debug = 0; $this->reset(); } function reset() { if ($this->parser) xml_parser_free($this->parser); // XML file pointer $this->fp = 0; // which data has been read? $this->metaDataRead = 0; $this->allRead = 0; // to maintain track of where we are inside the XML file $this->inXml = 0; $this->inData = 0; $this->inMeta = 0; $this->inSkin = 0; $this->inTemplate = 0; $this->currentName = ''; $this->currentPartName = ''; // character data pile $this->cdata = ''; // list of skinnames and templatenames (will be array of array) $this->skins = array(); $this->templates = array(); // extra info included in the XML files (e.g. installation notes) $this->info = ''; // init XML parser $this->parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_set_object($this->parser, $this); xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'startElement', 'endElement'); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, 'characterData'); xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); } /** * Reads an XML file into memory * * @param $filename * Which file to read * @param $metaOnly * Set to 1 when only the metadata needs to be read (optional, default 0) * * [2004/08/04] Modified by Japanese Package Release Team according to the URL below, * * [2004/08/04] Modified by dakarma * Took this out since it messes up good XML if it has skins/templates * with CDATA sections. need to investigate consequences. * see bug [ 999914 ] Import fails (multiple skins in XML/one of them with CDATA) */ function readFile($filename, $metaOnly = 0) { // open file $this->fp = @fopen($filename, 'r'); if (!$this->fp) { return _SKINIE_ERROR_FAILEDOPEN_FILEURL; } $this->inXml = 1; $tempbuffer = fread($this->fp,filesize($filename)); /* dakarma wrote // backwards compatibility with the non-wellformed skinbackup.xml files // generated by v2/v3 (when CDATA sections were present in skins) // split up those CDATA sections into multiple ones $tempbuffer = preg_replace_callback( "/(fp); while ( ($buffer = fgets($this->fp, 4096) ) && (!$metaOnly || ($metaOnly && !$this->metaDataRead))) { if ($temp_encode) { $buffer = mb_convert_encoding($buffer, 'UTF-8', $temp_encode); } $err = xml_parse( $this->parser, $buffer, feof($this->fp) ); if (!$err && $this->debug) { echo _ERROR . ': ' . xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->parser)) . '
'; } } $this->inXml = 0; fclose($this->fp); } /** * Returns the list of skin names */ function getSkinNames() { return array_keys($this->skins); } /** * Returns the list of template names */ function getTemplateNames() { return array_keys($this->templates); } /** * Returns the extra information included in the XML file */ function getInfo() { return $this->info; } /** * Writes the skins and templates to the database * * @param $allowOverwrite * set to 1 when allowed to overwrite existing skins with the same name * (default = 0) */ function writeToDatabase($allowOverwrite = 0) { $existingSkins = $this->checkSkinNameClashes(); $existingTemplates = $this->checkTemplateNameClashes(); // if not allowed to overwrite, check if any nameclashes exists if (!$allowOverwrite) { if ((sizeof($existingSkins) > 0) || (sizeof($existingTemplates) > 0)) { return _SKINIE_NAME_CLASHES_DETECTED; } } foreach ($this->skins as $skinName => $data) { // 1. if exists: delete all part data, update desc data // if not exists: create desc if (in_array($skinName, $existingSkins)) { $skinObj = SKIN::createFromName($skinName); // delete all parts of the skin $skinObj->deleteAllParts(); // update general info $skinObj->updateGeneralInfo( $skinName, $data['description'], $data['type'], $data['includeMode'], $data['includePrefix'] ); } else { $skinid = SKIN::createNew( $skinName, $data['description'], $data['type'], $data['includeMode'], $data['includePrefix'] ); $skinObj = new SKIN($skinid); } // 2. add parts foreach ($data['parts'] as $partName => $partContent) { $skinObj->update($partName, $partContent); } } foreach ($this->templates as $templateName => $data) { // 1. if exists: delete all part data, update desc data // if not exists: create desc if (in_array($templateName, $existingTemplates)) { $templateObj = TEMPLATE::createFromName($templateName); // delete all parts of the template $templateObj->deleteAllParts(); // update general info $templateObj->updateGeneralInfo($templateName, $data['description']); } else { $templateid = TEMPLATE::createNew($templateName, $data['description']); $templateObj = new TEMPLATE($templateid); } // 2. add parts foreach ($data['parts'] as $partName => $partContent) { $templateObj->update($partName, $partContent); } } } /** * returns an array of all the skin nameclashes (empty array when no name clashes) */ function checkSkinNameClashes() { $clashes = array(); foreach ($this->skins as $skinName => $data) { if (SKIN::exists($skinName)) { array_push($clashes, $skinName); } } return $clashes; } /** * returns an array of all the template nameclashes * (empty array when no name clashes) */ function checkTemplateNameClashes() { $clashes = array(); foreach ($this->templates as $templateName => $data) { if (TEMPLATE::exists($templateName)) { array_push($clashes, $templateName); } } return $clashes; } /** * Called by XML parser for each new start element encountered */ function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs) { foreach($attrs as $key=>$value) { $attrs[$key] = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES); } if ($this->debug) { echo 'START: ' . htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES) . '
'; } switch ($name) { case 'nucleusskin': $this->inData = 1; break; case 'meta': $this->inMeta = 1; break; case 'info': // no action needed break; case 'skin': if (!$this->inMeta) { $this->inSkin = 1; $this->currentName = $attrs['name']; $this->skins[$this->currentName]['type'] = $attrs['type']; $this->skins[$this->currentName]['includeMode'] = $attrs['includeMode']; $this->skins[$this->currentName]['includePrefix'] = $attrs['includePrefix']; $this->skins[$this->currentName]['parts'] = array(); } else { $this->skins[$attrs['name']] = array(); $this->skins[$attrs['name']]['parts'] = array(); } break; case 'template': if (!$this->inMeta) { $this->inTemplate = 1; $this->currentName = $attrs['name']; $this->templates[$this->currentName]['parts'] = array(); } else { $this->templates[$attrs['name']] = array(); $this->templates[$attrs['name']]['parts'] = array(); } break; case 'description': // no action needed break; case 'part': $this->currentPartName = $attrs['name']; break; default: echo _SKINIE_SEELEMENT_UNEXPECTEDTAG . htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES) . '
'; break; } // character data never contains other tags $this->clearCharacterData(); } /** * Called by the XML parser for each closing tag encountered */ function endElement($parser, $name) { if ($this->debug) { echo 'END: ' . htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES) . '
'; } switch ($name) { case 'nucleusskin': $this->inData = 0; $this->allRead = 1; break; case 'meta': $this->inMeta = 0; $this->metaDataRead = 1; break; case 'info': $this->info = $this->getCharacterData(); case 'skin': if (!$this->inMeta) { $this->inSkin = 0; } break; case 'template': if (!$this->inMeta) { $this->inTemplate = 0; } break; case 'description': if ($this->inSkin) { $this->skins[$this->currentName]['description'] = $this->getCharacterData(); } else { $this->templates[$this->currentName]['description'] = $this->getCharacterData(); } break; case 'part': if ($this->inSkin) { $this->skins[$this->currentName]['parts'][$this->currentPartName] = $this->getCharacterData(); } else { $this->templates[$this->currentName]['parts'][$this->currentPartName] = $this->getCharacterData(); } break; default: echo _SKINIE_SEELEMENT_UNEXPECTEDTAG . htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES) . '
'; break; } $this->clearCharacterData(); } /** * Called by XML parser for data inside elements */ function characterData ($parser, $data) { if ($this->debug) { echo 'NEW DATA: ' . htmlspecialchars($data, ENT_QUOTES) . '
'; } $this->cdata .= $data; } /** * Returns the data collected so far */ function getCharacterData() { // echo $this->cdata; if ( (strtoupper(_CHARSET) == 'UTF-8') or (strtoupper(_CHARSET) == 'ISO-8859-1') or (!function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) ) { return $this->cdata; } else { return mb_convert_encoding($this->cdata, _CHARSET ,'UTF-8'); } } /** * Clears the data buffer */ function clearCharacterData() { $this->cdata = ''; } /** * Static method that looks for importable XML files in subdirs of the given dir */ function searchForCandidates($dir) { $candidates = array(); $dirhandle = opendir($dir); while ($filename = readdir($dirhandle)) { if (@is_dir($dir . $filename) && ($filename != '.') && ($filename != '..')) { $xml_file = $dir . $filename . '/skinbackup.xml'; if (file_exists($xml_file) && is_readable($xml_file)) { $candidates[$filename] = $filename; //$xml_file; } // backwards compatibility $xml_file = $dir . $filename . '/skindata.xml'; if (file_exists($xml_file) && is_readable($xml_file)) { $candidates[$filename] = $filename; //$xml_file; } } } closedir($dirhandle); return $candidates; } } class SKINEXPORT { var $templates; var $skins; var $info; /** * Constructor initializes data structures */ function SKINEXPORT() { // list of templateIDs to export $this->templates = array(); // list of skinIDs to export $this->skins = array(); // extra info to be in XML file $this->info = ''; } /** * Adds a template to be exported * * @param id * template ID * @result false when no such ID exists */ function addTemplate($id) { if (!TEMPLATE::existsID($id)) { return 0; } $this->templates[$id] = TEMPLATE::getNameFromId($id); return 1; } /** * Adds a skin to be exported * * @param id * skin ID * @result false when no such ID exists */ function addSkin($id) { if (!SKIN::existsID($id)) { return 0; } $this->skins[$id] = SKIN::getNameFromId($id); return 1; } /** * Sets the extra info to be included in the exported file */ function setInfo($info) { $this->info = $info; } /** * Outputs the XML contents of the export file * * @param $setHeaders * set to 0 if you don't want to send out headers * (optional, default 1) */ function export($setHeaders = 1) { if ($setHeaders) { // make sure the mimetype is correct, and that the data does not show up // in the browser, but gets saved into and XML file (popup download window) header('Content-Type: text/xml'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="skinbackup.xml"'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); } echo "\n"; // meta echo "\t\n"; // skins foreach ($this->skins as $skinId => $skinName) { $skinName = htmlspecialchars($skinName, ENT_QUOTES); if (strtoupper(_CHARSET) != 'UTF-8') { $skinName = mb_convert_encoding($skinName, 'UTF-8', _CHARSET); } echo "\t\t" . '' . "\n"; } // templates foreach ($this->templates as $templateId => $templateName) { $templateName = htmlspecialchars($templateName, ENT_QUOTES); if (strtoupper(_CHARSET) != 'UTF-8') { $templateName = mb_convert_encoding($templateName, 'UTF-8', _CHARSET); } echo "\t\t" . '