open ExtList open Base open Swflib.AbcType let rec index x xs i = match xs with y::ys -> if x = y then i else index x ys (i+1) | [] -> failwith (Std.dump x) let index x xs = index x xs 1 let make_compact before after i = if i = 0 then 0 else let x = List.nth before (i-1) in index x after let compact_for xs reloc = let ys = reloc xs in let zs = List.unique ys in zs,make_compact ys zs let compact_cpool cpool = let int,int_c = compact_for id in let uint,uint_c = compact_for cpool.uint id in let double,double_c = compact_for cpool.double id in let str,str_c = compact_for cpool.string id in let ns,ns_c = compact_for cpool.namespace @@ Reloc.do_namespace {| string = str_c |} in let nss,nss_c = compact_for cpool.namespace_set @@ Reloc.do_namespace_set {| string = str_c; namespace = ns_c |} in let mname,mname_c = compact_for cpool.multiname @@ Reloc.do_multiname {| string = str_c; namespace =ns_c; namespace_set = nss_c |} in let cpool = { int = int; uint = uint; double = double; string = str; namespace = ns; namespace_set = nss; multiname = mname; } in let relocs = {| int = int_c; uint = uint_c; double = double_c; string = str_c; namespace = ns_c; namespace_set = nss_c; multiname = mname_c; classes = id; methods = id |} in relocs,cpool let compact abc = let relocs, cpool = compact_cpool abc.cpool in { Reloc.do_abc relocs abc with cpool = cpool }