.\" Copyright Andries Brouwer, A. Wik 1998, Ragnar Hojland Espinosa 1998-2002 .\" .\" This file may be copied under the conditions described .\" in the LDP GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 1, September 1998 .\" that should have been distributed together with this file. .\" .TH RMDIR 1 "18 June 2002" "GNU fileutils 4.1" .SH NAME rmdir \- remove empty directories .SH SYNOPSIS .BI "rmdir [" options "] " directory... .sp POSIX options: .B "[\-p]" .sp GNU options (shortest form): .B [\-pv] [\-\-ignore\-fail\-on\-non\-empty] .B "[\-\-help] [\-\-version] [\-\-]" .SH DESCRIPTION .B rmdir removes empty directories. .PP If any .I directory argument does not refer to an existing empty directory, it is an error. .SH "POSIX OPTIONS" .TP .B "\-p" If .I directory includes more than one pathname component, remove it, then strip the last component and remove the resulting directory, etc., until all components have been removed. Thus, `rmdir -p a/b/c' is equivalent to `rmdir a/b/c; rmdir a/b; rmdir a'. .SH GNU OPTIONS .TP .B \-\-ignore\-fail\-on\-non\-empty Ignore failures becaused by directories not being empty. .TP .B "\-p, \-\-parents" As POSIX. .TP .B \"\v, -\-verbose" Print each directory removed. .SH "GNU STANDARD OPTIONS" .TP .B "\-\-help" Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully. .TP .B "\-\-version" Print version information on standard output, then exit successfully. .TP .B "\-\-" Terminate option list. .SH ENVIRONMENT The variables LANG, LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE and LC_MESSAGES have the usual meaning. .SH "CONFORMING TO" POSIX 1003.2 .SH NOTES This page describes .B rmdir as found in the fileutils-4.1 package; other versions may differ slightly. Mail corrections and additions to aeb@cwi.nl and aw@mail1.bet1.puv.fi and ragnar@ragnar-hojland.com Report bugs in the program to bug-fileutils@gnu.org.