The Town and Wilderness. Please choose one of the following online help files: (a) The Town and Wilderness (town.txt) (b) Town and Wilderness Symbols (town.txt#MapSymbols) (c) The Town Level (town.txt#TownLevel) (d) The Standard Town (town.txt#StandardTown) (e) The 'Lite' Town (town.txt#LiteTown) (f) The 'Vanilla' Town (town.txt#VanillaTown) (g) Townspeople (town.txt#Townspeople) (h) Shopping in Town (town.txt#Shopping) (i) Bartering (town.txt#Bartering) (j) Object Pricing (town.txt#ObjectPricing) (k) List of Shops (town.txt#TheShops) (l) Special Buildings (town.txt#Buildings) (m) Fixed Quests (town.txt#FixedQuests) (?) Help System Commands (helpinfo.txt) ***** [a] town.txt ***** [b] town.txt#MapSymbols ***** [c] town.txt#TownLevel ***** [d] town.txt#StandardTown ***** [e] town.txt#LiteTown ***** [f] town.txt#VanillaTown ***** [g] town.txt#Townspeople ***** [h] town.txt#Shopping ***** [i] town.txt#Bartering ***** [j] town.txt#ObjectPricing ***** [k] town.txt#TheShops ***** [l] town.txt#Buildings ***** [m] town.txt#FixedQuests