines a Ninja's ability to use Ninjutsu. A Ninja can use Ninjutsu for lurking and surprise attacks. They gain more Ninjutsu techniques as they gain levels. They have a class power - 'Quick Walk' - which makes their walking speed extremely fast. ***** === The Personality === There are twelve different personality that you can choose from in Hengband. Each personality has various strengths and weaknesses and its own adjustments to a character's stats and abilities. ***** --- Ordinary --- "Ordinary" is a personality with no special skills or talents, with unmodified stats and skills. ***** --- Mighty --- "Mighty" raises your physical stats and skills, but reduces stats and skills which influence magic. It makes your stats suitable for a warrior. Also it directly influences your hit-points and spell fail rate. ***** --- Shrewd --- "Shrewd" reduces your physical stats, and raises your intelligence and magical skills. It makes your stats suitable for a mage. Also it directly influences your hit-points and spell fail rate. ***** --- Pious --- "Pious" deepens your faith in your God. It makes your physical ability average, and your stats suitable for priest. ***** --- Nimble --- "Nimble" renders you highly skilled comparatively well, but reduces your physical ability. ***** --- Fearless --- "Fearless" raises both your melee and magical ability. Stats such as magic defense and constitution are reduced. Also it has a direct bad influence on your hit-points. ***** --- Combat --- "Combat" gives you comparatively high melee and shooting abilities, and average constitution. Other skills such as stealth, magic defense, and magical devices are weakened. All "Combat" people have great respect for the legendary "Combat Echizen". (See "Death Crimson" / Ecole Software Corp.) ***** --- Lazy --- A "Lazy" person has no good stats and can do no action well. Also it has a direct bad influence on your spell fail rate. ***** --- Sexy --- "Sexy" rises all of your abilities, but your haughty attitude will aggravate all monsters. Only females can choose this personality. ***** --- Lucky --- A "Lucky" man has poor stats, equivalent to a "Lazy" person. Mysteriously, however, he can do all things well. Only males can choose this personality. ***** --- Patient --- A "Patient" person does things carefully. Patient people have high constitution, and high resilience, but poor abilities in most other skills. Also it directly influences your hit-points. ***** --- Munchkin --- "munchkin" is a personality for beginners. It raises all your stats and skills. With this personality, you can win the game easily, but gain little honor in doing so. ***** === Stat Bonus Tables === Each of the races, classes, and personalities has certain modifications to their starting statistics an experience penalty. The experience penalty is designed to 'balance' the races with better starting statistics and abilities by requiring them to earn more experience before advancing a level. --- Table 1 - Race Statistic Bonus Table --- STR INT WIS DEX CON CHR Hit Dice Exp Penalty Human +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 10 +0% Half-Elf -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 9 +10% Elf -1 +2 +0 +1 -2 +2 8 +20% Hobbit -2 +1 +1 +3 +2 +1 7 +10% Gnome -1 +2 +0 +2 +1 -1 8 +20% Dwarf +2 -2 +2 -2 +2 -1 11 +25% Half-Orc +2 -1 +0 +0 +1 -2 10 +10% Half-Troll +4 -4 -1 -3 +3 -3 12 +25% Amberite +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +2 10 +125% High-Elf +1 +3 -1 +3 +1 +3 10 +100% Barbarian +3 -2 -1 +1 +2 +0 11 +20% Half-Ogre +3 -2 +0 -1 +3 -2 12 +45% Half-Giant +4 -2 -2 -2 +3 -2 13 +60% Half-Titan +5 +1 +2 -2 +3 +1 14 +155% Cyclops +4 -3 -2 -3 +4 -3 13 +50% Yeek -2 +1 +1 +1 -2 -4 7 +0% Klackon +2 -1 -1 +1 +2 -1 12 +90% Kobold +1 -1 +0 +1 +0 -2 9 +25% Nibelung +1 -1 +2 +0 +2 -2 11 +70% Dark-Elf -1 +3 +2 +2 -2 +1 9 +50% Draconian +2 +1 +1 +1 +2 -1 11 +120% Mindflayer -3 +4 +4 +0 -2 -3 9 +40% Imp +0 -1 -1 +1 +2 -1 10 +15% Golem +4 -5 -5 -2 +4 -2 12 +100% Skeleton +0 +1 -2 +0 +1 -2 10 +45% Zombie +2 -6 -6 +1 +4 -3 13 +50% Vampire +3 +3 -1 -1 +1 +2 11 +100% Spectre -5 +4 -1 +2 +0 -3 7 +110% Sprite -4 +3 +3 +3 -2 +2 7 +45% Beastman +2 -2 -1 -1 +2 -2 11 +40% Ent +2 +0 +2 -3 +2 +0 12 +40% Archon +2 +0 +4 +1 +2 +3 11 +135% Balrog +4 +2 -10 +2 +3 -5 12 +150% Dunadan +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +2 10 +80% Shadow-Fairy -2 +2 +2 +1 -1 +0 7 +20% Kutar +0 -1 -1 +1 +2 +3 11 +40% Android +4 -5 -5 +0 +4 -2 13 +100% --- Table 2 - Class Statistic Bonus Table --- STR INT WIS DEX CON CHR Hit Dice Exp Penalty Warrior +4 -2 -2 +2 +2 -1 +9 +0% Mage -4 +3 +0 +1 -2 +1 +0 +30% Priest -1 -3 +3 -1 +0 +2 +2 +20% Rogue +2 +1 -2 +3 +1 -1 +6 +25% Ranger +2 +2 +0 +1 +1 +1 +4 +40% Paladin +3 -3 +1 +0 +2 +2 +6 +35% Warrior-Mage +2 +2 +0 +1 +0 +1 +4 +40% Chaos-Warrior +2 +1 -1 +0 +2 -2 +6 +25% Monk +2 -1 +1 +3 +2 +1 +6 +30% Mindcrafter -1 +0 +3 -1 -1 +2 +2 +25% High-Mage -4 +4 +0 +0 -2 +1 +0 +30% Tourist -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +0 -30% Imitator +0 +1 -1 +2 +0 +1 +5 +10% BeastMaster +1 -1 -1 +1 +0 +2 +3 +20% Sorcerer -5 +6 -2 +2 +0 -2 +4 +60% Archer +2 -1 -1 +2 +1 +0 +6 +10% Magic-Eater -1 +2 +1 +2 -2 +1 +3 +30% Bard -2 +1 +2 -1 -2 +4 +2 +40% Red-Mage +2 +2 -1 +1 +0 -1 +4 +40% Samurai +3 -2 +1 +2 +1 +0 +6 +30% ForceTrainer +0 -1 +3 +2 +1 +1 +2 +35% Blue-Mage -4 +4 -1 +1 -2 -1 +2 +30% Cavalry +2 -2 -2 +2 +2 +0 +5 +20% Berserker +8 -20 -20 +4 +4 -5 +11 +60% Weaponsmith +3 -1 -1 +1 +0 -1 +6 +30% Mirror-Master -2 +3 +1 -1 -2 +1 +2 +30% Ninja +0 -1 -1 +3 +2 -1 +2 +20% --- Table 3 - Personality Statistic Bonus Table --- STR INT WIS DEX CON CHR Hit Dice Ordinary +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 Mighty +2 -2 -1 +0 +1 +0 +1 Shrewd -2 +2 +0 +1 -1 -1 -1 Pious +0 -1 +2 -1 +0 +1 +0 Nimble -1 +1 -1 +2 -1 -1 +0 Fearless +2 +1 +1 -1 -1 +0 -1 Combat +1 -1 -2 +2 +0 +1 +0 Lazy -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 Sexy +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +3 +0 Lucky -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 +2 +0 Patient -1 -1 +1 -2 +2 +0 +1 Munchkin +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +15 ***** === Ability Tables === Each of the races, classes, and personalities has certain modifications to their starting abilities. Players may also receive an additional level-based bonus to certain skills which is based on their class. For example mages improve their magical device skill more rapidly than warriors. As noted above, some skills will not improve unless magically enhanced. --- Table 4 - Race Skill Bonus Table --- Dsrm Dvce Save Stlh Srch Prcp Melee Bows Infra Human +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +10 +0 +0 None Half-Elf +2 +3 +2 +1 +6 +11 -1 +5 20 feet Elf +5 +6 +4 +2 +8 +12 -5 +15 30 feet Hobbit +15 +12 +10 +5 +12 +15 -10 +20 40 feet Gnome +10 +8 +7 +3 +6 +13 -8 +12 40 feet Dwarf +2 +7 +6 -1 +7 +10 +15 +0 50 feet Half-Orc -3 -3 -2 -1 +0 +7 +12 -5 30 feet Half-Troll -5 -8 -5 -2 -1 +5 +20 -10 30 feet Amberite +4 +5 +3 +2 +3 +13 +15 +10 None High-Elf +4 +13 +12 +4 +3 +14 +10 +25 40 feet Barbarian -2 -10 +2 -1 +1 +7 +12 +10 None Half-Ogre -3 -5 -3 -2 -1 +5 +20 +0 30 feet Half-Giant -6 -8 -3 -2 -1 +5 +25 +5 30 feet Half-Titan -5 +5 +1 -2 +1 +8 +25 +0 None Cyclops -4 -5 -3 -2 -2 +5 +20 +12 10 feet Yeek +2 +4 +6 +3 +5 +15 -5 -5 20 feet Klackon +10 +5 +3 +0 -1 +10 +5 +5 20 feet Kobold -2 -3 -1 -1 +1 +8 +10 -8 30 feet Nibelung +3 +5 +6 +1 +5 +10 +9 +0 50 feet Dark-Elf +5 +10 +12 +3 +8 +12 -5 +10 50 feet Draconian -2 +5 +2 +0 +1 +10 +5 +5 20 feet Mindflayer +10 +15 +9 +2 +5 +12 -10 -5 40 feet Imp -3 +2 -1 +1 -1 +10 +5 -5 30 feet Golem -5 -5 +6 -1 -1 +8 +20 +0 40 feet Skeleton -5 +0 +3 -1 -1 +8 +10 +0 20 feet Zombie -5 -5 +5 -1 -1 +5 +15 +0 20 feet Vampire +4 +8 +6 +4 +1 +8 +5 +0 50 feet Spectre +10 +15 +12 +5 +5 +14 -15 -5 50 feet Sprite +10 +8 +6 +4 +10 +10 -12 +0 40 feet Beastman -5 -2 -1 -1 -1 +5 +12 +5 None Ent -5 +2 +5 -1 +0 +9 +15 -5 None Archon +0 +12 +8 +2 +2 +11 +10 +10 30 feet Balrog -3 +12 +15 -2 +1 +8 +20 +0 50 feet Dunadan +4 +5 +3 +2 +3 +13 +15 +10 None Shadow-Fairy +7 +8 +0 +6 +12 +15 -10 -5 40 feet Kutar -2 +5 +5 +5 -2 +6 +0 -5 None Android +0 -5 +0 -2 +3 +14 +20 +10 None --- Table 5 - Class Skill Bonus Table --- Dsrm Dvce Save Stlh Srch Prcp Melee Bows Warrior 25+12 18+7 31+10 1 14 2 70+30 55+30 Mage 30+7 40+15 38+11 3 16 20 34+6 20+7 Priest 25+7 35+11 40+12 2 16 8 48+13 35+11 Rogue 45+15 37+12 36+10 5 32 24 60+21 66+18 Ranger 30+8 37+11 36+10 3 24 16 56+18 72+28 Paladin 20+7 24+10 34+11 1 12 2 68+21 40+18 Warrior-Mage 30+7 35+10 36+10 2 18 16 50+15 25+11 Chaos-Warrior 20+7 25+11 34+10 1 14 12 65+20 40+17 Monk 45+15 34+11 36+10 5 32 24 64+18 60+18 Mindcrafter 30+10 33+11 38+10 3 22 16 50+14 40+18 High-Mage 30+7 40+15 38+11 3 16 20 34+6 20+7 Tourist 15+5 18+7 28+9 1 12 2 40+11 20+11 Imitator 25+7 30+10 36+10 2 18 16 60+18 50+20 BeastMaster 20+7 25+10 32+10 2 18 16 52+14 63+25 Sorcerer 30+7 48+18 75+13 2 12 22 0+0 0+0 Archer 38+12 24+10 35+10 4 24 16 56+18 82+36 Magic-Eater 25+7 42+16 36+10 2 20 16 48+13 35+11 Bard 20+8 33+13 34+11 -5 16 20 34+10 20+8 Red-Mage 20+7 34+11 34+11 1 16 10 56+18 25+11 Samurai 25+12 18+7 32+10 2 16 6 70+23 40+18 ForceTrainer 30+10 34+11 38+11 4 32 24 50+14 40+15 Blue-Mage 30+7 40+16 36+11 3 20 16 40+6 25+7 Cavalry 20+10 18+7 32+10 1 16 10 60+22 66+26 Berserker -inf -inf -inf -inf -inf -inf 120+50 -inf Weaponsmith 30+10 28+10 28+10 1 20 10 60+21 45+15 Mirror-Master 30+10 33+11 40+12 3 14 16 34+6 30+10 Ninja 45+15 24+10 36+10 8 48 32 70+25 66+18 For character classes, there are two figures: the first figure is the base level of the ability, while the second figure is the bonus that the character gains to this skill every ten levels. So, to find out the total skill value of any character's skills, add the "race" value to the "class" value, and then the bonus once for every ten levels that the character has. --- Table 6 - Personality Skill Bonus Table --- Dsrm Dvce Save Stlh Srch Prcp Melee Bows Ordinary +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 Mighty -5 -5 -3 -1 -2 -2 +10 +0 Shrewd +3 +8 +2 +0 -2 +5 -8 -5 Pious -5 +2 +4 -1 +3 -2 -3 -6 Nimble +7 +2 -1 +1 +5 +5 +0 +10 Fearless -5 +5 -2 +0 +2 -2 +10 +10 Combat -2 -3 -3 +0 -1 +2 +5 +5 Lazy -5 -5 -3 -1 -4 -2 -8 -8 Sexy +10 +5 +3 +0 +4 +2 +10 +10 Lucky +10 +7 +3 +2 +10 +8 +15 +15 Patient -5 -3 +3 +1 +0 -3 -6 -6 Munchkin +20 +40 +30 +10 +40 +40 +80 +80 For character personalities, each figure has two meanings; base level of the ability and the bonus that the character gains to this skill at the 50th level. -- Updated : Hengband 1.3.2